
fuu Y%S-,xld wmrdOhkaf.a cd;Hka;r r;= ,ehsia;=j ms<sfh, lr,Su Wfoid f,dj mj;ajd hk ish¨ ,dxlSh wjxl ck udOHhkag wm Ahfesl.org flfrk iqyo wdrdOkdjhs'

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Nous Ahfesl.org invitons pour tous les honnêtes Média Srilankais dans le monde

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Mania for swords of Kings cause of Kotte gruesome murders of the Buddhist Prelates


Ne pas aller derrière Régime Rajapakse Ils font tuer propres partisans

Do not go behind Rajapakse Regime They kill own supporters


4 White van murders who first time captured by The People, But they released under the "REGIME RAJAPAKSE" head's orders (in 11.03.2012)

Mania for swords of Kings cause of Kotte gruesome murders of the Buddhist Prelates

Mania for swords of Kings cause of Kotte gruesome murders of the Buddhist Prelates


nqoaêu;a tä;r foaYfm%añ ck;dfjda úiska fuu ish¨ cd;sl wmrdOlrejkg tfrysj ke.s isák ld,h jeä wE;l fkdfjkq we;'

lreKdfjka fuh ysf;a fydoska OdrKh lr.kak' túg Tn ieu o ta uyd Ndhdkl krldosfhka tf.dv jkq we;' Tn;a wmfuka fkd/já" ta ish¨ rdcmCI jHikhkaf.ka .e,fjkakg kï" f;dr-f;daxÑhla fkdue;sj Tjqkaf.a crd rdcH wkq.%yh ,nk lmá mqjm;a iy tu ish¨ ckudOHkaf.a wi;H f;dr;=rej,g fkd/jfgkak wou j.n,d .kak'

ojiska oji mqoa.,sl ;Kaydj iy oeä n,f,daNh ksid rg mdjdfok rdcmCI,df.a udhï W.=,aj, fkdjeá isákakg oekaj;a tu ish¨ fudav ;l;Sre yrla /< ;SrKh l< hq;=j we;' rdcmCI,dg orosh wosk b;srs ish¨fokdu o iqÿ jEka yryd Tjqka úiska u urd oud fyda cd;Hka;rhg mdjdoS weÕ fírd.kakd ld,h o jeä wE;l fkdfjkq we;' crd rdcmCI,df.a weïnÜghka ù mrïmrd .Kkdjla hk ;=rdjg iene foaYfm%añ ck;djf.a Woyig ,la ù Tjqkaf.a mru i;=rka njg m;a fkdù hym;a mjq,a Ôú;hla f.dvk.d .kakg ;ju;a tu fudav ck;dj m%udo fkdfj;s' crd rdcmCI,df.a rg iQrdlk iy rg mdjdfok fkdfydaìkd jevj,g foaYSh fyda cd;Hka;rj l%shd lr m%isoaêhg m;ajk whg ,xldfõ muKla fkdj f,alfha lsisu rgl ieÕ ù isákakg fyda ta lsisu ckfhl=f.a fyda rchl msysgla fyda lreKdjla bosrshg fkd,efnk nj br-y| fuka úYajdih hkak nqoaêu;a ish,a,kaf.a talu;sl woyih'

rdcmCI,df.a crdjg fkd/fjá hym;a l,a l%shdfjka hq;=j rgg oehg ienE f,i wdorh lrk ienE nqoaêu;a wjxl foaYfm%añ iuÕ oekaj;a tlaj l%shdlr,Su wo ta ish¨ fudav ,dxlSh ck;djg we;s tlu úi÷u fõ' ke;fyd;a by; fudav rdcmCI,df.a iqÿ jEka wmrdOlrejka isõfokdg fuka ck;d ur nfha ;djld,slj ieÕ isàug isÿjkq we;' ta;a ta fld;rï iq¨ ld,hlg o@ cd;sl wmrdOlrejka fld;rï W;aiyd l<;a Tjqkg ljodj;a Ôú;h mqrdjg ieÕj isàug ck;dj bv fkdfokq we;' ta nj oekgu;a tu iqÿ jEka wmrdOlrejka isõfokdf.a ienE mqoa.,sl f;dr;=re fy<slr,Sug ck;d iyh ,eîfukau ukdj Tmamqjkq we;'

;ukaf.a mqoa.,sl ,dn m%fhdackh i|yd mqyq ñ;Hd u; miqmi f.dia wysxil orejka urd ì,smQcd mj;ajk" ojiska oji rgmqrd we;s ksOka jia;= fld,a,lk" ;ukaf.au mdCIslhka urd ouk" w;=reoyka lrk" crd rdcmCI,df.a ienE lmá udhd fndre jxpksl foaYfm%auh iy /já,s foaYmd,khg Wmldr lrkafka fyda f.dÿre jkafka tjeksu wjia:djdos l=ylhka iy wysxil fudav ck;djka muKs' fuu wkd.; Ndhdkl brKfuka tu ish¨ fudav ck;dj fírd .ekSu iene udkj ys;jdoSka jk wmf.a mru hq;=lu fõ'

( T.K.L. Bandula, AHFESL.ORG 20.03.2012)


fï b;sydifha w÷re;u mehhs( foaYmd,k{hka iq¿ msßilf.a Wu;=jg rfÜ ish¿ ck;dj jkaÈ f.ùfï wjYH;djla ke; -tcdmfhka úfYaI ksfõokhla


^,xld B ksõia -2014'fmn'13" m'j'5'30& Y%S ,xldj fï fudfydf;a miq lrñka" isákqfha" ;u b;sydifha w÷re;u mehls' iy;slju" rgla f,i wm isákqfha m%md;hla bÈßfhah' fï fÄokSh ;;a;ajh we;s ùu úIhys iïmQ¾fKhkau j.lsj hq;af;a rdcmlaI md,kh nj iqmeyeÈ,sh'

;%ia;jdohg tfrysj jQ hqoaOfha wjika Nd.fha § isÿ jQjd hhs mejfik udkj ysñlï lvùï iïnkaOfhka" ieug ms<s.; yels" wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla mj;ajk f,ig cd;Hka;r m%cdj jir lsysmhla ;siafia Y%S ,xld rchg wjOdrKh lrñka isà' kuq;a" fï iïnkaOfhka jk Y%S ,xld rcfha jHdc iy.; l%shdldß;ajh ;=< by; ldrKh ms<sn| cd;Hka;r mÍlaIKhla meje;aúh hq;= njg woyila fï jk úg cd;Hka;rh u;=lrñka isà' tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh yd ;j;a fndffyda fofkla fmkajd ÿka wdldrhg rch fï ldrKh iïnkafOhka ksjerÈj lghq;= kï" we;sj ;sfnk fï ;;a;ajh myiqfjkau j<lajd .; yelsj ;snqKs' tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh f,i wm md,lhkag fmkajd ÿkafka" mqrjeis whs;Skag .re lrñka" Tjqkf.a cd;sh" wd.u" Wmka ia:dkh fkdi,lñka ;ukg tfrysj" t,a, ù we;s nrm;, fpdaokd iïnkaOfhka" rfÜ ish¿ fokdg ms<s.; yels wdldrhlg tajd wduka;%Kh lrk f,ih' ta .eg¿j,g úi÷ï ,nd fok f,ih' kuq;a wjdikdjlg fuka ta fjkqjg fmfkkakg we;af;a " kS;sfha md,kh" j.ùu" wLKavj Ldokh ùu yd Y%S ,xld rdcHfha úYajdikSh Ndjh ì| jeàuh' hqoaOfha wjika Nd.fha § isÿ jQjd hhs fpdaokd t,a, ù we;s isÿùï iïnkaOfhka fidhd ne,Sug ;uka wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla mj;ajk njg 2009 uehs udifha § tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uyf,alï nEka

lSx uQka uy;d furgg meñks wjia:dfõ § YS ,xld ckdêm;sjrhd mqoa.,slju fmdfrdkaÿjla ,nd fok ,§' cd;Hka;r m%cdj i;=gq lsÍu i|yd tl, tu fmdfrdkaÿj rch uka;rhla fuka ks;r cm lrk ,§' flfia fj;;a fï rfÜ ck;dj È.= l,la ;siaffia oek f.k isá i;Hh cd;Hka;r m%cdj o fï jk úg f;areï f.k we;' rdcmlaI md,fkha jpk" fmdfrdkaÿ hkq ysia m%,dm muKla nj Tjqka wo w;aoelSï weiqßkau f;areï f.k ;sfí' rfÜ wêlrK moaO;sfha iqcd;Ndjh ì| jÜgjñka" m%cd;ka;Sh wdh;k ÿ¾j, lrñka" 17 jk wdKavqlu jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh wfydais lrñka" ksoyia udOH yd foaYmd,k úreoaO u;OdÍka ovhï lrñka" j;auka md,kh" È.ska È.gu Bg wjYH ffO¾hh imhñka isà' w.úksiqre YsrdKs nKavdrkdhl uy;añhg tfrysj f.kd kS;s úfrdaê fodaIdNsfhda. fhdackdj;a iu. md,l frÔuh ;u rfÜ ck;djg yd cd;Hka;r m%cdjg meyeÈ,sj tl fohla m%o¾Ykh flf<ah' ta" fpdaokd t,a, ù" l:d nyg ,laj we;s udkj ysñlï lvùï iïnkaOfhka úYajdikSh wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla ;jÿrg;a wfmalaId l< fkdyels njh'

md,l frÔfuha wdYs¾jdoh ,;a lKavdhï úiska wd.ñl yd jd¾.sl iq¿;rhla b,lal lr.ksñka isÿlrk m%pKav lshd È.ska È.gu j¾Okh ùu ;=< iyÔjkh i|yd jk rcfha Wkkaÿj ms<sn| idOdrK ielhla ´kEu flfkl= ;=< u;= fõ' úfYafIhkau fkdkj;ajd isÿjk meyer .ekSï" ysxikhka" udOHhg isÿ lrk ;¾ckhka" iudc yd wd¾:sl foayfha iEu wxYhlau yuqodlrKh ùu" jerÈlrkakkag ksoyfia tajd lrf.k hEug bv ,nd §u" hkd§h iu.ska" md,l mx;sh" udkj ysñlï kS;sh yd wdo¾Yhka wj{dfjka hq;=j neyer lr ;sfí' fï ish,a, j¾;udkfha Y%S ,xldj uqyqK foñka isák lK.dgqodhl ;;a;ajhg oeä fia n,md we;' YsIag cd;Ska w;r" f.!rjkSh rdcHhla f,i l,la jecUqkq uq;a" fï jk úg Y%S ,xld rch m%cd;ka;jd§ f,dalh ;=< Èfkka Èk yqfol,d fjñka" isà' muK blaujd wd{dodhl md,khka iu. iïnkaO;d meje;aùug lghq;= lsÍug hEu ;=< Y%S ,xldj" iEfyk ÿrlg" ;uka úiskau ta ;;a;ajh Wod lr f.k ;sfí' ieneúkau ta zb,a,ka lEuZ fï cd;Hka;rj yqfol,d ùu" msgqmi jevlrk m%Odk ldrKhls'

udkj ysñlï iïnkaOj rg ;=< we;s ckm%sh u;h iu. tlÕ fkdùu foaYmd,kslj wjdisodhl jQ uq;a md,l mx;sfha j¾.jd§ m%pdrK fkdi,lñka" ta ms<sn|j m%;sm;a;suh ia:djrhla wLKavj tcdmhg mej;=Ks' udkj ysñlï hkq furg ck;djg tfrys Tjqkg ysñlula fkdue;s ixl,amhla fkdjk nj wmf.a ia:djrh úh' wm i;=" tu wkai;= l< fkdyels" whs;Ska wdrlaId lr .ekSu i|yd ta fjkqfjka iduqysl Wkkaÿjla mej;sh hq;=h'

wOHdmkh i|yd we;s whs;sh" idOdrK;ajfha whs;sh" idOdrK kvq úNd.hla i|yd we;s whs;sh" ysxikfhka ñ§ug we;s whs;sh" kS;s úfrdaê w;awvx.=fjka je,lSug we;s whs;sh" hkd§ fï whs;Ska o Ôj;a ùug we;s whs;sh yd iudk f,i jeo.;a jk udkj whs;Skah' ukj ysñlï hkq fï ish¿ whs;Ska flrys wjOdkh fhduq lsÍuh'

îug iqÿiq mdkSh c,h" b,a,ñka" je,sfõßfha ck;dj l< Woaff>daIkhg" rch" m%;spdr oelajqfha th u¾okhg hqo yuqodj tu m%foaYhg msg;a lr hjñks' bka miq tys§ ol=fKa ck;djg oel .; yels jq fÄockl ;;a;ajh" wu;lùug ;rï fya;=jla ;ju we;ehs is;d .; fkdyelsh' tys isÿ jQ ukqIH >d;k yd f,a fi,ùï" jd¾.sl yd wd.ñl iSud w;sl%uKh lrñka" tajd fkd;lñka wjYH kï ;uka iSudj blaujd hEug iQodkï njg rch ck;djg ÿka mQ¾j mKsjqvhla úh' fï olajdu je,sfõßh iuqy >d;k iïnkaOfhka" j.lsj hq;= tlÿ fyda mqoa.f,hl= iïnkaOfhka l%shd;aul ùug rdcmlaI md,kh wiu;aj isà'

uE;l §" ud;f,a iy ukakdru" m%oaYj,ska iuQy ñkS j<j,a folla fidhd .kakd ,§' fï jk úg ud;f,a iuqy ñkSjf<ka" ñksia wia:s leì,s 154 la yuq ù we;s w;r" ukakdrfuka yuq ù we;s wia:s leì,s ixLHdj 60 la muK fõ' tu iuQy ñkSj<j,a iïnkaOfhka rch yd tys m%ldYlhka olajk m%;spdr iy;slju úu;sh okjk iq¿h' fï iuqy ñkSj<j,aj, j<,d ;sfnk" wfmau jQ mqrjeishka ms,sn| úuiSu" ta ms,sn| m%Yak lsÍu rdcfødays l%shdjla jkafka flfiao@ Tjqka urd ouk ,oafoa ljqreka úiska o hkak rcfhka úuid isàu foaYfødayS l%shdjla o@ fï iuqy >d;kj,g iïnkaO jQjka" wêlrKh yuqjg bÈßm;a lrk f,i b,a,Su l=uka;%Khla jkafka flfia o@

udkj ysñlï ms<sn| we;s l;sldj fjkia lsßug oeka ld,h t<U ;sfí' 2013 wff.daia;= fojeks Èk je,sfõßfha § isÿ jq ta l+m%lg isÿ ùu tu fjki i|yd wjYH moku imhd § ;sfí'

mqrjeis wdrlaIdj ;yjqre lsÍfï j.lSu mjrd § we;s nf,õ. úiska" wfma weia mkdmsg ifydaor rgjeishka fjä ;nd urd ouk wdldrh h<s n,d isàfï" wjYH;djla ;j;a fkdue;' tneúka" udkj ysñlï hkq" Y%S ,xldfõ mqrjeisfhl=gu ksoyfia yd wNsudfkhka hq;=j Ôj;aùug we;s whs;Ska nj jgyd .ekSu jeo.;ah'

fï w;r mßmd,khg iïnkaO rcfha m%n,fhla miq.sh od úfoaYhl § b,a,d ;snqfKa W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñiï jd¾;dj iïmQ¾fKhkau n,d;aul lsÍu i|yd ;j;a jir 05 l ld,hla ;ukg wjYH njh' th ieneúkau ydiH cklh' 17 jk ixfYdaOkh wfydais lrñka tl /hla ;=< 18 jk ixfYdaOkh ia:dms; l< md,khlg" i;s follg muKla iSud jQ wêfõ.S ls%hdj,shla ;=< w.úksiqrejßh Oqrfhka bj;a l< md,khlg" fvd,¾ ì,shk .Kka jákd uyd mßudK jHdmD;s i|yd yefrk ;emEf,ka wkque;sh ,nd fok rchla wm rfÜ ish¿ cd;Ska w;r" iduh iy iyÔjkh ;yjqre lr,Sug foaYSh lñgqjla fhdackd l< ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lsÍug ;j;a jirl myl ld,hla b,a,d isàu ydiH ckl fkdjkafka o@ fï ish,af,ka fmkakqï lrkqfha rg jeishka flrys" md,l frÔuh ;=< we;s wldreKslNdjh" fkdie,ls,a, ñi fjk hula fkdfõ'

j;auka rcfha mgq cd;sjd§ m%pdrl jHdmD;s" ;jÿrg;a wm úYajdi fkdlrk nj ks¾Nhj mejiSug ld,h meñK we;' ud;f,a iuQy ñkSjf<a j<,d we;af;a isxy,hka o ukakdrfï j<,d we;af;a øúvhka o hkak fuys§ jeo.;a ffkdfõ' jvd jeo.;a jkqfha ta ish¿ fokd YS% ,dxlslhka h hkakh' tu wia:s fldgia ldf.a fyda ifydaorhl=f.a" ifydaoßhlf.a" mqf;l=f.a" fyda ÈhKshlf.a úh yelsh' Tjqkaf.a mjqf,a idudðlhka yg ;u ióm;uhkag isÿ jq foa ms,sn| i;Hh oek.ekSfï whs;shla we;' cd;shla f,i wmg ta ms<sn| i;Hh oek .ekSfï whs;shla ;sfí' fï yd iïnkaOj wm w;ska isÿ ù we;s jerÈ ms,s.ekSug o tajdhska mdvï bf.k .ekSug o tcdmh iQodkñka isà' wkd.;h f.dvke.Su i|yd w;S;h mdvï fmd;la njg m;a lr .ekSug wm iQodkï h'

;SrKd;aul tfldf<dia jeks mefha§ mjd wm rcfhka b,a,d isákqfha" ;ukg tfrysj t,a, ù we;s nrm;, fpdaokd iïnkafOhka blauka wduka;%Khla isÿ lrk f,ih' ;ukag tfrysj fpdaokd yd wmjdohka t,a,fjoa§ ;djld,sl me,eia;r ouñka fyda tajd tl t,af,a neyer lrñka j.lsj hq;= mßK; rdcHhla lghq;= lrkafka ke;' tajdg weyqï lkaÈh hq;=h' wd;au mÍlaIdjg ;uka iQodkï nj rch msg;g fmkaúh hq;=h' cd;Hka;ßlj fukau foaYshj o ta iïnkaOj we;s u; ksjerÈ l< yelafla ta wdldrhgh' tneúka" ;jÿrg;a ke;s i;=rka yd l=uka;%Klrejka msgqmi yUd hEu fjkqjg" ta ms<sno l:d lrñka ld,h kdia;s lrkjd fjkqjg" tcdmh f,i" wm rchg fhdackd lrkqfha cd;Hka;r m%cdfõ wm ñ;=rka fï iïnkaOj mjik oEg ;u ijka m;a fhduq lrjk f,ih' ta foig lka yrjk f,ih'

b;sydifha ljr ljrodluj;a fkd;snqKq wkaofï oreKq cd;Hka;r n,mEula wdikakfha wm isà' fï jk úg oe,smsysfha fl<jr wm wi<g È.= ù isà' iq¿ foag mjd lsfmk" ;ukaf.a wNHka;rh ms,sn| lsisÿ ie,ls,a,la fkdolajñka" ieufoagu wkHkag weÕs,a, È.= lrñka fpdaokd lrk" <dul lKavdhulg fuu wNsfhda.h ndr § n,d isáh fkdyelsh' fmrg;a jvd j¾;udfkha Y%S ,xldjg mßK;" idOdrK i;Hjd§ foaYmd,k kdhl;ajhla wjYH ù ;sfí'

foaYmd,k{hka" iq¿ msßilf.a w;af;fkdau;sl yeisÍï iïnkaOfhka fï rfÜ ck;dj jkaÈ f.ùfï wjYH;djla fkdue;' fuys§ j.lsj hq;= úmlaIhla f,i hqoaOfha wjika iufha isÿ jQjd hehs fpdaokd t,a,jk isÿùï ms<sno foaYSh mÍlaIKhla meje;aùu i|yd wjYH iïmq¾K iydh ,nd §ug tcdmh iQodkïh'

tn÷ mÍlaIKhla 2009 ckjdß udfiha isg uehs udih f;la jk flá ld, mrdihlg iSud fkdlr ;j;a .eUqrg" fkdtffia kï miq mig f.khñka" t,a'à'à'B h isÿl< ;srYaÖk" ñf,aÉP l%shd ms,sn|j o fidhd ne,sh hq;= nj" tcdmfha úYajdihhs' tn÷ mßlaIKhl § fy<sjk f;dr;=re u; jerÈlrejka njg m;ajk iEu flkl=gu kS;sh ms<s.;a úêúOdk u; fpdaokd bÈßm;a l< hq;= nj" tcdmfha ia:djrhhs' úfYafIhkau tys§ wmrdO i|yd j. lsj hq;= t,a'à'à'Bfha fcHIaG idudðlhka y÷kd.;af;a kï Tjqka iïnkaOj wksjd¾fhhkau kS;sh ls%hd;aul l< hq;=h'

17 jk wdKavqlu jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh" h<s ia:dms; lrñka" kS;sfha md,kh yd YsIag m%cd;ka;Sh jákdlï ;yjqre lsÍug m%uqL;dj ,nd fok njg iy;slhla ,nd fokafka kï" hymd,kh l%shd;aul lsÍu i|yd wjYH wdh;k msysgqùug yd tu moaO;sfha iqug l%shdldÍ;ajh i|yd wjYH iydh rchg ,nd §ug tcdmh iQodkïh' cd;sfha w÷re;u mehl" ta ms,sn| ixfõ§ fkdù" foaYmd,k mlaI mdg wkqj fn§ fjkaj lghq;= lsßug" j.lsj hq;= foaYmd,k mlaIhla f,i tcdmh iQodkï fkdue;' tlai;a m%cd;ka;%Sh" yd iïmq¾K ksoyi iys; Y%S ,xldjla ms<sn| isyskhla tcdmhg ;sfí' wfma úYajdih tn÷ rgls' l< hq;= foa fkdlr isàu ;=<" ta uqrKavqNdjh ;=< cd;Hka;r m%cdj" wm wdorKSh ud;DN+ñh" Wkauka;l wf.!rjkSh rdcHhl uÜgulg f.k hk f;la" n,d isg bka ld,lkaks i;=gla ,eîfï is,a,r wruqKla tcdmhg fkdue;' ;siajirl ìysiqKq w¾nqohlska miq wksjd¾fhhkau" Bg jkaÈhla f.úh hq;=h' iduh f.dvkexùfï iajNdjh thhs' th wmg cd;Hka;r m%cdj mejiSug wjYH fkdue;' th" Y%S ,xldj ;uka úiskau jgyd .; hq;= ldrKhls'

;siajirla mqrd mej;s fï w¾nqofha lDDr;ajh yd úkdYh wjfndaO lr.;a cd;shla f,i tu mEreKq ;=jd, iqjm;a lsÍug lghq;= lsÍu W;=f¾ yd ol=fKa fjfik iEu mqrjeisfhl=f.au" j.lSula fukau wjYH;djla o fõ'


Discussions on for opening of diplomatic mission in Uganda : Birds (rogues) of a feather flock together
(Lanka-e-News-02.April.2012, 04.00AM) The SL murderous MaRa regime representatives , Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe and his team are now in Kampala , the capital of Uganda holding discussions with its rulers to finalize arrangements to open a SL Diplomatic consulate in that country. Our correspondent in Kampala had reported that the first SL Consul to be named is a notorious scoundrel and swindler who lives there enjoying privileges.

Samarasinghe and his team have arrived in Kampala to attend the 126th session of the Inter Parliamentary Union which began 31st March. This conference will go on until the 05th of April , and 1500 Parliamentary members representing 159 countries are attending it. The MaRa regime has made use of this as an opportunity to open its Diplomatic Consulate urgently in Uganda.

The first Consul to be appointed is Velupillai Kanaganathan, a notorious fraudster resident in Uganda . He is a most infamous businessman in Uganda and he was born in SL. This fraudster sometime ago opened a Branch of Tristar apparels in Uganda jointly with the SL garment ‘King-Ping’ Kumar Devapura. which became a center of controversy in that country for its fraud riddled transactions, that is after investing a meager sum of US dollars of 200/- , a 5 million dollar loan was secured from a Development Bank in Uganda via a deceitful transaction.

This Kanaganathan has maintained relations with one of the former LTTE leaders, KP , according to Army intelligence information. Today , KP is hand in glove with the MaRa regime.

Currently , Kanaganathan is supposedly the Imperial hotel group businessman , yet because of the swindles and frauds of this group in Uganda , this group is not recognized internationally. The fraudulent nature of this company can be figured out on the fact that Kanaganathan’s Imperial Hotel group was also among those fraudulent business websites that were internationally restricted in Europe.

It has now come to light that even the passport with diplomatic privileges which Kanaganathan used is a counterfeit one. Every member of the 50 Ugandan nationals who was arrested from time to time in China in connection with drug trafficking and frauds has been possessing a phony diplomatic privileged passport issued by the Uganda regime. Velupillai Kanaganathan was one of those who was using such a spurious diplomatic passport.

This objective of SL regime in this instance is clearly not in accord with its purported renewing of diplomatic relations with countries which voted with it at the Geneva conference and severing diplomatic relations with other countries and closing the Diplomatic missions there .
80% of Ugandans in that country are farmers while about 35 % are below the acute poverty line. Besides it is a country where AIDs disease is common like a common cold. Last year the US dollar was about 2567 Ugandian schilling . At present the SL diplomatic ties with Uganda are maintained via the neighboring country SL mission in Kenya. Although there is absolutely no necessity to establish diplomatic ties with a state like Uganda , this unholy haste of the MaRa junta to start a diplomatic Consulate there is a clear index that the aim and objective is to facilitate its fraudulent activities using Uganda .

Uganda and Sri Lanka have a lot of similarities , There is rhyme and reason for the common belief that Idi Mahin of SL notorious for white Van killings among other murders committed with impunity is in many ways akin to Idi Amin the former brutal leader of Uganda who killed a lakh of civilians . Idi Amin’s successor , the military leader Musoveni is now Uganda’s ruler. The present Musoveni is also like a twin brother of MaRa . Though elections are held there are no parties. Their Prim minister is the supervisor over the Cabinet of Ministers appointed by Musoveni. Musoveni like MaRa is a notorious robber for he is fleecing the public of their monies. It can be imagined what kind of a swindling regime is Mousoveni’s judging on the transaction where a Bank of his grants a loan of US dollars 5 million against a mere dollar 200 investment , and on top of that , it takes no action against the swindler.

Like MaRa , his twin brother Musoveni too by passes the Parliament when public monies are being deployed . This swindler Kanaganathan was simply handed over monies without the approval of Parliament. Mind you , when Kanaganathan’s Company got into labor disputes , and its workers went on strike protesting the poor working conditions, and though Kanaganathan was at the center of a huge financial scandal , he had the cheek to defy everyone and boldly say , he would discuss only with President Musoveni ( Idi Mahin’s twin) suggesting that the President was in tow with Kanaganathan in his frauds uncaring for and undermining his own country’s economy.

So, shall we say in conclusion birds of a feather are eagerly flocking together.

For Further reading about Velupillai Kanaganathan:


;dkdm;s in|;d weröfï idlÉPd ±ka W.kavdfõ( ueouQ,k fydrekag lïmd,d fydre tl;= ùfï fy<sorõj fukak

^,xld B ksõia -2012'wfm%a,a'01" m'j'1'30& Y%S ,xldfõ ñkSure urd frÔuh W.kavdfõ md,l frÔuh iu. ;dkdm;s in|;d meje;aùug ;lyksfhau ish¿ lghq;= fhdod we;ehso fï jk úg W.kavdfõ lïmd,d kqjrg f.dia we;s uyskao iurisxy we;=¿ lKavdhula tys isák Ñrm%isoaO ;laläfhl= Y%S ,xldfõ fldkai,ajrhd f,i m%:ufhka kï lsÍug hk njo lïmd,d kqjr isák z,xld B ksõiaZ jd¾;d lre mjihs'

Bfha ^ud¾;=-31& wdrïN jQ wka;¾cd;sl md¾,sfïka;= ix.ufha 126 fjks ieisjdrh i|yd iyNd.S ùug uyskao iurisxy we;=¿ msßi fï jk úg lïmd,d kqjrg f.dia isá;s' fuu ieish wfm%a,a 05 olajd W.kavdfõ lïmd,d kqjr§ meje;afjk w;r rgj,a 159 l md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjreka 1500 la fokd Bg iyNd.S jkq we;'

fuh wjia:dj lr.ksñka Y%S ,xldfõ urd frÔuh W.kavdj iu. ;dkdm;s fiajd wdrïN lsÍfï ;u yÈis lghq;a;g w; .id ;sfí'

m%:ufhka m;a lsÍug hk fldkai,a jrhd fõ¨ms,af,a lklkdoka kue;s W.kavdfõ fjfik Ñr m%isoaO jxpksl jHdmdßlfhls' Tyq Y%S ,xldfõ Wmkafkls' fudyq jrla ,xldfõ weÕ¨ï rcd jQ l=ud¾ foajmqr iu. g%hsiagd¾ wemr,a iud.fï YdLdjla W.kavdfõ msysgqjd .;a w;r th trg buy;a wdkafoda,khlg ;=vq ÿka .kqfokqjla úh' ukao h;a fvd,¾ 200 la jeks iq¿ uqo,la wdfhdackh lr fvd,¾ ñ,shk 5 la jeks úYd, uqo,la W.kavd ixj¾Ok nexl=fjka Khla f,i ,nd .ksñka l=m%lg jxpdjla isÿ lsÍu ksidh'

fuu fõ¨ms,af,a lklkdoka kue;a;d t,aààB kdhl flamS iu.o in|;d meje;ajQ wfhla nj yuqod nqoaê wxY f;dr;=re j, i|yka ù we;' flamS wo §. lkafka urd frÔuh iu.h'

fï jk úg fõ¨ms,af,a lklkdoka kue;a;d W.kavdfõ bïmSßh,a fydag,a iuQyfhys jHdmdßlfhl= f,i i|yka jQjo W.kavdfõ jHdmdr lafIa;%fha jxpkslhka nyq, neúka cd;Hka;rh tu iud.u .ek ms<s.ekSula ke;' hqfrdamfha jxpksl jHdmdßl fjí wvú j,g jeg n¢kq ,nk w;r lklkdoka,df.a bïmSßh,a fydag,a iuQyho tjekakla ùfuka ;;a;ajh f;areï .; yel'
fldákau fuu fõ¨ms,af,a lklkdoka l,la Ndú;d l< ;dkdm;s jrm%ido iys; úfoaY .uka n,m;%ho jxpksl tlla nj fy,sù ;sfí' Ökfha u;aøjH iy jxpd iïnkaOfhka jßka jr w;a wvx.=jg f.k we;s W.kavd cd;slhka msßi 50 la muK jk w;r ta iEu wfhlau ;dkdm;s jrm%ido iys; hehs i|yka lrñka W.kavd frÔuh úiska ksl=;a l< jxpksl úfoaY .uka n,m;% Ndú;d lr ;sìK' fõ¨ms,af,a lklkdoka o Ndú;d lr ;snqfKa tjeks jxpksl úfoaY .uka n,m;%hls'

ðkSjd iuq¿fõ§ Y%S ,xldjg mlaIj Pkaoh ÿka rgj,a iu. ;dkdm;s in|;d w¨;a lrñka wfkla rgj,a iu. ;sfnk ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, mjd jid ±óug lghq;= l< urd frÔufha lghq;= fuu lshk wdldrh fkdjk nj fuhska meyeÈ,sh'
W.kavdj hkq ishhg 80 la f.dú;ekska Ôj;ajk bkq;a ishhg 35 lau wka; ÿmam;a lfï f¾Ldfjka my, ck.ykhla isák" fyïìßiaidj fuka taâia frda.h me;sr mj;akd rgls' weußldkq fvd,rhla W.kavdkq Is,sx 1250 la muK fõ' ±kg fuu rg iu. ,xldj .kqfokq lrkafka wi, mj;sk flkahdkq Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h yrydh' fufia yÈisfhau W.kavdj iu. ;dkdm;s lghq;= wdrïN lrkak hkafka Y%S ,xldjg lsisÿ jdishla w;a lr §ug fkdjk w;r yqfola urd frÔufha c,a;r .kqfokq jxpd i|yd W.kavdj Ndú;d lsÍug nj fuu lreKq j,ska b;d fyd¢ka meyeÈ,s fõ'

iqm%lg bã wóka trg jeishka ;=ka ,laIhla >d;kh l< w;r bka miq n,hg wd WfndafÜ ;j;a isú,a jeishka ,laIhla >d;kh flf<ah' bkamiq n,h veye.;a yuqod kdhl uqfidafõks ±kg md,lhd jk w;r Tyqo urdf.a u,a,S jekafkls' Pkao meje;ajqj;a mlaI ke;' w.ue;sjrhd hkq uqfidafõks m;a lrk weue;s uvq,af,a iqmjhsi¾ jrhd h' urd f,iu W.kavd uyck uqo,a fydrd lk fydfrls' fvd,¾ 200 lg ;u rfÜ nexl=jlska fvd,¾ ñ,shk 5 l Khla ,nd §fuka iy ta fjkqfjka lsisÿ o~qjula ke;sj hy;ska jecfUkakg yelshdj ;sîfukau fydrekaf.a ;ru ys;d.; yelsh'

fydrekag fydre tl;= ùfuka wfma rgg we;sjk iq.;shla kï ke;'



úfoaY weue;sjrfhl=g mqoa.,sl u;hla ;sfhkak nE( urdKavqfõ u[a[u wk;=reodhlhs -cd;Hka;r kS;sfõ§yq lsh;s fufyu .sfhd;a fjda g%hsìhqk,a tlla m;a lsÍu wksjd¾hhs


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='30" m'j'8'00& rch ðkSjd fhdackdj iïnkaOfhka iaÓr u;hla ke;sj w÷f¾ w;md; .dk w;f¾ úúO u; m%ldY lsÍu Y%S ,xldj flfrys ±ä f,i wk¾:ldÍ f,i n,mdkq we;ehs fjdIskagkfha fjfik kS;sfõ§yq msßila mji;s'

Ô't,a' mSßia weue;sjrhd m%;sM,h l=ula jqj;a ðkSjdys§ iïu; jQ fhdackdj wkqj lghq;= fkdlrk nj ks, jYfhka mejiSfuka wk;=rej leìkÜ m%ldYl weue;sjrhd Ô't,af.a u;h ks, u;h fkdfõ hehs lSu;a" wo h<s;a Ô't,a mSßia úfoaY weue;sjrhd fmr u;hu md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ m%ldY lsÍu;a nrm;, m%;sM, f.k fokakla nj fjdIskagka kS;sfõ§yq wo iji z,xld B ksõiaZ fj; m%ldYhla lrñka mejiQy'

Tjqka mjikafka úfoaY weue;s jeks ;k;=rla orkafkl=g mqoa.,sl u;hla wkqj m%ldY ksl=;a lrk nj cd;Hka;rh ms<sfkd.kakd njhs' tfia kï Èfkl ,xldfõ ckdêm;sjrhdo m%ldYla lrñka th ;udf.a mqoa.,sl u;h hehs lsj yels njo tjekakla f,dalh ms<sfkd.kakd njo tu kS;sfõ§yq mji;s'
,xldfõ isÿùï iïnkaOfhka ±ka wjêfhka isákafka ðkSjd fkdjk w;r ±ka wjêfhka isákafka fjdIskagka wêldßh nj;a Tõyq mji;s' miq.shod frdn¾fgda íf,ala fld<U isgh§ wêlrK N+ñfha§ iellrefjl= iqÿjEka r:hlska meyerf.k hdu;a" fldf<dkakdfõ k.rdêm;sjrhd meyer.ekSug meñKs iqÿjEka ñkSurejka w,a,d .ekSfuka miqj ksoyia lr heùu;a" miq.shod niakdysr m<d;a iNd uka;%Sjrhd iqÿ jEka r:hlska meyerf.k hoa§ ckdêm;sg iy wdrlaIl f,alïg ±kqï §fuka miqj meyerf.k hkakjqkag ,enqKq ÿrl:k weue;=ulska miq Tyqj ksoyia lsÍu;a wd§ ldrKd fjdIskagkafha ±ä ie,ls,a,g fhduq ù we;ehs o Tjqyq mji;s'
Tn,d jeks Y%S ,dxlsl kS;s fõ§ka Y%S ,xldfõ rchg fï iïnkaOfhka Wmfoia fkdfokafka wehs±hs úuiQ úg Tjqka lSfõ WoaOÉP wdKavqjg óg fmr ;uka ÿka Wmfoia .Kka fkd.;a nj;a ±ka ;uka l;d fkdlrk w;r z,xld B ksõiaZ yryd fuu woyia fy<s lrk f,i;a b,a,d isáhy' fÊ'wd¾'chj¾Okf.ka miq jeäu ld,hla md¾,sfïka;=fõ isg ckdêm;s mqqgqjg meñKs ckdêm;sjrhd rdcmlaI ckdêm;sjrhd jqj;a Tyq ;rï rdcH;dka;%sl lghq;= j,§ w{dKfhla ;uka óg fmr ±l ke;ehs lS Tõyq Y%S ,xldfõ rch cd;Hka;r lghq;= iïnkaOfhka fudavhka f,i lghq;= lsÍu .ek lK.dgq jk njo mejiQy'

c.;a udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fha fhdackd .Kka fkdf.k jev lghq;= lrkafka kï t'cd' wdrlaIl uKav,hg Tjqka úiska fhdackdjla f.k tkq we;s nj;a ta wkqj hqo wmrdO .ek úu¾YKh lsÍug wêlrK n,;, iys; zfjda g%hsìhqk,aZ tlla m;a l< yels nj;a fjdIskagka kS;sfõ§yq mji;s' th cd;Hka;r hqo wêlrKhla fkdjk uq;a Bg jvd n,;, we;s tlla jk njo Tõyq mji;s'

rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d lshk mßÈ ,xldj frdau .súiqug w;aika lr ke;s neúka cd;Hka;r wêlrKhlg Y%S ,dxlsl mqrjeisfhl= f.k hd fkdyels hhs lSjo c.;a wdrlaIl uKav,h úiska m;a flfrk zfjda g%hsìhqk,aZ tllg th j,x.= fkdjk nj fjdIskagka kS;sfõ§kaf.a u;h fõ' wfkla miska rks,a lshkd mßÈ jev isÿjkjd kï fï f,dalfha ´kEu ñkSure md,lfhl=g .súiqï j,g w;aika fkdlrñka zwms ksoyia" wmsg w; ;shkak nEZ lshñka isáh yels jk nj;a f,dalfha kS;s f.dv ke.S we;af;a Bg fjkia wdldrfhka njo Tjqyq mji;s'


rclvq fïkshdj mshdf.ka mq;dg je<ef|a


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='30" fm'j'4'30& ueouQ,fka ñkSure mjq,la t,aààBhg lmamï uqo,a f.jd Y%S ,xldfõ n,h fld,a, ld .ekSfuka miq fidrlu kS;HdKql+, úh' fï fidrlu fl;rï ÿrÈ. .sfhao h;a fufia fidrlï lrñka rclï lsÍug kï mqrdK rcjrekaf.a wdYs¾jdo ,;a rdclSh lvq ;uka ika;lhg .; hq;= hehs WmfoaYl ;k;=re mqod we;s ±ä lrk lmá mQidßhka f.a Wmfoia u; fï jk úg cd;sl fl!;=ld.drfha lvq mjd fidrlï lrk ;ekg m;a ù we;' ta uÈjdg mqrdK lvq lia:dk wdriaid l< rcuyd úydr jdiS mQcH mlaIh mjd >d;kh lrñka rdclSh lvq fiùug mjd fm<eö we;' fïjd fy<sorõ jkjdg udOH j,g ;yxÑ ±uQjo ;yxÑ ueÈka .uka lrk z,xld B ksõiaZ ;j;a fy<sorõjla lruq' tkï fuu zrclvq fïkshdjZ rclug Wreulï lshk nd, mq;%hdgo ye§ we;s njhs' fuys tk fiahdrefjka ±lafjkafka zrclvq fïkshdjZ yeÿkq nd, mq;%hd f.a rx.k ú,dYhls'


No matter the consequence we will not work according to Geneva resolution : Govt. official stance


(Lank-e-News-26.March.2012, 11.55PM) The SL Govt. today officially announced that no matter the consequence, it will not implement the resolutions adopted at the Geneva human rights conference, and it has no need to do anything new.

Dr. G L Peiris the SL foreign Minister made this announcement. This was the Govt.’s first official announcement following the Geneva resolutions. He pointed out that the Geneva resolutions being not followed does not mean running counter .

Dr. G L Peiris elaborated as follows :

‘ Firstly . I wish to tell that our country’s policy is based on a fundamental tenet. We have taken a clear decision, and whatever the result we will not waver. We will not agree with whatever resolutions brought against our country. There is no agreement at all from our side. Several countries have clearly notified to us that they respect our stance .
These resolutions were adopted. But what is its result ? We have no reason at all to get frightened on this. Some are talking about the economic sanctions. That is not the truth. Because of the resolutions at Geneva there aren’t going to be economic sanctions. These two things are not inter related. This is not a decision of the economic Council. This will not take place that way. Therefore we need not unnecessarily fear or panic. But we labored this much because of a reasonable ground. We flatly oppose this issue being internationally focused.

Now , what is our future course of action ? That is what is most important above all others. There will be no changes in our future course of action. We will not do anything new. There is no necessity for that. We will not leave room for foreign forces to interfere in our affairs. Our policies are decided based on one tenet .That is our nation’s aspirations. It is on that tenet we work.’, Dr. Peiris declared .

m%;sM,h l=ula jqj;a ðkSjd fhdackd wkqj jev lrkafka kE( wdKavqfõ ks, u;h m%ldY fõ

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='26" m'j'1'30& m%;sM,h l=ula jqj;a ðkSjdys§ iïu; jQ fhdackdj wkqj lghq;= fkdlrk nj;a w¨;a fohla fkdlrk nj;a lsÍfï wjYH;djhla ke;s nj;a Y%S ,xldfõ rch wo ks, jYfhka m%ldY l<dh'

fï nj m%ldY flf<a wo meje;s udOH yuqjl§ úfoaY weue;s Ô't,a'mSßia uy;d h' fuh ðkSjd fhdackdjkaf.ka miq rch ks, jYfhka ;u ia:djrh fy<s l< m<uq wjia:dj fõ§h' ðkSjdys§ iïu; jQ fhdackd wkqj lghq;= fkdlsÍfuka iïndOl meñKúh fkdyels njo Tyq wjOdrKh flf<ah'

fuys§ woyia ±lajQ úfoaY weue;s Ô t,a mSßia uy;d"
zzm%:ufhka uu lshkak leu;shs wfma rfÜ m%;sm;a;sh mokï jqfka uQ,sl idOlhla u;hs' wms meyeÈ,s ;SrKhla .;a;d m%;sM,h l=ula jqj;a wms fuhg wjk; jkafka kE lshd' wfma rg iïnkaOfhka f.fkkq ,nk lsisu fhdackdjlg wms tlÕ jkafka kE' wfma tlÕ;ajh lsisfia;a kE' rgj,a lsysmhlau wmsg meyeÈ,sj ±kqï §, ;sfhkj ta wh wf.a lrkj lsh, ta m%;HlaI ia:djrh'

±ka fï fhdackdj iïu; jqkd' fudllao fïfl m%;sM,h@ fï .ek wfma is;a ;=, ìhla we;slr .ekSug lsisÿ fya;=jla kE' wd¾Ól iïndOl .ek hï wh l;d lrkj' fïl h:d¾;h fkdfõ' ðkSjd udkj ysñlï uKav,fhka iïu; jQ fhdackdjla ksid lsisfia;a wd¾Ól iïndOl mekùula isÿjkafka kE' fï fol w;r lsisÿ iïnkaOhla kE' fuh wdrlaIl uKav,fha ;SrKhla fkdfjhs' fïl ta úÈyg l%shd;aul jkafka kE' ta ksid nhla iella pls;hla wfma is;a i;ka ;=, we;s lr .; hq;= kE' yenehs wms fï ;rï uykais jqfka idOdrK fya;=jla ksid' wms ;rfha úreoaO jqkd fï m%Yak cd;Hka;r ;,hg f.k tkjdg'

weka fudllao wfma wkd.; l%shd ud¾.h@ tal ;uhs fiargu jvd jeo.;a fjkafk' wfma wkd.; l%shdud¾. j, lsisÿ fjkila fjkafk kE' w¨;a fohla wms lrkafka kE' lsÍug wjYH;djhl=;a kE' cd;Hka;r n,fõ. j,g wfma lghq;= j,g weÕs,s .ikakg lsisfia;a bv ;nkafka kE' wfma m%;sm;a;sh ;SrKh jkafka tl idOlhla wkqj muKhs' ta ;uhs wfma rfÜ ck;djf.a wNsjDoaêh' tfyu ;uhs wms wkd.f;a lghq;= lrkafk'ZZ

úfoaY weue;sjrhd mejiSh'


Voluntarily inviting trouble: 3 months is the time frame – LLRC proposals are not like those of the IRC Local and international Lawyers blame the moribund MaRa regime for its egregious stupidity

(Lanka-e-News-27.March.2012, 11.55PM) Following the official announcement of the Govt.’s stance pertaining to the resolutions adopted at the Geneva human rights conference that it will not abide by them no matter the consequences, a senior Minister of the very Govt. speaking to Lanka e news said, his moronic moribund Govt. has clearly demonstrated to the world what exists in SL is a Govt. of underworld criminals who are barbaric and allergic to lawfulness like the notorious goons and rowdies of the caliber of ‘Thummulle Padme’, ‘Kaduwela Vasanthe’ or ‘Army Jine’. This Minister who represented the Govt. at the Geneva conference added that the Govt. will be learning a bitter lesson by next March. If what the recent Geneva conference sent out was only a cyclone , next March it will transform into a tornado. , he warned.

Lanka e news did a survey gathering opinions of prominent citizens relating to the stupid arrogance and MaRa regime’s stubborn conduct :

First we sought the opinion of a senior SL Lawyer resident in Washington who is conversant in local and international laws . We must apologize to our readers that we are unable to disclose names because we cannot predict what venomous and vengeful action the MaRa regime of Idi Mahin which is panic stricken would take against those people who are expressing the stark truths .

Inviting trouble voluntarily
According to the view of the above noted Lawyer it is voluntarily inviting trouble. All what the Geneva resolution insisted was to implement the recommendations made by the Commission appointed by the SL Govt. itself What is the Govt.’s stance now in this backdrop? It will not implement the resolutions. That means the Govt. appointed the Commission not to implement its recommendations. Hence , the Govt. itself proved to the world yesterday that it had appointed a Commission for purpose of cheating , the senior Lawyer pointed out.

If that is the case , imposing of sanctions against SL by the US is inevitable. After the American resolutions had been accepted by the whole world , those resolutions are not any longer America’s but those of the world. Hence transgressing the world proposals is very serious. Though the nincompoops of the MaRa regime are trying to laugh it off as a trifling issue on the ground it is only when they are passed at the UN Human rights security Council that action can be taken against SL , and at that stage , Russia which has veto power is a friend of SL will not allow that to take place . But , according to the senior Lawyer , that is wrong and will not happen the way they presume.

The same leading Lawyer explained that the US is fully aware of all this. The US took action against Iraq based on the resolutions of the Human rights Council without the security council approval because Iraq did not heed the resolutions. But here , the resolutions are of the world. Therefore if US takes a decision against any country for not implementing them , nobody can bar that , the Lawyer explained. The same Lawyer added that the US will not act without the concurrence of the NATO countries in a controversial manner. US will wait for three months if it is necessary
As the world is of the view that this is a Govt. with a two third majority in Parliament and hence has no hindrance when recommending the proposals brought by it, and that the SL Govt. told at the Geneva conference it will implement the recommendations , but now stating something contradictory , is being viewed by the world as the incapacity of the Govt. to show concern for its people , and it is being dictated by its infinite capacity to dupe its own people and the world , the senior leading Lawyer noted.

India on the other hand is always been with the world stance , the US has no issue with it in the regional co operation, according to this Lawyer residing in Washington .
Because of some morons and Mongols in the Meda mulana gangster Govt. , this motherland is headed for a holocaust , and if the Rajapakses continue to act this way , they will have to face a worse fate than Gadaffi who hid in the culvert before he was killed like a dog by the people . It is alright Rajapkses hiding in the drain or drowning in cesspits for their criminal and foolish actions, but how about the innocent people ? , he asked. It is unfortunate that the people will also have to face disasters for Medamulana blunders , the Lawyer stated with concern.

The proposals of the LLRC are not those of the IRC
The views expressed by another senior SL Lawyer on human rights was similar . Speaking to Lanka e news , he said, the Govt. can dance for its own Baila until March , but if the situation does not change by then there will be embargoes. In his opinion , first the relief measures granted now will be withdrawn. The US even after the resolutions were adopted withdrew the ban on SL to import oil from Iran on whom sanctions have been imposed.
According to the human rights Lawyer , this relief and the GSP concessions will be first withdrawn. The financial Institutions like the world Bank and others which have given relief to SL out of its funds will be made to withdraw them by pressures brought to bear by the US.

MaRa regime which has all along behaved like beasts and brutes , and therefore followed only jungle laws , is now playing with the lives and destinies of the docile and gullible Si Lankans . Unlike the MaRa murderous brutes , the proposals of the LLRC are not like those of its IRCs who are in plenty in this Govt. swarming around Idi Mahin like flies around the excrements .These are recommendations of a Commission appointed by the Govt. itself and worthy of being abided by. They are not IRC proposals . It is therefore time there springs up a Force of the people demanding the implementation of these humane proposals of the LLRC defeating the Force of the Govt. IRCs, the human rights Lawyer asserted.

It was Dr. G L Peiris who was the Chairman of the Youth unrest Commission in the 1988 -89 period of youth insurgency. At that time no country forced Late R. Premadasa to implement the recommendations; and the implementation of the recommendations was a reason that had precluded another rebellion in the South for the last 23 years . It will be salutary if persons like Dr. Peiris who participated in those tasks at that time , instead of kowtowing to Govt.’s controversial and shortsighted stance now , at least follow their own conscience for heaven’s sake instead of following brutes and boors, in the larger interest of the people and the country, the Lawyer further pinpointed.

b,a,df.k lkjd isl=rehs( weußldj udi 3 la n,dú( t,at,awd¾iS fhdackd whswd¾iS ldrhkaf.a fhdackd fkdfõ urd frÔufha fudav ia:djrh .ek foia úfoia kS;sfõ§yq woyia olaj;s


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='27" fm'j'5'45& m%;sM,h l=ula jqj;a ðkSjdys§ iïu; jQ fhdackdj wkqj lghq;= fkdlrk nj;a w¨;a fohla fkdlrk nj;a rcfha ia:djrh nj Bfha ks, jYfhka m%ldY ùu;a iu. Y%S ,xldfõ mj;skafka wdKAvqjla fkdj ;=ïuq,af,a moafï" lvqfj, jika;" ke;fyd;a wdñ ðfka jeks wKla .=Kla ke;s md;d,hkaf.a md;d, rdcHhla nj f,dalhu ms<s.kq we;ehs wdKavqfõu fcHIaG weue;sjrfhl= z,xld B ksõiaZ fj; mejiSh' miq.shod ðkSjd ksfhdað; lKavdhuo ksfhdackh l< Tyq lSfõ ,nk ud¾;=fõ§ zfyd| mßmamqjla lkakZ fjk njhs' miq.shod ðkSjd fj;ska yeuqfõ l=Kdgqjla kï ,nk ud¾;=fõ tkafka fgdakEfvdajla njo Tyq mejiSh'

urd frÔufha uqrKavq ia:djrh ksid l=ula isÿúh yels±hs ,xld B ksõia fï iïnkaO m%ùKhkaf.ka woyia úuid ne¨fõh' m<uqfjkau wm woyia úuiqfõ weußldfõ fjdIskagkays fjfik weußldkq kS;sh;a cd;Hka;r kS;sh;a ms<sn| yi, wjfndaOhla we;s fcHIaG kS;s{fhl= jk Y%S ,dxlslfhl=f.ks' fuys§ lsisfjl=f.a kï .ï fy<slsÍug fkdyels ùu .ek wm mdGlhkaf.ka iudj wheÈuq' ukao h;a úhre jeà we;s urd frÔuh l=uk wdldrfhka i;H lshk ckhdf.ka m<s.kSú±hs fkdokakd ksid h'

b,a,df.k lEu
by; lS kS;sfõÈhdf.a u;h wkqj fuh zb,a,df.k lEulsZ

ðkSjd fhdackdfjka lSfõ wdKavqj f.kd fldñifï ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lrkak lshd h' wdKavqfõ u;h fmr ia:djrhuhs hkafkka yeÕfjkafka l=ulao@ tu ks¾foaY l%shd;aul fkdlrk njhs' tkï wdKavqj fldñiu m;a flf<au ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lrkakg fkdjk njhs' ;u rch fndrejg fldñiula m;a l< nj Bfha rch úiskau ms<s.ekSula f,i f,dalh olsk nj fjdIskagka kS;sfõ§ uy;df.a u;hhs'

Tyq lshkafka ;;a;ajh tfia kï weußldj úiska Y%S ,xldjg tfrysj ;yxÑ ±óulg hk nj wksjd¾hh njhs' weußldkq fhdackdj f,dalh úiska wkqu; lsÍfuka miq th ;jÿrg;a weußldkq fhdackdjla fkdjk w;r th f,dal fhdackdjla fõ' f,dalfha u;hg msgqmEu nrm;, h' udkj ysñlï fldñiu wdrlaIl uKav,hg lshd bka iïu; jqjfyd;a muKla Y%S ,xldjg tfrysj lghq;= flfrk nj;a t;ek§ th iïu; ùug ksfIaO n,h we;s reishdj;a Ökh;a ;ukaf.a ñ;=rka ksid bv fkdfok nj;a urdKavqfõ fudavhka is;d isáho tjekakla isÿ fkdjk nj Tyqf.a u;hhs'

weußldj o th b;d fyd¢ka okakd nj mjik wm kS;sfõÈhd weußldj brdlhg iïndOl meñKjQfha wdrlaIl uKav, wkque;shlska f;drj udkj ysñlï fldñifï iïu; jQ fhdackdjkag brdlh wkql+,;d fkd±lajqj ksid nj u;la flf<ah' fuys§ f,dalh ;ukaf.a fhdackdj iïu; lr we;s neúka ta fhdackdj wkqj lghq;= fkdlrkafka kï weußldj ta iïnkaOfhka ;SrKhla .ekSu ldgj;a je<elaúh fkdyels nj mjik wmf.a kS;sfõÈhd lshkafka weußldj fkafgda rgj, tlÕ;djhlska f;drj w;a;fkdau;slj l%shd fkdlrk njhs'

weußldj ´fka kï udi 3 la n,d b£ú
md¾,sfïka;=fõ ;=fkka fofla n,hla ;sfnk wdKAvqjla ksid wdKavqju f.k wd fhdackdfõ ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lsÍug ndOdjla ke;s nj f,dalh olsk w;r wdKavqj ðkSjd iuq¿fõ§ lsfõo tajd l%shd;aul lrk nj ksid ±ka fjk;a l;djla lshoa§ f,dalh olskafka fï rch trg ck;dj .ek lsisÿ yeÕSula ke;s fndre lshñka rg;a f,dalhd;a uq,d lrk rchla njhs' tjeks rchlg tfrysj idudkHfhka weußldkq md,kh n,d isákafka udi 3 l muK ld,hla jk nj;a tÈk isg ;ukaf.a n,mEï l%shd;aul lrkq we;s nj;a Tyq mjihs'

bkaÈhdjo f,dal u;fhau isák neúka weußldjg ;u iïndOl meñKùug l,dmSh jYfhka lsisÿ .eg¿jla we;s fkdjk njo fjdIskagka ys fjfik fcHIaG kS;sfõÈhdf.a u;h úh'
ueo uQ,fka fudav ñksiqka lsysm fofkla úiska ;u ud;D N+ñh f,dl= w.dOhlg f.k hk nj;a fuf,i lghq;= l<fyd;a rdcmlaI,df.a isrere o ldKqjlska fidhd .ekSug isÿùu j<lajd,sh fkdyels nj;a mejiQ Tyq rfÜ idudkH ck;djg isÿjk ydksh .ek lkiai,a, m< flf<ah'

t,at,awd¾iS fhdackd whswd¾iS ldrhkaf.a fhdackd fkdfõ
wm fj; B<Õg woyia m< l< Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï ms<sn| fcHIaG kS;s{fhl=f.a u;ho óg iudk jqj;a Tyq lshkafka ,nk ud¾;= jk ;=re wdKavqjg kgkakg bv fokq we;s w;r ;;a;ajh fjkia fkdjkafka kï bkamiq iïndOl meñfKkq we;s njhs' Tyqf.a u;h wkqj m<uqfjka ±kg § we;s iyk ke;s lrkq we;' fhdackd iïu; ùfukq;a miqj weußldj brdKfhka f;,a ,nd .ekSug mkjd ;snQ ;yku Y%S ,xldj flfrys bj;a flf<ah' Y%S ,xldfõ kS;sfõÈhd mjikafka m<uqfjka tu iykh" ÔtiamS iykh wdÈh bj;a lrkq we;s njhs' uQ,H wruqo, f,dal nexl=j jeks weußldkq n,mEu we;s uQ,H wdh;k j,skao ,xldjg ,nd § we;s iyk bj;a flfrkq we;ehs o Tyqf.a u;hhs'

urd frÔuh fï fi,a,ï lrkak yokafka uq¿ uy;a Y%S ,xldfõ ck;djf.a brKu iu. nj Tyq wjOdrKh l< w;r fuu t,at,awd¾iS fhdackd zwhs wd¾ iSZ ldrhkaf.a fhdackd fkdjk nj;a tajd nqoaêu;=ka msßila úiska wdKavqfõu b,a,Su u; fï rgg jevodhl f,i bÈßm;a l< fhdackd neúka tu fhdackd bgqlrkakehs b,a,k iudc n,fõ.hla f.dv ke.sh hq;= njo Tyq mejiSh'

88-89 hq.fha isÿjQ jHikh .ek tod Ôt,a mSßia uy;df.a iNdm;s;ajfhka m;al< ;reK wiyk fldñifï ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lsÍug tod wd¾'fm%auodig lsisÿ rgla n, fkdl< nj;a tu ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lsÍu;a tla fya;=jla f,i ie,l=jfyd;a ±ka jir 23 la mqrdjg ol=fKa le/,a,la we;s fkdjqK nj;a mejiQ Tyq tod tu ld¾hhg iyNd.S jQ Ôt,a mSßia ,d wo fï frÔuhl w;a;fkdau;sl u;hg hg fkdù wvqu .Kfka ;ukaf.a ys;g tlÕj l%shd l< hq;= nj;a mejiSh'


jirla ;=, >d;k" uxfld,a," ia;%S ¥IK" jxpd isÿl< uka;S%,d 100 la

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='26" fm'j'4'15& ñksia >d;k uxfld,a, lEï ia;%S ¥IK uqo,a jxpd we;=¨ wmrdO iïnkaOfhka urd md,kh hg;f;a miq.sh jif¾ muKla uka;%Sjreka ishhlg wdikak ixLHdjla w;a wvx.=jg m;aj ;sfnk nj fmd,sia fomd¾;fïka;= wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrhs' fuhska nyq;rh k.r iNd m%dfoaYSh iNd uka;%Sjrekah' úmlaI kdhljrekao isák w;r fï w;ßka w;s nyq;rh wdKavq mlaIfha uka;%Sjreka fj;s' fydr wrlal= lismamq iy u;aøjH iïnkaOfhka o uka;%Sjreka f.a kï nyq, jYfhka lshefõ' w.ue;sjrhdo jfrl mejiqfõ ;ukaf.a uka;%S uKav,fha l=vq jHdmdr j,g iïnkaO wh isák njhs' urdKAvqfõ jirl m%.;sh tfiah'

fï w;r mqrdjia;= uxfld,a, lEï o urdKavqj hgf;a wêl f,i jeä ù we;s w;r th miq.sh jif¾ muKla 220 la jeks b;d úYd, ixLHdjls' ta i|yd ,eî we;s meñKs,s ixLHdj 294 ls' fuu jif¾ fuu udi lsysmhg muKla 33 la jd¾;d ù we;' fï i|yd w;a wvx.=jg f.k we;s nyq;rh o foaYmd,k{hka iy fmd,Sisfha yuqodfõ isú,a wdrlaIl n,ldfha ks,OdÍyq fj;s'

nQñf;,ao@ uõìuo@ lshd uyck;dj f.dkdg wkaoñka urdKavqj lrf.k hk úkdYfha ;ru fuhska fyd¢ka fmfka'















































































Geneva resolutions adopted : 15 countries support MaRa regime -24 against and 8 abstain from voting

(Lanka-e-News-22.March.2012,11.55PM) A little while ago the US resolution at the Geneva human rights conference calling for a time frame from the SL Govt. to implement the LLRC recommendations was adopted ,with 24 countries voting for , 15 countries only voting against and 8 countries abstaining from voting. India the SL’s neighbor voted in favor of the US resolution.

The resolution was presented at 2.30 p.m. SL time . After a 90 minute debate , the voting took place. The representatives of each of the 47 countries was allotted 3 minutes to express their views.

With the announcement of India’s stance , a number of African and middle East countries which were to support SL decided to abstain from voting , whereby only 15 countries spoke in favor of SL MaRa regime : they were China, Russia, Thailand , Cuba, Indonesia, Bangla Desh, Maldives, Ecuador, Mauritania, Philippines, Uganda , Congo, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Benin, Cameroon, Libya, Mauritius ,Nigeria, India, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Uruguay, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, America, Czech republic, Hungary and Romania voted in favor of the US resolution.

8 countries , Angola, Botswana, Burkina Fasso republic, Djibouti, Senegaal, Jordan ,Kirkistan, and Malaysia abstained from voting.

Meanwhile the representative of the European union (EU) expressing his view ,strongly condemned the threats pose d against civilians within SL and the Sri Lankan civil society activists abroad.

He urged that a suitable environment is created to enable the Sri Lankan human rights and civil society activists who are abroad to return to their country and carry on with their activities. He pointed out that there are dire threats confronted specially by SL society activists who are engaged in UN and pro UN activities.
Following the views expressed by the EU representative , the representative of the Czech republic addressing the UN human rights sessions fully endorsed the EU representative’s views.

Meanwhile , Ministers and SL Govt. MPs came out of the Parliament to stage protests and shout slogans while seated on the ground against the UN resolutions. Thereafter they went in a procession round the Parliament carrying banners. Some shouted slogans that the opposition was betraying the country while some others requested them to join with the Govt. It was most noteworthy that Basil Rajapakse was playing hide and seek during these protests .

This is the finally adopted Resolution

U.S. Introduces HRC Resolution Promoting Reconciliation and Accountablity in Sri Lanka
Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America
Introduction of Draft Resolution L.2 on Promoting Reconciliation and Accountability in Sri Lanka

Delivered by Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe

Human Rights Council 19th Session
March 22, 2012

The United States is pleased to introduce draft resolution L.2, on Promoting Reconciliation and Accountability in Sri Lanka for consideration and approval by this Council. This resolution enjoys the broad support of 40 co-sponsors. A copy of the text, including slight revisions, is being circulated in the room today.

It is almost three years since the end of Sri Lanka’s long and painful conflict. For the past three years, my government has worked bilaterally, and with like-minded countries, to engage officials at the highest levels of the Sri Lankan government on the steps that are necessary to build a peaceful future for the Sri Lankan people. For those three years Sri Lanka has had the time and space to develop its own roadmap for lasting national reconciliation and accountability. Most recently, we have encouraged Sri Lanka to address actions taken on both sides of the conflict through its domestic Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission Process. We looked forward to the Commission’s report, and understood that Sri Lanka would develop its own action plan to implement the LLRC recommendations.

We have also worked bilaterally, and with like-minded countries, to encourage Sri Lanka to take advantage of the resources of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. And we have encouraged Sri Lanka to engage with the Council, and to benefit from the broad range of experiences of Member States that have dealt successfully with their own post-conflict situations.

Mme President and Distinguished delegates, an enduring peace will be unsustainable without meaningful steps to foster national reconciliation and accountability.

Given the lack of action to implement the recommendations of the Sri Lankan government’s own LLRC, and the need for additional steps to address accountability issues not covered in the LLRC report, it is appropriate that the UNHRC consider and adopt this moderate and balanced resolution. It is a resolution that encourages Sri Lanka to implement the recommendations of it own LLRC and to make concerted efforts at achieving the kind of meaningful accountability upon which lasting reconciliation efforts can be built.

In addition, this Resolution urges Sri Lanka to work with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and draw from helpful expertise the Office can offer.

These proposals are reasonable, constructive, and carefully tailored to the needs of the situation. At our informal session on March 8, none of the many delegations present offered proposals for specific textual modifications.

To close, I wish to emphasize that this resolution is intended to help the people of Sri Lanka achieve a lasting and equitable peace that is marked by equality, dignity, justice and self-respect.

Thank you.

cskSjd fhdackdj iïu;hs( urd frÔufha iydhg isáfha rgj,a 15 hs urd frÔuhg úreoaO rgj,a 24 hs( rgj,a 8 la ksy~hs

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='22" m'j'4'30-fojk ixialrKh m'j'5'00& tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ðkSjd udkj ysñlï iuq¿fõ§ Y%S ,xld rch úiska f.k wd t,at,awd¾iS ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lsÍug Y%S ,xld rcfhka ld, jljdkqjla b,a,k wefußldkq fhdackdj óg iq¿ fõ,djlg fmr jeä Pkaofhka iïu; úh' Bg mlaIj rgj,a 24 la Pkaoh ÿka w;r úreoaOj Pkaoh ÿkafka rgj,a 15 la muKs' rgj,a 8 la Pkaoh §fuka je,lsk' wi,ajeis bkaÈhdj o fhdackdjg mlaIj Pkaoh ÿkafka h'

Y%S ,xld fõ,dfjka wo miajre 2'30 g bÈßm;a l< w;r' bka miq úkdä 90 újdohla mj;ajd ckao úuiSu isÿ flf<ah' ta i|yd rgj, 47 ys ksfhdað;hkag woyia oelaùug tla rglg úkdä 3 l ld,hla ,nd ÿkafka h'
bkaÈhdfõ ia:djrh m%ldYh lsÍu;a iu. Y%S ,xldjg iyfhda.h ,nd§ug isá wm%sld yd ueofmrÈ. rgj,a /ila ckao úuiSfï§ ish ckaoh Ndú;d fkdlsÍfï ;SrKhlg t<eöfï fya;=fjka Y%S ,xldfõ urd frÔufha iydhg l;d lf<a Ökh" reishdj" ;dhs,ka;h" lshqndj" bkaÿkSishdj" nx.,d foaYh" ud,Èjhsk" blajfodarh" ujqßfÜkshdj" ms,smSkh" W.kavdj" fldxf.daj" lgd¾" fi!È wrdìh iy l=fõÜ rdcH hk rgj,a 15 muKs'

fnkska rdcHh" leureka rdcHh" ,sìhdj" uqreIsh" khsÔßhdj" bkaÈhdj" Ñ,sh" fldiagdßldj" mSre rdcHh" Wre.=fõ" ´iaá%hdj" fn,aðhu" b;d,sh" fkda¾fõ" iamd[a[h" iaúÜi¾,ka;h" weußldj" fpla rdcHh" yxf.aßhdj" refïkshdj weußldkq fhdackjdg mlaIj Pkaoh ÿkafkda h'
wekaf.da,dj" fndÜiajdkdj" nq¾lskd *dfida rdcHh" ðfndaá rdcHh" fifk.d,h" fcd¾odkh" lsßlsia:dkh" uef,aishdj hk rgj,a 8 ksy~j isáfhdah'

fhdackdj iïu; ùfuka miqj iuq¿fjka msg; l,n, ldÍ ;;a;ajhla we;s jQ w;r iuq¿fõ iNdm;sjßh msg; fldßfvdar ;=, fkdikaiqka;dj iukh lsÍug wdrlaIl ks<OdÍka le|jQjdh' urd frÔuh úiska uyd úYd, ksfhdað; msßila ðkSjd fj; hjd ;sìK'

fï w;r fuu iuq¿fõ§ woyia ±lajQ hqfrdamd ix.ï ksfhdað;hd lSfõ Y%S ,xldfõ fukau Y%S ,xldfjka msg; isák Y%S ,dxlsl isú,a iudc l%shdldÍkag t,a,jk ;¾ck oeä fia fy,dolsk njhs'

tfiau fïjk úg Y%S ,xldfjka msgux ù isák udkj ysñlï yd isú,a iudc l%shdldÍkag h<s ish rg n,d meñKsug yd ish lghq;= lrf.k hdug iqÿiq miqìula ks¾udKh lrk f,i;a" úfYaIfhkau tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkh yd iyfhda.fhka lghq;= lrk Y%S ,dxlsl iudc l%shdldÍkag mjd oejeka; ;¾ck t,a,ù we;s nj;a Tyq wjOdrKh lf<ah'

wo iuq¿fõ§ hqfrdamd ix.ufha ksfhdað;hd woyia oelaùfuka wk;=rej c.;a udkj ysulï iuq¿j weu;+ fpla ckrcfha ksfhdac;hdo hqfrdamd ix.ufha woyi uq¿ukskau wkqu; lrñka ish u;h ;yjqre lf<ah'

fï w;r wo md¾,sfïka;=fõ wdKavqfõ ue;s weue;sjre md¾,sfïka;=fjka msg;g meñK c.;a iuq¿ fhdackdjg tfrysj ìu jdä ù úfrdaO;d igkamdG lshñka úfrdaO;d ±lajQy' miqj Tjqyq nekrhka /f.k md¾,sfïka;=j jgd fm<md,shlao .sfhdah' úmlaIh rg mdjd fok njg lKavdhula fpdaokd lrñka igka mdG lshQ w;r ;j;a lKavdhula lSfõ rch yd tlajk f,ihs' fuu úfrdaO;djhg neis,a rdcmlaI uy;d yex.s yex.S isàu úfYaI;ajhla úh'


iuq¿j wjidkhg fudfyd;lg fmr udkj ysñlï flduidßia jßh wk;=re wÕjhs

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='23" m'j'11'30& ðkSjdys udkj ysñlï fldñifï wjika Èkh jQ wo Èkh wjika ùug iaj,am fõ,djlg fmr tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uy flduidßiajßh úiska Y%S ,xldjg wk;=re weÕùula l<dh' ta udkj ysñlï fhdackdj iïu; ùfuka miq Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lrkakjqkag wdKavqfjka t,a, ù we;s ;¾ck .ekh'

fuu iuq¿ jdrh mej;s ld,h uq¿,af,au wdKavqfjka meñKs 71 la jQ ks, ksfhdað; lKavdhfï isá whf.ka fmr fkdjQ úrE wdldrhg iy lsisfia;au wkqu; l< fkdyels wdldrfhka meñK isá wfkl=;a udkj ysñlï l%shdldÍkag ;¾ck ysxid lsÍï isÿj we;s njg weh fj; meñKs,s rdYshla ,eî we;ehs weh tu ksfõokfhka mjid ;sfí'

uy flduidßiajßh fj;o ;¾ckd;aul ,sms ,eî we;ehso ta .ek weh fmd,Sishg iy tlai;a cd;Skaf.a wdrlaIl wxYh fj; meñKs,s l< nj i|yka lr we;'
Y%S ,xldj ;=, rdcH udOH úiska mqoa.,hkaf.a kï .ï mska;+r i|yka lrñka f.k hk ffjÍ jHdmdrfhka Tjqkaf.a Ôú; j,g ;¾ckhla we;sj ;sfnk njo weh wjOdrKh lrhs' udkj ysñlï l%shdldÍkaf.a ksfjia .sks;nk njg;a urd ouk njg;a m%isoaêfhau ,sms ,shd we;s w;r ;¾cko lr ;sîu .ek wehf.a wjOdkh fhduqj ;sfí'

Y%S ,xldfõ mqrjeishkag ksoyfia udkj ysñlï iuq¿ j,g iyNd.S ùfï whs;shla ;sfnk nj;a th ;yjqre lrk f,i;a weh wjOdrKh lr we;'

The High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva Warning

(Lanka-e-News-22.March.2012,10.30PM) The High Commissioner for Human Rights is today warning that there must be no reprisals against Sri Lankan human rights defenders in the aftermath of yesterday's adoption by the Human Rights Council of a resolution on Sri Lanka.

During this Human Rights Council session, there has been an unprecedented and totally unacceptable level of threats, harassment and intimidation directed at Sri Lankan activists who had travelled to Geneva to engage in the debate, including by members of the 71-member official Sri Lankan government delegation. Intimidation and harassment of Sri Lankan civil society activists have also been reported in other locations around Geneva.

On the other hand, the Sri Lankan ambassador in Geneva received an anonymous threatening letter which is being followed up by the police and UN security.

At the same time in Sri Lanka itself, newspapers, news websites and TV and radio stations have since January been running a continuous campaign of vilification, including naming and in many cases picturing activists, describing them as an “NGO gang” and repeatedly accusing them of treason, mercenary activities and association with terrorism. Some of these reports have contained barely veiled incitement and threats of retaliation. At least two comments posted by readers of articles of this type have called for burning down of the houses of the civil society activists named in the articles, and at least one such comment called openly for them to be killed.

The High Commissioner has noted that some of the attacks on human rights defenders were carried in Sri Lankan state media and Government websites or were filed by journalists who had been officially accredited to the Human Rights Council session by the Sri Lankan permanent mission.
She is calling on the Government to ensure the protection of human rights defenders, to publicly disassociate itself from such statements, and to clearly uphold the right of Sri Lankan citizens to freely engage in international debate of this kind.

The High Commissioner has also noted that Sri Lanka's own Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission, in its report published in December, made extensive and positive references to the role civil society can play in reconciliation and rehabilitation efforts, and stressed this would require greater tolerance towards differing views within Sri Lankan civil society and the protection of Sri Lankan human rights defenders.
Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Rupert Colville has Issued today


,xldfjka meñKs ksfhdað;hkaf.a wixjr yeisÍfuka uq¿ ðkSjd kqjru ls<sá jQ nj tys isá jd¾;d lrefjl= úiska l< jd¾;djla my; m< lruq'

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Y%S ,xld rch ms<snoj w;sYh ;SrKd;aul ðkSjd iuq¿j ksudjg m;aj we;' tys§ wfußldj úiska Y%S ,xld rchg tfrysj bÈßm;a l, fhdackdj jeä ckaofhka iïu; úh' fï ioyd woyia oelaùu ioyd Y%S ,xld rch fjkqfjkao wjia:dj ,nd § ;snQ w;r lsisÿ rdc;dka;%sl oekqulska f;dr msßila rch kfhdackh lrñka iuq¿jg iyNd.S lrjd ;sîu lK.dgqjg lreKls '

tla wjia:djl Yd,d wxl 23 yS mej;s jev igyk ;=,§ ,xld rcfha ksfhdað;hska yeisrefka b;du;a my;a wkaoñks' ckao úuiSu ch.%yKfhka fyda mrdcfhka wjika ùu fjk;a lreKls ' tfy;a rdc;dka;%sl ksfhdað;hska fuu iuq¿j ;=,§ yeisrefka fkdorejka f,ihs ' Tjqka úiska tu jevigyk mqrdjgu È.ska È.gu ndOdjka isÿ l, w;r tla jrla wdrlaIl ks<OdÍkao meñfKk ,oS '

fuu jev igkyk ksÍlaIkh lsÍug ud ygo wjia:dj ,eîu ksid fï ms<sno oel .;a ksidfjka fuh wjfndaO lr .;sñ' tfy;a hï flfkl= ud yg fï .ek lSjdkï ud úYajdi fkdlrñ ukaoh;a ud is;d isá rdc;dka;%sl ksfhdað;hska ms<sno Ñ;%h fjk;a tlla jq ksidfjks' fuhg iyNd.S jQ iuyrla rgj, ksfhdað;hska ke.sg msgù .sh w;r Tjqka mjid isáfha tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkfha uQ,ia:dk ;=,§ rcfha md¾Yjfha yeisÍu fï wdldrfhka kï Y%S ,xldj ;=, isÿjk oE is;d .; yels njhs '

hï .eg¿ iy.; ;;ajhla u;=j we;s fudfyd;l fuu rdc;dka;%slhska l%shd l, hq;=j we;af;a nqoaêu;a Ndjfhka iy bjis,s iy.; whqßka fkdfõo@ WmdhYS,Sj fkdfõo @ ukao h;a fuh b;du;a ;Srkd;aul fudfyd;la jQ neúks ' isÿ jQ rcfha ksfhdackh Tjqka isÿ lf,a ,xldfõ md¾,sfïka;=j ;=, lrkq ,nk ixjdohla f,ighs' fujeks jev lghq;= j,ska wmydihkag ,lajkqfha iuia; Y%S ,xldju nj is;kakg ;rï j;a Tjqkag rdc;dka;%sl Ndjhla fkdue;s ùu rcfha muKla fkdj Y%S ,xldfõu wNd.Hls '

ldur wxl 23 ys mej;sfha ,xldj ms<sno úfYaI ixjdohhs' tys ,xldfjka meñKs tl rdc;dka;%slfhla m%Yak lf,a wehs we*a.ksia:dkh .ek l;d fkdlrkafka lshdhs ' tys§ th fufyhjmq whg lshkak isoaO Wfka we*a.ksia:dkh ms<snoj l:d lrk ia:dkg f.dia thg iyNd.S jk f,ihs '

rcH wdrlaIl wud;HxYfha f,alï jrhdf.a uqia,sï cd;sl kS;SfõÈhdf.a yeisÍu b;du;a my;a uÜgul mej;s w;r lsisÿ jeo.eïulska f;drj isÿ l, ndOdjka muKla oelsh yels úh'

jir .kkdjla tx.,ka;fha Ôj;a jk Y%S ,dxlsl tx.,ka; mqrjeisfhl=o m%Yak lr lshd isáfha f,dalfha úYd, m%udKhla orejka w;=reoyka jk nj;a tajd .ek fidhd fkdn,kafka ukao hkakhs ' fuhg fmro wjYa;djka .Kkl§u fuu m%Yakhg ms<s;=re imhd we;s nj mjid isá ixúOdhlhskag fuh Y%S ,xldj ms,sn|j lrk ixjdohla neúka tys ld,h Wmßu f,i m%fhdackg .kakd f,i b,a,d isàugo isÿ úh'

fuu wjYa:dfõ§ woyia oela ùu ioyd bÈß m;a jq ikaOHd tlake,sf.dv uy;añhg È.ska È.gu ndOdjka isÿ l< w;r wehf.a woyia oelaùu wjika jkf;la isák f,ig okajd isákakg ixúOdhlhskag isÿúh' l;dj wjidkfha kej;;a tx.,ka;fha isg meñKs Y%S ,dxlsl ksfhdað;hdf.a m%Yakh Wfka weh w`vñka ;u l;dj bÈß m;a fkdl< njhs' ud okakd ;rñka tu mqoa.,hd O¾uisß úl%ur;ak kue;s úldr ldrfhls' Tyqf.ka Y%S ,xldjg isÿjQfha wk¾:hls'

fuys meñKs ,xldfõ ksfhdað;hskaf.a l%shd l,dmhka b;du;a my;a uÜgñka mej;s w;r fujeks úYd, m%udKhla ksfhdað;hska iyNd.S fkdjQj;a ;SlaIK nqoaêhlska hq;= ál fofkla wdjdkï wvqu ;rfï Y%S ,xldjg fï ;rï wm lS¾;shla w;a fkdjkq we;'

-wð;a oikdhl ðkSjd kqjr isg-

y~k.k foaYfma%óka ienEo@ ke;akï nvf.daia;rjd§o@

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='25" m'j'5'45& ðkSjd kqjr mej;s iuq¿fõ§ mk;la iïu; lr.kakd ,oafoa wm rfÜ úoaj;=ka wm rg ms<sn|ju ilial< jd¾;dj l%shd;aul lsÍugh' ta i|yd weußldj fj;ska wkjYH n,mEula ,nd.ekSug weußldjg jvd fjfyiqfka j;auka wdKavqjh' rfÜ kS;sh wjkS;sh fjñka mj;soa§ thg ;j ;j;a rel=,afok l%shdjkays ksr;jk ue;s weu;sjrekaf.ka iukaú; fï rchg ñkSurejkaf.ka" l=vqldrhkaf.ka iy lmamï lrejkaf.ka lsisÿ wvqjla ke;' W;=re kef.kysr mej;s ;%ia;jdohg fya;=mdol jQ uQ,îchka fidhd tajd fjkqfjka úi÷ï fh§u ms,sn| we,auereKq m%;sm;a;shl isák j;auka wdKavqjg bkaÈhdfõ iyfhda.h mjd wysñùug tlS ldrKh fya;=úh' úúO fndre jd¾;d iliñka ol=fKa isxy, ck;dj;a W;=f¾ oñ, ck;dj;a hk fomd¾Yjhu i;=gq lsÍfï W;aidyhl ksr;j isák wdKavqj tlS ldrKdj fu;rï ,>q fldg ;lkafka ;u Pkao moku b,lal fldgf.k úh hq;=h'

W;=re kef.kysr ;%ia;jdoh kS;s úfrdaë iy wudkqISh neúka kej;;a tjekaklg u. fkdie,fik fya;= ldrKd foaYmd,k yd kS;suh jYfhka ilia lsÍu l,a oeñh fkdyels wjYH;djhlah' tu.ska rfÜ ishÆ ckfldgia j, whs;Ska ;yjqre jk w;r wkd.; wjodkïo myj hkq we;' tfia fkdue;sj ydiHckl ikao¾Yk u.ska isÿjkafka wm rg ms,sn|j rdcH;dka;%sl jYfhka we;s úYajdih lvùuh' foìä ms,sfj; fya;=fjka bka§h uOHu rchgo ;ñ,akdvqfõ n,mEug hg;aùug isÿúh' fuys§ wjYHjkafka ,ndfok n,;, ms,sn| fmdfrdkaÿ fyda .súiqï fkdj ms,s.; yels ;sridr l%shdj,shlah' th Èfkka Èk fjkia jk u;hla fkdúh hq;=h'rcfha ms,sfj; fya;=fjka fldá ys;jd§kago cd;Hka;rh ;=, l%shd;aul ùug wjYH miqìu ukdj ilid §ula isÿfõ' th wm rgg wjdishls'

tfiau j;auka wdKavqj rfÜ kS;shg w;alr we;s brKu b;d wjdikdjka;h' tys§ uQ,sl jkafka kS;sh l%shd;aul ùu flfrys we;slrk foaYmd,k n,mEuh' miq.sh m,d;a md,k ue;sjrK j,§ uqo,a n,h u; n,hg meñKs fndfyduhla cdjdrïlrefjda foaYmd,k n,ho fhdodf.k tu cdjdrï j, ysKsfm;a;gu meñK we;' we;eï cdjdrï lrejka wdrlaId lsÍugu fkdyels ;ek w;awvx.=jg .ekSugo fmd,sishg isÿj we;' fulS ish,a,kagu ue;s weu;sjrekaf.a mQ¾K wkq.%yh ,efnk njo m%isoaO ryilah' tfia lrkafka B,. ue;sjrKh ioyd wdfhdackhla f,ih' tfia fkdlr W.;a" nqoaêu;a iy udkj ys;jd§ mqoa.,hka ;ud jgd ;nd.ekSfuka M,la fkdue;s njo foaYmd,lhka okakd ksidh' tfia lrkafka ukdm ue;sjrK l%uh kï iQÿj i|yd wdfhdackh lsÍug hyñka uqo,a wjYH nj Tjqka ukdj mila fldgf.k we;s neúkah' fulS ldrKd ish,a, ;=fkka foll n,hla iys; wdKavqjlg úYd, wNsfhda.hla fkdfõ' tfy;a ta i|yd wjxl foaYfma%ó kdhlhka wjYHh' y~k.k foaYfma%óka ienEo@ tfia ke;akï nvf.daia;rjd§ mUhkaoehs ielhla u;=jkafka túgh'
wurkd;a úisks

iqkkao-ksu,ald-mdlHfida;s-fmdaoao, wd§kaf.a w;mh m%isoaêfha lvkafka ux -u¾úka fofkdaodyla bÈßfha ;¾ckh lrhs

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='23" fm'j'8'30& ñkSure rdcmlaI wdKavqfõ uyck iïnkaO;d weue;s u¾úka is,ajd úiska udOHfõ§ka fofofkl= jk iqkkao foaYm%sh fmdaoao, chka;f.a iy udkj ysñlï l%shdOrhka fofofkl= jk wdpd¾h mdlHfida;s irjkuq;a;= iy kS;s{ ksu,ald m%kdkaÿ f.a w;mh m%isoaêfha lvd ouk njg wo lsßn;af.dv uyck;dj bÈßfha ;¾ckh flf<ah' lsßn;af.dv§ meje;s urd frÔuh /l.ekSfï urdjd§ Woaf>daIkhl§ Tyq fufia .=.=f<ah'

zzfï rgg w; ;shkak ldgj;a nE ux lK.dgq fjkjd wfma rfÜ fmlks je, lmmq mdyrfhda iqkkao foaYm%sh, ksu,ald m%kdkaÿ, fmdaoao, chka;h" fmdoao, chka;h ,xldfjka uu tf<õfj' wo ux m%isoaêfh lshkafk' W! .sfh ux ksid' ;j tflla bkakj mdlHfida;s' uqx ;uhs ðkSjd .sys,a, fï rgg úreoaOj idlals ÿkafk' m%isoaêfh lshkafk fïl odkak' f;dms ug wyqfjkak ,xldfj ysáfhd;a f;dfma w; mh m%isoaêfha lvk tld ;uhs u¾úka is,ajd lshk tl lshkj' j.lSula we;=j lshkafk' fudld fudk l=uka;%K l<;a fïl uf.a rg Tfí rg ux fyd| isxy, fn!oaOfhla' uf.a isxy, luhs fn!oaO luhs fjkafoaisfh odkak ldgj;a fokafk kE' ug Tn ÿkakq uka;%Slu 2016 fjklï ;sfhkj' ckdêm;s;=ud ÿkakq weue;slu ckdêm;s;=ud fï rdcdikfha bkaklï tal fjkia fjkafk kE lshk mKsjqvh;a ux lshkj'ZZ

udOHfõ§ fmdaoao, chka; meyerf.k f.dia ll=,a fol lvd ±ïfï ljqrekao hkak fuu m%ldYh wkqj wo fy<sorõ úh' wfkla miska fmdaoao, chka; cskSjd me;a; m<d;l fyda .sh wfhla fkdfõ

fld<U mS-irjkuq;a;= l%slÜ l%Svd.xkh hkq wo urdjd§ka úiska foaYfødaysfhl= hehs f,an,a .ik wdpd¾h mdlHfida;s irjkuq;a;=f.a iShd úiska ,xldfõ ¥ orejkag mß;Hd. lrk ,o Tyqf.a mqoa.,sl foafmd,la nj ck;dj úiska ±k .; hq;=h

fuu l;dj,ska wo Y%S ,xldfõ mj;skafka YsIaG iïmkak wdKavqjla fkdjk nj;a iïmQ¾K ñkSure lKavdhulf.a taldêm;s;ajhla nj;a uq¿ f,djgu meyeÈ,s jkq we;

Packiasothy in public – Mervyn the discarded vermin openly threatens

(Lanka-e-News-24.March.2012,11.55PM) The public relations Minister Mervyn Silva the notorious vermin of the murderous Rajapakse regime and the Minister who is tainted with corruption and extortion crimes had openly in public at Kiribathgoda threatened to break the limbs and bones of journalists Sunanda Deshapriya , Poddala Jayantha and human rights activists Dr. Packiasothy Saravanamuttu and Lawyer Nimalka Fernando. This Mervyn the vermin had stated this with full venom at the demonstrations staged to defend the MaRa regime at Kiribathgoda yesterday.
‘Nobody can touch this country. I regret that Sunanda Deshapriyas , Poddala Jayanthas and Nimalka Fernandos , were the scoundrels who cut this country’s belly. It is I who saw to it that Poddala Jayantha is chased out from the country. I am fearlessly and openly telling now, that fellow Poddala went because of me. There is another one fellow , that is Packiasothy. These are the individuals who went to Geneva and gave evidence against our country. I am telling this publicly to be published. If you all were in Lanka and have got caught your bones and limbs would have been broken by me personally. Mervyn Silva is such a man – a deadly goon who breaks ribs and limbs ruthlessly. I am telling this with full responsibility. No matter who engages in conspiracies , this country is mine not yours . I am a good Sinhala Buddhist. I will not allow anybody to auction my Sinhala and Buddhist traits. The Parliamentary seat I acquired with your votes is there for me until 2016. The Minister position given to me by the President will last as long as his Presidency lasts . That wont change- I wish to convey this message .’

As this Mervyn the vermin , the notorious extortionist bragged about his tough rowdy nature , so he betrayed the culprit behind the attack launched on Poddala Jayantha in which incident the latter’s legs were broken. Mervyn openly admitted that he is responsible for that crime . This Mervyn the Minister of MaRa regime who is proud about his rowdy nature is only preoccupied with his favorite hobbies of committing extortion and violence . Like his underworld associates , he has no time to acquire even the basic knowledge regarding the Geneva conference . It is therefore no wonder he indulges in the most stupid utterances against the Geneva sessions . Another of his absurd statement is in relation to Poddala who had never even gone close to Geneva, let alone give evidence in Geneva.
The public should know that Dr. Packiasothy against whom this MaRa regime is fastening the label of traitor is the grandson of late P Saravanamuttu . It is his grandfather who gifted the famous P Saravanamuttu cricket stadium to the people of Sri Lanka . It is out of his own personal funds this stadium was built , unlike MaRa regime’s so called cardboard patriots like Mervyn the vermin who are doing lip service while also lining their pockets through corruption and extortion.

It has become crystal clear to the entire world that what exists in this country now is not a Govt. respecting the rules of law and democratic traditions , but a regime that is openly brutal run by a group of murderers headed by a despotic Idi Mahin

zwms;a w; wßkafka kEZ( iqks,d-ksu,ald-mdlHfida;sf.ka urdf.a u¾úka,dg ms<s;=rla


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='23" m'j'11'30& zf;dms ug wyqfjkak ,xldfj ysáfhd;a f;dfma w; mh m%isoaêfha lvk tld ;uhs u¾úka is,ajdZ hkqfjka urdKavqfõ weue;s u¾úka is,ajd úiska iqks,d wfífialr" ksu,ald m%kdkaÿ iy wdpd¾h mdlHfida;s irjkuq;a;= hk ;sfokdg m%isoaêfhau ;¾ckh lsÍfuka miq tu ;sfokd úiska ksfõokhla ksl=;a lr ;sfí' tys ±lafjkafka l=uk ;¾ck ;snqko ;uka udkj ysñlï fjkqfjka lrk l%shdldrlï k;r fkdlrk njhs' tu ;sfokdf.a taldnoaO ksfõokh my; ±lafõ'

miq.sh i;s lSmh ;=, ðkSjd kqjr tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ljqkai,fha lghq;= iu. ls%hdldÍj iïnkaO ùu fya;= fldgf.k ,xldfõ rdcH udOHhkaf.a Woyig jvd;au ,la jQ ,dxlsl udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ;sfokd jYfhka fuu meyeÈ,s lsÍu m%isoaO lsÍug fhduq fjuq'

fndfyda cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï iïuq;Skag w;aika ;eîu yryd ,xldfõ rch fj; mejfrk j.ùu meyer yefrkjd hehs wmg oefkk yeu fudfyd;lu" rcfha iy th hgf;a ls%hd;aul jk úúO wdh;k iy hdka;%Khkaf.a ls%hdldrlï ms<sn|j úfõpkd;aulj ne,Sug wm bÈßm;a jk nj wm lsis úfgl;a m%;slafIam lrkafka ke;' ,xldfõ ckdêm;s;=ud;a" t;=udf.a udkj ysñlï ms<sn| úfYaI ksfhdað;;=ud;a fyd¢ka okakd mßÈ w;S;fha § furg udkj ysñlï ms<sn| j.ùu idlaId;a lr.ekSu i|yd fï rch fj; wm ;sfokd u wmf.a fiajh iy iydh ,nd § ;sfí' WodyrKhla jYfhka" uyskao iurisxy weu;s;=ud udkj ysñlï ms<sn| weu;s OQrh oerE ld,fha§ wm ;sfokd u Tyq úiska m;a lrk ,o cd;sl WmfoaYl uKav,fha idudðlfhda jQy'

tfia u" ,xldfõ isÿjk udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Khùï iïnkaOfhka fuka u rfÜ mj;sk úks¾uqla;sfha ixialD;sh - tkï j.ùfuka ksoyiaùfï ixialD;sh - iïnkaOfhka iy tod fuod ;=r isÿjk W,a,x>Khùï i|yd j.ùula ke;sùu iïnkaOfhka wm cd;sl" l,dmSh iy cd;Hka;r uÜgfï lghq;= lrk úúO udkj ysñlï ixúOdk /ila iu. lghq;= lrk nj o wm m%;slafIam lrkafka ke;' udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka jYfhka th wm i;= whs;shls' wm l< hq;=u iudc fufyjrls' tu whs;sh wm úúO rchkaf.a md,k ld,hka ;=," jir .Kkdjla mqrd" ;yjqre fldg f.k we;af;a rdcH fuka u rdcH fkdjk úúO md¾Yjhkaf.ka wm fj; t,a, jQ m%ydr iy ìh.ekaùï fkdi<ld wfma iudch fjkilg Ndckh lrkakgh'
mYapd;a hqo wjêhl isg mYapd;a .egqï wúêhlg m%fõY jk ish¨ u mqrjeishkag idufhka iy .re;ajfhka hq;=j Ôj;a úh yels hqla;s iy.; udkqISh iy fi!Nd.Hu;a ,xldjla f.dvk.kakg" wm yuqfõ udj; újr jk ft;sydisl wjia:djl § wm ;sfokdg tfrysj w;sYhska fm!oa.,sl iy fmr fkdjQ úrE m%ydrhlg rch;a" tys udOHh;a ls%hd lsÍu ms<sn|j ieneúka u miq;eú,s úh hq;=h' lsis úfgl wm úiska bÈßm;a flfrk ldrKd flfrys yrhd;aul wNsfhda.hla olakg ke;' wm lSjd hehs lshk lsisÿ ldrKdjla we;af;ka u wm úiska lshejqfka ke;s nj" wm iïnkaO jQ ls%dldrlïj,g iyNd.s jQ fndfyda wh idlaIs or;s'

ljqkai,fha ,xldj ms<sn| bÈßm;a fldg ;sfnk fhdackdj m%;slafIm lsÍug ,xldfõ rch ork W;aidyhg fuu udOH m%pdrl jHdmdrh w;sYhska ydkslrh' we;af;ka u fhdackdj wdY%s; flafj,a lsÍïj,g jvd ðkSjd kqjr wm ÿgqfõ ,dxlsl udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkag tfrys j flÍ f.k hk m%ydrhka iy ìhjeoa§ï ms<sn| wjOdkhhs' wm úiska rg wmlS¾;shg m;a l<d hehs fpdaokd lrk wh" ;ukaf.a wruqKq iy ;u ls%hdjkaf.a m%;sM, úu¾Ykhg Ndckh lrkjd kï fhfyls' fhdackdj mrdch lsÍug lghq;= lrkq fjkqjg" ðkSjdys ,xld ;dkdm;sks ;urd l=kkdh.ï g isÿjQfha ,xldfõ;a" ljqkai,h ;=,;a ,dxlsl udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkag úreoaOj f.k hk m%ydr iy ìhjeoa§ï iïnkaOfhka úúO rdcH ksfhdað;hskag" ljqkai,fha iNdm;sg iy udkj ysñlï flduidßia ld¾hd,fha úúO ks,OdÍka g j. W;a;r ne£u i|yd wehf.a jákd ld,h jeh lsÍughs'

w;S;fha;a" j¾;udkfha;a" ,xldfõ isÿjk udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Khùïj,g j.ùug iy hqla;sh bgqlsÍug m%udKj;a iúu;a udkj ysñlï jHqyhla ,xldfõ f.dvke.Sug iy úks¾uqla;sh mrdch lsÍug lghq;= lrk udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka jYfhka wms" wfma mrudo¾Yhkag iy wruqKqj,g lem ù isáuq' udkj ysñlï ljqkai,fha ,xldj ms<sn| fhdackdjla ;snqk;a" ke;;a" ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï fjkqfjka wmf.a l¾;jHh È.ska È.g u wm úiska lrf.k hd hq;=h' th tfia u bÈßfha§ o isÿjkq we;'

w;aika flf<a"

iqks,d wfífialr
ksu,ald m%kdkaÿ
mdlHfida;s irjkuq;a;=

weue;s u¾úka is,ajd W;aidy lrkafka ud meyerf.k fomd lvd ±uQ by< n,Odßhd ksoyia lrkakhs -fmdaoao, chka;

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='25" m'j'4'30& jD;a;Sh m;%l,d fõ§kaf.a ix.ufha f,alï OQrh orñka isáh§ fmdaoao, chka; udOHfõÈhdf.a meyerf.k f.dia mehla muK ld,hla ;=, foll=,a lvd oud jO ysxid lr myr § w;r u. oud .sfha h' bkamiq Tyq Ôú; wdrlaIdj m;d rg yer .sfha h' fuu isÿùï isÿjQfha 2009 § jk w;r miq.shod weue;s u¾úka is,ajd fmdaoao, chka; ráka t,ejQfha ;ud hehs mqridrï foãh' tkï Tyqj meyerf.k ll=,a lvd ±uqfõ ;ud nj lSh' Bg miqj tjeksu wdldrfhka udkj ysñlï l%shdldÍkaf.a o w;mh lvk nj m%isoaêfha lSfõh' ll=,a lvd jO ysxid lsÍu .ek fmdaoao, chka; z,xld B ksõiaZ fj; m%ldYhla tjd ;sfí' ta fufiah'

zzud meyerf.k f.dia fomd lvd ì| oud w;s wudkqIsl jxO ysxid meñKùug j.lsj hq;a;d f,i ud ;rfha úYajdi lrkqfha th wdKavqfõ by, wdrlaIl n,Odßfhl=f.a l%shdjla jYfhks' tfia jqjo fï jk úg wjia:d ;=kl§ muK weue;s u¾úka is,ajd th ;udf.a jevla nj m%isoaêfha m%ldY lr ;sfí'

by; m%ldYh weue;s u¾úka is,ajd úiska lrkq ,nkafka ue meyerf.k f.dia jO ysxid meñKùug ksfhda. l< by; n,Odßhd wod, fpdaokdfjka ksoyia lsÍfï fldka;%d;a;=jg wkqjh' tfyhska" jßka jr isÿflfrk fujeks m%ldY .ek ud t;rï l,n, jkafka ke;'

Y%S ,xldj ;=, m%cd;ka;%jdoh" kS;sfha wdêm;Hh h,s ;yjqre jQ wjia:djl i;H f,iskau ud meyer .ekSug" jO ysxid meñKùug wKÿka mqoa.,hd kS;sfha bÈßhg f.k taug ug yelshdj ,efnkq we;'ZZ

fuÜgfha ;enqj;a cd;sjdohgu wefok l+ve,af,da iy iÕñ;a ñys÷ mrmqf¾ wúysxidjdoh ðkSjd udkj ysñlï iuq¿j wdYs¾jdohla lr .kafka flfiao@


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='23" m'j'7'30& ðkSjdys§ iïu; jQfha l=ula±hs yßhg fkdokakd ck;dj;a jxpksl foaYmd,lhka o" jHdc jdudxYslhka iy jHdc foaYfm%aóka o Bg úreoaOj l;d lrkakg mgka f.k ;sfí' ñys÷ f;rekaf.a iy ix>ñ;a;d f;rKshf.a mrmqfrka wúysxidjdoh Wreuh lr.;a ,xldfõ ienE fn!oaOhka jk fud<hla we;s ldka;djkag iy mqreIhkag ;reKhkag ;reKshkag fuu fhdackdjkag úreoaO úh yelso@

YS% ,xldj .ek Bfha ðkSjdys iïu; jQ fhdackdfõ isxy, mßj¾;kh fufiah fuh fyd¢ka lshjd n,kak

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%{ma;sh" udkj ysñlï ms<sn| úYaj m%ldYkh" udkj ysñlï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r .súiqï yd wkl=;a wod< f,aLk j, uÕ fmkaùu wkqj hñkao"

udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fha wdh;ksl Yla;su;a lsÍu ms<sn| 5$1 yd 5$2 hk ks¾foaYhka igyka lrñkao"

rgla ;%ia;jdohg tfrysj igka lsßfï§ .kakd ´kEu mshjrl§ cd;Hka;r kS;sh hgf;a Tjqkaf.a ne£ï yd úYaIfhkau cd;Hka;r udkj ysïlï" irKd.;hka yd udkqIjd§ kS;s wdÈh WÑ; f,i wkq.ukh lsÍug iy;sl úh hq;= nj h<s ;yjqre lrñkao"

YS% ,xldfõ cd;sl m%;sikaOdk ls%hdj,sh i|yd YS% ,xld W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï ^t,at,awd¾iS& jd¾;dfõ bÈßm;a lr we;s lreKq yd ks¾foaY odhl lr.; yels nj igyka lrñkao"

kS;s úfrdaë >d;k yd n,y;aldÍ w;=reoka lsÍu ms<sn| me;sÍ .sh fpdaokd .ek úYajdikSh úu¾Ykhl wjYH;dj" YS% ,xldfõ W;=re m%foaY yuqod md,kfhka ksoyia lsÍu" bvï wdrjq,a úi£u i|yd wmlaImd;S hdka;%Khla msysgqùu" /|jqï m%;sma;s kej; we.hSug ,la lsÍu" l,ska iajdëkj mej;s isú,a wdh;k Yla;su;a lsÍu" m<d;aj,g n,h úuOH.; lsÍu ms<sn|j foaYmd,k úi÷ulg t<öu" ish¨ fokdf.au woyia m%ldY lsÍfï whs;sj wdrlaId lsÍu yd m%j¾Okh" iy kS;sfha wdêm;Hh ms<sn| m%;sixialrK mekùu we;=¿ W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï jd¾;dfõ wvx.= iqnjd§ ks¾foaYhka WKqiqï f,i ms<s.ksñkao"

wka;¾cd;sl kS;sh nrm;, f,i W,a,x>Kh lsÍu ms<sn|j W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï jd¾;dj m%udKj;a wjOdkhla fhduqlr fkd;sîu .ek lkiai,a, igyka lrñkao"

01' W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï jd¾;dfõ wvx.= iqnjd§ ks¾foaYhka ls%hd;aul lrk f,i yd ish¨ YS% ,dxlslhkag hqla;sh" idOdrK;ajh" j.ùu yd m%;sikaOdkh iy;sl flfrk úYajdikSh yd iajdëk ls%hdud¾.hla wdrïN lsÍu ;=<ska wod< ffk;sl ne£u yd lemùu bIag lsÍug wjYH ish¨ wjYH w;sf¾l mshjr .kakd f,i YS% ,xld rcfhka b,a,d isà'

02' W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï jd¾;dfõ wvx.= ks¾foaY ls%hd;aul lsÍug fukau cd;Hka;r kS;s W,a,x>Kh lsÍu ms<sn| fpdaokd .ek lghq;= lsÍug rch f.k we;s yd .kakd mshjr úia;rd;aulj olajk mßmQ¾K ls%hdldÍ ie,eiaula yels blaukska bÈßm;a lrk f,i YS% ,xld rcfhka b,a,d isà'

03' by; i|yka mshjr ls%hd;aul lsÍug wjYH Wmfoia yd ;dlaIKsl iyh ,nd§ug Y%S ,xld rch iu. l;sld lrñka yd iu.dój' udkj ysñlï ljqkais,h yd wod< úfYaI ls%hdud¾. iemhSu;a" by; i|yka iydh ,nd§u ms<sn| jd¾;djla ljqkais,fha 22 jeks ieisjdrg bÈßm;a lrk f,i udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fhka b,a,d isà'
fuu fhdackd iïu; ùu Y%S ,xldfõ iaffjÍNdjhg ;¾ckhla hehs fidaujxY,d jeks fl;rï fuÜgfha ;enqj;a mrK cd;sjdohgu wefok foaYmd,k l+ve,af,da mji;s' fuu tlÿ fhdackdjla fyda mrfoaYlaldrhka f.a fhdackd jkafka flfiao@ W.;a mdvï fldñifï ysáfha iycd; Y%S ,dxlslhka fkdfõo@ tjka iycd; Y%S ,dxlslhkaf.a ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lrkakehs lSu iaffjÍNdjhg ydks lrkafka flfiao@ fïjd t,af,kak jef,a je,a ke;s ydohkaf.a ukia.d; h'

;ukag by,ska ueiafil=gj;a mshdUkak neßhehs is;d isák Y%S ,xldfõ úOdhl ckdêm;s jrfhla m<uq jrg cd;Hka;r ne£ulg fyda wjk;j lghq;= lsÍug isÿj ;sfí' fuh úOdhl ckdêm;s l%uhg úreoaO jQjkag u|la fyda iekis,a,la ,eîula úh hq;=h' úOdhl ckdêm;sg ú,x.=jla jeà ;sfí' tkï udkj ysñlï /lsh hq;=h lshd h'

fuh Y%S ,xldfõ ck;djg weußldj m%uqL ÈhqKq cd;Hka;r f,dalhla iu. tlaj lghq;= lsÍfï wjia:djla lr .; hq;=h' tfia fkdue;sj urd frÔuh rg mdjd ÿkakd hs lshñka urd g tyd hk cd;sjdohlg rg ±lalùu fkdfõ'

urd frÔuhg mlaI jQ rgj,a lõo@ yd,a lE,s rgj,a w;yer reishdj Ökh hk f,dl= rgj,a fol muKla .ksuq' ,xldfõ iïmQ¾K wmkhkfhka ishhg oYu 0'45 la muKla ,xldj Ökhg hjoa§ ,xldjg f.kajk wdkhkfhkaf.ka ishhg 12 lau f.kajkafka Ökfhks' Ökh iu. Y%S ,xldj lrk .Kqfokqfjka 2005 § fvd,¾ ñ,shk 600 lajQ ,xldjg isÿjk fj<| wjdish 2008 jk úg fvd,¾ ñ,shk 1044 la olajd jeä ù ;sfí' 2008 § ,xldj Ökhg nvq hjd fvd,¾ ñ,shk 46'8 la yïn lroa§ Ökfhka nvq f.kajd fvd,¾ ñ,shk 1091 la Ökhg f.jkq ,efí' Ökh ;u Kh uqo,ska ,xldjg ,nd § we;af;a jevlg .; fkdyels yïnkaf;dg jrdh jeks jHdmD;s h' ±kg lrf.k hk Ök jHdmD;sj, wvqu .Kfka lïlre riaidjla fyda ,dxlslhkag ,nd § ke;' tajdfhao jev lrkafka Ökakqh' foaYSh iemhqï lrejkago f.jkafka fidÉpï .Kka h' reishdjo tfiauh' wvqu .Kfka /lshdjla lsÍug ,xldfõ fld,af,l=g fl,af,l=g fï rgj, wjia:djla ,nd § ;sfío@ ke;' .dkla b;sßlr .; yels riaidjla fyda ,nd fokafka fldfykao ol=Kq fldßhdj jeks rglsks' ,xldfõ ;reK ;reKshka fmdÈ .eiS hkak yokafka fldfyago Ökhgo@ reishdjg o@ ol=Kq fldßhdjg fkdfõo@

ol=Kq fldßhdj uef,aishdj isx.mamqrej wd§ rgj,a muKla fkdj wi,ajeis bkaÈhdj mjd wo ÈhqKq jQfha Ökqka reishdkqjka msgqmi f.diska o@ weußldj hqfrdamh wd§ ngysr rgj,a iu. w;aje,a ne|f.k o@

,xldfõ fld,a,ka fl,a,ka mß>Kl idlaIr;djfha fyd| oialï olajkafkdah' Tjqkaf.a fndfyda .uka ud¾. jeà we;af;a weußldj iy hqfrdamh iu. ñi f,dalfha tlÿ mß.Kl jev igykla fyda ,shd .; fkdyels reishka NdIdj fyda Ök NdIdj iu. fkdfõ'

fmr lS iÕñ;a iy ñys÷ mrmqfrka mejf;k isß ,xldfõ wúysxidjd§ ienE fn!oaOhka jk nqoaêu;a ;reK fm< ukqiailu iu. ngysr iy hqfrdamh iu. w;aje,a ne| .; hq;=h' wukqiai fudav taldêm;s mjq,a md,khg kej;Sfï ,l=K ;nd urdjdoh meroùug fï ,eî we;s wjia:dj m%fhdackhg .; hq;=h

-úu,a ërfialr úisks-

Executive President put in fetters: time is ripe to defeat fake patriots and pedestal Mihindu -Sangamitta ahimsa traditions

(Lanka-e-News-25.March.2012, 3.00PM) The people of the country who are not fully aware of the resolutions adopted at the Geneva conference , the deceitful politicians, the opposition frauds and counterfeit patriots have taken offence against those resolutions and begun opposing them . But the question is , can we Sri Lankan Buddhists who are adherents of Mihindu Thero and Sangamitta and who have made ‘ ahimsa’ as an integral part of our life, as men ,women and youths having intelligence truly oppose these proposals.?

Please carefully read the resolutions given hereunder that were adopted yesterday at the Geneva conference:

UNHRC covenant.

Universal statement regarding human rights following the universal treaties and other relevant documents pertaining to human rights.

As noted under 5/1 and 5/2 of the recommendations strengthening the Human rights Council.

It is reiterated that when a country is engaged in a conflict against terrorists , the measures taken by it are bound by international laws., specially international human rights ,while refugee and humanitarian laws shall be abided by to the maximum .

It is noted that the explanations and recommendations in the SL lessons learnt and reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report regarding national reconciliation measures are monitored .

The necessity for a credible investigation into unlawful murders and forced disappearances . The administration of the Forces in the north of Sri Lanka shall be withdrawn. An impartial mechanism is put in place to settle Land disputes .Resettlement is reviewed . Civil Institutions strengthened which were earlier functioning independently. Seeking a political solution in regard to devolution of powers. for the provinces . Protecting and restoring the rights of all people to express their views and introducing reforms pertaining to legal traditions while rigidly accepting the salutary recommendations contained in the L LRC report.

It records its regret over the failure of the LLRC to duly pay attention to the issue of serious violations of international laws in its report.

1.It urges the SL Govt. to implement the salutary recommendations in the LLRC report , provide justice and fair play to all Sri Lankans , and foster reconciliation by commencing a credible and independent mechanism, and take all additional measures that are necessary to work with dedication and commitment towards that end.

2.It urges that full details of the comprehensive plan of the measures and steps taken by the Govt. to implement the recommendations contained in the LLRC report and , similarly in regard to the international law violations shall be submitted by the SL Govt. as early as possible.

3.It requests the Human rights Council to talk with and co ordinate with the SL Govt. with a view to providing the necessary advice and technical assistance . The Human rights Council shall furnish a report on the special support that is to be extended and the assistance to be provided towards achieving the objectives noted above, at the 22nd sessions of the Human rights Council.`

It is a pity that political turncoats as Somawansas who are mentally feeble and unstable view these resolutions as detrimental to our sovereignty , while political analysts unlike him who are far sighted are of the view that their stance is to once again plunge this country into racial turmoil.
How can anyone who is sane and sensible call these resolutions as foreign imperialism? Wasn’t the LLRC constituted of indigenous Sri Lankans? How can a request to implement the recommendations of such an LLRC of Sri Lankans be detrimental to the country’s sovereignty ?

The Executive President of SL who thought based on his stupid arrogance that even a fly cannot fly over his head is now subject to international fetters and restraints. This is some kind of relief to those who are opposed to the Executive Presidency. A barrier has been placed before him in order to make him respect human rights .

This can be utilized as an opportunity by the Sri Lankans to work in co ordination with world’s advanced countries like America.

What are the countries that stood by MaRa regime ? Let us take the two big countries like China and Russia , after leaving aside the mini states. While 0.45 % of our total exports are to China , imports from China constitute 12% of our total import .The loss incurred by SL ‘s trade with China in 2005 was US dollars 600 million which rose to US dollars million 1044 in 2008 .In 2008 , when SL was making a profit of US Dollars 46.8 million on exports , the Govt. was disbursing US dollars 1091 to China due to imports from that country. China providing aid to SL built a Hambantota Harbor which is serving no purpose. China on the on going projects had not even provided labor job opportunities to Sri Lankans. All those working in those projects are Chinese nationals. SL suppliers in respect of these projects are made meager payments .So is Russia. In the least these countries have not even helped the youths of this country to secure jobs. These youths are able to get jobs and save some money only in a country like South Korea. Isn’t it little wonder why the youths are making a scramble to go to Korea , and not Russia or China?.

Not only countries like South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore, even neighboring India developed not by trailing behind China and Russia, but by joining hands with Western countries like America and the Europe.

SL youths are possessed of excellent computer skills. They seek to develop and build their future not by going to Russia and China where their languages cannot help in computer work or skill advancement , but rather to America and European countries in the West.

In the circumstances , the intelligent youths of Sri Lanka who are true Buddhists nurtured in the traditions of ahimsa based on the Mhindu -Sangamitta ancestry as mentioned earlier ought to join with Western and Europeam countries with humaneness. They have therefore got the best opportunity now to defeat the inhuman despotic family reign and destroy the murderous clans.

By Wimal Dheerasekera -Translated to English by Jeff


ðkSjd ixo¾Ykh ksud úh( mrdch jy.kak ck;dj pQka lruq


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='24" m'j'5'30& ðkSjd fhdackdj merÿk;a wdKavqjg Yla;sh ,efnkjd hk uefhka Y%S ,xldfõ wdrlaIl f,alï jrhd udOH wdh;k m%OdkSka wu;d l< woyia m%ldY lsÍula udOH u.ska lsheúK' th lshùfuka l=;=y,h okjk m%Yak .Kkdjla u;=ù ;sfí' tys§ Tyq jeäÿrg;a m%ldY lr ;sfnkafka lsisfjl=f.a fyda n, mEulg hg;a fkdù ;j ÿrg;a rg bÈßhg f.khdug Y%S ,xld wdKavqjg bka Yla;sh ,efnk njh' tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ljqkai,fha§ Y%S ,xldfõ W.;a mdvï yd ixys¢hd fldñifï fhdackd l%shd;aul lrk f,i;a" miq.sh udkj ysñlï lvùï ms<sn| iajdëk mÍlaIKhla wdrïN lrk f,i;a n,lrñka weußldj f.k wd fhdackdj Y%S ,xld rdcHhg tfrys fhdackdjla fkdjk nj mqk mqkd lshd ;sìh§ th Y%S ,xld rdcHg tfrys fhdackdjla f,i yqjd olajñka Y%S ,xldfõ úmlaI kdhljrhd" udkj ysñlï l%shdOrhka yd udOHfõ§ka m;=re .iñka" ck;dj Wis .iajñka" msß;a lshñka" wêIAGdk mQcd mj;ajñka lrk ,o udOH ixo¾Yk;a" wdrlaIl f,alïjrhdf.a by; m%ldYh;a w;r we;s iïnkaOh l=ulao@ hkak ishqïj úuid ne,sh hq;=h'

tlai;a c;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ljqkai,fha Pkao úuiSug;a fmr wdrlaIl f,alï tjeks m%ldYhla lrkafka ksh; jYfhkau tlS fhdackdfjka Y%S ,xld wdKavqj mrdchg m;a jk nj Tyq fõ,dikskau ±k isá njhs' tu.ska Y%S ,xld rdcHh Yla;su;a fjkjd hehs Tyq lshkafka l=uk w¾:hlskao@ tfiakï wmg is;kakg isÿ jkafka fï l=uk fhdackd f.k wdj;a wm fuf;la lr.k wd iqmqreÿ jev ál lr f.k hk njhs' iqÿ jEka fhdod mqoa.,hska meyer .ekSu yd w;=reoyka lsÍu" fmd,sish yd yuqodj fhdod Woaf>daIlhska urd ±óu" jeks oE È.gu lrf.k hd yel' n,h fn§ula ms<sn| woyila fyda ;sfnk njg wdKavqj b.shla fyda lr fkdue;s neúka n,h fn§ula wjYH ke; hkak Tyqf.a woyi úh yel' tfukau udkj ysñlï lvùï rch úiska lr fkdue;s njg Tyq is;k neúka ta ms<sn| mÍlaIKhla lsÍug wjYH ke;'

ta wkqj miq.sh ld,fha w;=reoyka jQfha;a" l=vd orejdf.a isg uy,a,d olajd hqoaOfha§ ñh .sfha;a" mä jeä lrk f,i fyda f;,a ñ, wvq lrk f,i b,a,d lrk ,o Woaf>daIK j,§ ñh .sfha;a ;%ia;jd§kah' ;jo bÈßfha§ urd frÔuhg úreoaO jkakka w;=reoyka lrkq fyda urd oukq we;' ta ish¿ fokd ;%ia;jd§kah' ;%ia;jd§ka ñh hdu ms<sn| mÍlaIK wjYH ke;' fuh wdrlaIl f,alï jrhd we;=¿ urd frÔufha woyi yd jevms<sfj,hs' Tyq lshkafka fï ál È.gu lr f.k hd yels njlao@ tfia kï ,xldjg fohshkaf.au msysghs'

tfukau Tjqkaf.a fuu woyi ;yjqre jk ;j;a ldrkhla ;sfí' by; lS fhdackdj wmf.a rgg tfrys fhdackdjla f,i;a" th iïu; jQjfyda Nhdkl m%;sM, w;a ú§ug isÿ jk njg;a ì,af,la ueùfï fldka;%d;a;=j Ndr§ ;snqfKa úu,a ùrjxY jeks ukaonqoaêl foaYmd,lhkagh' tjekakjqka miq.sh ld,h mqrdjgu lf<a cd;s wd,h ujd mdñka isxy, ck;dj f.dkdg wekaoùuh' ck;dj f.dkdg wkaod mdrg f.k tafuka f;,a ñf,a m%Yak hgm;a lr .; yel' úÿ,s ì, yd nvq ñ, yd nia .dia;= ;jÿrg;a jeä l< yel' udkj ysñlï urd f.k wkqNj l< yel' úu,a ùrjxY jeks fudavhka iu. ck;dj pQka jQ miq tajd ck;djg m%Yakhla fkdfõ' tksid urd frÔuhg lrf.k wd jev ál tf,iu lrf.k hd yel'

miq.shod tlai;a c;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ljqkai,fha Pkao úuiSfuka Y%S ,xld wdKavqj mrdch ùfuka miq wdKavqfõ ue;s weu;s jreka md¾,sfuka;=fjka t<shg nei úfrdaO;djhla mj;ajk ,§' tlS úfrdaO;djfha PdhdrEm fuys Èiafõ' tlS PdhdrEm foi fydÈka ne¨j fyd;a wmg f;areï hkafka l=ulao@ wdKavqj mejiQfha fuh rdcH úfrdaë fhdackdjla f,ihs' tfia kï th ;Èkau ±fkkafka md¾,sfuka;= ksfhdað; jrekagh' kuq;a tjeks ±jeka; wNsfhda.hla ±Kqk njla fuu PdhdrEmfhka Tng ±l .; yelso@ ke; Tjqkag fuh Tjqkag fuh úys¿jls' ukao ±ka ck;dj pQka ù we; tfyhska foaYudul;ajh fya;= fldg f.k ck;dj Tjqkag kej; jrla n,h fokq we;'

tla PdhdrEmhlska fmfkafka kshu ñkSurejdh' ñkSurejd bÈßfhkau isà' ta lreKd wïudkah' W.;a mdvï yd ixys¢hd fldñifï jd¾;dfjka Tyqg iDcqju fpdaokd t,a, ù ;sfí' wfkld fu;k ke; ukao ta jk úg Tyq isáfha ðkSjd ljqkais,fhah' Tyq v.a,ia foajdkkaoh' fuh kï ñkSurefjl= hqla;sh mis|,Su i|yd úksYap ldrjrfhl= f,i m;a l<d yd iudkh' Tjqka wo rfÜ iaffjÍ Ndjh .ek lE .ikafka oyia .Kka óka ueÍfuka miqjh' wo Tjqka ñkSurejkao" ;%ia;jd§kao fkdfõ' Tjqka urd frÔufha iqjp lSlre f.da,hkah'

fuu úfrdaO;djfha yv mg Tn kerUqjdkï ;j;a fohla ;yjqre lr .; yel' tys§ lsh jqkq m%Odk igka mdGh jQfha úmlaIhg rg mdjd fkdfok f,ihs' Tjqka lE .eiqfõ weußldjg tfrysj fkdj úmlaIhg tfrysjh' thska lshfjkafkao@ ±ka Pkaofhka mer§ yudrh' ±ka weußldjg tfrys ùfuka jevla ke;' ;j ÿrg;a rg ;=< ;u n,h ;nd .ekSug kï úmlaIfha rg mjd ÿkakd heh lshñka ck;dj pQka l< hq;=h' fyg isg rg ;=< isÿ jkafka thhs' neß fj,d fyda miq.shod rch fuu fhdackdj ch .;af;a kï fyg Èk isÿjkafka l=ulao@ wêrdcH wNsfhda. yuqfõ fkdie¨Kq wdvïnr cd;sfha kdhlhd uefhka lgjqÜ rg mqrd t,a,kq we;' mdrj,a mqrd lsßn;a okai,a ;sfnkq we;' cd;sl Oc t,a,kq we;' úu,a ùrjxY fmmais flda,d" fldld flda,d" .+.,a Ôï,a" uelafvk,aâ rg ;=< ;ykï lsÍfï fhdackdjla md¾,sfïka;=jg f.fkkq we;' taajdfhkao ck;dj pQka jkq we;' Y%S ,xldfõ ck;dj ks;ru pQka tfla isà kï uyskaog th fyd|gu m%udKj;ah'

tfiakï fï ish,a, yuqfõ wdKavqfõ jqjukdj ch.%ykh lf<ao@
fiakl j;af;af.or úisks

msiaiqo@ yeáo@ ùrfhda fokakd ue;s weue;s igkska m,d .syska


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='23" fm'j'7'30& md¾,sfïka;=fõ wdKavq mlaIfha ue;s weue;s /, Bfha wmQre rdcH ;dka;%sl lghq;a;l kshe¨ky' tkï nek¾ /f.k úfrdaO;d igka mdG lshñka md¾,sfïka;=j bÈßmsg úfrdaO;djla meje;aùuhs' fuys§ Tjqyq úmlaIh rg mdjd fok fødaySka hehs igka mdG lSug wu;rj c.;a udkj ysñlï iuq¿jg tfrysj o igka mdG uqr .Efjdah'

fuys§ olakg ,enqKq úfYaI;u foh kï c.;a iuq¿ úfrdaOh;a weußldkq úfrdaOh;a weg f,a ñÿ¿ j,gu ls|d nei ;sfnk wdldrfhka miq.sh Èk lsysmfha ùrhka jQ ùrjxY-pïmsl vn, Bfha ue;s weue;s úfrdaOhg iyNd.S fkdùuhs'

wdKavq mlaIfha ixúOdhljrhdf.a ld¾hd,fhka mKsvqv msg mKsvqv heõjo fuu fofokd iyNd.S jQfha ke;' ta fofokd muKla fkdj 60 fofklau iyNd.S jQfha ke;' wdKavq mlaI ixúOdhljrhd fldf;la uykais jqjo iyNd.S jQfha 162 la isákd wdKavq mlaI ue;s weue;s /f,ka 102 la muKs'

md¾,sfïka;=j uyck ksfhdað;hka f,i cd;Hka;r lghq;a;l§ úfrdaOh mE hq;= rdcH ;dka;%sl wdldrhj;a fkdokakd fï jDIN rdc urdjd§yq ;u ;u keK muK l=ula±hs Bfha f,djgu úoyd ±lajQy' tlsfkld mrod ifrdï we|ka T¨fjka ysg.;af;da Tjqyqu h'

fï w;r Bfha je'n' udOH weue;a;d lSfõ c.;a iuq¿ fhdackdj jdishla njhs' Bfha ùrjxY-pïmsl-ffu;%S-iqis,a kvh lSfõo c.;a iuq¿fjka l=uk fhdackdjla iïu; jqj;a wdKavqfõ jev ms,sfj< tf,iu f.k hk njhs' tjeksu l;djla wdrlaIl f,alï nhf.da;do lshd ;sìK' Tyq lshd ;snqfka lshqndjg tfrysj fujeks fhdackd 600 la iïu; lrf.k we;;a lsisjla isÿù ke;s w;r ;udg;a whshdg;a fuu c.;a fhdackd iïu; ùu m%Yakhla fkdjk njhs'

urdKavqfõ u;h th kï c.;a iuq¿ fhdackdjg tfrysj udihlg wdikak ld,hla ;siafia y;s uqKska jeà uyck uqo,a úkdY lrñka ,xldfõ muKla fkdj f,dalh mqrdjgo úfrdaO;d ±lajQfha l=ugo@ hkak m%Yakhls' jdishla isÿjk fhdackdjlg úreoaO jQfha wehs@ msiaiqo@ yeáo@

l=uk fhdackdjla iïu; jqj;a wdKavqfõ jev ms<sfj, tf,iu f.k hkjd hhs lsh;s' tkï iqÿ jEka j,ska ñksiqka meyer .ekSu;a ñkSurejka yiqjq úg fmd,sia f,dlalka ,jd ksoyia lr.ekSu;a tf,iu f.k hkjdo@ wvquqo,lg nQñf;,a ld,la b,a,k iduldó úfrdaO;d lrejkag T¿j midre fjkak fjä ;shk l%uh È.gu f.kshkjdo@ ixpdrl l;=ka ¥IKh lr Tjqkaf.a fmïj;=kag à-56 ka fjä ;nd urd ±óug m%dfoaYSh urdjd§kag ;sfnk wjirh" ;reKshka ¥IKh lsÍug iy ;ukag tfrys ;reKhka >d;kh lsÍug ;u m%dfoaYSh urdjd§kag ;sfnk wjirh È.gu f.kshkjdo@ uyck iïnkaO;d weue;sg lmamï .ekSug we;s whs;sh È.gu ;yjqre lrkjd o@ tfukau ckdêm;s WmfoaYlfhl= jqj;a kdfyg wykafka ke;skï l=vq ldr uka;%S,d ,jd uy u.§ fjä ;nd >d;kh lr th fmd,sia m%OdkSka ,jd ksÍlaIkh lrjk l%uh È.gu f.kshkjdo@ fldákau urdêm;shdf.a wm, j,g rcjrekaf.a lvq fidhñka fl!;=ld.dr fydfrka ì¢k rc uyd úydr jdiS ix> kdhlhka >d;kh lr rcjrekaf.a lvq fidhk l%uh È.gu f.kshkjd o@

fudk fhdackd f.kdj;a zwms fufyuhs n,af,d yokafkaZ lshd bÈßhg;a n¨ jev lrk m%;sm;a;sfha hkafka kï fï ;sßika urdjd§kaf.a ureúl,h k;r lsÍug n,j;a cd;Skaf.a iydh ck;d n,fõ. j,g w;HdjYH jkjd fkdwkqudkh' c.;a iuq¿fõ iïu; jQ fhdackdj ta i|yd uy;a msgqjy,la jkjd we;'

Incurably insane or innately aberrant ? The two ‘great heroes’ are of the vanishing breed

(Lanka-e-News-23.March.2012, 11.55PM) The Ministers and MPs of the Govt. engaged in a queer task yesterday which truly pertains to the Diplomatic circles. That is, their staging of protests carrying banners and shouting slogans in front of the Parliament yesterday. During the protests they claimed that the opposition were traitors and were betraying the country while also demonstrating against the International human rights conference.

What was most strikingly noteworthy were the conspicuous absence of Weerawansa- Champika cardboard heroes who during the last several days screamed hoarse against the Int. conference and the US resolutions keeping away from yesterday’s protests .

Despite the Govt. sending notice after notice to all of them on this , these cardboard patriots made it a point to keep away. Not only the two cardboard heroes , 60 others also did not participate. Though the Govt. organizers toiled hard , of the 162 Ministers and MPs of the Govt. , only 102 took part in the protests.

The whole world was made known yesterday how the MaRa regime cardboard heroes and zeroes behave according to their own whims and fancies compromising national interests even without the country’s Diplomatic quarters being aware of the tomfoolery and buffoonery of these hypocritical people’s representatives of MaRa in Parliament. Each hero cum zero was standing on his head according to his fancy as though to defeat the other in such a contest. May be Weerawansa and Champika who have always by their moronic conduct made the people to doubt whether they have ‘heads’ at all did not participate , perhaps because they did not have heads to stand on confirming people’s doubts .

Meanwhile the Acting Minister for media , said yesterday , the International resolutions are in their favor. The four partners of the ‘cardboard patriots syndicate’ , namely , mongol Weerawansa , moron Champika, bunglers Maithri and Susil said , regardless of whatever resolutions are adopted at the UN conference , the Govt. would carry on regardless. Even Bayagotha had made such an utterance. He stated , 600 resolutions were adopted against Cuba , but nothing happened there . To him and his brother these resolutions are of no consequence.

If that is the stance of this MaRa regime why on earth did the regime waste public funds moving heaven and earth to organize protests and demonstrations within and without SL? Why were protests staged against resolutions which are of no consequence ? Is the regime gone mad or is it gone bad due to rotting ?

The regime says , irrespective of these resolutions, its activities will be carried on as usual. Then , is the regime going to continue as usual with its unlawful criminal activities of abducting ad killing citizens using the white Van , and then send its police higher ups who are its shameless stooges and release the criminals involved in those crimes? Is it going to continue with its murders as usual killing innocent protestors by shooting and blowing their heads into smithereens , when they justifiably demand the reduction of the prohibitive kerosene and fuel Prices? Is the regime as usual going to give ‘licenses’ to its local body members to rape foreign tourists after shooting and killing their lovers with a T56 weapon ? Is the regime as usual going to continue permitting its local body murderous members to rape young girls and kill youths who are their opponents? Is the regime as usual going to allow its public relations Minister to continue with his roaring extortion business ? Is the regime as usual going to continue killing even a Presidential advisor by shooting if he does not heed them , on the main highway in broad daylight using its kudu peddling MPs , and protract the investigations with the help of its high ranking police stooges? Is the regime’s chief MaRa , in order to drive out the evil spell plaguing him according to his astrological chart going to continue with his stealthy methods of robbing the museum , and attempting to rob the Raja Maha Vihara even after killing the two Buddhist priests with a view to retrieve the ancient swords of Kings which are supposed to give protection to him against his evil planetary positions?
When it is the policy of the regime that ‘ we will carry on regardless’, ‘regardless of what resolutions are brought against our unlawful activities’ , such a regime of scoundrels who follow the jungle laws certainly don’t deserve a place in disciplined society . It is the people who should build the campaign in the interests of the nation and the future generation to drive these beasts into the jungles which is the best place they deserve where they can practice their jungle laws with those of their own kind.

There is no doubt that if the atrocities of this brutal and bestial regime are to be stopped , the assistance of the foreign nations is imperative . No country can survive in isolation for long Hence , the resolutions adopted at the UN human rights council basically aiming at protection of human rights is indispensable . Only beasts in human form that cannot understand the value of human rights will panic and fear to respect and act on them.
By Sandaruwan Senadheera (Translated to English by Jeff)

w;=reoyka l< l+.kaf.a ìß|g n,mEï( fmd,siam;sg lshhs

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='24" m'j'4'10& hdmkfha§ w;=reoyka jQ ck wr., jHdmdrfha ixúOdhljrfhl= jQ l=.ka uqre.dkkaokaf.a ìß|g wdrlaIl wxYj,ska n,mEï t,a, ùula .ek tu jHdmdrfha md¾,sfïka;= ka;%S ks;s{ wð;a l=udr uy;d fmd,siam;s jrhd fj; ,smshla hjd ;sfí tu ,smsh fufiah


01' miq.sh foieïn¾ 09 jeksod hdmkh kS¾fõ,s m%foaYfha§ meyer f.k hkq ,enQ l=.ka uqre.dkkaoka ifydaorhdf.a ksjig Bfha ^2012'03'23& jeks Èk m'j' 4'00g muK ks, we÷fuka ieriqKq yuqod ks,OdÍka isõ fokl= meñK" isxyf,ka ,shk ,o ,smshlg Tyqf.a ìß|f.a w;aik n,y;aldrfhka ,nd .ekSug W;aidy ord ;sfí'

02' isxy, NdIdfjka .kq fokq l< fkdyels weh Bg w;aika ;eîu m%;slafIam lsÍfuka wk;=rej yuqod ks,OdÍka wehg ;¾ckh lr msgj f.dia we;'

03' Bg iq¿ fõ,djlg miqj isg isú,a we÷fuka ieriqKq wdrlaIl wxYj,g iïnkaO hehs iel l< yels msßia h;=re meÈj, ke.S wehf.a ksji jgd iy tu m%foaYfha ierirñka isà' fï ksid weh iy wehf.a kj yeúßÈ ±ßh ±ä udkisl lïmkhg yd ìhg m;aj we;'

04' ck wr., jHdmdrfha hdmkh Èia;%sla ixúOdhl ,,s;a l=ud¾ ùrrdÊ ifydaorhd iy tys l%shdldßl l=.ka uqre.dkkaoka ifydaorhd meyer f.k hdu iïnkaOfhka wm ,o f;dr;=re Tn fj; óg fmr ,sÅ;j ±kqï § we;;a fï jk ;=re;a fmd,sish wkq.ukh lrkafka ksy~ ms<sfj;ls' ke;skï mÍlaIK hg .eiSfï ms<sfj;ls'

05' ;;ajh fufia ;sìh§ ;ks ù isák wehg ;¾ckh lsÍu" weh fkdokakd NdIdjlska ,shd we;s ,smshlg n,y;aldrfhka w;aika .ekSug W;aidy lsÍu" wehj ìhg m;a lrñka wehf.a ksji jgd ieß ieÍug wdrlaIl wxY idudðlhska fhoùu b;d nrm;< lreKls' fuh kS;s úfrdaë l%shdjla iy udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kh lsÍula f,io wms i,luq'

06' fï ksid Tjqkaf.a wdrlaIdj iy;sl lrk f,i;a fï ms<sn|j jydu mÍlaIKhla mj;ajk f,i;a wehf.ka n,y;aldrfhka w;aika .ekSug meñKs yuqod ks,OdÍkag iy Bg iïnkaO wfkl=;a ks,OdÍkag tfrysj jydu kS;sh l%shdfõ fhdojk f,i tys m%;sM, fkdmudj ±kqï fok f,i;a b,a,d isáuq'


mqÿuhs ta;a we;a;hs( urd frÔufhka wxl tfla ;l;Sre jevla( hqfrdamfha ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, jid W.kavdfõ wßkak hhs

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='24" m'j'6'30& Y%S ,xldj hqfrdamfha ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, /ila jid ±óug urd frÔuh úiska ;SrKh lr we;ehs bßod i;s wka; mqj;a m;l wdKavqfõ f;dr;=re jd¾;d lre úiska jd¾;d lr ;sfí' tx.,ka;h m%xYh iy c¾uksfha ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, iy hqfrdamd ix.ï ld¾hd,h muKla ;nd .ksñka fmda,ka;h fkda¾fõ iaùvka fko¾,ka; iy ´iaá%hd hk rgj, ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, jid ±óug hhs'

urd frÔufha úfoaY m%;sm;a;shg iydhla fkdolajk hqfrdamd rgj, ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, ;nd .ekSfuka m,la ke;ehso ta fjkqjg ,;ska weußld wms%ld iy wdishd rgj, kj ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, wdrïN lsÍug o urd frÔu úiska lghq;= flfrkq we;ehs tu jd¾;dfõ ±lafõ' fï wkqj W.kavdfõ iy fldxf.dafõ kj ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, wdrïN flfrkq we;ehso urd frÔufha úfoaY wud;HxYfhao úYd, fjkila we;s lsÍug hk njo tu jd¾;d mjihs'
jid ±óug hk ´iaá%hdj iy fkda¾fõ miq.shod weußldkq fhdackdjg mlaIj Pkaoh ÿka rgj,a folla jk w;r w¨;ska wdrïN lsÍug hk W.kavdj iy fldxf.daj urd frÔuhg mlaIj Pkaoh ÿka rgj,a folls'

fuf;la l< ;rula fudav ;l;Sre jev isÿlr we;s urd frÔuh fï lrkak hkafka h<s ilia l< fkdyels ;rfï rgg úk lrk f.dka lula nj ;;= o;a wh mji;s'













































































úOdhl ckdêm;sg ú,x.=jla jeà we;( jHdc foaYfm%auh mrojd iÕñ;a ñys÷ mrmqf¾ wúysxidj ch.%yKh lrúh hq;=h

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='23" m'j'7'30& ðkSjdys§ iïu; jQfha l=ula±hs yßhg fkdokakd ck;dj;a jxpksl foaYmd,lhka o" jHdc jdudxYslhka iy jHdc foaYfm%aóka o Bg úreoaOj l;d lrkakg mgka f.k ;sfí' ñys÷ f;rekaf.a iy ix>ñ;a;d f;rKshf.a mrmqfrka wúysxidjdoh Wreuh lr.;a ,xldfõ ienE fn!oaOhka jk fud<hla we;s ldka;djkag iy mqreIhkag ;reKhkag ;reKshkag fuu fhdackdjkag úreoaO úh yelso@

YS% ,xldj .ek Bfha ðkSjdys iïu; jQ fhdackdfõ isxy, mßj¾;kh fufiah fuh fyd¢ka lshjd n,kak

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%{ma;sh" udkj ysñlï ms<sn| úYaj m%ldYkh" udkj ysñlï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r .súiqï yd wkl=;a wod< f,aLk j, uÕ fmkaùu wkqj hñkao"

udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fha wdh;ksl Yla;su;a lsÍu ms<sn| 5$1 yd 5$2 hk ks¾foaYhka igyka lrñkao"

rgla ;%ia;jdohg tfrysj igka lsßfï§ .kakd ´kEu mshjrl§ cd;Hka;r kS;sh hgf;a Tjqkaf.a ne£ï yd úYaIfhkau cd;Hka;r udkj ysïlï" irKd.;hka yd udkqIjd§ kS;s wdÈh WÑ; f,i wkq.ukh lsÍug iy;sl úh hq;= nj h<s ;yjqre lrñkao"

YS% ,xldfõ cd;sl m%;sikaOdk ls%hdj,sh i|yd YS% ,xld W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï ^t,at,awd¾iS& jd¾;dfõ bÈßm;a lr we;s lreKq yd ks¾foaY odhl lr.; yels nj igyka lrñkao"

kS;s úfrdaë >d;k yd n,y;aldÍ w;=reoka lsÍu ms<sn| me;sÍ .sh fpdaokd .ek úYajdikSh úu¾Ykhl wjYH;dj" YS% ,xldfõ W;=re m%foaY yuqod md,kfhka ksoyia lsÍu" bvï wdrjq,a úi£u i|yd wmlaImd;S hdka;%Khla msysgqùu" /|jqï m%;sma;s kej; we.hSug ,la lsÍu" l,ska iajdëkj mej;s isú,a wdh;k Yla;su;a lsÍu" m<d;aj,g n,h úuOH.; lsÍu ms<sn|j foaYmd,k úi÷ulg t<öu" ish¨ fokdf.au woyia m%ldY lsÍfï whs;sj wdrlaId lsÍu yd m%j¾Okh" iy kS;sfha wdêm;Hh ms<sn| m%;sixialrK mekùu we;=¿ W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï jd¾;dfõ wvx.= iqnjd§ ks¾foaYhka WKqiqï f,i ms<s.ksñkao"

wka;¾cd;sl kS;sh nrm;, f,i W,a,x>Kh lsÍu ms<sn|j W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï jd¾;dj m%udKj;a wjOdkhla fhduqlr fkd;sîu .ek lkiai,a, igyka lrñkao"

01' W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï jd¾;dfõ wvx.= iqnjd§ ks¾foaYhka ls%hd;aul lrk f,i yd ish¨ YS% ,dxlslhkag hqla;sh" idOdrK;ajh" j.ùu yd m%;sikaOdkh iy;sl flfrk úYajdikSh yd iajdëk ls%hdud¾.hla wdrïN lsÍu ;=<ska wod< ffk;sl ne£u yd lemùu bIag lsÍug wjYH ish¨ wjYH w;sf¾l mshjr .kakd f,i YS% ,xld rcfhka b,a,d isà'

02' W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï jd¾;dfõ wvx.= ks¾foaY ls%hd;aul lsÍug fukau cd;Hka;r kS;s W,a,x>Kh lsÍu ms<sn| fpdaokd .ek lghq;= lsÍug rch f.k we;s yd .kakd mshjr úia;rd;aulj olajk mßmQ¾K ls%hdldÍ ie,eiaula yels blaukska bÈßm;a lrk f,i YS% ,xld rcfhka b,a,d isà'

03' by; i|yka mshjr ls%hd;aul lsÍug wjYH Wmfoia yd ;dlaIKsl iyh ,nd§ug Y%S ,xld rch iu. l;sld lrñka yd iu.dój' udkj ysñlï ljqkais,h yd wod< úfYaI ls%hdud¾. iemhSu;a" by; i|yka iydh ,nd§u ms<sn| jd¾;djla ljqkais,fha 22 jeks ieisjdrg bÈßm;a lrk f,i udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fhka b,a,d isà'
fuu fhdackd iïu; ùu Y%S ,xldfõ iaffjÍNdjhg ;¾ckhla hehs fidaujxY,d jeks fl;rï fuÜgfha ;enqj;a mrK cd;sjdohgu wefok foaYmd,k l+ve,af,da mji;s' fuu tlÿ fhdackdjla fyda mrfoaYlaldrhka f.a fhdackd jkafka flfiao@ W.;a mdvï fldñifï ysáfha iycd; Y%S ,dxlslhka fkdfõo@ tjka iycd; Y%S ,dxlslhkaf.a ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lrkakehs lSu iaffjÍNdjhg ydks lrkafka flfiao@ fïjd t,af,kak jef,a je,a ke;s ydohkaf.a ukia.d; h'

;ukag by,ska ueiafil=gj;a mshdUkak neßhehs is;d isák Y%S ,xldfõ úOdhl ckdêm;s jrfhla m<uq jrg cd;Hka;r ne£ulg fyda wjk;j lghq;= lsÍug isÿj ;sfí' fuh úOdhl ckdêm;s l%uhg úreoaO jQjkag u|la fyda iekis,a,la ,eîula úh hq;=h' úOdhl ckdêm;sg ú,x.=jla jeà ;sfí' tkï udkj ysñlï /lsh hq;=h lshd h'

fuh Y%S ,xldfõ ck;djg weußldj m%uqL ÈhqKq cd;Hka;r f,dalhla iu. tlaj lghq;= lsÍfï wjia:djla lr .; hq;=h'

urd frÔuhg mlaI jQ rgj,a lõo@ yd,a lE,s rgj,a w;yer reishdj Ökh hk f,dl= rgj,a fol muKla .ksuq' ,xldfõ iïmQ¾K wmkhkfhka ishhg oYu 0'45 la muKla ,xldj Ökhg hjoa§ ,xldjg f.kajk wdkhkfhkaf.ka ishhg 12 lau f.kajkafka Ökfhks' Ökh iu. Y%S ,xldj lrk .Kqfokqfjka 2005 § fvd,¾ ñ,shk 600 lajQ ,xldjg isÿjk fj<| wjdish 2008 jk úg fvd,¾ ñ,shk 1044 la olajd jeä ù ;sfí' 2008 § ,xldj Ökhg nvq hjd fvd,¾ ñ,shk 46'8 la yïn lroa§ Ökfhka nvq f.kajd fvd,¾ ñ,shk 1091 la Ökhg f.jkq ,efí' Ökh ;u Kh uqo,ska ,xldjg ,nd § we;af;a jevlg .; fkdyels yïnkaf;dg jrdh jeks jHdmD;s h' ±kg lrf.k hk Ök jHdmD;sj, wvqu .Kfka lïlre riaidjla fyda ,dxlslhkag ,nd § ke;' tajdfhao jev lrkafka Ökakqh' foaYSh iemhqï lrejkago f.jkafka fidÉpï .Kka h' reishdjo tfiauh' wvqu .Kfka /lshdjla lsÍug ,xldfõ fld,af,l=g fl,af,l=g fï rgj, wjia:djla ,nd § ;sfío@ ke;' .dkla b;sßlr .; yels riaidjla fyda ,nd fokafka fldfykao ol=Kq fldßhdj jeks rglsks' ,xldfõ ;reK ;reKshka fmdÈ .eiS hkak yokafka fldfyago Ökhgo@ reishdjg o@ ol=Kq fldßhdjg fkdfõo@

ol=Kq fldßhdj uef,aishdj isx.mamqrej wd§ rgj,a muKla fkdj wi,ajeis bkaÈhdj mjd wo ÈhqKq jQfha Ökqka reishdkqjka msgqmi f.diska o@ weußldj hqfrdamh wd§ ngysr rgj,a iu. w;aje,a ne|f.k o@

,xldfõ fld,a,ka fl,a,ka mß>Kl idlaIr;djfha fyd| oialï olajkafkdah' Tjqkaf.a fndfyda .uka ud¾. jeà we;af;a weußldj iy hqfrdamh iu. ñi f,dalfha tlÿ mß.Kl jev igykla fyda ,shd .; fkdyels reishka NdIdj fyda Ök NdIdj iu. fkdfõ'

fmr lS iÕñ;a iy ñys÷ mrmqfrka mejf;k isß ,xldfõ wúysxidjd§ ienE fn!oaOhka jk nqoaêu;a ;reK fm< ukqiailu iu. ngysr iy hqfrdamh iu. w;aje,a ne| .; hq;=h' wukqiai fudav taldêm;s mjq,a md,khg kej;Sfï ,l=K ;nd urdjdoh meroùug fï ,eî we;s wjia:dj m%fhdackhg .; hq;=h

-úu,a ërfialr úisks-


isxy fldähg uqjd ù ðkSjd wd ñkSurefjda ud urkak wdjd -iqkkao foaYm%sh


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='19" m'j'6'00& wo tkï ud¾;= 19 jk Èk ðkSjd ysñlï fldñiu bÈßmsg fo;=ka ishhla muK úfoia .; Y%S ,xlsl msßila iduldó Woaf>daIKhl ksr; jQy' fuu Woaf>daIlhska lshd isáfha Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï iïnkaOfhka weußldj udkj ysñlï ljqkais,hg f.k tk fhdackdj m%;slafIam l< hq;= nj h'

tu cdhdrEm fuys ±lafõ'

ta w;r tys isá odußlhska msßila Woaf>daIKfha cdhdrem .ksñka isá ud urd ±óug lE .eiQy' tf,i ñkS ueÍug lE .eiqfõ f,dlfha u udkj ysñlï /lSug we;s by<u ia:dkhla jk udkj ysñlï ljqkais,h bÈßmsg §h'

tlS ñkSurejkaf.ka wdrlaIdùug ug fmd,sia iydh ,enqKs' tfia fkdjqks kï isxy fldähg uqjd jQ fuu ñkSurejka úiska ud urd uia lkakg ;snqKs' Tjqka lE .eiqfõ f;df.a uia lkjd n,af,da lshñks'

ðkSjd kqjr uyck fm<md,s ;ykï l< hq;= njg trg olaIsKdxYsl msßia jHdmdrhla Èh;a lr we;s w;r th idOdrK lsÍug Tjqka fhdod .kafka fujeks ñkSurejkaf.a l%shdl,dmhka h'


ðkSjdys ryis.; r:hl iÕjdf.k fldaá .Kkl hqfrda fno,d

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='21" m'j'4'30& ðkSjdys c.;a udkj ysñlï iuq¿jg tfrysj Woaf>daIk meje;aùu b;d ,dnodhS jHdmdrhla ù ;sfí' miq.sh 19 od ðkSjd meje;s Woaf>daIKhg b;d,sfha isák /lshd úrys; mqoa.,hka fkdñf,a nia r: j,ska m%jdykh lrñka tajd ixúOdkh l< mqoa.,hkag fld<U urd frÔuh úiska w;s úYd, uqo,a lkaordjla f.jd ;sfí' Woaf>daIkh ksud ùfuka miq ryis.; iqfLdamfNda.S r:hl msgqmi wiqfka isg ta fjkqfjka hqfrda ,laI .Kkl i,a,s u,a,lska i,a,s f.k tlsfkldg f.jd ;sfí' nia r: j, .dia;=" yhs fõ .dia;= lEu .dia;=" u;ameka .dia;= wdÈh .Kka lS muKska hqfrda j,ska uqo,a f.jd ;sfí' tmuK uqo,a lkaola hqfrda fkdaÜgq j,ska Ndú;d lsÍula idudkHfhka tu rgj, isÿfkdjqko fufia fldaá .Kkl uqo,la Ndú;d flf<a flfiao hkak .eg¿jls'

udOH iodpdrh flf<iñka b;d,sfha fuu ixpdr ixúOdkh l< jka Y%S ,xld kï udOH ysñlrejdgo fld<ôka úYd, uqo,la f.jd we;s w;r jeä nia r: ixLHdjla fmkajd uqo,a há uä .id .ekSfuka úYd, ,dNhla fudjqka fidhd .kS' fuu Wof>daIK ixpdr jHdmdrh .ek fyd¢ka ri okakd pkaømd, ,shkf.a o b;d,shg yÈisfhau meñK .dKla lmdf.k we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'
fï w;r wr,sh.y ukaÈrhg meñfKk urdjd§kaf.ka fï Èkj, frÔudêm;s wik fmdÿ m%Yakhla ;sfí'

fï Èkj, fudlo lrkafk@

zjeä jevla kE i¾Z

ztfyukï ðkSjd me;af; .syska tkjfldZ hs lshd .ukg wjYH uqo,a iy .=jka n,m;a ,nd §u fkdñf,au isÿlrkq ,efí' fï wkqj wdKavqfõ úhoñka ðkSjd .sh msßi fldf;la±hs hkak wdKavqj mjd ksjerÈj fkdokakd nj wr,sh.y ukaÈr wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs' ðkSjd isák udOHfúÈfhl= jrla mjid isáfha c.;a iuq¿ f.dvke.s,af,a jeisls,shlska mjd t<shg tk fndfyda fokd ,xldfõ wdKAvqfjka meñKs urdjd§ fyxphshka njhs'
flfia fj;;a fuu ðkSjd kdv.u fjkqfjka uyck uqo,a fldmuKla úhoï flf<a±hs hkak md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ m%Yak l< hq;a;ls' ukao h;a fïjd ueouQ,fkka rdcmlaI,d f.kd uqo,a fkdj ck;djf.a uqo,a jk neúks'

fï w;r ðkSjd iuq¿jg f.k tk fhdackdj iïnkaOfhka fyg^22& pkaoh úuiSu isÿjkq we;' Ôt,a mSßia uy;d úiska idudðl rgj,a 47 l ksfhdað;hka fjkqfjka Bfha meje;ajQ fNdack ix.%yhg meñK isáfha rgj,a 7 l idudðlhka muKla nj ðkSjd wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrhs' fï wkqj rdcmlaI frÔuh rfÜ f.kshk udkj ysñlï le/Ügqj .ek f,dalfhka rdcmlaI frÔuhg fyd| lfka mdrla ,efnk nj kï meyeÈ,sh' th isÿjkafka rfÜ udkj ysñlï w.h lrk ck;djf.a ys; iqj msKsiu jkq we;'

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='21" m'j'4'30&


MaRa regime gets a slap in the face from India: India officially supports US proposals


The Indian Prime Minister (P M ) Manmohan Singh announced officially in Parliament on the 19th that India is supporting the US proposals against Sri Lanka (SL) Rajapakse regime at the Geneva conference thereby giving a slap in the face of the SL regime.

While the US was only requesting the SL regime to implement the recommendations made in the report of the LLRC commission appointed by the regime itself , the regime resorting to its characteristic stupid conduct and blabbering was inciting unrest and provoking protests across the entire country using morons and Mongols like its Minister Weerawansa and his ilk against the US proposals . Falsely blowing out of proportion , and that he is facing the prospect of the guillotine , Idi Mahin used the US proposals to eclipse the burning problems faced by the people due to the regime’s ruthless economic burdens heaped on the gullible Sri Lankans.

According to political analysts , this is the first time India has taken such a step against MaRa regime’s unscrupulous and backstreet politics. The Indian P M had asserted that it would have been welcome if there were proposals included in it which enables the Tamils in SL live to with self respect , dignity and justice. It is the view of the political analysts that SL cannot carry on an administration without India’s friendship. The SL regime’s overriding trait of lying profusely and favorite hobby of duping with countless false promises had not proved successful in relation to India though it had been able to cheat the Sri Lankans so far. The Tamil nadu vehement opposition has also contributed to India’s decision , analysts say.
Tamil United Front M P Mavai Senadhiraja , speaking to Lanka e news in relation to Indian P M ‘s decision stated ,the Tamil people of SL were earnestly expecting for India to take this decision at this juncture , and are grateful and thankful to India on this account.

It is significant to note that the MaRa regime is currently not only ruthlessly violating human rights of the Tamils , but even of the Sinhalese under an absolutely lawless climate created and stoked by itself , and none other .


o~qjï oSu wksjd¾fhkau isÿjkq we;af;a o ck;dj úiskauh'

,dxlSh nqoaêu;a tä;r ck;dj úiska w;g w,a,d ÿka iqÿjEka ñkSurejka ksoyia lr heùfuka wo ienE ñkSure rdcmCI,df.a kfï .EjqKq wiQÑ lkao fidaod yeÍug lsis c.f;l=gj;a fkdyel' wo fuu ienE i;H oek oek rdcmCI,d miq mi hk ieug ljod fyda rdcmCI,df.ka o msysgla fkd,efnk w;r tfia jeros lrk ish,a,kagu ck;djf.ka o lsisu iudjla ñka bosrshg fkd,efnkq we;'

bÈß ld,fha§ o~qjï oSu wksjd¾fhkau isÿjkq we;af;a o ck;dj úiskauh'

After Rajapakse's White Van Case

To Dictator Rajapakse's regime will be Punishes by own Sri-Lankan People. As Libya & other Arab Countries. // Pour   le régime dictateur Rajapakse sera punit par ses propres pueple Sri-lankais. Comme la Libye et d'autres pays arabes .

For more Info...Click Here


2012 Rajapakse go to Human sacrifice

2012 Rajapakse aller à sacrifice humain

rdcmCI orefjla urd ì,s mqcdjla mj;ajkak hhs

!! cd;sl fl!;=ld.drfha lvqj fidrd.;af;a ì,s mqcdjg oehs ielhla'!!

orejka urkakg ;rï yels fïjf.a ;srsika md,lhkag Woõ lrkafka o tjeksu ;srsika woyia iy .;s.=K we;s ;srsikakq nj wksjd¾fhka lsjhq;=j we;' mqoa.,sl jdis u; ´kEu cvjevla n¨ jevla lrkakg tu ld,lkaKs ;srsikakqkag yelsfõ' tu ;srsikqka l,a ;nd y÷kd .ekSfuka Tn ieuf.a wkd.;h o wdrCIs; jkq we;' !!

( lshjkak we;=,ajkak To read Click Here )


Please help to identify these criminals


(Lanka-e-News-15.March.2012,6.00PM) In the above photographs are the faces of the criminals involved in the infamous white Van abductions who were captured by the public and handed over to the Wellampitiya police on the 10th, but released unlawfully by the MaRa regime. These criminals are of attached to the Army. They are :

• Army Captain Jayasena Saluge Sampath Pushpa Kumara
• Army Captain Wijekoon Mudiyansalage Chaminda Wijekoon
• Army Lieutinent Thal Arambalage Gedera Dhanushka Dineth Wijetunge
• Army Corporal Sinhabahu Mudiyansalage Saman Kumarasinghe

(The names are not in accord with the row of photographs). Although identity cards were submitted , when inquiries were made by us , there were doubts regarding the veracity of these identity cards.

If this murderous MaRa regime can officially make a phony passport for an LTTE leader Karuna Amman and send him to the UK, to this regime steeped in unlawful activities, making bogus identity cards to its own murderers is no big task. Hence , as a people’s media we are providing the opportunity to the public who are in constant threat of murder and abduction via the white Van to identify these criminals accurately.

It is unimaginable that a regime which is supposedly democratic can conduct itself in this demonic manner pampering and promoting murderers trying to kill its own Mayor who was elected duly by the people. It is most noteworthy that this Mayor’s brother was also abducted by these white Van criminals some time ago and killed based on information passed to the mayor by no less a person than Basil Rajapakse , the brother of the killer duo President Mahinda (Idi Mahin) and Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse ( Gota). It is most likely that ‘tomorrow’ an SLFP M P , Minister , former Minister , former Prime Minister or a former President can be similarly targeted .

If there is anyone who cannot understand the seriousness and gravity of this present blood thirsty murderous climate in SL , he is either insane or mentally feeble.

Now that these murderers who were committing crimes at the biddings of the Idi Mahin regime enjoying regime’s patronage have been exposed ,it is most probable that these criminals can be liquidated by the brutal regime in order to wipe out all trace of evidence including those behind relating to the crimes committed that may come to light through them if they are living. It is therefore important that they are protected. Citizens of this country who think that as a society respecting discipline and laws is paramount must ensure, based on the information elicited from these criminals that every accomplice associated with the crimes are brought before the law duly irrespective of their positions however high or low. This will be in the best interests of all and for the benefit of the future generations. We seek the public assistance towards this.

Whatever information you may have of these criminals may be conveyed via the following phone Nos. and e mail:

Phone No. 0044 7400 027 826 (If you think your phone calls are being tapped , use a public booth)

E mail : info@lankaenews.com . If you think that is being filtered , fill up our feedback space and send. Since that is linked as one with our server , the regime cannot filter it.

You can contact on the Skype ‘sandaruwans’ which is safe and secure (Regime cannot tap skypes)

Please take copies of this information and distribute as many as possible in the interests of the nation and future generation. If you love Democracy and freedom this is your opportunity.
Lanka e News


fï mqoa.,hka y÷kd.kak iydh jkak

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='14" fm'j'6'30& by; ±lafjkafka miq.sh 10 od je,a,ïmsáfha§ ck;dj úiska w;a wvx.=jg .ekSfuka miq urd frÔuh úiska ksoyia lr .kakd ,o iqÿjEka meyer .ekSï j,g iïnkaO isõ fokdh' fudjqka hqo yuqodfõ

• hqo yuqod lms;dka chfiak id¨f.a iïm;a mqIam l=udr
• hqo yuqod lms;dka úfÊfldaka uqÈhkafia,df.a pñkao úfÊfldaka
• hqo yuqod ¨;skka ;,a wrU,df.a f.or OkqIal Èfk;a úfÊ;=x.
• hqo yuqod fldam%,a isxyndyq uqoshkafia,df.a iuka l=udrisxy

^fuys kdu iy fiahdrE we;af;a wkqms,sj,g fkdjk nj i,lkak& f,i tÈk ye÷kqï m;a bÈßm;a l<o miqj wm úiska lrk ,o fidhd ne,Sï j,§ fuu ye÷kqï m;a j, ksrjoH;djh .ek .eg¿ u;=j ;sfí'

ñkSure rdcmlaI frÔuh jrla t,aààBfha lreKd wïudkago fydr mdiafmdaÜ m;la ks, jYfhkau idod § tx.,ka;hg hejqjd kï ;uka fjkqfjka ñkSurk mqoa.,hkag fydr ye÷kqïm;a iE§u lsß lcq jevls' tu ksid fuu mqoa.,hka ienE f,i y÷kd .ekSug uyck udOHhla f,i uyck iydh whÈuq'

uyck Pkaofhka f;aÍ m;ajQ ;udf.au k.rdêm;sjrfhl= fjä ;nd >d;khg meñKs wh ksoyia lrf.k hk md,l frÔuhla .ek is;d .; fkdyel' fuu k.rdêm;sf.a fidhqrdj meyerf.k f.dia fï jk úg urd oud we;s nj k.rdêm;sjrhdgu mjid we;af;a neis,a rdcmlaI nj Tyq mjihs' fuh fyg Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha uka;%S flfkl=g fyda weue;s flfkl=g fyda ysgmq w.ue;s flfkl=g fyda ysgmq ckdêm;s jßhlg mjd isÿúh yel'

;;a;ajh t;rïu oreKq nj fkdyefÕk flfkla fõ kï Tyq ukao nqoaêlfhla úh hq;=h'

fuu mqoa.,hkaf.a uqyqKq ±ka fy<s ù we;s neúka fudjqka úiska fuf;la l< lS oE ys idlals úkdY lsÍfï urd frÔufha iïm%odh wkqj fuu mqoa.,hkajo >d;kh lsÍug bv we;' tneúka fudjqka wdrlaId lr .; hq;=h' YsIaG iïmkak iudchla wkd.; mrmqrg Wreu lr §fï j.lSula we;ehs is;k mqrjeishka f,i fuu mqoa.,hka okakd f;dr;=re fy<sorõ lr .ksñka ienE jerÈ lrejka kS;sfha /yekg f.k wd hq;=h' ta i|yd wm uyck iydh m;uq'

fudjqka .ek Tn okakd ´kEu f;dr;=rla my; i|yka wdldrhg ,nd Èh yel'

• ÿrl:k wxl 0044 7400 927 826 g ^Tnf.a ÿrl:kh gema lr we;ehs is;kafka kï fmdÿ ÿrl:khla Ndú;d lrkak&
B fï,a -bkaf*d weÜ ,xld B ksõia fvdÜ fldï fyda th *s,ag¾ lrkjdhehs is;kafka kï wmf.a z*Sâ nelaZ ys we;s bv lv mqrjd tjkak' th wmf.a i¾jrh yd tl t,af,a ne£ we;s neúka frÔuhg *s,ag¾ l< fkdyel'
wdrlaIs; weu;=ula i|yd zi|rejkaiaZ kï ialhsma kduh Ndú;d l< yel' ^ialhsma o frÔuhg gema l< fkdyel&

fuys uqøs; msgm;a /f.k yels;dla w;ska w; hjkak

-,xld B ksõia- ^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='14" fm'j'6'30&

rdcmlaI,df.a fros .e,fõ( je,a,ïmsáfha iqÿjEka ñkSurejka ksoyia lrf.k( iïmQ¾K fy<sorõj fukak( hg .ykak bv fokak tmd ;udf.au k.rdêm;s >d;khg ;udf.au w;=re yuqod fhdojk ñkSure rdmlaI,d fy,sfõ


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='11" m'j'2'30-fojk ixialrKh-m'j'3'30& m<uqjrg ck;dj úiska w,a,d je,a,ïmsáh fmd,Sishg ndrÿka iqÿjEka ñkSurejka isõfokd lms;dka,d fofofkla" ¨;skka jrfhla iy fldam%,a jrfhl= f,i fy<s ù we;s w;r Bfha mdkaor 4'40 meñKs niakdysr m<d; ndr ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl úiska kS;s úfrdaë wkaoñka fuu ñkSurejka ksoyia lrf.k /f.k f.dia we;' ta ms<sn| lsisÿ igykla fyda fmd,Sisfha igyka ;nd ke;'

fuu iqÿ jEka ñkSurejka isõfokd lõ±hs ,xld B ksõia fufia fy<slr isáuq'

1' hqo yuqod lms;dka chfiak id¨f.a iïm;a mqIam l=udr
2' hqo yuqod lms;dka úfÊfldaka uqÈhkafia,df.a pñkao úfÊfldaka
3' hqo yuqod ¨;skka ;,a wrU,df.a f.or OkqIal Èfk;a úfÊ;=x.
4' hqo yuqod fldam%,a isxyndyq uqoshkafia,df.a iuka l=udrisxy

iqÿjEka ñkSurejka meñKs wxl ví'mS'iS'iS 8649 orK r:fha ßheÿre f,i lghq;= lr we;af;a isú,a mqoa.,fhls' Tyqf.a ku iur;=x. uqÈhkafia,df.a iur;=x. h' fuu r:h rchg mjrd .;a jdykhls'

by; yuqodfõ isõ fokdu ld¾h Ndrhla fkdue;s wh f,i fld<U hqo yuqod uQ,ia:dkhg wkqhqla;j isg we;s w;r uE;l§ jjqkshdfõ 13 jk n,fiakd uQ,ia:dkhg wkqhqla; lr we;' kuq;a fld<U hqo yuqod uQ,ia:dkfha ksfhda. u; l%shd lrk nj mjid ;sfí' ^ uyskao rdcmlaIf.a iy f.daGdNhf.a ksfhda. u; hqo yuqodfõ m%Odk udKav,sl YdLdfõ udKav,sl wOHlaI fckrd,a" fïc¾ fckrd,a c.;a w,aúia úiska fuu iqÿjEka fufyhjk nj miq.sh ck 09 od ziqÿ jEka ixialD;sfha kj m%jk;dj fufyhjkafkda fy<sfj;sZ uefhka wm úiska fy<slr isáfha h&

;ud >d;khg meñKs iqÿjEka ñkSurejka ck;dj úiska w,a,d .;a wdldrh fldf,dkakdj k.r iNdfõ iNdm;s rùkaø Woh Ydka; uy;d z,xld B ksõia fj; fy<s lr isáfha fufiah'

zuf.a u,a,s >d;kh l< whu ;uhs Bfh udj >d;kh lrkak wdfõ' uu l%Svd iudchla wdrïN lr, ;sfhkjd tafl udi 3 l m%.;sh idlÉPd lrkak wms .%jqkaâ tfla /ia fj,d ysáh' ug úreoaO fldaodf.dv, .%jqkaâ tlg wdjyu ug iel ys;=k t;fldg iqÿ jEka tlla weú,a, ;sfhk nj wdrxÑ jqkd' fïf.d,a, 4 ú;r b|ka /lf.k ysáh' wms;a mÍCIdfjka ysáfh' 6 g ú;r wms;a jgl<d' uu je,a,ïmsáh fmd,Sishg l;d lr, lSj iqÿjEka tllska u,a,s meyer .;a; jf.a udj;a meyer f.k hkak weú,a, ;sfhkj lsh,' fmd,Sish tkfldg jEka tl weo, hkak yeÿfj' tafl 4 fofkla ysáh' wfma wh jglrk fldg tflla ug fjä ;sín' uf.a ,Õ ;sfhk ks, msiaf;da,fhka uu;a fjä ;sín' tflla mek, .shd' jEka tfla Wka w,a, .;a;' miafi .%jqkaâ tfla lduf¾g od, folla ;=kla .ykfldg lsõj zwms wdñ" wms wdñZ lsh,' u,a,sj meyerf.k hkfldg ±lal wh weú;a tfllaj w÷k .;a;' u,a,sj meyerf.k .sh fj,dfj W! t;k ysáh lsh,' miafi fmd,Sishg ndrÿkak' ±ka wdrxÑhs weú,a, nf,kau fmd,Sisfhka Wkaj wrf.k .shd lsh,' ±ka uf.a Ôú;h wk;=f¾Z fldf,dkakdj k.rdêm;s rùkaø Woh Ydka; uy;d mejiSh'
je,a,ïmsáh fmd,Sisfha wmrdO wxYfha Wm fmd,sia mÍCIl ,laud,ag fuu ñkSurejka ndr§fuka miq kqf.af.dv iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ fidhsid iy kqf.af.dv fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ mS'tia'iS'ã' is,ajd meñK ñkSurejka ksoyia lrf.k hEug W;aidy lr we;' yuqodfõ g%la r:hla o meñK ;sìK' kuq;a ck;dj fmd,Sish jglrñka fuu msßi /f.k hdug bv ÿkafka ke;' uy ck;dj rd;%S 1'00 g 2'00 g muK bj;aj hEfuka miq mdkaor 4' 40 g fmd,Sishg meñKs niakdysr m<d; Ndr ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl úiska ñkSurejka ksoyia lrf.k .sfhah'

ck;dj úiska w,a,d ndrÿka ñkSurejka .ek fmd,Sisfha ffoksl igyka fmdf;a igyka ;eìh hq;= jqj;a tjeks lsisÿ igykla ;nd ke;' fjä ;nd ñksia >d;khla lsÍug ;e;a l< msßila w,a,d fmd,Sishg ndr ÿka úg th wmrdO kvq úê úOdk ix.%yh wkqj ix{h jrola l< wfhla w;a wvx.=jg .ekSuls'
th n, wmrdO 21 g wh;a jrols' ta .ek lsisÿ igykla fkd;eîu meyeÈ,s f,iu kS;sh l%shd;aul fkdlsÍuls'

iqÿjEka r:fha ;sî we;s NdKav fufiah'

1' à-56 wú 2 hs
2' fpfldaiaf,dajelshdfõ ksIamdÈ; n%jqkska j¾.fha msiaf;da, 3 hs'
3' fuda¾àka uÿre iafm%a lEka 2 hs
4' mqoa.,sl we֕ nE.a 5 hs
5' hqo yuqodj fj; ksl=;a lrk l,a ;nd .; yels wdydr melÜ ^f¾ika melÜ& 6 hs
6' wä 3 yudrla È. hlv nd¾ 1 hs'
7' ly meye;s l=vq j¾.hla ±uQ fnda;,hla ^l=vq j¾.h fkdokS&
8' f,an,a fkdue;s iafma% lEka 2la ^tys we;s ridhkslh fkdokS&
9' W,a msys 2 hs
10' fldÜghla
11' hqo yuqodj úiska Ndú;d lrk úfYaIs; .uka l:khla'
12' cx.u ÿrl:k 5 hs'
13' hq'y iy wd¾ñ f,i i|yka fnda¾â 2 hs
14' iqÿ meye;s iy w¿ meye;s frÈ má 9 hs
15' rn¾ fifrmamq l=Ügï 2 hs'
16' fïia l=Ügï 2 hs
17' jHdc wxl ;yvq 4 hs

fuu ñkSurejka msßi fmd,Sishg mjid we;af;a ;uka hqo yuqodfjka m,d .sh msßia w,a,k lKavdhula f,i;a wdrlaIl wud;HdxYfha mQ¾K wjirh ,;a lKavdhula nj;a h' ^hqo yuqodfjka mek .sh msßia w,a,kafka hqo yuqod fmd,Sisfhka ñi fjk;a lKavdhï fkdfõ&

flfia fj;;a fï .ek lsisÿ igykla fkd;nd fuu msßi ksoyia lrf.k f.dia ;sfí'

fuf;la ld,hla iqÿjEka meyr.ekSï ñkS uereï w;=reoka lsÍï lf<a lõ±hs idlals fkdue;sj ;snqko ±ka fuh iïmQ¾Kfhkau wdrlaIl weue;sjrhd f,i uyskao rdcmlaIf.a;a wdrlaIl f,alï f,i f.daGdNh rdcmlaIf.a;a ksfhda. iys;j mj;ajdf.k hk w;=re yuqodjla úiska kS;s úfrdaëj flfrk ñkSuereï njg idlals ,eî ;sfí'

uyskao rdcmlaI iy f.daGdNh rdcmlaI hkq ;udf.au mlaIfha ;u wdKavqfõu uyck ksfhdað;hl= k.rdêm;sjrfhl= >d;kh lrkakg ;udf.au w;=re yuqod fhdojk ñkSurejka nj fuu isÿùfuka ´kEjg;a jvd ;yjqre jkq we;'

Y%S ,xldj ñkSurejka fofofkl= úiska md,kh lrk rgla nj uq¿ f,dalhgu fuhska fy<sorõ jkq we;'

urd frÔuhg bkaÈhdfjka lfka mdrla( weußldkq fhdackdjg bka§h iydh( ks, jYfhka lshhs


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='19" m'j'4'30& rdcmlaI frÔuhg lfka myrla t,a, lrñka weußldj Y%S ,xldj iïnkaOfhka ðkSjd fj; f.k tkq ,nk fhdackdjg bkaÈhdj iydh fok nj wo oyj,a bka§h w.%dud;H uka fudayka isx uy;d bka§h md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ ks, jYfhka m%ldY flf<ah'

Y%S ,xld ckdêm;s úiskau m;a l< fldñIka iNdjl ks¾foaY ld, igyklg wkqj l%shd;aul lrkakehs weußldj Y%S ,xldjg lshoa§ rdcmlaI frÔuh th Y%S ,xldjg tfrys fhdackdjla hehs fodvjñka rgmqrd ck;dj f.dkdg wkaojñka isà' fuu fhdackdj ovóud lrf.k wuq cd;sjdoh jmqrjñka ;u taldêm;s l%shd jid .ekSu i|yd úreoaOjd§ka .s,àkhg olaljñka isà'

Y%S ,xldfõ urd frÔufha ÿ¾odka; md,khg tfrys j bkaÈhdj .;a m<uq yereï ,laIh fuu ;Skaÿj nj foaYmd,k ksÍlaIlfhda mji;s' Y%S ,xldfõ fou< ck;djg f.!rjkSh iy iudkhka f,i Ôj;a úh yels jd;djrKhla f.dv ke.sh hq;=h hk ldrKdjo tu fhdackdjkag we;=,;a jQjdkï fyd| njo bka§h w.ue;sjrhd mjid we;' bkaÈhdfõ fyd| ys; fkdue;sj ,xldfõ wdKavqjla f.k hd fkdyels nj foaYmd,k úpdrlhkaf.a u;hhs' j;auka urd frÔuh fï jk úg oi j;djla muK bkaÈhdjg fndre fmdfrdkaÿ foñka rjgd ;sîu;a ;ñ,akdvq úfrdaOh;a fujka ;SrKhg hdug bkaÈhdjg fya;= ldrKd ù ;sfnk nj foaYmdk úpdrlfhda mji;s'
fou< tlai;a fmruqfKa md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S udfjhs fiakdêrdcd uy;d fuu bka§h w.ue;sjrhdf.a ;Skaÿj .ek z,xld B ksõiaZ fj; woyia olajñka lSfõ Y%S ,xldfõ fou< ck;dj fï wjia:dfõ§ bkaÈhdfjka n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkafka fuh nj;a fuu ;Skaÿj .ek bkaÈhdjg ia;+;sh mqo lrk nj;a h'

fï jk úg urd frÔuh fou< ck;djf.a udkj whs;sjdislï muKla fkdj isxy, ck;djf.a o udkj whs;sjdislï o ±ä f,i W,a,x>kh lrñka iïmQ¾K wjkS;sl md,khla f.k hñka isà'

MaRa regime gets a slap in the face from India: India officially supports US proposals


The Indian Prime Minister (P M ) Manmohan Singh announced officially in Parliament on the 19th that India is supporting the US proposals against Sri Lanka (SL) Rajapakse regime at the Geneva conference thereby giving a slap in the face of the SL regime.

While the US was only requesting the SL regime to implement the recommendations made in the report of the LLRC commission appointed by the regime itself , the regime resorting to its characteristic stupid conduct and blabbering was inciting unrest and provoking protests across the entire country using morons and Mongols like its Minister Weerawansa and his ilk against the US proposals . Falsely blowing out of proportion , and that he is facing the prospect of the guillotine , Idi Mahin used the US proposals to eclipse the burning problems faced by the people due to the regime’s ruthless economic burdens heaped on the gullible Sri Lankans.

According to political analysts , this is the first time India has taken such a step against MaRa regime’s unscrupulous and backstreet politics. The Indian P M had asserted that it would have been welcome if there were proposals included in it which enables the Tamils in SL live to with self respect , dignity and justice. It is the view of the political analysts that SL cannot carry on an administration without India’s friendship. The SL regime’s overriding trait of lying profusely and favorite hobby of duping with countless false promises had not proved successful in relation to India though it had been able to cheat the Sri Lankans so far. The Tamil nadu vehement opposition has also contributed to India’s decision , analysts say.
Tamil United Front M P Mavai Senadhiraja , speaking to Lanka e news in relation to Indian P M ‘s decision stated ,the Tamil people of SL were earnestly expecting for India to take this decision at this juncture , and are grateful and thankful to India on this account.

It is significant to note that the MaRa regime is currently not only ruthlessly violating human rights of the Tamils , but even of the Sinhalese under an absolutely lawless climate created and stoked by itself , and none other .



Believe it or not ! Wellampitiya white Van murderers are from the PSD !! – two are related brothers

(Lanka-e-News-21.March.2012, 6.00PM) The four criminals (murderers) associated with the white Van who were captured at Wellampitiya recently , are those attached to a paramilitary force coming under the Presidential security division (PSD), and not directly responsible to the Army Commander, according to information reaching Lanka e news confirming this.

Before this Force was brought under the President security division , it was affiliated to the security unit under the IGP adhering to rules and regulations lawfully. This section was possessed of world recognized scientific techniques regarding security . Afterwards , the MaRa regime made it a separate Force giving it an army
character . Initially there were 400 members in that Force.

When recruiting them to this Force there were no fixed procedures followed. There were no fixed training procedures. Divested of the traditional procedures , any favorite could be recruited to it from any regiment of any of the three Forces . The fundamental requirement for recruitment to this group was : the recruit must be a MaRa loyalist and nothing else mattered . On this basis , the Medamulana criminals were brought within the naval force under a new Corp of the Forces.

When training commissioned Army Cadet officers who are recruited , these Medamulana murderers were entitled to ‘officer’ or a privileged position as a ‘Regime’s member’ who could earn ‘stars and medals’without the training.

Recently ,when these ruthless killers ( who could not be apprehended by the police for so long even after countless complaints against them of abductions, disappearances and murders ) were caught red handed by the public , disgraced and stigmatized at the Wellampitiya police station , and stood exposed as Govt. killers enjoying State patronage , the DIG Anura Senanayake or the DOG of the Rajapakses released from their ‘Kennel’ , arriving at the police station and freeing the four criminals without even as much as a police entry being recorded in the police registers further confirmed that these murderers are of the paramilitary force mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs.
Following our request to the public to provide us with information regarding these criminals who are enjoying Govt. patronage and are committing crimes with absolute impunity, we are deluged with copious information received in response to the request. We are herein publishing only some of it : In this group , there are two brothers , either they are own brothers or related .They are presently residing at Moratuwa. Recently they had shifted to another house down the same road. As stated earlier their native place is down South. One member of the group is from Kurunegala , and another was working as a ‘seizure’ .Only the Kurunegala member and another have undergone army training after registering with the army. The other two are cold blooded brutal murderers of Idi Mahin and Gota , his defense Secretary.

So, this brutal Idi Mahin regime has given official army ‘labels’ to this group of ruthless criminals . Originally these ‘labels’ were fastened on them by Major Gen. Jagath Alwis at the behest of the regime chief.
The Army intelligence unit and four divisions of the Army training divisions are under the purview of Jagath Alwis. By the way,the Police DIG (Colombo) or President’s DOG Anura Senanayake who got the four criminals released from Wellampitiya police custody and took them away with him, and Jagath Alwis are bosom pals.

In the circumstances , it is very obvious without any trace of doubt that these criminal white Van operations are being conducted under the control and directions of Murderous regime chief Idi Mahin and his defense Secretary.

je,a,ïmsáfha iqÿ jEka ñkSurejka wdfõ mStiaã tflka( fokafkla {d;s fidhqrka

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='20" fm'j'7'40& je,a,ïmsáfha § yiqjQ iqÿjEka ñkSurejka isõ fokd ckdêm;s wdrlaIl n,ldh kñka mj;ajdf.k hk hqo yuqodm;sg Rcqj j. fkdlshk w;=re yuqodjl fjiska mj;ajdf.k hk n,ldhg iïnkaO whj¿ka nj z,xld B ksõiaZ fj; ,eî we;s f;dr;=re j,ska ikd: fõ'

fuu mStiaã ke;fyd;a m%isfvkaÜ filshqßá äúIka hkak l,ska mej;=fka fmd,siam;sjrhd hgf;a fmd,Sishg wkqnoaO wdrlaIl wxYhla f,i kS;HdKql+, l%shd mámdá j,g .e,fmk mßÈ h' th m%N+ wdrlaIdj ms,sn| f,dj ms,s.;a úoHd;aul yeoEÍï iy úêl%uhkaf.ka iukaú; úh' miqj urd frÔuh úiska th fjk;a n,ldhla f,i fjkia lr yuqod fõYhla .kajk ,§' wdrïN flf<a 400 lf.a n,ldhla f,ih'

Bg n|jd .ekSfï ksYaÑ; l%shd mámdáhla ;snqfKa ke;' mqyqKq lsÍfï ksYaÑ; l%shd mámdáhla ;snqfKa ke;' iïm%odhsl iajrEmh neyer lrñka Bg ;%súO yuqodfõ ´kEu yuqodjl ´kEu frðfïka;=jl iy ´kEu ysff;Isfhl= n|jd .;af;a h' ta n|jd .ekSfï UQ,sl iqÿiqlu jQfha urdmdlaIsl Ndjh ñi fjk lsisjla fkdfõ' fï wkqj kdúl yuqodfõ wfhl= iu. ueouQ,k uerhkao kj fiakdxlfha yuqod fjiska isáfha h'

ukao h;a hqo yuqodfõ fldñIka ,;a ks,Odßfhl= n|jd .ekSfï flfâÜ T*si¾ mqyqKq l%shdodufhka ñ§ hqo yuqod iïm%odfhka neyerj ueouQ,k uerhkag;a ztays T*si¾Z Ndjh ke;fyd;a frÔufha fmdrla kï ;re má ,nd .ekSfï yelshdjla ,nd ÿka ksidh'
tod je,a,ïmsáfha§ yiqù" n¨ù" l+vq ù isáh§ h<s rdcmlaI,df.a uqr n,af,l= jQ wkqr fiakdkdhl weú;a uqodf.k f.dia h<s ñkSure fmdrj,a fia ießirk isõ fokdf.a lKavdhu by; w;=re yuqodjg wh;a wh nj fï jk úg ;yjqre ù ;sfí'

fuu ñkSurejkaf.a úia;r ,nd fok f,i wm úiska ck;djf.ka l< b,a,Sug wkqj fuu ñkSurejka .ek úYd, f;dr;=re m%udKhla wm fj; ,eî ;sfí' bka ±kg fy,s l< yels álla muKla fufia fy,s lruq' fuys fofofkl= whshd uf,da jre h' ke;fyd;a {d;s fidhqrka fofofkls' fï jkúg fudrgqj m%foaYfha kjd;eka f.k isá;s' miq.shod tu mdf¾u fjk;a f.orlg mÈxÑhg .sfhdah' fmr lS f,iu .u ol=fKa h' ;j;a wfhla l=reKE., jk w;r wfkld l,la iSi¾ flfkla f,i l%sh l< wfhls' l=reKE., tld iy ;j tflla muKla iïu; hqo yuqod mqyqKqj ,nd yuqodjg ne\qfkda fj;s' wfkla tjqka weyskaodia ñkSurejka h'
fujeks weyskaodia ñkSurejka /ilg fï jk úg hqo yuqod fõ ks, f,n,a .iaijd ;sfí' wdrïfh§ fï fuu ks, f,an,a .eySu flf<a frÔudêm;sf.a jqjkdj u; fïc¾ fckrd,a c.;a w,aúia h' hqo yuqod nqoaê wxYh o" mqyqKqjo we;=,;a hqo yuqodfõ m%Odk wx. 5 lau ±kg wf;a we;s fïc¾ fckrd,a w,aúia iy je,a,ïmsáfha§ ñkSurejka ksoyia lrf.k .sh fld<U m%Odk ksfhadcH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl ±ä ñ;=frda fj;s'

nqoaêu;a tä;r foaYfm%añ ck;dfjda úiska fuu ish¨ cd;sl wmrdOlrejkg tfrysj ke.s isák ld,h jeä wE;l fkdfjkq we;'

lreKdfjka fuh ysf;a fydoska OdrKh lr.kak' túg Tn ieu o ta uyd Ndhdkl krldosfhka tf.dv jkq we;' Tn;a wmfuka fkd/já" ta ish¨ rdcmCI jHikhkaf.ka .e,fjkakg kï" f;dr-f;daxÑhla fkdue;sj Tjqkaf.a crd rdcH wkq.%yh ,nk lmá mqjm;a iy tu ish¨ ckudOHkaf.a wi;H f;dr;=rej,g fkd/jfgkak wou j.n,d .kak'

ojiska oji mqoa.,sl ;Kaydj iy oeä n,f,daNh ksid rg mdjdfok rdcmCI,df.a udhï W.=,aj, fkdjeá isákakg oekaj;a tu ish¨ fudav ;l;Sre yrla /< ;SrKh l< hq;=j we;' rdcmCI,dg orosh wosk b;srs ish¨fokdu o iqÿ jEka yryd Tjqka úiska u urd oud fyda cd;Hka;rhg mdjdoS weÕ fírd.kakd ld,h o jeä wE;l fkdfjkq we;' crd rdcmCI,df.a weïnÜghka ù mrïmrd .Kkdjla hk ;=rdjg iene foaYfm%añ ck;djf.a Woyig ,la ù Tjqkaf.a mru i;=rka njg m;a fkdù hym;a mjq,a Ôú;hla f.dvk.d .kakg ;ju;a tu fudav ck;dj m%udo fkdfj;s' crd rdcmCI,df.a rg iQrdlk iy rg mdjdfok fkdfydaìkd jevj,g foaYSh fyda cd;Hka;rj l%shd lr m%isoaêhg m;ajk whg ,xldfõ muKla fkdj f,alfha lsisu rgl ieÕ ù isákakg fyda ta lsisu ckfhl=f.a fyda rchl msysgla fyda lreKdjla bosrshg fkd,efnk nj br-y| fuka úYajdih hkak nqoaêu;a ish,a,kaf.a talu;sl woyih'

rdcmCI,df.a crdjg fkd/fjá hym;a l,a l%shdfjka hq;=j rgg oehg ienE f,i wdorh lrk ienE nqoaêu;a wjxl foaYfm%añ iuÕ oekaj;a tlaj l%shdlr,Su wo ta ish¨ fudav ,dxlSh ck;djg we;s tlu úi÷u fõ' ke;fyd;a by; fudav rdcmCI,df.a iqÿ jEka wmrdOlrejka isõfokdg fuka ck;d ur nfha ;djld,slj ieÕ isàug isÿjkq we;' ta;a ta fld;rï iq¨ ld,hlg o@ cd;sl wmrdOlrejka fld;rï W;aiyd l<;a Tjqkg ljodj;a Ôú;h mqrdjg ieÕj isàug ck;dj bv fkdfokq we;' ta nj oekgu;a tu iqÿ jEka wmrdOlrejka isõfokdf.a ienE mqoa.,sl f;dr;=re fy<slr,Sug ck;d iyh ,eîfukau ukdj Tmamqjkq we;'

;ukaf.a mqoa.,sl ,dn m%fhdackh i|yd mqyq ñ;Hd u; miqmi f.dia wysxil orejka urd ì,smQcd mj;ajk" ojiska oji rgmqrd we;s ksOka jia;= fld,a,lk" ;ukaf.au mdCIslhka urd ouk" w;=reoyka lrk" crd rdcmCI,df.a ienE lmá udhd fndre jxpksl foaYfm%auh iy /já,s foaYmd,khg Wmldr lrkafka fyda f.dÿre jkafka tjeksu wjia:djdos l=ylhka iy wysxil fudav ck;djka muKs' fuu wkd.; Ndhdkl brKfuka tu ish¨ fudav ck;dj fírd .ekSu iene udkj ys;jdoSka jk wmf.a mru hq;=lu fõ'

( T.K.L. Bandula, AHFESL.ORG 20.03.2012)

isxy fldähg uqjd ù ðkSjd wd ñkSurefjda ud urkak wdjd -iqkkao foaYm%sh


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='19" m'j'6'00& wo tkï ud¾;= 19 jk Èk ðkSjd ysñlï fldñiu bÈßmsg fo;=ka ishhla muK úfoia .; Y%S ,xlsl msßila iduldó Woaf>daIKhl ksr; jQy' fuu Woaf>daIlhska lshd isáfha Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï iïnkaOfhka weußldj udkj ysñlï ljqkais,hg f.k tk fhdackdj m%;slafIam l< hq;= nj h'

tu cdhdrEm fuys ±lafõ'

ta w;r tys isá odußlhska msßila Woaf>daIKfha cdhdrem .ksñka isá ud urd ±óug lE .eiQy' tf,i ñkS ueÍug lE .eiqfõ f,dlfha u udkj ysñlï /lSug we;s by<u ia:dkhla jk udkj ysñlï ljqkais,h bÈßmsg §h'

tlS ñkSurejkaf.ka wdrlaIdùug ug fmd,sia iydh ,enqKs' tfia fkdjqks kï isxy fldähg uqjd jQ fuu ñkSurejka úiska ud urd uia lkakg ;snqKs' Tjqka lE .eiqfõ f;df.a uia lkjd n,af,da lshñks'

ðkSjd kqjr uyck fm<md,s ;ykï l< hq;= njg trg olaIsKdxYsl msßia jHdmdrhla Èh;a lr we;s w;r th idOdrK lsÍug Tjqka fhdod .kafka fujeks ñkSurejkaf.a l%shdl,dmhka h'

urdlrKh jQ kmqxilhkaf.ka je,a,ïmsáh fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;sg urK ;¾ck

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='16" fm'j'7'20& ck;dj úiska w,a,df.k ndrÿka iqÿjEka ñkSurejka w;a wvx.=jg f.k isáh§ fcHIaG fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl úiska ksoyia lrf.k hEfï m%Yakhg uqyqK ÿka fï jk úg fmd,sia uQ,ia:dkhg o~qjï udrejla ,nd isák je,a,ïmsáh fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;s tia' ta' wd¾' iurkdhl uy;dg Ôú; ;¾ck t,a, ù we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

fuu Ôú; ;¾ck ÿrl:kh Tiafia isÿlr ;sfnkafka ;j;a wdrlaIl wxY m%Odksfhl= nj mejfia' fï w;r kS;HdKql+,j lghq;= l< iurkdhl uy;dg by< ksfhda. fkdms,smeoafoa hehs fndre wioao fpdaokd t,a, lrñka Tyqg tfrysj fpdaokd m;%hla fhduq lsÍug frÔuh úiska ie,iqï lr we;s w;r Tyqf.a jev ;ykï lsÍulgo iQodkï jk nj mejfia'

kS;HdKql+,j lghq;= lrkakg je,a,ïmsáh ia:dkdêm;sjrhd W;aidy l< o kS;s úfrdaë ksfhda. ÿkafka nhf.da;df.a lgq f,jlk by< ks,OdÍka h' fuu iqÿ jEka ñkSurejka fmd,sia ia:dkhg f.k taug;a fmr ñkSurejkag l;d lsÍug wjYHh hhs je,a,ïmsáh fmd,Sishg ÿrl:k weu;=ula § we;af;a lõ±hs ±ka fy<s ù ;sfí' tkï fuu ñkSurejka fufyhjk frÔufha nv .e;a;rfhl= jk fïc¾ fckrd,a c.;a ùrisxy h' Tyq mjid lshd we;af;a zux ùrisxy lsh, yuqodfj jev lrk flfkla ug Th .;a;dhs lshk lÜáhg l;d lrkak fokak mq¿jka±hsZ nnd fia úuid ;sfí'

fï w;r ;u fmd,Sish ;=, wjkS;sh rc fjkakg bv § kl=g fomryekao wiafia .idf.k isák" fuf;la ld,hla iqofkl= f,i fmkS isá fmd,siam;s b,x.fldaka Bfha uykqjrg f.dia wia.sßfha uykdhl ysñhka yuqù ;sfí' Tyq tu wjia:dfõ mjid we;af;a fmd,Sisfha 81000 la muK isák nj;a l=vd msßila kS;s úfrdaë lghq;= lrk nj;a h' Tjqkag tfrysj ;ud lghq;= lrk njo Tyq mjid ;sfí'

uykdhl yuqjg f.dia fndre fkdlSfõ kï b,x.fldaka m<uqfjkau l< hq;af;a je/oao l< fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhlf.a jev ;ykï lr ±ka fndre fpdaokd u; o~qjï udre ,nd § isák je,a,ïmsáh fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;sf.a o~qjï udrej bj;a lsÍuhs' ke;skï zrdcmlaI frÔufha n,mEï ksid ug fï rdcldßh kS;HdKql+,j lrkak neyeZ hs mjid b,a,d wiaúh hq;=h'

fldkaola ;sfíkï msßñfhla kï b,x.fldaka l< hq;af;a thhs' ke;skï wfkla fmr isá fydrd-fmd,sia m;s,d fukau b,x.fldaka o ;k;=r /l .ekSu fjkqfjka zurdlrKhZ jQ kmqxil zurdjdÈfhl=Z j. ,xldju ±k .kakjd we;'

Shameless lawless effeminate cowards of the regime’s murder squad hold out death threats to Wellampitiya OIC

(Lanka-e-News-17.Marh.2012, 10.30PM) The OIC of the Wellampitiya police , A R Samaranayake , who performed his duties duly and lawfully when the white Van criminals were captured and handed over to the police , but unlawfully released from police custody by SSP Anura Senanayake is now facing grave death threats , on top of the punishment transfer to police headquarters given to him, according to reports.

It is learnt that these death threats had been held out to him over the phone by another defense division chief. Meanwhile attempts are being made by the regime to serve a charge sheet on Samaranayake on the false ground that he did not abide by orders from the top, and to interdict him.

Indeed , it is the OIC of the Wellampitiya police station who carried out his duties duly and tried his best to act lawfully when the notorious criminals were handed over to police custody , and it is the superior police officers who are accustomed to licking the boots of Bayagotha and eating the discarded bones of his dogs after they have also consumed their share ,who indulged in the worst outrageous unlawful conduct and gave illegal directions to the OIC brazenly and blatantly when releasing the criminals without taking any legal action against them, leave alone making an official police entry in the least in the police registers . It has also come to light now who is the individual who gave a call to the Wellampitiya police insisting that he needed to speak to the criminals even before they were brought to the police station. It is none other than Major Gen. Jagath Weerasinghe the murderous regime’s brutal ally under whom these criminal operations are carried out . On the phone he had spoken like an ‘infant’ and said’ I am Weerasinghe from the Forces. Can you allow me to speak to the group whom you have supposedly taken into custody.’

The IGP Ilangakoon who was pretending to be a clean officer hitherto , while allowing lawlessness to dominate within the police force and sordid activities to override all else , has gone and met the Mahanayake of the Asgiriya chapter , and stated that there are 81000 in the police Force , and it is a small group that is engaged in unlawful activities. He shall be taking action against them , he had added.
The IGP would not have had any need to tell a lie to the Prelate and dupe him too, if he had first and foremost taken measures to interdict the SSP Anura Senanayake for his gross lawless action of releasing the most sought after white Van criminals from the police station after the people have made it easy for the police by capturing the criminals which the SL police could not accomplish for years ; and withdraw the punishment transfer meted out to the Wellampitiya station OIC who performed his tasks duly . Or , like in other countries , if he is a true and virtuous Police Supremo , he must without behaving like a mosquito and coward should tender his resignation forthwith citing the ground that he cannot work with these blood stained and filth filled Rajapakses who are not permitting him to perform his official duties as a public servant duly and legally in the public interest.


All abductions, disappearances and murders are carried out according to the needs of the government – Tissa Attanayake

(Lanka-e-News-14.March.2012, 9.30PM) UNP General Secretary Parliamentarian Tissa Attanayake stated that although the government tries to frame various stories to cover up the recent attempt to abduct the Chairman of the Kolonnawa Urban Council, in a white van in broad daylight, the incident clearly shows that the white van culture is still prevalent in the country. Speaking at yesterday’s media briefing he also had this to say.

The 3rd protest under the series of protests organized by the Oppositions Opposition movement headed by the UNP would be held in Hatton, Nuwara-eliya at 3.30 PM today(14).

It must be said that this protest campaign has been launched demanding the immediate withdrawal of the suppressive agenda carried out by the government which is harming democracy and to reinstate law and order, to reduce prices of goods, provide immediate relief to the public and to increase salaries of employees.

The 4th protest will be held in Kandy.

The white van culture is not only a threat to Journalists and opposition party politicians but is now threatening even activists of the government itself, which is an indication of the precarious and dictatorial rule faced by the country at present.

Through the statement made by the Military spokesperson that Army personnel had gone to the Kolonnawa urban council limits in a white van clarifies the fact that the government has accepted responsibility for the incident.

Since the government has clearly accepted the responsibility of having attempted to abduct the Chairman of the Kolonnawa Urban council, steps should be taken to carry out an extensive investigation in to the incident.

The government has not thought even for a minute about the disgrace that would be brought to the country through such acts at a time alleged human rights violations in Sri Lanka are being discussed in Geneva, Switzerland.

Before this, the brother of the Chairman of the Kolonnawa Urban Council was also abducted and no details have been revealed with regard to his whereabouts to date.
The police has found weapons and masks that were in the white van that was taken in to police custody in which these army personnel who are said to have been in civil attire were travelling in.

A highest official in the Defence force has prevented the details of this white van from being noted down in police records and the OIC of the Police station which arrested the group of persons and the white van has been transferred to the Police headquarters.

These are all done by the government.

If the government doesn’t do justice to the Chairman of the Urban Council who is a member of the government itself, what fate would be faced by the general public? Courtesy: UNP Media


msiaiqo@ yeáo@ ùrfhda fokakd ue;s weue;s igkska m,d .syska


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='23" fm'j'7'30& md¾,sfïka;=fõ wdKavq mlaIfha ue;s weue;s /, Bfha wmQre rdcH ;dka;%sl lghq;a;l kshe¨ky' tkï nek¾ /f.k úfrdaO;d igka mdG lshñka md¾,sfïka;=j bÈßmsg úfrdaO;djla meje;aùuhs' fuys§ Tjqyq úmlaIh rg mdjd fok fødaySka hehs igka mdG lSug wu;rj c.;a udkj ysñlï iuq¿jg tfrysj o igka mdG uqr .Efjdah'

fuys§ olakg ,enqKq úfYaI;u foh kï c.;a iuq¿ úfrdaOh;a weußldkq úfrdaOh;a weg f,a ñÿ¿ j,gu ls|d nei ;sfnk wdldrfhka miq.sh Èk lsysmfha ùrhka jQ ùrjxY-pïmsl vn, Bfha ue;s weue;s úfrdaOhg iyNd.S fkdùuhs'

wdKavq mlaIfha ixúOdhljrhdf.a ld¾hd,fhka mKsvqv msg mKsvqv heõjo fuu fofokd iyNd.S jQfha ke;' ta fofokd muKla fkdj 60 fofklau iyNd.S jQfha ke;' wdKavq mlaI ixúOdhljrhd fldf;la uykais jqjo iyNd.S jQfha 162 la isákd wdKavq mlaI ue;s weue;s /f,ka 102 la muKs'

md¾,sfïka;=j uyck ksfhdað;hka f,i cd;Hka;r lghq;a;l§ úfrdaOh mE hq;= rdcH ;dka;%sl wdldrhj;a fkdokakd fï jDIN rdc urdjd§yq ;u ;u keK muK l=ula±hs Bfha f,djgu úoyd ±lajQy' tlsfkld mrod ifrdï we|ka T¨fjka ysg.;af;da Tjqyqu h'

fï w;r Bfha je'n' udOH weue;a;d lSfõ c.;a iuq¿ fhdackdj jdishla njhs' Bfha ùrjxY-pïmsl-ffu;%S-iqis,a kvh lSfõo c.;a iuq¿fjka l=uk fhdackdjla iïu; jqj;a wdKavqfõ jev ms,sfj< tf,iu f.k hk njhs' tjeksu l;djla wdrlaIl f,alï nhf.da;do lshd ;sìK' Tyq lshd ;snqfka lshqndjg tfrysj fujeks fhdackd 600 la iïu; lrf.k we;;a lsisjla isÿù ke;s w;r ;udg;a whshdg;a fuu c.;a fhdackd iïu; ùu m%Yakhla fkdjk njhs'

urdKavqfõ u;h th kï c.;a iuq¿ fhdackdjg tfrysj udihlg wdikak ld,hla ;siafia y;s uqKska jeà uyck uqo,a úkdY lrñka ,xldfõ muKla fkdj f,dalh mqrdjgo úfrdaO;d ±lajQfha l=ugo@ hkak m%Yakhls' jdishla isÿjk fhdackdjlg úreoaO jQfha wehs@ msiaiqo@ yeáo@

l=uk fhdackdjla iïu; jqj;a wdKavqfõ jev ms<sfj, tf,iu f.k hkjd hhs lsh;s' tkï iqÿ jEka j,ska ñksiqka meyer .ekSu;a ñkSurejka yiqjq úg fmd,sia f,dlalka ,jd ksoyia lr.ekSu;a tf,iu f.k hkjdo@ wvquqo,lg nQñf;,a ld,la b,a,k iduldó úfrdaO;d lrejkag T¿j midre fjkak fjä ;shk l%uh È.gu f.kshkjdo@ ixpdrl l;=ka ¥IKh lr Tjqkaf.a fmïj;=kag à-56 ka fjä ;nd urd ±óug m%dfoaYSh urdjd§kag ;sfnk wjirh" ;reKshka ¥IKh lsÍug iy ;ukag tfrys ;reKhka >d;kh lsÍug ;u m%dfoaYSh urdjd§kag ;sfnk wjirh È.gu f.kshkjdo@ uyck iïnkaO;d weue;sg lmamï .ekSug we;s whs;sh È.gu ;yjqre lrkjd o@ tfukau ckdêm;s WmfoaYlfhl= jqj;a kdfyg wykafka ke;skï l=vq ldr uka;%S,d ,jd uy u.§ fjä ;nd >d;kh lr th fmd,sia m%OdkSka ,jd ksÍlaIkh lrjk l%uh È.gu f.kshkjdo@ fldákau urdêm;shdf.a wm, j,g rcjrekaf.a lvq fidhñka fl!;=ld.dr fydfrka ì¢k rc uyd úydr jdiS ix> kdhlhka >d;kh lr rcjrekaf.a lvq fidhk l%uh È.gu f.kshkjd o@

fudk fhdackd f.kdj;a zwms fufyuhs n,af,d yokafkaZ lshd bÈßhg;a n¨ jev lrk m%;sm;a;sfha hkafka kï fï ;sßika urdjd§kaf.a ureúl,h k;r lsÍug n,j;a cd;Skaf.a iydh ck;d n,fõ. j,g w;HdjYH jkjd fkdwkqudkh' c.;a iuq¿fõ iïu; jQ fhdackdj ta i|yd uy;a msgqjy,la jkjd we;'


ðkSjd j,ska fldrkakehs lshk" uyskao miai .yk uyskaof.au ks¾foaY fudkjdo@

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='22" m'j'11'30&

W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñIka iNd jd¾;dfõ m%Odk ksÍlaIK yd ks¾foaYhkays idrdxYh
t,a'à'à'B' ixúOdkh úiska wdrïN lrk ,o 4 jeks B<dï hqoaOhg tfrysj Y%S ,xld rcfha wdrlaIl yuqodj úiska l%shd;aul l< udkqISh fufyhqu iïnkaOj cd;Hka;r m%cdj úiska k.kq ,enQ úúO fpdaokdj,g m%;spdr oelaùu i|yd ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d úiska m;alrkq ,enQ W.;a mdvï yd m%;sixOdkh ms<sn| jQ ckdêm;s fldñIka iNd jd¾;dj tys iNdm;s ysgmq kS;sm;s jrhl= jk iS' wd¾' o is,ajd uy;d úiska 2011 fkdjeïn¾ ui 20 jeksod ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d fj; ndrfokq ,eîh'

2002 fmnrjdß ui 22 jeksod t,a'à'à'B' ixúOdkh iu. tjlg meje;s tlai;a cd;sl mlaI rcfha w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d úiska w;aika l< igka úrdu .súiqu l%shd;aul jQod isg 2009 uehs 19 jeks Èk t,a' à' à' B' kdhl fõÆms,af,a m%Ndlrka we;=¿ m%Odk idudðlhka >d;khg ,la fjñka fldá ;%ia;jd§ .egqï wjika jQ Èkh olajd W;=re kef.kysr m%foaYj, iy ol=fKa isÿjQ isoaëka iïnkaOj fuu fldñiu u.ska úu¾Ykh lrk ,§'

ta i|yd fldñifï úu¾Yk lghq;= 2010 wf.daia;= 11 jeksod wdrïN úh' tys§ fldñiu u.ska úúO lafIa;%hkays ksr; mqoa.,hkaf.ka idlaIs úuik ,§'

fuu idlaIs úuiSfï lghq;= i|yd iNdm;s iS' wd¾' o is,ajd uy;d iu. fldñifï fiiq idudðlhka f,i lghq;= lf<a kS;s{jßhl jk ufkda rdukdoka" ysgmq NdKavd.dr f,alïjrhl= jk iS' pkauq.ï" úfoaY lghq;= wud;HdxYfha ysgmq f,alïjrhl= jk tÉ' tï' Ô' tia' m,sylaldr" úfoaYlghq;= wud;HdxYfha kS;s WmfoaYljrhl= f,i fiajh l< frdydka fmf¾rd" cd;Hka;r ;%ia;jdoh ms<sn| ksÍlaIlhl= iy wmrdO kS;sh ms<sn| m%ùKhl= jk uydpd¾h lreKdr;ak yÕj;a; ysgmq uydêlrK úksiqrejrhl= jk uelaiafj,a mrK.u" ysgmq ;dkdm;sjrhl= jk tia' î' w;=f.dv iy fcHIaG kS;s{hl= jk tï' à' tï' n*sla hk uy;au uy;aóyqh'

Tjqka úiska ilia lrk ,o jd¾;dfõ m%Odk ksÍlaIK yd ks¾foaYhkays idrdxYh 2011 foieïn¾ ui 16 jeksod md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a lrk ,§'

tu m%Odk ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaYhka fufiah'

9 jeks mßfÉoh

jd¾;dfõ i|yka m%Odk ksÍlaIK yd ks¾foaYhkays idrdxYhla my; oelafõ'
02 jeks mßÉfþoh - igka úrdu .súiqu ms<sn| ksÍlaIK

9'1 ;%ia;jdofhka yd thg tfrys m%pKav;ajfhka oYl .Kkdjla mqrd mSvd ú¢ rgg;a ck;djg;a flá ld,Sk wiajeis,a,la igka úrdu .súiqu u.ska ,enqKs' fl;rï wia:sr yd wjidkfha M, rys; jqjo wjYHfhkau mQ¾K foaYmd,k fyda wdrlaIl rduqjla iemhQfha ke;s jqjo idlÉPduh úi÷ula lrd fhduq jk l%ufõohla ieliSfï moku fiùug W;aiql jQ ishÆ md¾Yajhkag igka úrdu .súiqu fj;ska wjia:djla i,id ÿks' tfy;a fï lsisjla ta wdldrfhka isÿ fkdjqK nj miqld,Sk isoaëkaf.ka meyeÈ,s jqKs'

9'2 Y%S ,xld igka úrdu ksÍlaIK lñgqfõ m%Odkshd f,i tla w;lska o idu l%shdodufha myiqlï i,ikakd f,i wksla w;skao fkd¾fõ rdcHh ndr.;a ;yjqre l< fkdyels oaú;aj N+ñldj we;=¿ igka úrdu .súiqfï ixl,amuh je/È" l%shd;aul lsÍfï wvqmdvq yd l,amj;akd idu l%shdoduhlg W;af;ackhla iemhSug wfmdfydi;a ùu ;=< th rdcH yd rdcH fkdjk l%shdldÍka w;r iduh we;s lsÍfï id¾:l udÈ,shla fkdjqK nj meyeÈ<s úh' ;uka úiska m%ldYs; B,dï rdcHh Èkd .ekSfï wruqKska Tíng fjk;a lsisÿ idlÉPduh úi÷ulg t,a'à'à'B'h oelajQ WodiSkNdjh fukau rfÜ m%Odk m%cd;ka;%jd§ moaO;shg wh;a fou< foaYmd,k mlaI we;=¿ wfkl=;a úúO foaYmd,k lKavdhï w;r jeo.;a cd;sl .egÆ ms<sn| m%fõYhla fkdue;s ùu o fuu wix;Dma; yd úkdYldÍ w;aoelSug odhl úh'

9'3 ixl,amuh yd l%shd;aul lsÍu hk fowxYfhkau igka úrdu .súiqfï jQ wvqmdvq meyeÈ,sju ;u jdish i|yd Wmfhda.s lr .;a t,a'à'à'B' h tu.ska N+ñh w;am;a lr .ekSu yd Tjqkag ,nd ÿkakd jQ ms<s.ekSu ;yjqre lr .;af;ah' wdhqO Ndr §u flfia jqjo foaYmd,k ixjdohla wdrïN lsÍfï lssisÿ úêúOdkhla fkdue;s ùu whq;= f,i m%fhdackhg .;af;ah' Y%S ,xld kdúl yuqodfõ kS;suh iduQysl l%shdldrlï ms<sn|j igka úrdu .súiqfï we;=<;a fkdùu wksis f,i fhdod .;a t,a'à'à'B'h t;=<ska foaYSh yd 2001 jif¾ 1373 ork tlai;a cd;Skaf.a wdrlaIl uKav, iïuq;sh we;=¿ cd;Hka;r kS;s W,a,x>kh lrñka kS;s úfrdaë wú cdjdrïj, ksr; úh' igka úrdu .súiqu W,a,x>kh lsÍï je<elaùug lsisÿ úYajdiodhl ksje/È md,khla fkdue;sùu ish jdishg fhdod .;af;ah' <ud fid,aodÿjka n|jd .ekSfï ms<sl=,a iy.; l%shdoduhg tfrys l%shdldÍ md,kdêldßhla ms<sn| iïmQ¾Kfhka fkdi,ld yer ;sîu muKla fkdj ljr fyda udkj ysñlï ne£ula ms<sn|j lsisÿ i|ykla fkdùu o lmá f,i wmfhdackh lf<ah'

3 jeks mßÉfþoh
isoaëkaj, l:khka muKs'

4 jeks mßÉfþoh
cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh yd iïnkaO w¾nqofha wjidk ld,mßÉfþohg wod< ksÍlaIK yd ks¾foaY

idudkH ck;dj wdrlaId lsÍu yd isú,a ck;djf.a ðú; ydks je<elaùfï mshjr
9'4 cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh W,a,x>kh lsÍu ms<sn| fpdaokd yuqfõ Y%S ,xld w;aoelSï we.hSfï § idudkH ck;dj wdrlaId lsÍug by<u m%uqL;ajh ,nd foñka t,a'à'à'B' .%yKhg k;=j meje;s m%foaY uqod .ekSug fhdod .;a yuqoduh Wmdh ud¾.h m%fõYïldÍ f,i l%shdjg kexjQjla f,i fldñiu iEySulg m;afõ'

tfukau w¾nqofha wjidk ld, jljdkqfõ§ ish fufyhqï l%shd;aul lsÍug bÈßhg heu wdrlaIl wxY úiska is;d u;du fyñka isÿ l< nj o fldñiu i|yka lrhs' th isú,a Ôú; ydks je<elaùfï fyda wju lsÍfï wruqKska Èh;a l< Wmdh ud¾.hla ms<sn| idlaIshls'

9'5 yuqod fufyhqï l%shdjg kexùfï m%;sm;a;shla ieliSu i|yd idudkH ck Ôú;h wdrlaId lsÍu tla m%Odk idOlhlah hk ia:djrh fuu idOlhka yd iumd; fõ' idudkH ck;dj ys;du;d b,lal lr .ekqu m%;sm;a;suh wx.hlah hkak tu.ska ksIam%Nd fõ' flfia jqjo jeäÿr úu¾Ykhka isÿ l< hq;= úfYaI isoaëka by; 4 jeks mßÉfþofha fojeks fldgfia we;=<;ah' 4'106" 4'107" 4'109" 4'110" yd 4'111 fþo n,kq'

hqo uqla; l,dmh
9'6 fjä yqjudrej,§ idudkH ck Ôú;hg ydks jQ nj i;Hhla jqjo bÈßm;a jQ ishÆ lreKq yd isoaëka i,ld ne,Sfï§ wdrlaIl yuqod is;d u;d hqo uqla; l,dmfha isú,a jeishka b,lal lr fkd.;a njg fldñiu ks.ukh lrhs' tfukau .egqñka ñ§ wdrlaIl m%foaY lrd heug W;aidy l< idudkH jeishka t,a'à'à'B'fha b,lal ùu yd Tjqkaf.a >d;k" ìï fndaïn ;¾ck yd tu.ska idudkH ck;djg isÿ jQ Ôú; ydks yd ;=jd," kkaÈlvd,a l,mqj ;rKh lsÍfï§ fkdje<elaúh yels Wmøjhka isú,a Ôú; ydksj,g iduQyslj odhl úh' tfiau t,a'à'à'B' wú ia:dk.; lr we;s b,lalj,g m%ydr t,a, lsÍu yuqod m%ydrj, wruqKg wod< yd wkqrEmS odhl;ajhla jkq we;s njg idOdrK úYajdihla ;enqjd úh yels nj ks.ukh lsÍu o hqla;s iy.;h'

9'7 by; ks.ukj,g t<öfuka miq wdrlaIl yuqod úiska isú,a ck;dj is;d u;d b,lal lsÍula isÿ fkdl< o" wdrlaIl yuqod úiska hqo uqla; l,dmhg m%;sm%ydr t,a, lrkq ,eîu iudkqmd;sl;dj ms<sn| uQ,O¾uh blaujd heula o hkak ms<sn|j i,ld ne,Su o fldñifï j.lSuls' by; i|yka mßÈ tod meje;s ;;a;ajfha ixlS¾K;ajh u; ishÆ wxYhka ms<sn|j b;d iqmßlaIdldÍ úu¾Ykhlska miq fldñifï woyi jkafka fmr w;a fkdú¢ w;aoelSulg uqyqK ÿka wdrlaIl wxYj,g fjk;a úl,amhla fkdjQ nj;a" mej;s jd;djrKhla ;=< .; yels ishÆ m%dfhda.sl mQ¾fjdamdhhka f.k we;s nj;ah'

9'8 hqouh fufyhqï w;r;=r isÿ jQ urK" ;=jd, iy foam< ydks .ek rdcH j.lSu yd ne÷Kq m%Yak ksYaph lsÍfï§ ishÆ iydhl isoaê ldrKdj, m%udKj;a jd¾;d lsÍu;a iu. m%ydrd;aul l%shdj, isÿ jQ ;;a;ajhka" úksYaph iNdjla bÈßfha m%;sks¾udKh lsÍu" oekqu iy u; wkqj úia;r lrk cd;Hka;r wêlrK úiska zflfiaj;a isÿúh fkdyels fia fmfkkZ njg úia;r lr we;s nj fuu miqìu ;=< u;lhg ke.Su o wod< fõ'

9'9 fldñifï wjOdkhg fhduq lr ;snQ issú,a ck Ôú; ydks ms<sn| ksiel isoaëka m%;sks¾udKh lsÍug W;aidy lsÍfï§ fï yd iudk ÿIalr;djhkag uqyqK §ug fldñiug isÿúh' tjeks isoaëka yg.;af;a l=uk ksYaÑ; jd;djrKhka hgf;a o hkak ms<sn|j ;SrKh lsÍu fldñiug ÿIalr jQ w;r ^by; 4 mßÉfþofha 2 fldgfia úia;r lr we;s 4'106" 4'107" 4'109" 4'110 yd 4'111 fþo n,kq& isú,a ckhdg isÿjQ Ôú; ydks yd ;=jd, ms<sn|j wdrlaIl yuqodjkaf.a ms<s.; yels iïnkaOhla ;sîfï yelshdj fj; lreKq fhduq jqjo fuh is;du;d isú,a ckhdg ydkshla isÿ lsÍfï woyiska isÿ lrk ,oaola úh fkdyelsh hkako neyer l< fkdyel' fujka isoaëka we;s jQfha ta kï l=uk jd;djrKhla hgf;a o hkak ms<sn|j mQ¾K f,i úu¾Ykh lsÍu rcfha j.lSu nj o tjka úu¾Ykj,ska ydksodhl p¾hdjka fy<sjkafka kï je/È l< whg tfrysj ffk;sl l%shdud¾. f.k Tjqkag o~qjï muqKqjk f,igo fldñiu wjOdrKh lrhs' ñh.sh yd ;=jd, ,enQjkaf.a <Õu {d;Skag ksis iyk ie,iSu isÿ l< hq;af;a fm!oa.,sl fÄodka;hlg uqyqK ÿka whg ms<sirKla ùfï udkqISh yeÕSfuks' th by; i|yka l< isoaëkag fukau bÈß mÍlaIKj,§ fy<s jk isoaëkag o wod< fõ'

frday,a - ;djld,sl frday,a
9'10 ishÆ isoaëka ms<sn|j iqmßlaIdldÍ úu¾Ykhlska miqj foam< ydks isÿ lrñka yd ;=jd, isÿ lrñka frday,aj,g fI,a m%ydr m;s;jQ nj fldñiu ks.ukh lrhs' tfy;a fldñiu yuqfõ fy<sjQ lreKq ;=<ska fuu isoaëkaf.a ld,h" ksYaÑ; m%foaYh yd m%ydr t,a, jQ ÈYdj ms<sn|j i,ld ne,Sfï§ isoaëkaf.a ksYaÑ; iajNdjh ms<sn|j ;rul jHdl+, Ñ;%hla uefõ'

9'11 fuu miqìu u; fldñiu uqyqK ÿka wNsfhda.h kï m%;HlaI idlaIs u; mokïj u;fNaod;aul l%shdjkays j.lSu ksYaÑ; lsÍuhs'

9'12 tf,i ksYaph lsÍfï§ fldñiu uqyqK ÿka ÿIalr;djka fohdldrh' tkï"

^w& m%Yak.; m%foaYfha meje;s .egqfï ;Sj%;djh ksidfjka m%ydrhg ,lajQ ksYaph ia:dkj, úfYaI úYaf,aIKhla lr fkdue;s nj fldñiug meyeÈ<s úh'

^wd& idlaIs ÿka lsisjl= frday,aj,g t,a,jQ fI,a m%ydr meyeÈ,s f,iu Y%S ,xld yuqodj isá m%foaYfhka fyda t,a'à'à'B'h isá m%foaYfhka fyda muKla wdrïN jQ njg ksYaÑ;j iy;sl lsÍfï ;;a;ajhl fkdisáhy' fldñiu yuqfõ idlaIs ÿka isú,a jeishka mejiqfha fomd¾Yajfhkau fI,a fjä m%ydr t,a, jQ njhs' tla idudkH jeisfhl= mejiQfha fI,a fjä,a,la jegqKq úg idudkH ms<s.ekSu jQfha th yuqodfjka t,a, jQ nj;a tfy;a th tfiau nj ksielj mejish fkdyels nj;ah' ysgmq t,a'à'à'B' idudðlhl= Tyqf.a idlaIs §fï§ lshd isáfha mqÿud;,ka frday,g jer§ulska t,a'à'à'B'fhka fI,a m%ydr t,a, jQ nj;a Tjqka miqj ta .ek iudj b,a¨ nj;ah'

9'13 frday,aj,g t,a, jQ fI,a m%ydr yd Ôú; ydks$ foam< ydksj,g j.lsj hq;af;a ljfrlao hkak ms<sn|j ksYaÑ; ks.ukhlg t<öug fldñiug w;sYh ÿIalr jQfha isoaêh ms<sn| ;dlaIKsl iajNdjfha idlaIs fkdue;s ùu yd idudkH ck;djf.a idlaIs iajNdjfhkau WNhd¾: jk neúks' tfyhska fI,a m%ydrj,g tla md¾Yajhla fyda wfkla md¾Yajh j.lsj hq;= njg ksYaÑ; ks.ukhlg t<öug idlaIs fkdue;'

9'14 fI,a m%ydr ms<sn|j l=uk md¾Yajhla j.lsj hq;=o hkak .ek ksYaÑ; ks.ukhlg t<öug fldñiug fkdyels jqjo isú,a jeishka úiska bÈßm;a lrkq ,enQ idlaIs wkqj fmkS hkafka frday,aj,g fI,a m%ydr t,a, jQ nj;a iuyr wjia:dj,§ tu.ska ðú; ydks fyda ;=jd, isÿjQ nj;ah' m%;sixúOdk l%shdoduh ms<sn|j úYajdih f.dvkef.k whqßka udkqISh mshjrla f,i ksis mÍlaIKhlska miqj fI,a m%ydrj,ska mSvdjg m;ajQjkag läkñka kshñ; iyk ie,iSu .ek wjOdkh fhduq úh hq;=h'

w¾nqohg ,laj we;s m%foaYj, idudkH ck;djg wdydr" T!IO we;=¿ udkqISh iykdOdr iemhSu
9'15 2009 jif¾ uq,a Nd.h f;la t,a'à'à'B' md,kh meje;s m%foaYj, isú,a ck;djg idOdrK f,i m%udKj;a wdydr iemhqula meje;s nj fldñiu ms<s.kakd w;r th irKd.;hkaf.a fmdaIKh i|yd m%udKj;a hhs cd;Hka;rj ms<s.;a uÜguls' 2009 ckjdß f;la f.dvìñka hjk ,o wdydr iemhqu fï i|yd bjy,a úh' flfia fj;;a .egqï ;Sj%ùu;a kkaÈlvd,a l,mqj yryd mqÿud;,ka mgq N+ñNd.fha§ t,a'à'à'B'h úiska r|jd f.k isá úYd, ck ixLHdjlg w;HdjYH øjH iemhSug uqyqÿ iemhqï ud¾.hlg wj;S¾K ùug rchg isÿ ùu;a fya;=fjka fmnrjdß" ud¾;=" wfma%,a yd uehs uq,a Nd.fha§ fuu m%udKj;a iemhqu wvq jQ njla olakg ,eìKs' meje;s .egqï uOHfha udkqISh wdOdr wLKavj .,d hEu iy;sl lsÍug w;súYd, m%dfhda.sl .egÆ fkd;ld fuu iemhqï m%jdykh isÿ lrk ,o nj bÈßm;a jQ idlaIsj,ska fldñiug meyeÈ,s úh'

9'16 úm;g m;a isú,a jeishkaf.a ;;a;ajh k.disgqùu i|yd meje;s iSudjka uOHfha wdydr iemhSï jeä m%udKhla uqyqÿ ud¾.fhka hEjQ nj ms<s.; hq;=h' tfia l< yels jQfha m%Odk jYfhka rcfha" úfYaIfhka Èidm;sjreka yd wdrlaIl wxY fukau cd;Hka;r r;=l=rei ^whs'iS'wd¾'iS& yd f,dal wdydr jevigyk ^ví't*a'mS'& iy wjika hqo uqla; l,dmj, ia:dk.;j mrd¾:ldó fiajdjl ksheÆKq iafõÉPd fiajlhkaf.ao iduQysl m%h;akh ksidh'
9'17 .egqfï .;sl iajNdjh ksid yg.;a fuf;la fkdjQ úrE ndOl o tjka ;;a;ajhka yuqfõ Woa.;jQ fnodyeÍï moaO;sfha ÿ¾j,lï o iSñ; iemhqï idOdrK f,i fnodyeÍfï isg t,a'à'à'B' l%shldrlï o fkd;ld Y%S ,xld rch;a úfYaIfhka w;HjYH fiajd flduidßia ckrd,a iy by; i|yka cd;Hka;r wdh;k yd fjk;a iafjÉPd ixúOdk .egqï mej;s wjidk i;s lsysmh ;=< úm;g m;a mqoa.,hkag iemhqï Wmßu f,i ,nd§u iy;sl jkq msKsi m%YxikSh fiajdjl iy iyfhda.hla ,ndÿks'

9'18 flfia fj;;a fuu m%h;akhka yuqfõ .egqï ;Sj%ùu;a iu.u isú,a ckhdf.a fmdaIK wjYH;d imqrd,Su i|yd ;snQ wdydr iemhqï m%udKj;a fkdjQ nj ms<s.; hq;= i;Hhls' 2009 fmnrjdß udifhka miqj meje;s w;sYh ÿIalr ;;a;ajhka by; 4 jeks mßÉfþofha 2 fldgfia úia;rd;aulj i|yka lr we;'
9'19 bÈßm;a jQ lreKq mÍlaId lsÍfuka wk;=rej Y%S ,xld rch cd;Hka;r m%cdjf.a;a úfYaIfhka by; i|yka l< wdh;k fukau isú,a ck lKavdhïj,;a iyfhda.fhka cd;Hka;r iyfhda.s;dfõ yd iduQysl;ajfha yeÕSu iys;j l%shdj,sfha iqúYd, m%dfhda.sl .egÆ fkd;ld fldgqù isá ckhdg wdydr yd ffjoH myiqlï ,nd§ug yels iEu mshjrlau .;a njg fldñiu ks.ukh lrhs'

9'20 t,a'à'à'B'h úiska hqo uqla; l,dmj, m%dK wemlrejka f,i r|jdf.k isá idudkH ck;djf.a ixLHdj iïnkaOfhka tlsfklg fjkia jQ idlaIs ;ukag ,enqKq nj o fldñiu lshd isà' wod< isú,a n,OdÍkaf.a f,aLk.; idlaIs u.ska ixLHdjka Tmamq lsÍug fldñiu fl;rï W;aiyd oerejd o ta i|yd wod< uQ,sl f,aLk fldñiug ,nd .ekSug fkdyels úh' flfia jqj;a ,sÅ; idlaIs fkdue;s ùu" meje;s ;;a;ajh hgf;a m%dfhda.slj l< yels foa lrk ,o njg jQ idOlhg ;SrKd;aul n,mEula we;s lf<a ke;' by; i|yka l< whs'iS'wd¾'iS iy ví't*a'mS' jeks wdh;kj, iyfhda.fhka Y%S ,xld rch .;a Woafhda.S m%h;akhka ksid m%ydrd;aul l%ufõohla f,i isú,a ck;dj ksrdydrj ;eîfï wruqKska tys isá ck.ykh is;d u;d wvqlr oelaùula isÿù we;s njg wkque;shla fkd,efí'

T!IO iemhSu
9'21 ishÆ idOl i,ld ne,Sfuka wk;=rej fldñiug t<ôh yels tlu ks.ukh kï ^y;rjeks mßÉfþofha fojeks fldgfiys úia;r lr we;s wdldrhg& idudkH ;;a;ajhkag wod< úIh uQ,sl iïu;hkag wkqj T!IO ysÕhla ;snQ nj yd m%udKj;a fi!LH fiajdjka iemhSula fkd;snQ njhs' flfia fj;;a fuu ;;a;ajh i,ld ne,sh hq;= jkafka .egqfï ;Sj%;djh uOHfha meje;s widudkH ;;ajhka yd .egqï mej;s m%foaY yd frday,a w;r we;s ióm;ajh hk lreKq u;h'

9'22 fldñiu yuqfõ we;s idlaIsj, wúksYaÑ; iajNdjh i,lk úg w¾nqofha wjika Èk lsysmfha§ idudkH ck;djf.a ffjoH myiqlï iemhSu ms<sn| .egÆj ta yd iïnkaO udkqISh jákdlï fya;=fjka ;jÿrg;a mÍlaId lsÍug wjYH nj fldñiu ms<s.kS' tjka mÍlaIKhl§ ;=jd, ,;a idudkH ck;djf.a ixLHdj" ;=jd,j, iajNdjh" ;=jd, ,;a yd m%;sldr ,;a t,a'à'à'B' idudðlhka ixLHdj" m%;sldr lsÍug ;djld,sl frday,a i;=jQ myiqlï yd i;H jYfhkau ,ndÿka iemhqï .ek ;lafiarejla hk lreKq ie,ls,a,g .; hq;=h'

hg;aùfuka$ w;awvx.=jg .ekSfuka miq w;=reoka ùï ms<sn| fpdaokd
9'23 hqo yuqodj fj; we;eï mqoa.,hka hg;a fjkq iDcq f,i ÿgqjdhehs mjik mqoa.,hka lsysm fokl=f.a idlaIs ^4 jeks mßÉfþofha 11 jeks fldgfia 4'242 isg 4'258 olajd úia;r lr we;s& wkqj" tjka fpdaokd .ek wjYH úu¾Yk meje;aùu yd hqo yuqodfõ idudðlhka úiska isÿl<d hEhs lshk lsishï kS;s úfrdaë l%shdjka ms<sn| idlaIs tjka úu¾Ykhlska fy<sjk wjia:dj,§" je/È l<jqkag tfrysj ffk;sl mshjr f.k Tjqkag o~qjï muqKqjd,Su rch i;= meyeÈ<s j.lSula nj fldñiu wjOdrKh lrhs' hg;a ù ks, Ndrldr;ajhg m;aùfuka miq w;=reoka ùula ms<sn| fpdaokdjla ia:dmkh jQ úg th o~qjï ,eìh yels jrola nj fldñiu wjOdrKh lrhs' ta wkqj tjka isoaëka ms<sn| mQ¾K úu¾Ykhla wdrïN lsÍu iy wjYH wjia:dj,§ ffk;sl mshjr .ekSu hg;a ùfï§ yd uqod.;a m%foaYj,g isú,a jeishka meñfKoa§ wdo¾Yj;a whqßka fuf;la fndfyda ÿrg lghq;= l< hqo yuqodfõ lS¾;s kduh /l.ekSfï o wksjd¾h mshjrls' iq¿ ixLHdjlf.a l%shdjka ksid tu iuia; p¾hdjgu le<,la isÿùug bv Èh hq;= ke;'

t,a'à'à'B'h l%shdl,dmh
9'24 t,a'à'à'B' úiska isÿlrk ,o nrm;< udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kh lsÍï ms<sn|j udkj ysñlï mßÉfþofha yd tys weuqKqïj, úia;rd;aul f,i i|yka lr we;'

9'25 úfYaIfhkau hqo uqla; l,dmfhys t,a'à'à'B'h úiska cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sfha yrhd;aul uQ,O¾u nrm;< f,i W,a,x>kh lsÍu ms<sn|j 4 jeks mßÉfþofha 2 fldgfiys i|yka fõ' flfia fj;;a wjidk ks.ukh f,iska fldñifï j.lSu kï my; i|yka lreKq ms<sn|j wjOdkh fhduq lsÍuhs'

^w& ;u hqouh l%shdud¾. id¾:l lr .ekSug isú,a jeishka m<syla f,i fhdod .ekSu iu.ska
^wd& isú,a uOHia:dkj, hqo WmlrK ia:dmkh lsÍu yd Ndú;h
^we& wdrlaIs; m%foaY lrd <Õdùug W;aidy lrk isú,a jeishkag fjä ;eîu
^wE& .egqfï wjika wÈhrj,§ mjd l=vd <uhska igka i|yd n|jd .ekSu
^b& isú,a jeishkag wka;rdodhl nj oek oeku .egqï l,dmfhka msg; mjd ìï fndaïn yd t,a'à'à'B'h úiskau ilik ,o laIKsl msmsreï WmlrK ^bïmDDjhsiaâ tlaiamaf,daisõ äjhsiia& wegùu
^B& ;u hqouh wruqK bgqlr .ekSu i|yd wjYH fiajdjka iemhSug isú,a jeishka fhdod .ekSu iy tu.ska úfYaIfhka wjika hqo uqla; l,dmhkays ;onoj isá idudkH jeishka yd igkalrejka fjka fjkaj y÷kd.ekSug uq¿ukskau mdfya fkdyels ùu yd
^W& wysxil isú,a jeishkaf.a Ôú; wysñlrñka urdf.k uefrk m%ydr wLKavj isÿ lsÍu

hk lreKq cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sfha uQ,O¾u flfrys t,a'à'à'B' ixúOdkh oelajQ ksySk fkdie,ls,a, ;yjqre lrkjd muKla fkdj yuqoduh ch.%yKhla w;alr .ekSug isú,a Ôú; flfrys lsisÿ f.!rjhla fkdue;s i;=frl=g tfrysj igka lsÍfï§ wdrlaIl wxYj,g uqyqK §ug isÿjQ h:d¾:h o biau;= lrhs'

9'26 mÍlaIKj,§ fpdaokd bÈßm;a l< yels hEhs ne¨ ne,aug fmfkk idOl we;s t,a'à'à'B' igkalrejkag tfrysj fpdaokd f.dkq lsÍfï§ uQ,sl udkj ysñlï yd cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sfha uQ,O¾u W,a,x>kh lsÍu flfrys ksis wjOdkh fhduql< hq;= jkafka tu wmrdOfha nrm;<Ndjhg iß,k mßÈ o~qjï kshu l< hq;= ksidh'

wNHka;r .egqïj,g wod< cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh l%shd;aul lsÍu ms<sn| ksÍlaIK
9'27 rdcH fkdjk ikakoaO lKavdhï iïnkaO jk wNHka;r .egqï md,khg wod< ffk;sl rduqfõ m%d:ñl iajNdjh yuqfõ tjka ;;a;ajhl § ksrka;rfhkau mek k.sk .egÆ' tkï isú,a jeishkag ,nd fok idïm%odhsl wdrlaIdj .ek rdcH fkdjk ikakoaO lKavdhïj, kskaodYS,S fkd;elSu'

zwdrlaIs; l,dmhkaZ m%ydrd;aul Wmdh ud¾.hg noaO lsÍu iy isú,a jeishka ñksia m<syla f,i fhdod.ekSu wdÈh rdcHhka iy rdcH fkdjk ikakoaO lKavdhï w;r wNHka;r .egqïj,g wod<j mj;sk ffk;sl rduqfõ fkdmeyeÈ,s lafIa;%hka fy<slrhs' fuys m%;sM,h jkqfha isú,a wdrlaIs; l,dm ;=< msysgqjd we;s yuqod ia:dk wl%sh lsÍfï wjYH;djh we;s rdcH fkdjk ikakoaO lKavdhïj, m%ydrd;aul Wmdh ud¾.hkag tfrysj m%;sm%ydrj,g rch fm<öfuka isú,a jeishd wk;=rg ,la ùuhs'

9' 28 isú,a ck;djg wdrlaIdj imhk tjka l,dm msysgqùu ixjdoYS,Sj m%ldYhg m;alsÍu i|yd rdcH fkdjk ikakoaO lKavdhï lsisfia;a tlÕ fkdjk ;;a;ajhka ;=< rch úiska talmd¾Yaúlj hqo uqla; l,dmhla m%ldYhg m;al< miq ;u fufyhqï yd m%ydrd;aul Wmdh ud¾. m%.ukhg tajd fhdod .ekSu ^ksoiqkla f,i l,dmh ;=< issák idudkH ck;dj ñksia m<syla f,i fhdod .ekSu& hkdÈh ksid idudkH jeishka wdrlaId lsÍfï WNf;dafldaál .egÆjg tla w;lska rch iy lafIa;% wK fokakka uqyqK fok w;r wfkla w;ska hqo uqla; l,dmh ;=< i;=re wú n,h wl%Sh lsÍfï .egÆjg o uqyqK foa'

9'29 hqo uqla; l,dmhla talmd¾Yúlj m%ldYhg m;a lsÍfï Y%S ,xld w;aoelSu idudkH ck;dj uOHfhys isg ish Wmdhud¾.sl Yla;sh j¾Okh lr .ekSug rch úiska fkdoekqj;aj t,a'à'à'B'hg wjia:djla i,id ÿkakd o hk újdohg ux mdod we;'

9'30 hqo uqla; l,dmj, uqLH mrud¾:h iq/lSug wod< cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sfha wjYH;dj,g wkqrEmSj rdcH fkdjk ikakoaO lKavdhïj, l%shdldÍ;ajh miq úmrï lsÍfï .egÆj we;=¿ ;j;a ÿIalr .egÆ /ila mek k.S' tjka ;;a;ajhla .ek l%shd lsÍfï§ wkq.ukh l< hq;= ksis m%ñ;Ska iy l%shdldrlï iïmdokh lsÍu cd;Hka;r .egÆj,g wod<j mj;sk cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sfha l%shd;aulNdjhg n,mdk iuld,Sk wNsfhda. ch .ekSug wksjd¾hfhkau wjYH fõ'

9'31 4 jeks mßÉfþofha i|yka lr we;s mßÈ wNHka;r .egqïj,§ u;=jk ishÆ ixlS¾K;d yd wNsfhda.hka ie,ls,a,g f.k wka;¾ - rdcH .egqï md,kh lrk cd;Hka;r kS;sfha fmdÿ uQ,O¾u fuka rdcHhka yd rdcH fkdjk ikakoaO lKavdhï w;r w¾nqo md,khg ffk;sl rduqjla iqmßlaIdldÍj iïmdokh lsÍfuka cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sfha uQ,O¾uhka" rdcH fkdjk ikakoaO lKavdhï úiska jv jvd ms<s.ekSu iy;sl lrhs' fuu cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh l%shd;aul lsÍfï iuld,Sk Ndú;hg wod< ixlS¾K .egÆ' cd;Hka;r m%cdjf.a yd tlai;a cd;Ska yd ^whs'iS'wd¾'iS'& jeks wod< wka;¾cd;sl ixúOdkj, laIKsl wjOdkhg fhduq úh hq;=h' tu.ska wNHka;r .egqïj,§ cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh Ndú;fha we;s ysia;eka msrùug iqÿiq ffk;sl úêúOdk ilia lsÍug bv ie,fikq we;'

9'32 wysxil ñksia? Ôú; fÄockl f,i úkdY lrñka jir 30 la mqrd mej;=Kq Y%S ,xldfõ .egqfuka bf.k.; yels meyeÈ,s mdvula jkafka fuhhs' fuu w;aoelSïj, wdNdifhka id¾:l ffk;sl rduqjla iïmdokh lsÍu .egqfuka úm;g m;a ishÆ fokd fjkqfjka cd;Hka;r m%cdj orkd meyeÈ,s j.lSuls'

wk;=rg m;ajQjka ms<sn| .egÆjg wod< ksÍlaIK yd ks¾foaY
9'33 úm;g m;ajQjka iy /|úhka úiska ,ndÿka idlaIs yd ;u w;aoelSï mokï lrf.k fldñiug bÈßm;a jQ lreKqj,g wkqj ck;djg ydks isÿùu je<elaùug wdrlaIl yuqod W;aidy oroa§ isú,a ckhdg Ôú; ydks yd ;=jd, isÿ lrñka hqo uqla; l,dm we;=¿ isú,a m%foaYj, fjä yqjudre jQ njg fldñiug meyeÈ,sh'

9'34 ñksia m<sylg wdjrKh ù wdrlaIdj m;ñka urdf.k uefrk weoys,s u; hefmk ;%ia;jd§ lKavdhula wl%Sh lsÍfï§ wdrlaIl yuqodj uqyqK fok ixlS¾K wNsfhda. ms<sn|j fldñiug jegySula we;' tfukau wdrlaIl yuqodjkaf.a;a wfkl=;a n,OdÍkaf.a;a m%uqL;ajh iy we;af;kau iajNdúl yeÕSSï kï u< isrere .Kka lsÍug jvd Ôú; .,jd .ekSu nj fldñiu m%Yxid;aulj ms<s.kS' flfia fj;;a isú,a ck;djg isÿjQ ydks ms<sn|j mYapd;a hqo weia;fïka;= fyda ks, jd¾;d m%foaYfha isú,a mßmd,k wêldßh fyda wdrlaIl ks,OdÍka i;= fkdùu ms<sn|j fldñiu i|yka lrkafka lk.dgqfjks' wk;=rg m;ajQ ;u msßia yd t,a'à'à'B' fha wk;=rg ,lajQjka ms<sn|j weia;fïka;= wdrlaIl yuqodj i;=j mj;sk w;r fi!LH wud;HdxYfha iSñ; o;a; yereKq úg wk;=rg m;a isú,a ck ixLHdj ms<sn| ks, jd¾;djla fkdue;s ùu úúO wdh;k" udOH ixúOdk yd n,OdÍka úiska mriamr ixLHd f,aLk bÈßm;a lsÍug fya;= ù we;'

9'35 isú,a md,kh fyda hqo wêldÍka i;=j ksishdldr miq úmrï l%shdoduhla fkdue;s ùu wk;=rg m;a ck;djf.a ixLHdj ms<sn| oeä f,i wkqudk lrk ;yjqre fkdl< idudkHlrKhlg ux mdod we;'

9'36 flfia fj;;a" fldñiu yuqfõ we;s weiska ÿgq idlaIs iy fjk;a úia;r wkqj .egqfï wjika wÈhf¾ § ie,lsh hq;= isú,a ck ixLHdjla wk;=rg ,la jQ nj fldñifï oekqj;a woyihs' fuhg fjä yqjudrejg ueÈ ùu" t,a'à'à'B'h ys;d u;d idudkH ckhd b,lal lr fjä ;eîu fukau w¾nqofha .;sl;ajh N+f.da,Sh Wjÿre" t,a'à'à'B'h úiska idudkH ckhd ñksia m<syla f,i fhdod .ekSu yd wk;=ßka ñ§ug t,a'à'à'B' h úiska m%dKwemlrejkag bv fkd§u hkdÈh fya;= jQ nj fmkS hhs'

9'37 fï ksid my; i|yka mshjr .kakd f,i fldñiu ks¾foaY lrhs'
^w& by; 4'359 yd ^w& iy ^wd& ys i|yka ksÍlaIKj, we;=<;a ksYaÑ; isoaëka iy isú,a jeishka fj; ys;d u;du t,a, l< m%ydr ms<sn| jd¾;d.; isoaëka úu¾Ykh l< hq;=h' tu úu¾Ykj,ska je/È l< nj fy<s jqjfyd;a je/Èlrejkag tfrysj ffk;sl mshjr .ekSug yd o~qjï §ug mshjr .; hq;=h'

^wd& .egqï ld,h ;=< isú,a jeishkag isÿjQ Ôú; ydks iy ;=jd, fukau foam< ydks m%udKh iy isoaêuh fya;=ka .ek ksYaph lr .ekSug Èjhsfka ishÆ m<d;aj, isák úm;g m;a ishÆ mjq,a .ek jD;a;Suh uÜgfuka ie,iqï l< iólaIKhla meje;aùu'

9'38 zpek,a 04Z kd,sldfõ ùäfhda mgh ms<sn| ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaY
pek,a 04 kd,sldfõ ùäfhda mgh ms<sn| V fldgfia 04 jeks mßÉfþofha i|yka lreKq .ek fldñiu u;= i|yka ksÍlaIK iy ks¾foaY bÈßm;a lrhs'

^w& tys fmkajk oDYHuh cjksld zi;H fyda rÕmEïZ nj wod< fkdjQjo tajd ienúkau ìysiqKq yd is; ii, lrjk iqÆh'

^wd& ùäfhda mgfha we;=<;ajkafka lD;%su f,i ujd mdk ,o isoaëka nj Y%S ,xld rch ;rfha mjik w;r tlai;a cd;Skaf.a iïnkaëldrljreka úiska m;a lrk ,o ;dlaIKsl úfYaI{hka wjOdrKh lf<a tu ùäfhda mgfha isrNdrfha isá ckhdg muqKqjk ,oehs wkqudk l< yels kS;s úfrdaê >d;k ^iuß tlailshqIkaia& iy ,sx.sl wmrdO ms<sn| ms<s.; yels hehs yefÕk lreKq we;=<;a njhs' tfy;a rch fukau tlai;a cd;Skaf.a iïnkaëldrl úfYaI{hka tu ùäfhdamgfha fkdmeyeÈ,s ;dlaIKsl nyq w¾:hka w;s ;eka lsysmhla fmkajd foa'

^we& wdpd¾h p;=r o is,ajd yd uydpd¾h B' ta' hµdkaáia hk iajdëk úfYaI{hka úiska f.k yer olajk ;dlaIKsl lreKq iy fjdaydßl .egÆ' ùäfhda mgfha wjHdc;ajh ms<sn|j" úfYaIfhka reêrh iys; o¾Yk lD;%su f,i ujdmEu iy úoahq;a Ys,am jHdc f,i yiqrejd,Sfï yelshdj ms<sn| n,j;a iel u;= lrjhs'

^wE& úldYh lrk ,o ùäfhda mgfha msgm;la fkdue;s ùu ksid tjeks ;dlaIKsl jHdl+,;d ms<sn|j wjidk meyeÈ,s lsÍula l< fkdyel'


urd iy úù( w¨;a weyela ±lal yeá


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='17" m'j'11'40& wmf.a mdGlhka úiska Èkm;d tjk ish .Kkla ks¾udK w;ßka ,xldfõ wo mj;sk foaYmd,kh .ek iqúfYaIS ks¾udK folla fuys m< lr ;sfí' fuh ks¾udK l< mqoa.,hd fyda lKavdhug ,xld B ksõia mdGl ieuf.a ia;+;sh ysñjkq we;' fujeks ;j;a oE bgq lsÍug ffO¾hh ,efíjd'


urdfm%aó mqxÑ uka;%S ;reKshla meyerf.k ¥IKh lr,d

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='21" m'j'3'45& ;reKshla meyerf.k f.dia ;j;a msßila yd tlaj rd;%shla mqrd w;jr l< nj lshk mQcdmsáh m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ uka;%Sjrfhl= yd ;%Sfrdao r: ßhÿfrl= w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí'

fufia w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s uka;%Sjrhd mQcdmsáh m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdk m%d'iNd uka;%S k,skao rdckdhl kue;af;ls

fudjqka úiska oy wg yeúßÈ ;reKshla fuf,i flf<id we;ehs mejfia'

ielmsg w;awvx.=jgf.k we;s wfkla iellre pór chixL fyj;a l¿ u,a,s keue;af;la nj jd¾;d fõ'

;reKsh úiska wxl=Uqr fmd,sishg l< meñKs,a,lg wkqj fudjqka w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí'

fï ;reKsh bl=;a 19 jeksod miajrefõ meyerf.k f.dia uka;%Sjrhdg wh;a lemafmáfmd, m%foaYfha ksfjilg /f.k f.dia w;jr lr we;s nj mejfia

MaRa loyalist UPFA member abducts and rapes a young girl collectively

(Lanka-e-News-22.March.2012,11.55PM) A UPFA member of the Poojapitiya local body and a three wheel driver had been arrested over abducting and raping a young girl after forcibly keeping her the whole night . The group which abducted her had along with others committed rape on her keeping her the whole night.

The UPFA member of the Poojapitiya local Council who was arrested is Nalinda Rajanayake . He along with others had brutally raped this girl 18 times. The other suspect who is now in custody is Chameera Jayasanka alias Kalu Malli, reports say.
Based on the complaint made by the young victim to the Angkumbura police, the suspects had been arrested.

The victim had been abducted on the 19th , and the crimes had been committed in a house in Kepetipola district belonging to the UPFA member.


nhf.da;df.a l=uka;%K j,s.duï ,s|lska u;= fõ

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='14" m'j'6'00& hdmkh j,s.duï W;=r m%foaYfha ,s|lska WKav f;d.hla yuqù we;ehs j,s.duï fmd,Sish mjihs' fuu WKav f;d.h yuqù we;af;a ìï fndaïn bj;a lsÍfï lKavdhulg nj;a WKav f;d.h wdrlaIs;j fmd,s;Ska nE.j, T;d ,s|g oud ta u; je,s oud jid ;sìkehs fmd,Sish lshd isà'

m%foaYjdiSka mjikafka fuu m%foaYh wê wdrlaIs; l,dmhg wh;a nj;a Wäka oud we;ehs lshk je,s mrK je,s fkdj w¨;a je,s nj;a h' Tjqka mjikafka fuh wdrlaIl wxY j, l=uka;%Khla njhs'

fujeksu weoysh fkdyels l;d lsysmhla miq.sh ld,h mqrd wdrlaIl wxY úiska jd¾;d flf<ah'
• l;r.u kjd;eka fmd,lska urdf.k uefrk celÜgqjla fidhd .ekSu' ^tys§ meh 8 la jeks iq¿ ld,hl§ ri mÍCIl jrhd jd¾;djla o ksl=;a flf<ah' fld<U isák ri mÍCIl l;r.ug f.dia mÍCIK mj;ajd jd¾;djla §ug .;af;a b;d iq¿ ld,hls' ri mÍCIlf.a m¾fhaIK úoHd.drh we;af;a o fld<Uh'&
• l¿;ßka à-56 WKav 13000 la yuqùu
• ls,sfkdÉÑfhka m%N++ >d;k i|yd mqmqrK øjH m%jdykhg fhdod .ekSug ryis.; l=á ilia lrk ,o jdyk lSmhlg wh;a ãi,a yd fmg%,a gexls fidhd.ekSu'
• is,dj;=f¾§ fndaÜgqjlska fc,s.akhsÜ .=,s iy fvfgdfkag¾ fidhd.ekSu

bka lsysmhls'

zke.S tk Woaf>daIk /,a, .ek nhf.da;d ryis.; idlÉPdjl( t,aààBhg mK §fï l=uka;%KhlaZ uefhka miq.sh 19 od ,xld B ksõia fj;ska fy<s lr isáfha fuu l=uka;%Kfha m<uq wÈhr h'


We will give loans to Europe very shortly -Econo- tricks development ‘Commission’ Minister Basil brags

(Lanka-e-News-16.March.2012, 11.50PM) The SL economic development Minister Basil Rajapakse addressing a media briefing held in connection with the Sri Lanka EXFO 2012 trade exhibition on the 15th said, the day is not far off when SL will start giving aid to Europe. He went on to elaborate thus :

‘We do not depend only on Europe. We have new trading markets . Now we are seeking new markets in regard to tourists too. India is our closest biggest trade market. Similarly China . Owing to these markets , the economy is developing. We must divest ourselves of the view that world economy is only that of Europe. Some of our people think that Europe is world economy. Today , economic progress is not in Europe but in Asia. Though Europe has crashed , we will not. Even if Europe threatens us or tries to dent our independence , we will not surrender to them. Owing to this , it is no big issue. Tomorrow or day after there is room for us to give a loan to Europe’.

We will be failing in our duty if we do not reveal the background of this Minister with charcoal tinted optimism. Basil studied up to G C E adv. Level at Ananda College , and is now a Minister sans any knowledge of economics. When he was just a political lackey he certainly proved he was extremely skilled in econo-tricks though he knew nothing on economics, for his notoriety in collecting huge illicit commissions was a theme of conversation among all without exception across the entire Island. In a country where the President is G C E qualified , the trade Minister is grade 9 qualified and a housing Minister who had just studied up to G C E ord. level, an equally unqualified economic development Minister engaging in empty boasts and bragging about a moribund Govt. of his is unsurprising, though it is most disastrous to the country and spells doom to the nation.
In the world economy projection until 2016 revealed in September 2011 ,by the International monetary fund (IMF), China and India’s contribution jointly to the world economy is only 25 %. The IMF declares that the US, Britain , Australia and Europe alone will make up for 50% of the world economy. For all other countries including Sri Lanka where this unqualified black tinted stupid optimist lives , what remains is only a 25% contribution.

The economic development Minister of the Rajapakse regime which is hard put even to pay back the gigantic loans taken by it during the short period since it came to power , apart from the loans taken after this country achieved independence ,
talking about giving loans to Europe in these circumstances while at the same time his govt. is heaping most monumental economic burdens on the people including raising steeply the price of Kerosene among many other commodities which are most essential for the so many poor Sri Lankans who are unable to have a square meal a day , must either be raving mad or bitten by a rabid dog . It is a common adage ‘ when God wishes to destroy a cursed evil wrongdoer, he first makes him mad’ – Basil surely must be under that curse.

Sadly ,the true situation in this country now is ,while this econo-tricks unqualified Minister who is talking through his hat ,and his clan are thinking which five star Hotel they should patronize to gourmandize after alighting from their latest super luxury Prados and land cruisers , the starving people on the other hand are thinking which meal they should skip if they are to eke out a living until tomorrow.

Basil who thought that he was possessed of cunning and intelligence has now hurtled down into a cesspit where he is forced to measure the length and breadth of his own brain , if he has one at all. As long as one remains silent , it is difficult to judge whether one is a fool or a wise person. With Basil opening his gaping mouth he has betrayed clearly what a moron he is , capable only of collecting illicit commissions using his econo-tricks knowledge – the only thing he knows to do well .

zwms fyg wksoaog hqfrdamhg;a Kh fokjdZ -neis,a ;mamq,hs

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='15" m'j'9'30& hqfrdamhg YS% ,xldfjka Kh ,ndfok ld,h jeä wE;l fkdjk nj Y%S ,xldfõ wd¾Ól ixj¾Ok wud;H neis,a rdcmlaI mejiSh' wud;Hjrhd i|yka lf<a YS% ,xld tlaia f*da -2012 fj<| m%o¾Ykh ms<sn| oekqj;a lsÍu i|yd jQ udOH yuqjg wo ^15& iyNd.S fjñks' Tyq tys§ fufia lSh'

zzhqfrdamd whf.ka ú;rla wms hefmkafk kE wmsg w¨;a fj<| fmd,j,a ;sfhkjd' ±ka wms ixpdrlhka .ek;a w¨;a fjf<| fmd,j,a j,g hkj' bkaÈhdj wms ,Õu bkak f,dl= fjf<| fmd,la' ta jf.au Ökh fyd| fjf<| fmd,la' tajfh wd¾Ólh ÈhqKq fjkj' f,dal wd¾Ólh hqfrdamd whf.hs lshk ixl,amfhka wms ñfokak ´k' wfma iuyr wh ys;df.k bkakj hqfrdamh ;uhs f,dal wd¾Ólh lsh,' wo hqfrdamfha fkfuhs wd¾Ólh ;sfhkafk wdishdfj wd¾Ólh ;sfhkafk' hqfrdamh jegqkg wms jefgkafk kE' hqfrdamh wmsg ;¾ckh l<;a wfma iaffjÍ Ndjhg ydks lrkak yeÿj;a wms hg fjkafk kE' b;ska tal yskao fïl tÉpr f,dl= fohla fkdfjhs' wms fyg wksoaog hqfrdamhg Kh fokak;a bv ;sfhkjd' ZZ

wdkkao úoHd,fhka Wiia fm< olajd muKla wOHdmkh yodrd bkamiq wd¾Ól úoHdj .ek fuf,da ÿr È. wOHdmkhla ke;s neis,a rdcmlaI okafka weue;s fyxphsfhla f,i isáh§ Wf.k .;a ã,a ±óu;a fldñia .eySu;a muKs' 9 jk fY%aKsh iu;a fjf<| weue;s jrfhla o idudkH fm, olajd muKla bf.k .;a ksjdi weue;sfhla o idudkH fm< muKla iu;a ckdêm;sjrfhla o isák rgl wd¾Ól ixj¾Ok weue;s f,i fujeks nQre l;d lshk weue;sjrfhla o isàu cd;sfha wjidkdjls'

cd;Hka;r uq,H wruqo, miq.sh iema;eïn¾ udifha bÈßm;a l< 2016 olajd f,dal wd¾Ól fmr ±lafï i|yka jk wdldrhg f,dal wd¾Ólhg Ökh;a bkaÈhdj;a tlaj odhl úh yelafla ishhg 25 lska muKs' weußldj ì%;dkH ´iafÜ%,shdj iy hqfrdamh muKla f,dal wd¾Ólfhka ishhg 50 lg wdikak m%udKhla w;a m;a lr .kq we;ehs uQ,H wruqo, mjihs' Y%S ,xldj we;=¿ wfkla ish¿ rgj,g b;sßjkafka b;sß ishhg 25 hs'

ksoyiska miq ,xldj ,nd .;a Kh lkao jeks Kh lkaola rdmlaI,d n,hg meñKSfuka miq iq¿ ld,h ;=, ,ndf.k tal f.jd.kakj;a nersj uyckhdf.a nQñf;,a álg mdka f.ähg fl<sk zKh mlS¾,dZ jQ rdmlaI,d hqfrdamhg Kh §ug l;d lsÍu .ek lsjyelafla zÿIaGhka úkdY lsÍug fmr foúhka Tyqj msiaiq jÜgjkafka hZ hk l;djhs'

hï lmá fyda Kqjkla we;ehs fuf;la is;df.k isá neis,a rdcmlaIo wo ;ukaf.a fud<fha y;r ßhk fldf;la±hs f.k yer mEfõ tf,ih' zl;d fkdlr isák ;dla fudavhdo KqjklaldrfhlsZhehs lshukla ;sfí'


oka; Od;+ka jykafia jvïuk uykqjr ùÈ Èf.a wo rd;%S kdu,a kdïndf.a ,eïfnda.sks jvïu;s o,od fmryerg;a jvd úYd, fmd,sia wdrlaIdjla le|j,d


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='16" m'j'6'40& fydr fmrlfodare kdu,a rdmlaI kdïndf.a ukfod< iemsÍu fjkqfjka fld<U meje;ajQ zl<ïnq khsÜ f¾iaZ wo isg uykqjr k.rfha ùÈ mqrd meje;afjkq we;' rd;%S ld,fha fld<U fukau uykqjr o mdrj,a jid oud ,eífnda.sks ld¾ f¾ia meje;aùug kshñ;h'

uykqjr ÿmam;a ck;djg mdx lshd .kakg neßj ;sìh§ oka; Od;+ka jykafia uy;a ne;sfhka jvïuk uykqjr ùÈ Èf.a wo rd;%sfha kdu,a rdcmlaIfha uk fod, msrùu i|yd iqmsß ld¾ Odjkfha fhfokq we;' hákqjr ùÈh" k.r iNd ykaÈh" fld<U ùÈh" ;%sl=Kdu, ùÈh" laùkaia ykaÈh" o<od ùÈh yryd jej rjqu mqrd fuu iqmsß zlekaä khsÜ f¾iaZ meje;afjkq we;'

fï fjkqfjka uykqjr jeks l=vd k.rhl we;s bv lv wiqrñka mdrj,a mqrd je,s fldÜg mqrjd ;sfí' fï fya;=j ksid uyckhd uy;a wiSre;djhg m;aj we;ehs wia.sß uydkdhl ysñfhda mjd mjid ;sfí' kdhl ysñhka úiska fï .ek ckdêm;sf.ka úuid isá l< zlekaä khsÜ f¾iaZ .ek Tyq lsisjla okafka ke;ehs mjid ;sîu ;rï .x flnrhla ;j;a ke;' uykdhl ysñfhda Èia;%sla f,alïf.ka o úuid we;s l< Tyqo mjid we;af;a Tyq ta .ek lsisjla fkdokakd njhs'

zlekaä khsÜ f¾iaZ msgilaj,lska meñK mj;ajkjdo hkak .eg¨jls'

fydr fmrlfodare kdu,a kdïndf.a fuu ;l;Sre urdmD;shg ish¿ iydh ,nd .kafka nhf.da;df.a yuqodfjks' uykqjr yoj; jka uykqjr jefõ j;=r wä 4 la uqod yer je,s fldÜg j,g wjYH je,s ,ndf.k we;af;a jeõ m;=, ydrñks' fï i|yd yuqodj fhdojd ;sfí' j;=r bj;a lsÍu ksid ud¿ka úYd, m%udKhla Èh myr j,a j, ueÍ isá;s'

úÿ,s n, weue;s rd;%sfha tl úÿ,s mykla fyda ksjd mj;sk úÿ,s w¾nqohg iydh fok f,i ck;djf.ka b,a,oa§ fuu khsÜ ld¾ f¾ia tl fjkqfjka fjdÜ 1500 fha wên, úÿ,s myka rdYshla uykqjr mqrd iúlr ;sfí'

uyck úfrdaOhla we;s ù fuu wên, úÿ,s myka fj; .,a .idú hehs ìfhka tla iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ jrfhl= ,hsá lKq 3 la wdjrKh jk mßoafoka uyd úYd, fmd,sia n,hla wo uykqjrg le|jd ;sfí' fmd,sia h;=re meÈ 34 lska hq;a fmd,sia jdyk 61 la wo uykqjr wdrlaIdjg le|jd ;sfí' fhdojd we;s fmd,sia ks,OdÍka ixLHdj 1837 ls' t,aààB ;¾ck ;sfnk ld,fha 2009 § mjd kqjr o<od fmryerg le|jd ;snqfka fmd,sia ks,OdÍka 1600 ls'

fuu ;rÕh keröu i|yd wjYH re 3000" 2000" 1500" 250" 50 wd§ .Kka j,ska hq;= m%fõY m;a ksl=;a lr we;s w;r tajdo úl=Kd we;af;a yuqodj fhdojd .ksñks'

Closure of DaladaVeediya and its inconvenience to citizens of Kandy -senior citizens of Kandy says

(Lanka-e-News-17.Marh.2012, 11.30PM) As a group of concerned senior citizens of Kandy comprising of retired professionals, we appeal to His Excellency the President of Sri Lanka, Members of the clergy, Parliamentarians and the general public to consider reopening the road in front of DaladaMaligawa for vehicular traffic considering the disastrous economic and health effects it has created for the citizens of Kandy, particularly, the school children. Let us summarise the salient points on this issue.

1. The main road from Kandy to Mahiyangana has been in use for at least the last 100 years and this has been closed since 2001 after the terrorist attack on the Dalada Maligawa. Even after the LTTE was defeated in 2009, this road remains closed inconveniencing thousands of people who travel to work and other purposes to the city including the school children. Because of the circuitous route vehicles have to take along the Kandy lake, it now takes at least 45 minutes during rush hour to travel the 2 km round the lake instead of the five minutes it took earlier to travel the distance of half a kilometre, when the road in front of the Dalada Veediya was open. The result is a waste of time and money since vehicles burn quite a lot of fuel travelling at snail’s pace around the Kandy Lake. People curse this inconvenience but no one in authority has shown any concern for this nuisance undergone by the citizenry of Kandy and its suburbs.

2. The number of people seeking healthcare at the Kandy General Hospital for respiratory illnesses has been continuously increasing over the last decade. It is not surprising to see increasing numbers of children coming down with asthma and other respiratory illnesses. According to Dr.Anoma Siribaddana, Consultant Chest Physician at the Kandy General hospital, the number of children with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is on the rise. This condition normally affects middle aged and older adults and habitual smokers. This is a serious health condition for which there is no cure apart from controlling the symptoms. Hospital statistics also show an increase in the number of asthma patients who spend time in the city. Presence of COPD in children is an alarming trend which should receive the immediate attention of the authorities.

Air pollution particularly affects the very young and the old. People with heart problems are the most affected. Therefore, the importance of the air quality in Kandy cannot be overemphasised.

3. The city of Kandy situated in a valley between the Hantane and Hunnasgiriya mountains is expected to have high degree of air pollution. In fact, a comparison of the data collected from the Colombo Fort monitoring station and also from Kandy during the period 2001-2005 show that air pollution levels in Kandy are far higher than in Colombo. Colombo is situated on a flat terrain close to the sea and that helps disperse pollution over a larger area while air pollutants get concentrated in the Kandy valley surrounded by mountains. As a result, while only about 10% of the data from Colombo exceed the gazetted air quality standards meant to protect human health, about 40% of the data recorded for Kandy exceed the national standards.

4. In 2003, when Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe became the Prime minister, he opened up most of the roads closed due to security considerations and the road in front of Dalada Veediya was opened for light traffic. This considerably eased the flow of traffic around the lake. Air pollution data prior to that were well above the National Standard but after the road was opened it was found that the levels came down drastically to healthy levels. After about 3 months, the roads when this road was again closed, the air pollution level climbed well above the National Standard. This clearly shows that reopening the road has a direct influence on the air quality of the Kandy city and our request is based on sound scientific evidence. These scientific findings are published in scientific journals after peer review of their contents.

1. Air Pollution monitoring in the city of Kandy, “Possible Transboundary effects”.
VDK Abeyratne and O.A.Ileperuma, J.Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka,34, 137-141 (2006).

2. Monitoring air pollution levels in Kandy using passive and active gas sampling techniques, VDK Abeyratne and O.A.Ileperuma, Ceylon Journal of Sciences( Physical Sciences), 7(1) 54-62 (2004)
The particle concentration dropped by nearly 70% and the sulphur dioxide levels, too, dropped by about 50% after the roads were reopened. These two pollutants are the major causes of asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Vehicles caught up in traffic jams spew a large amount of black smoke with these particles. In addition, unburnt petrol emitted from motor vehicles has polyaromatic compounds which are known to cause cancer. Air pollution also triggers heart attacks and other heart related diseases.

Those who profess that air pollution cannot be reduced by the mere reopening of this road should know that it has been scientifically proven that reopening this road will indeed reduce air pollution levels in Kandy.

Some studies carried out in developed countries suggest that if the particle concentration increases by about 10% then the additional deaths of elderly people with heart conditions also increases by about 10%. Sadly, such statistics are not available from Sri Lanka and there is an urgent need for the health authorities to be concerned about this since it is the government resources which have to be spent for treating a sick population.

5. We are not asking to reopen this road for the benefit of the pilgrims who visit the Dalada Maligawa since it is not difficult for them to walk the distance from the Kandy city to the Dalada Maligawa. What we are asking is to reopen the road for the sake of health of its citizens , particularly the children and the elderly. There are other religious and archaeological monuments throughout the world where vehicular traffic is banned. However, there are no major roads close by which had to be closed to allow access to such monuments.
6. An international web site giving information about Kandy to tourists had this to say in its concluding paragraph "the city is ugly and its air pollution unbearable". This is a serious matter since tourism in Kandy and its economy is affected by such adverse comments and as a result Kandy may be taken off from the listof World’s Heritage cities.

The President has rendered a great service to our children by creating a fear-free environment for them to grow up. Reopening of this road will benefit children and the elderly alike as that will help reduce pollution in the city.

We appeal to all those concerned to take action to relive the people of Kandy and its environs of this severe inconvenience for the sake of a healthy population in Kandy.
By - A member of senior citizens of Kandy


! rdcmCI f.ïnkaf.a fydr fYdaNk wmrdo jev ;rfha fy<d olsuq !

!! Th fydr fmrlfodare fudav kdu,a kdïnd fkdfyd;a fudav ;l;Sre f.dv yeä f.ïndg jejl isák ud¿ ;shd osfha isák f.ïnka mjd wryxh' tjeks fudav fYdaNk f.ïnka g mQckSh ia:dkhl fyda wysxil ck;djlf.a jákdlu fyda wudrelï jeg fyhso' Th ish¨ fudav crd urdmD;shkag bvlv fokafka ta fudav fudkaf.d,a kQ.;a f.ì mrïmrdj ñi fjk ljqreka o@ ^fydr wOHdmk iy;sl m;% ,ndf.k ck;dj rjgd uq,d fldg rgla md,kh lrk fudav ye, f.ïnkaf.ka rgg ck;djg we;sjkafka l=uk fi;la o'!!

rg .,jd .;a yuqodj ,jd rdcmCI,dg ieu foagu lfâ heùu muKla fkdj oeka oeka t<j¨ úlskSu jf.au fudav pKaä f.ì kdu,af.a ld¾ f¾ia m%fõY m;% wf,úhg o fhdojd .ekSu .ek wik wmg we;s fkdfjkafka fudk reodj o@

fckrd,af.a nqoaêfhka rg .,jd.;a;;a wo th iEu w;skau wdmiq yrjkakg fuu fudav fudkaf.d,a ye, f.ïnka j,slk nj o fï iuÕu Tn ieu oeKqj;a l< hq;=j we;'

fuu PdhdrEmh iuÕ i;H woyi iy tu oelSu wmg tjq wrdìlrfha rxcsg wfmka WKqiqï iqn me;=ï'

Ahfesl.org (17.03.2012)


!! cd;sl fl!;=ld.drfha lvqj fidrd.;af;a ì,s mqcdjg oehs ielhla'

orejka urkakg ;rï yels fïjf.a ;srsika md,lhkag Woõ lrkafka o tjeksu ;srsika woyia iy .;s.=K we;s ;srsikakq nj wksjd¾fhka lsjhq;=j we;' mqoa.,sl jdis u; ´kEu cvjevla n¨ jevla lrkakg tu ld,lkaKs ;srsikakqkag yelsfõ' tu ;srsikqka l,a ;nd y÷kd .ekSfuka Tn ieuf.a wkd.;h o wdrCIs; jkq we;' !!

tu úia;r isxyf,ka lshjkak fuhska we;=,a jkak'

Authorities doubtful if the sword stolen from the National Museum is for a pooja
Sunday, 18 March 2012 20:40 NewsEditor Hits: 46


There is a reasonable doubt whether the burglary at the National Museum and the stealing of a sword was carried out for the human sacrifice that is to be carried out for the President, a senior government minister said.
The President’s House in Fort has now been converted into a place where various rituals are being carried out for the President. Several Indian priests are engaged in carrying out various poojas continuously for the past few days.

One of the Indian priests had visited the National Museum last Thursday with officers from the President’s Media Unit (PSD). It is learnt that the CCTV cameras have not been operational since that afternoon. The Museum is usually closed on Fridays since it is kept open during Saturday and Sunday. The burglary had taken place when the museum was closed.

Casino King and Transport Ministry Secretary Dhammika Perera is currently building a mansion opposite the National Museum and a large number of security personnel are always in the premises and even PSD officials frequent the site.

A special security system is in place in the area around the museum. A senior police officer told us that it was surprising that the museum was broken into on the 16th night in such a backdrop. He said it was important to note that all CCTV cameras at the museum had been disconnected at the time of the burglary.

Among the artifacts that have been stolen are eight swords from the Kandyan period, four knives, several gold coins and a ring with a seal.

Cultural Affairs Minister Jagath Balasuriya’s wife, the Southern Province Governor Kumari Balasuriya is a close relative of the President.

We earlier reported that there was a plan to make a human sacrifice to invoke blessings on the President. Several opposition politicians told us that when considering all aspects there were doubts whether the robbery was carried out with state patronage.


Museum robbed – ancient swords taken away – Is it the work of MaRa's sword searchers ?

(Lanka-e-News-17.Marh.2012, 11.30PM) A group of thieves who had broken into the Colombo National museum yesterday night (16) had taken away a number of valuable ancient exhibits , according to the police. These rogues had stolen most valuable articles which were there on the second floor of the Museum including ancient swords and currencies.

Owing to the on going investigations , the Museum is being kept closed for two days for visitors.

This is the first time the museum which is the center preserving the SL heritage and culture exhibits had been burgled. Staff of the Museum say , since the Museum is located in a high security zone this burglary could not have been committed by ordinary thieves. The staff are suspicious over the theft of swords while there are more valuable articles like ancient pearls and gems which have not been touched by the thieves.

Gotabaya who is suffering from ‘wall phobia’ among other manias earlier tried to eliminate the museum parapet wall , but withdrew the idea later.

It is well to recall in the past , based on a blind belief that if the sword of Dutugemunu King can be retrieved , the regime chief can prolong his reign , the regime searched every nook and corner digging everywhere in search of the sword. Lately , in another turn of events , these days , chanting is being conducted every night at Temple Trees because it is believed that regime chief is going through a most unpropitious period stemming from planetary changes.

cd;sl fl!;=ld.drh ì| bmerKs lvq fidrlï lr,d( ÿgq.euqKqf.a lvqj fidhk Wkaf.a jevlao@

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='17" m'j'5'40& fld<U cd;sl fl!;=ld.drhg Bfha ^16& rd;%sfha we;=¿ jQ fidreka lKavdhula tys ;snQ ft;sydisl NdKav /ila meyerf.k f.dia ;sfnk nj fmd,Sish mjihs' fl!;=ld.drfha fofjks uyf,a ;snQ ñ, l< fkdyels jákdlulska hq;a bmerKs lvq lsysmhla iy ldis fidreka úiska fidrlï lrf.k f.dia we;'

fï iïnkaOfhka meje;afjka mÍCIk fya;=fjka fld<U cd;sl fl!;=ld.drh Èk folla uyck m%o¾YKh i|yd jid ;efnk nj fl!;=ld.drh mjihs'

rfÜ ixialD;sl yoj; jka cd;sl fl!;=ld.drh fidreka úiska fufia ì¢kq ,enqfõ b;sydifha m<uq jrg h' ±ä wdrlaIl l,dmhl msysgd ;sfnk fl!;=ld.drh ì£u idudkH fidrekag l< fkdyelalla nj fl!;=ld.dr fiajlfhda mji;s' óg jvd jákd l=vd NdKav jk uq;= ueKsla wdÈh ;sìh§ lvq fidrlï lsÍu .ek fiajlfhda iel my< lr;s'

f.daGdNh rdcmlaIf.a z;dmam f*daìhdjZ hgf;a fuys bmerKs ;dmamh bj;a lsÍugo W;aidyhla .kakd ,o kuq;a miqj th wl=,d .;af;a h'
ÿgq.euqKq rcqf.a lvqj fidhd.; fyd;a frÔudêm;sjrhdf.a rdcH meje;au §¾> ld,hlg ;yjqre jkjd hhs hk wkaO úYajdifhka frÔuh úiska miq.sh ld,h mqrd ÿgq.euqKq rcqf.a lvqjla fidhñka iEu ;eku ydrñka mSrñka .sfhda h' miq.shod isg frÔudêm;sjrhdg Nhdkl tardIaGlhla ,nd we;ehs lshñka uyd rd;%sfha§ ckdêm;s ukaÈrfha fï Èkj, hd. fydau meje;afõ'


ckdê;sg oS¾>dhqi m;d ñksia ì,a,la oSug hhs'
2012 මාර්තු 16 වෙනි සිකුරාද


ckdêm;sjrhdf.a wm, Wmøj ÿrefldg" Nhdkl frda. mSvd ÿrelr .ekSu i|yd l=Uqlalka Th rlaIs; jkdka;r m%foaYfhaoS ñksia ì,a,la oSug ish¨ lghq;= iQodkï fjñka mj;sk nj b;d úYajdijka; lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾.j,ska jd¾;d fõ'
fuu ì,s mqcdj wud;H u¾úka is,ajd uy;df.a fufyhùu u; isÿflfrk w;r Bg wod, ÿ¾,N.kfha f;,aj¾.hla f.k tau i|yd ckdêm;sjrhd úiska u¾úka is,ajd uy;dg Bfha rd;%S ñhkaudrhg hjd ;sfí'

fuu ì,s mqcdj i|yd ;=ka l=¿ÿka orefjl= wjYH nj tlS mqcdj ixúOdkh lrk bkaoSh cd;sl mQidrsjrfhla u¾úka is,ajd wud;Hjrhdg oekqï os we;'
flfia jqjo wm fj; jd¾;d fjk mrsos ckdêm;sjrhd fuu ì,s mqcdjg fuf;la wkque;sh oS fkdue;s kuq;a Bg wdod, wdïmkak ish,a, ñhkaudrfhka /f.k tk f,i u¾úka is,ajd wud;Hjrhdg oekqïos ;sfí'

fujeks ì,s mqcdjl wjYH;djh ckdêm;sjrhd fj; m<uqjrg wjOdrkh fldg we;af;a ckm%sh fcda;sIHfõosfhl= jk pkaøisrs nKavdr uy;dh'
ckdêm;sjrhdg nrm;, wm,hla we;ehs ìh.kajd Tyqj rejkaje,s uydiEfha nv.Eug ie,eiajqfhao pkaøisrs nKavdr uy;dh'

From Lanka News Web (16.03.2012)


Human sacrifice to be made to bless the President with long life
Saturday, 17 March 2012 09:15 Exclusive


Arrangements are being made to make a human sacrifice in the Kumbukkan Oya Forest Reserve to over come any bad periods faced by the President and to wish him good health, it is reliably learnt.
The human sacrifice is to be organized by Minister Mervyn Silva and the President has sent him to Myanmar to bring down a rare variety of oil required for the ritual.

The Indian priest who is to conduct the ritual has informed Mervyn that they needed a special child (thun kuludul) for the purpose.

However, it is learnt that the President has not yet agreed to the human sacrifice, but has asked that all the equipment required for the pooja be brought down from Myanmar.

Well known astrologer Chandrasiri Bandara was the first to inform the President of the need to carry out such a ritual.

It is Chandrasiri Bandara has managed to instill fear in the President’s mind about a bad period faced by him and has got the President to crawl in the Ruwanveli Seya premises.


Sri Lanka’s shameful record on detention without trial-Amnesty International

(Lanka-e-News-13.March.2012, 11.45PM)

Hundreds of people languish in arbitrary, illegal and often incommunicado detention in Sri Lanka, vulnerable to torture and extrajudicial execution, despite the end of the country’s long conflict, Amnesty International said in a new report.

Locked away: Sri Lanka’s security detainees reveals that arbitrary and illegal detention and enforced disappearances remain routine in Sri Lanka, where human rights abuses of all types go uninvestigated and unpunished.

Counter-terrorism legislation allows authorities to arrest people without evidence and to hold them without charge or trial for extended periods. For years, the Sri Lankan government justified this legislation as necessary for combating the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

“The LTTE had a horrific record of abuse, including killing and imprisoning its critics, but that did not, and does not, excuse the widespread and systematic mistreatment of detainees by the Sri Lankan government,” said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific Director.

“The security regime that was a hallmark of war continues after the LTTE’s defeat – little has changed. Authorities take advantage of laws allowing them to imprison people for months or years, with no need for prosecution in a court of law.”

“A lack of accountability for alleged war crimes gives the green light to Sri Lankan authorities to act with impunity. Meanwhile the message coming from the Sri Lankan government is that those who dare criticise it risk harassment, or even disappearance.”

Sri Lankan authorities detain those deemed to be threats to security such as suspected members of armed groups, but they also arrest their families and colleagues. Peaceful critics of the government, including journalists, have been subject to threats and arrest.

Reports of illegal detentions persist. Since October 2011, 32 people have been “abducted” or subjected to abduction-style arrests that may qualify as enforced disappearances.

Many of these people are still missing.

On 10 December 2011, two political activists organizing a demonstration by families demanding the release of Tamil detainees held without charge disappeared in Jaffna. Colleagues allege that they were abducted by the army and suspect they are held being incommunicado.

Today many hundreds of Sri Lankan security detainees remain in facilities ranging from prisons to ‘rehabilitation’ camps. The country has no central registry of detainees, making it difficult to gain information on those still detained.

During the armed conflict, thousands of Tamils suspected of links to the LTTE were detained by authorities under security legislation including counter-terrorism and emergency laws, for the purpose of investigation or “rehabilitation”.

According to witnesses, when the Sri Lankan government defeated the LTTE in May 2009, the army called anyone who had spent “even a day” with the LTTE to voluntarily “surrender” for “rehabilitation”. Many “surrendees” were indefinitely detained, some were tortured.

It is not only state forces who have escaped accountability. “As a result of the Sri Lankan government’s reliance on illegal detentions, it has been difficult to provide proper justice and accountability for the abuses perpetrated by the LTTE, as many potential suspects are held without proper charges and certainly without a trial that can help establish the truth and provide accountability and compensation to the victims,” Zarifi said.

On 30 August 2011, Sri Lanka ended the state of emergency in place since 1971, and promised to release or charge people detained under the emergency laws. However, authorities at the same time introduced new provisions under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) allowing for the extended detention of LTTE suspects without charge or trial.
Many people detained or 'rehabilitated' were held without charge or trial for years, some with no access to legal counsel or family.

People released from detention have remained under surveillance by intelligence forces.

The Sri Lankan Army continues to have a large presence in the north and is deployed for civil policing. The Special Task Force (STF), an elite police commando unit with a history of human rights violations, remains active across the country.

Former detainees have been harassed and rearrested, and physically attacked. Killings and enforced disappearances of newly released detainees have also been reported.

Sri Lanka’s constitution prohibits arbitrary detention and torture, in line with international law.

“Sri Lanka’s security regime violates the spirit of its own constitution, while decades of unlawful arrest and detention have damaged the criminal justice system immeasurably,” said Zarifi.

“If Sri Lanka is serious about ending impunity and committed to reconciling communities torn apart by conflict, the rule of law needs to be a large part of that equation. While governments have the right to address national security concerns, human rights abuses are never justified.

“The war crimes alleged in Sri Lanka in the final stages of the war are of such magnitude that if unchallenged risk fundamentally undermining international justice mechanisms - the UN must support an independent international investigation into these alleged crimes.”


Amnesty International interviewed former detainees and family members of current ones – many of whom requested anonymity to reduce the risk of retaliation against relatives in Sri Lanka. Amnesty International reviewed legal case material submitted to the organization by individuals and their lawyers, as well as material collected by other organizations and legal researchers. Amnesty International takes no position on the guilt or innocence of individuals whose detentions are discussed in this report, but emphasises that everyone must be able to enjoy the full range of human rights guaranteed under national and international law, in particular their right to due process.


j,a je§ we;s rfÜ kS;sh h<s ;yjqre lsÍug kï t,at,awd¾iS ks¾foaY ls%hd;aul fkdlr nE - mqrjeis ixúOdk

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='14" m'j'5'30& 2009 uehs ui hqoaOh ksud ùu;a iu. u;= jQ hqO wmrdO yd YS% ,xld wdKavqj i;= j.ùu fjkqfjka ðkSjd ys meje;afjk tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï fldñifuys 19 jk ieishg bÈßm;a lsÍug kshñ; fhdackdj úiska b,a,d isákafka" ;uka i;= jHjia:duh n,h u; ckdêm;sjrhd m;al< W.;a mdvï yd ixys¢hd fldñifuys ks¾foaY ish,a, ls%hd;aul lrk njg iy;slhls'

ta w;r;=r" rg ;=< kS;sh yd iduh ì| jeàu ms<sn|j fuf;la jd¾;d jQ f;dr;=rej,ska fmkakqï lrkafka" fldñifuys ks¾foaY W;=re kef.kysr ck;djg muKla fkdj" uq¿ rggu wod, nj hs' tksidu" fï rfÜ h<s kS;sh yd iduh;a m%cd;ka;%jdoh;a ;yjqre lr .ekSfï j.lSu" wm fj; ndr jkakls'

W;=re kef.kysr mj;sk yuqod ls%hdldÍ;ajh;a" kS;s úfrdaë ikakoaO lKavdhïj, wjkS;sh;a" mßmd,khg iajdëkj lghq;= lsÍug we;s fkdyelshdj;a" fmd,Sish iajdëk isú,a wdh;khla fkdùfï wdoSkj;a fldñifï wjika jd¾;dj u.ska meyeÈ<sj ikd: flfrhs'

ta ish,a," oeka rfÜ fiiq m<d;aj,g;a" fiiq ck;djg;a wod,h' md;d, idudðlhska yd kS;s úfrdaë ikakoaO lKavdhï foaYmd,k n,h iu. ksoe,af,a yeisÍu oeka fmdÿ ;;a;ajhla njg m;aj ;sfí' fldf,dkakdfõ § Ndr; ,laIuka fma%upkaø >d;kfha isg fï jk úg" wdKavqfõ ue;s weu;sjreka yd m<d;a md,k iNslhska kS;sh ish;g f.k isÿ lrk yd isÿ l< wmrdO iïnkaO udOH jd¾;d yd f;dr;=re tug h'

b;du uE;l § fmd,Sisfha Wiia ks,Odßfhl= remsh,a oi ,laIhl w,a,ila .ekSfï § fldgq úh' tfy;a wm m<uq jrg yuqod ks,Orfhl= iy fmd,Sisfha lsysm fofkl= ñkS ueÍug fldka;%d;a .kakd nj weiqfõ fï wdKavq md,kh hgf;a h' kS;sh idOdrKj ls%hd;aul ùu .ek lsisÿ úYajdihla ke;s ck;dj" fmd,Sis jg,d" fmd,sia ks,OdÍkag myr §u;a uE;l §" jrla fkdj" fojrlau isÿúh'

le<Ksh m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ iNslhska úiska weu;s u¾úka is,ajdg tfrysj ke.+ uqo,a fld,a,lEfï fpdaokd;a" ;x.,a, m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ iNdm;s úiska îu;a msßila iu. úfoaYslfhl= ixpdrl fydag,hl § >d;kh lr Tyq iu. isá úfoaYsl ;reKshlg nrm;, ;=jd, isÿ lsÍu;a" fcdaka fifkúr;ak weu;sjrhdf.a iïnkaëlrK f,alïjrfhl= o meg,S we;s lyj;af;a oaú;aj ldka;d ñkSueru yd u;al=vq cdjdru;a uE; ld,fha lemS fmfkhs' ta iu.u f.dvlfj, m%foaYfha m%dfoaYSh iNd iNslfhl= ;reKfhl=g idyisl f,i myr § urd oeóula o ;sfí' fï ish¨ fokdu wdKavqfõ foaYmd,k{hska h' wdKavqfõ n,h u; tfia ls%hd l<jqka h' tksidu Tjqkag tfrysj kS;sh idOdrKj yd ksishdldrj ls%hdjg kef.kafka ke;s nj iudch okakd ldrKdjls'
b;du wdikak isÿùu i<lf;d;a" fldf<dkakdj k.r iNd iNdm;s rùkaø WohYdka; m%isoaO m%ldYhla lrñka mjik mßÈ" Tyqj meyer .ekSug meñKs iqÿ jEka ßfhys jQ msßi m%foaYjdiSka úiska fldf,dkakdj fmd,Sishg fldgq lr ÿka miq Tjqkag úreoaOj lsisÿ mshjrla f.k ke;sjd muKla fkdj" Tjqkaj ksoyia lr hjk ;rug kS;sh j,aje§ we;' udOH jd¾;d wkqj" fmd,Sishg yiq lr fokq ,enQfha yuqodfõ isõ fofkls' ta iïnkaOj ks, jYfhka flfrk m%ldYj, we;s w;d¾lsl ysia nj" fï rfÜ fjfik lsisfjla úYajdi fkdlr;s' ta isÿùfï WKqiqu ;sìh§u" miq Èk fnd/,af,a § ;j;a iqÿ jEka meyer .ekSula jd¾;d úh'

fï wdldrfhka fï rgg mej;sh fkdyel' fï rg" md;d,hg iy foaYmd,k uerhskag;a" foaYmd,kfhka fmdaIKh jQ fmd,Sishg;a ndr§ wyl n,d .ekSu wufkda{ h' ta ksid" ckdêm;sjrhd úiskau m;al<" W.;a mdvï yd ixys¢hd fldñiu bÈßm;a lr we;s" ck;djf.a tÈfkod Ôú;hg jeo.;a yd m%cd;ka;%jdoh h<s ia:dms; l< yels ks¾foaY jyd ls%hd;aul lsÍfï wjYH;dj wms wjOdrKh lruq'

ta wkqj" fldñiu úiska ks¾foaYs;(

01' isú,a md,khg iïnkaO ish¨ ld¾hkaf.ka jydu yuqodj bj;a lsÍfï wjYH;dj ^wxl 5'104^2'4 & iy 8'211 &
02' kS;s úfrdaë ikakoaO lKavdhï jyd ksrdhqO lr" úiqrejd yeßh hq;= nj ^wxl 5'66 &
03' iajdëk fmd,sia yd rdcH fiajd fldñIka iNd m;alsÍug fhdackd lsÍu ^wxl 8'209 &
04' ck;djf.a jqjukdjka yd wfmalaIdjka i|yd n,h úuOH.; lsÍu ^msgq 275 - 277 iy msgq 307-8 &
05' f;dr;=re oek .ekSfï whs;sh ;yjqre lsÍu ^msg 353 &
we;=¨" W;=re-kef.kysr ck;djf.a iduldó meje;aug úfYaIfhka wod, ks¾foaY ish,a, jyd ls%hd;aul lsÍug fkdmudj mshjr .kake hs wms wdKavqjg n, lruq'

mqrjeis whs;sh fjkqfjka w;aika flf<a"

wdpd¾h pkaø.=ma; f;akqjr
ch;s,l lïue,a,ùr
.dñKs úhkaf.dv
kS;s{ fla'ví,sõ' ckrxck
kS;s{ iqo¾Yk .=Kj¾Ok
l=i,a fmf¾rd


zY%S ,xldfõ ls,sx *S,aâ - o~qjï fkdÿka hqo wmrdOZ( pek,a 4 kj ùäfhdafjka urdg iy f.dardg tl t,af,a fpdaokd

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='15" fm'j'6'45& c.;a udkj ysñlï iuq¿fõ wjika Èk lsysmh ,Õd fjoa§ iy Y%S ,xldj iïnkaO fhdackdjla f.k taug Èk lsysmhla ;sìh§ f,dalfha wo jvd;a wdkafoda,khg ;=vq § ;snQ ì%;dkH pek,a 4 kd,sldfõ Y%S ,xldfõ hqoaOh iïnkaO ;=ka jk jd¾;d ùäfhda mgh tx.,ka;fha fõ,dfjka rd;%S 10'50 g tkï óg u| fõ,djlg fmr úldYh úh'

tys ku jQfha zY%S ,xldfõ ls,sx *S,aâ - o~qjï fkdÿka hqo wmrdOZ hkakhs' mqrd mehla mqrd úldY jQ tu jd¾;d ùäfhdafjka Y%S ,xldfõ hqoaOfha wjika wÈhf¾ isÿ l<d hehs hqo wmrdO .Kfha ,d ie,flk isÿùï 4 la ms<sn| lreKq idlals jd¾;djla f.k wdfõ h'

ish,a,gu m<uq t,aààBh ;%ia;jd§ ixúOdkhla nj;a th lrk ,o hqO wmrdO tf,iu ms<s.kakd w;r rgl j.lsj hq;= m%cd;ka;%jd§ wdKavqjla ;%ia;jd§ ixúOdkhla wmrdO l< nj lshd mjiñka ;uka w;ska isÿjQ wmrdO idOdrKh l< fkdyels nj;a wjOdrKh flf<ah'

hqo uqla; l,dmfha tlai;a cd;Ska úiska frday,lg fjka lr th myr §fuka wdrlaId lr .; hq;= ;ekla f,i tu ia:dkh ms<sn| wdKavqjg ±kqï §fuka miqj yßhgu tu ia:dkhg fI,a m%ydr t,a, lsÍu;a kej; ta .ek f.daGdNh rdcmlaIg iy yuqodm;sjrhdg ±kqï §fuka miq Bg óg¾ 100 lg muK wE;g fI,a m%ydr t,a, lsÍu;a .ek idlals bÈßm;a flf<ah' bka Tjqka u;= lrk ,o ;¾lh kï fojkqj ±kqï §fuka miq óg¾ 100 la wE;g myr t,a, flf<a kï m<uq m%ydrh;a ia:dkh ±kqï §fuka miq ±kqj;aj t,a, lrk ,o njhs' th j;auka f,dalfha hqo wmrdO >Kfha ,d ie,flkakla njo bÈßm;a flßK

fojekak jQfha hqo uqla; l,dmfha isá isú,a jeishka ixLHdj .ek wdKavqj ±kqj;aj ixLHd f,aLk úlD;s l< njhs' Bg idlals f.k yer mEfõh' ,laI .Kkla isáh§ 60"000 lg iEfyk wdydr iy T!IO heùu iy tu iemhSuo ÿ¾j,j iemhSu hqO wmrdOhla njo idlals iys;j f.k wdfõ h'

f;jkqj m%Ndlrkaf.a 12 yeúßÈ nd, mq;%hd nd,pkaøka >d;kh lsÍfuka miq jeà isák wdldrh ±lafjk ùäfhda o¾Yk fmkajñka th wjOdrKh lf<ah' tu isrer iu. ±lafjk ;j;a isrere 5 la fmkaùh' orejd wdrlaIlhka iu. yuqodjg ndr l< nj;a wfkla isrere 5 tu wdrlaIlhkaf.a úh yels nj;a lSh' tu ish¿ fokdf.au isrere jeà we;s wdldrh wkqj oE;a ne| oEia jid msgqmiska fjä ;nd ;sfnk nj fmfkk nj mejiSh' tu ùäfhda o¾Yk wksjd¾hfhkau hqo yuqodfjkau fyda rdcH udOHhkaf.kau pek,a 4 kd,sldj fj; ,eìh hq;=h'

isõjekak f,i m%Ndlrkaf.a >d;kh lrk ,o isref¾ fiahdrE iu. Tjqka f.k wd u;h jQfha th igkl§ isÿjQ m%ydrhla fkdjk nj;a msgqmiska ysig lrk ,o fjä ;eîula njhs' m%Ndlrkaf.a isrer hqksf*daï iys;j" wuqvhla iys;j" uv iys;j iy uv rys;j wd§ wdldr lsysmhlska ;sfnk fya;= u; th Tyq w,a,d .ekSulska miqj fyda hg;a ùulska miqj lrk ,o >d;khla njhs' flfia fj;;a m%Ndlrkaf.a isÿùug jeä wjOdkhla fhduq lr ;snqfka ke;'
fuu jd¾;d mghg u; idlÉPd lsÍug ta ta úIhhka iïnkaO m%ùkhka Ndú;d lr ;sìK'

óg fmr ùäfhda mg j,g jvd fuu ùäfhda mgfha ;snQ m%Odk;u fjki kï hqo wmrdO fjkqfjka fl,skau uyskao rdcmlaI iy f.daGdNh rdcmlaI fj; weÕs,a, È.= lr ;sîuhs' tfukau Bg w;=re j.lsj hq;a;ka f,i ie,flk tl< hqo yuqod m%OdkSka fofofkl= jQ Yfõkaø is,ajd iy m%ikak is,ajd fofokd wo ;dkdm;s jrm%ido N=la;s ú¢ñka fuu fpdaokdjkaf.ka .e,ù isàu .eko fpdaokd t,a, lr ;sìK

fuu ùäfhdafjka tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkhg o Tjqka fpdaokd t,a, l< w;r Y%S ,xldfõ wdKavqj úiska ksmojd ;snQ ùäfhdajg ms<s;=re §ugo wu;l lr ;snqfka ke;'

‘Sri Lanka killing fields – unpunished war crimes’ – new channel 4 video accuses both MaRa and Gota together

(Lanka-e-News-15.March.2012, 11.55PM) While there are just a few days more for the final sessions of International human rights commission , the third installment of the world’s most controversial British channel 4 video footage on the Sri Lanka war is to be telecast at 10.50 tonight UK time, on channel 4 in Britain.

This video footage installment is called ‘Sri Lanka killing fields- unpunished war crimes’. This full one hour
video report telecasts with evidence 4 instances of alleged war crimes committed during the final phase of the war.

It is the LTTE Organization which is primarily responsible for all these incidents . While that position is acknowledged , a responsible Democratic Govt. cannot point out the LTTE committed war crimes , and thereby seek to justify its own war crimes , the video report states.

Evidence had been adduced that even after the SL Govt. was notified of the no fire zone demarcated on account of the Hospital situated there by the UN and that should be protected , the Govt. on the contrary has exactly targeted that area for shelling. Later ,after Gotabaya Rajapakse and the Army Commander had been informed on this , shelling has been done on areas about 100 meters away. It is their contention that since the shelling was continued 100 meters away even after the second notification was given means , the first shelling was done deliberately and knowingly. Those actions are in the modern world , considered as war crimes and reckoned in the census and statistics as war crimes.

The second instance is , the Govt. had deliberately falsified the statistics regarding the civilians in the no fire zone.
With supporting evidence , it reports that while there were over lakhs of civilians , the Govt. counted that there were only 60,000 civilians , and provided food and medicine only for that number of persons. That is the Govt. supplied less than is necessary to meet the actual needs . This constitutes a war crime . They had evidence to substantiate this.

The third instance : The video showed how Balachandran, the 12 year old son of Prabhakaran was remaining fallen after he was killed. Five other bodies along with his were shown. The son was handed over to the Army along with security men . The other five bodies are presumed to be those of the security men. Going by the manner in which all the bodies are lying on the ground, it is presumable they had been blindfolded and shot from behind, report says. This video footage definitely had been obtained by channel 4 from the Army or the Govt. media sources.
The fourth instance :

Based on the picture of the dead Prabhakaran, their contention is he had not died in a struggle , and that he had been shot in the head from behind. As the photos of dead Prabhakaran show him in uniform , in loin cloth, in a muddy state and without mud, they allege that he had been killed after he had been captured or after his surrendering. In any case, no attention was paid to the shooting at Prabhakaran in the killing.

To discuss the opinions on this footage report, specialists and experts pertaining to the specific subjects were enlisted.

There was a marked difference between the previous video tapes and that made available now , this video footage directly pointed an accusing finger at President Rajapakse and Gotabaya Rajapakse . The others held responsible secondarily are two Army chiefs at that period , Shavendra Silva and Prassana Silva who are currently holding posts of Ambassadors abroad whereby they are enjoying diplomatic immunity, and are out from the indictments at the moment , the report charged.

They had not however forgotten to mount charges against the UN , and also give an answer to the video tape produced by the SL Govt.

Int. monitoring unit to visit SL after Geneva sessions: Regime’s defense stooges in mortal fear
(Lanka-e-News-15.March.2012,6.00PM) The defense chiefs are gripped by a grave apprehension that they will be in deep trouble personally if the US resolutions are passed at the Geneva conference.

The officers of the highest echelons of the State defense who have been acting under the MaRa regime’s lawless culture are harboring this fear because of the possibility of the appointment of a powerful international monitoring unit pertaining to SL after the Geneva sessions to evaluate the human rights violations.

The defense officers have discussed that there is every possibility of such a monitoring unit being appointed and their own defense members are likely to give evidence against them before the unit. These chiefs have had most secretive discussions over whether they are to save themselves by destroying the evidence against them or reveal the truth by exposing in their evidence those who gave orders .

A chief of the defense unit speaking to Lanka e news said, he is carefully preserving all copies of documents and details of what he truly said and did, and if the monitoring unit does arrive , he would provide every fact and detail to that Committee to save his skin.
This chief who spoke with Lanka e news is an officer who abstains from eating meat and fish . But submitting to orders of the Rajapakse regime he had rendered support to unlawful actions and murders. However he is of the opinion that since he does not eat meat and fish , he will not fall into trouble.

He stooped to all these activities for the sake of the children’s future , but in the face of the impending repercussions , he is in fear whether his children are going to confront a dark future, he added with concern.


cskSjd iuq¿fjka miq wka;¾ cd;sl ksÍlaIlhka taú( frÔufha wdrlaIl l=laflda nhfj,d

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='14" fm'j'7'30& cskSjd iuq¿fõ§ weußldkq fhdackdj iïu; jqjfyd;a ;uka mqoa.,slj uyd wk;=rlg m;afõ hehs ±jeka; ìhla wdrlaIl m%OdkSka w;r me;sr hñka mj;S'

urd frÔufha wjkS;sl l%shd fjkqfjka fu;la fmkS isá fuu wjia:djd§ by, rdcH wdrlaIl ks,OdÍka w;r fuu ìh me;sÍ we;af;a ðkSjd iuq¿fjka miq Y%S ,xldfõ udkj ysñlï .ek ksÍlaIKh lsÍu i|yd n,;, we;s wka;¾ cd;sl ksfhdð; lKavdhula ^bkag¾keIk,a fudksgßka hqksÜ& m;a l< yels neúks'

tjka lKavdhula m;a lsÍfï ish¿ yelshdjka mj;sk w;r tys§ tu lKavdhu yuqfõ ;u wmrdO .ek ;ukag úreoaO wh idlaIs foaúhehs hk ìh wdrlaIl m%OdkSka w;r idlÉPd ù ;sfí' ;ukag tfrys idlaIs úkdY lsÍfuka .e,fjkjdo@ ke;fyd;a ;uka ,Õ we;s i;H tkï ;ukag wK ÿka wh .ek idlals bÈßm;a lr .e,fjkjdo@ hkak .ek fuu wdrlaIl f,dlalka b;d ryis.;j idlÉPd lr ;sfí'

fï iïnkaOfhka z,xld B ksõiaZ fj; woyia ±lajQ tla wdrlaIl wxY m%Odksfhla lSfõ ;ud l< lS oE iïnkaOfhka ;udf.a .e,ùug ish¿ i;H jd¾;djkays msgm;a wdrlaIs;j ;nd f.k we;s nj;a ksÍlaIK lKavdhula meñKshfyd;a ;udf.a .e,ùug ;ud ish¿ foa tu lñgqjg fok nj;a h'

z,xld B ksõiaZ iu. fuu woyia m< l< wdrlaIl m%Odkshd uia ud¿ lEfuka mjd je<lS isák kuq;a rdcmlaI,df.a wK wkqj frÔufha wjkS;sl >d;k wd§ foaj,a ish¿ foaj,a j,g iydh ÿka wfhls' Tyq is;df.k isákafka ;uka uia ud¿ lEfuka mjd je<lS isák ksid ;udg wk;=rla fkdjkq we;s njhs'

;ud fï ish¿ foaj,a flf<a ;u orejkaf.a wkd.;h .ek is;d hhs o we;sjk ;;a;ajhka wkqj orejkag krl l,la Wodfõ fodahs ìhla ±ka ±ka we;s ù ;sfnk njo Tyq mejiSh'



‘Don’t ruin and blacken your police career by flying behind the white Van’- DIG Anura and Brig. Ravipriya stoke anarchy

(Lanka-e-News-14.March.2012, 9.30PM) The IGP Ilangakoon convened a media conference today (12) in a desperate attempt to clear the police of the permanent black stains which have got stuck on the police following the unlawful release of white Van criminals who were captured and handed over by the people to the police. He went on relating over and over again proudly of the apprehension of the murderers in the Kahawatte murder , and tried in vain to demonstrate that he and his clan are ‘clean’. The more he tried to clean the permanently soiled and stinking khaki dress , the more he unwittingly washed dirty linen of himself and his force in public.

While this poor IGP was moving heaven and earth in his deplorable efforts to cleanse himself in connection with the disgraceful and unlawful Wellampitiya police episode ,, the senior DIG Anura Senanayake nursed and nurtured by Bayagotha as the latter’s ‘hero’ in this police degrading episode, addressing a conference of ASPs and SSPs concocted a different story: warning his subordinates he said, ‘ by trying to fly behind the white Van , don’t blacken and ruin your police career’. Anura Senanayake , the number one closest lackey of Gotabaya by stooping to do the unlawful and shameful biddings of the latter , his licensed underworld boss , the devil incarnate , is stoking a terrorist culture within the police. Despite the numerous complaints to the police about the criminal white van syndrome for so long , the police had taken no action in order ‘ not to blacken the police careers and reputation’ – what an unscrupulous warning ! given by a senior DIG
The victim of DIG Anura Senanayake’s most condemnable unlawful actions was, the displacement of the IP , S A R Samaranayake , the Wellampitiys police OIC who was immediately transferred two days ago for lawfully and duly carrying out his duties when the people handed over the murderers to his station.

The senior DIG by releasing the murder culprits has grossly violated the criminal procedure code (CPC) No.15 of 1979 provisions . Section 35 of the code states clearly that if any individual is acting unlawfully in society , the ordinary people have a right to apprehend that individual .No arrest warrants are needed in such instances. The individual arrested shall be immediately produced before a peace officer. It is the police or a Grama sevaka officer who is a peace officer. The peace officer should then explain the reasons to the suspect, immediately make a record , and arrest him. Thereafter , via an ‘A’ report , facts must be revealed to the courts. This procedure is clearly explained in section 32 of the CPC No. 15 of 1979.
The senior DIG Anura Senanayake had disallowed this lawful procedure to be followed , or to make the police entries , and he has forcibly taken away the murderous criminals from police custody. In other words , the DIG who should act in an exemplary and disciplined manner obeying laws and codes , has instead conducted himself most unlawfully even worse than an underworld criminal , and is therefore liable for punishment for committing a grave criminal offence. As a senior DIG he has to some day face trial for this blatant and brazen violation of the laws .

Obviously , there cannot exist one set of laws for the country , another set for Bayagotha and a third for DIG Anura Senanayake.

Is ‘Idi Mahin’s’ regime deliberately and diabolically encouraging law breaking? On what other grounds can this open and gross violation of laws by a senior DIG be justified ? When citizens of the country are trying to maintain law in the country with the limited powers they are possessed of , this scoundrel of a DIG who has all the powers to act lawfully and maintain laws behaving this barbarically ,is an egregiously poor reflection on the rulers and the police force. Don’t the police and the Idi Mahin regime have the common sense to understand that in the future , the people too will not act lawfully and hand over the criminals to the police because the senior DIG backed by the defense Secretary Bayagotha ,is indirectly proving to the public such lawful toiling is of no avail. Can the people be blamed therefore for taking the law into their hands when the police force cannot be depended upon because of a few scoundrels in top police ranks? Is this Idi Mahin regime stoking anarchy in the country on purpose to imitate bygone Uganda Dictator Idi Amin’s era?

Army spokesman Brigadier Ravipriya who brays like a donkey should not assume people are also donkeys because he is braying and they are tolerating it. According to him , this white Van criminal group has been enlisted to capture Army deserters . This is an absolute lie. It is the military police that is entrusted with that task. If that task is to be performed those engaged must be in official uniform. They cannot have the appearance of rowdies , criminals and underworld elements with unkempt beards and heads of hair. There are no regulations which permit that . If there is a military group going out to perform official tasks , the military police officers ought to inform the police of the area about such an operation. If a residential premises is to be entered to apprehend an army deserter soldier , it is only a police officer (not military) who can enter the premises. Military police officers have no authority to enter residential premises .

In the circumstances , only donkeys and not people who will heed the braying of Ravipriya who is trying to whitewash the cruelties and brutalities of the Rajapakses and their paramilitary criminals.

Let us also warn the media ‘criminals’ and scoundrels who do not question these liars and who do not dare to expose the truth, and who just write what these bluffers and duffers say glibly and falsely. Let us also remind all these evildoers and unscrupulous shameless individuals that some day the truth will declare itself , and on that day it is the people whom they have been duping and deceiving for so long who will give them the due punishment.

ziqÿ jEka miafi .syska fmd,sia Ôúf;a l¿ lr .kak tmdZ -wkqr iy rúm%sh frÔufha jeÈnK ldrfhda


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='12" m'j'11'50& ck;dj úiska w;g w,a,d ÿka iqÿjEka ñkSurejka ksoyia lr heùfuka Y%S ,xld fmd,sia kfï .EjqKq wiQÑ lkao fidaod yeÍug fmd,siam;s ysÕkakd-fldax úiska wo^12& m%jD;a;s idlÉPdjla le|jd ;sìK' Tyq tys§ ;gu ;gud mqridrï nEfõ lyj;a; ñkSurejka we,aÆ l;dj h<s h<s;a ufâ ouñka fydaoñka zwms iqofkdaZ hehs weÕùug h

ÿmam;a ysÕkakd-fldax tfia ;guoa§ ñkSurejka fírd .ekSfï je,a,ïmsáfha kdglfha§ nhf.da;df.a ùrhd jQ fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl úiska fmd,sisfha tiatiamS iy tatiamS ks,OdÍka fjkqfjka meje;ajQ iïuka;%Khl§ mjid ;snqfka fjk;a l;djls' Tyq ;u my, ks,OdÍkag § we;s Wmfoaih kï ziqÿjEka msgqmi mshdUkak .syska ;ukaf.a fmd,sia Ôúf;a l¿ lr .kak tmdZ lshd h' fï u.ska nhf.da;df.a wxl tfla f.da,hd ù we;s wkqr fiakdkdhl fmd,sish ;=, NS;shla ks¾udKh lr we;' fï jk úg iqÿ jEka iïnkaOfhka f;dr;=re fmd,sishg jd¾;d jqjo ks,OdÍka zfmd,sia Ôúf;a l¿ lrZ fkdf.k isàug fm<eö we;'

wkqr fiakdkdhl kï merKs .dhlhd fmf¾od ;u WmfoaYh ls%hdjg ke.+fha ck;dj iqÿjEka ñkSurejka w,a,d ndrÿka úg Tjqka ndr.;a je,a,ïmsáh fmd,sia:dkdêm;s fmd,sia mÍCIl tia' ta' wd¾' iurkdhl uy;d jydu l%shd;aul jk mßÈ udre lrñks'

fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,siam;sjrhd ñkSurejka ksoyia lrf.k hEfuka Tyq 1979 wxl 15 orK wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%yh nrm;, f,i W,a,x>kh lr we;' tys 35 jk j.ka;sfha ±lafjkafka mqoa.,fhl= iudch ;=, kS;s úfrdaë l%shdjla lrhs kï idudkH uyckhdg tu jro lrk ;eke;a;d w;a wvx.=jg .ekSug whs;shla we;s njhs' Bg lsisÿ jfrka;=jla wjYH fkdfõ' uyckhd úiska w;a wvx.=jg .;a ;eke;a;d jydu idu ks,Odßfhl= fj; Ndr Èh hq;=h' fuys§ idu ks,Odßhd f,i fmd,sish fyda .%dufiajd ks,Odßhd ±laúh yel' bkamiq jroldÍ ;eke;a;d ndr .kakd idu ks,Odßhd úiska jrolreg lrekq lshjd § jydu igyka ;nd h<s ;ud úiska w;a wvx.=jg .; hq;=h' bkamiqj ztaZ jd¾;djla u.ska wêlrKhg lreKq jd¾;d l< hq;=h' ta nj 1979 wxl 15 orK wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%yfha 32 jk j.ka;sfha meyeÈ,sju ±lafõ' fï wkqj ck;dj úiska w;a wvx.=jg f.k fmd,sishg ndr ÿka jrolrejka .ek lsisÿ igykla fh§ug bv fkd§ ksoyia lrf.k hEfuka ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl merKs .dhlhd o~qjï ,eìh hq;= jrola isÿ lr ;sfí' fuu jrog Tyq ljod fyda o~qjï ,eìh hq;=u h'

rgg tl kS;shl=;a nhf.da;dg ;j kS;shl=;a wkqr fiakdkdhlg ;j;a kS;shl=;a ;sfnkakg úÈyla ke;' kS;sh /lSug isák wkqr fiakdkdhl,d jekakka fuf,i th lvkafka kï ñkamiq ck;dj úiska w;a wvx.=jg .kakd jerÈ lrejka fmd,Sishg ndr fkdfokq we;' ck;dj úiskau o~qjï ,nd fokq we;' th rg wrdðl;ajhla lrd .uka lrùuls' túg ck;dj Bg lsis úfgl j.lsh hq;a;ka fkdjkq we;'

je,a,ïmsáfha isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ck;dj f.dkakqka hehs is;d f.dka l;d lshk yuqod m%ldYl ì%f.aäh¾ rúm%shgo hula lsj hq;= h' Tyq lshkafka hqo yuqodfjka mek .sh msßila we,a,Sug tu iqÿjEka yuqod msßi f.dia isá njhs' th wuQ,sl mÜg m,a fndrejls' hqo yuqodfjka mek .sh wh we,a,Su ndrj bkafka hqo yuqod fmd,Sish hs' Tjqka ta i|yd hd hq;af;a ks, we|ï ye|f.kh' ke;sj ria;shdÿ ldrhka fia à I¾Ü ye| /jq,a jjdf.k hEug yuqod kS;sh wkqj bvla ke;' ta uÈjdg tfia hk hqo yuqod fmd,sia ks,OdÍka ta .ek wod, m%foaYfha fmd,sia ia:dkh ±kqj;a l< hq;=h' ksjila ;=,g f.dia yuqodfjka mek .sh mqoa.,hd yuqodj ndrhg .kafka kï ksjig we;=¨ úh hq;af;a idudkH fmd,sia ks,Odßfhls' hqo yuqod fmd,sisfha ks,OdÍkag ksjig we;=¿ ùug kS;sfhka wjirhla ke;'

je,a,ïmsáhg hjd ;snQ rdcmlaI,df.a ñkSure merd yuqod ;lalähkag iqÿ yqKq .Eug rúm%sh f.d;kd f.dka l;d ms<s .kafka lõo@

fmr,d m%Yak fkdwik ztays miaislZ cvudOH ldrhkag fndre lS m<shg ck;djg fndre fkdlshk f,i wjjdo lr isáuq' ukao Tn,d ish,a,kau wo lrkd jerÈ j,g bÈß ld,hl§ o~qjï fokq we;af;a ck;dj úiska ksid h' ^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='12" m'j'11'50&


While Emperor Asoka’s son preached HR in Mihintale, what would have resulted if Devanapiyatissa burnt Mihindu’s effigy ?


(Lanka-e-News-10.March.2012, 8.30PM) The much talked about draft of the US proposals against Sri Lanka was presented to the on going Geneva International human rights Council conference at its 19th session on the 7 th of March. The draft contained three grounds which the US State Secretary had earlier conveyed by cable communication to SL.

It urges therein that the SL Govt. expeditiously implements the recommendations of the Lessons learnt and reconciliation Commission (LLRC) appointed by the SL Govt. It also further notes that the SL Govt. had not paid attention to the charges leveled against it in the LLRC report of violating the international humanitarian laws.

In any event , the US while lauding the recommendations of the LLRC had via its proposals asserted that even as those recommendations are being implemented , the Govt. should take measures to create harmony among all Sri Lankans. It also adds that the SL Govt. should take responsible , independent , meaningful and confidence inspiring steps towards creating a climate where lawfulness and justice shall prevail.

The US proposal against SL mentions that a comprehensive plan pertaining to the implementation of the LLRC recommendations is presented to the Geneva conference. It also says that the UNHRC shall be allowed room to provide technological assistance and advice towards this .

It is the view of many that this draft is presented by the US to the UNHRC based on the confidence and conviction that it will be steered through successfully.

While Minister Samarasinghe , a Minister of the Govt. promises in Geneva that the LLRC recommendations will be implemented , racists Minister Weerawansa and Ven. Medhananda Thero , M P of the same Govt. have opposed and claimed that the LLRC appointed by the President is a conspiracy. In that case , then why are they sticking with a conspiratorial Govt. ? The best thing they can do in the best interests of all ,if they have true policies and integrity , resign and go. When Weerawanasa left the JVP seeking greener pastures for selfish gains , he told in Parliament in tears that he cannot ever forget a past incident , that is, how his father who felt his body was smarting went around to examine whether tires were burning.

If such an incident is not to recur, responsible measures are important and must be in place in relation to war crimes. Then, why is Weerawansa unable to understand this simple plain truth? Is he confirming the popular opinion about his stupid self that his head is full of gel outside and mud inside? Or has this Weerawansa transformed into a chameleon? Or has his tongue got bifurcated after he became a Minister?

These are the hypocrites who cannot hear anything regarding human rights safeguards as they become so uncomfortable for the most nefarious reasons .They behave like snakes which run amok when soaked in kerosene. When the whole world is revering human rights , aren’t we showing to the world that we are barbarians by openly criticizing them ? Weerawansa is pardonable because he has inborn ineradicable traits of serpents though he is in human form. This is confirmed by how he responds when it comes to respecting human rights obligations - like kerosene soaked snakes unable to bear the discomfort.
A Negro from an African country in his letter mentioned ,’The white men in the bygone era treated us as cannibals and locked our lips. Now, the whole world has realized that we are not that type. But , in your country , are barbarians ruling still? Otherwise why is your Govt. so afraid of human rights?’

Both the LLRC Commission and the international community are requesting to investigate the war crime charges leveled against both sides. Hence, the Govt. rejecting this request brings up the question whether the Govt. is opposed to the inquiring into the war crimes committed by the LTTE , because two of the main LTTE criminals among those who are living , K P and Karuna who are incriminated in the war crime charges are now with the Govt.

Once, our President told , ‘in our Buddhist country ,we don’t need Westerners to teach us human rights’. That is an absolute truth. We who have learnt how to show mercy to all living beings don’t need new lessons to learn human rights . When that is the case, why should we wait until the Westerners force us to implement the recommendations in the report of the LLRC appointed by the President? Shouldn’t we be ashamed of ourselves to wait ?

History teaches us that when Mihindu Thero , the son of the Emperor Asoka came to Mihintale to preach , he advised the then King Devanampiyatissa of Sri Lanka whom he saw was in a hunting spree to show mercy to all creatures. The King of SL heeded him immediately unlike our modern mahajara ‘Maharajas’, and did not summon his Council of Ministers immediately , to give instructions to burn the effigy of Mihindu Thero for advising him, and stage protests. Because of the vision and foresight of the Kings at that time , what valuable lessons we learnt as a nation.

Then , shouldn’t that sublime lesson learnt be followed today?

In 1971, there were 15000 murders; in 1988-89 , there were 60,000; in 2009 there was one lakh murders. In the past there were no responsible mechanisms . Whether they were there is not known. How many murderers are among us after committing war crimes in the past is also not known?

We must necessarily change the course of this journey.

Of course , Rajapakse regime and those with blood stained hands may not bother about human rights . But human rights must be safeguarded like how we protect our lives for the sake of our children and the future generation. A proper mechanism is indispensable for this. It is only then we can build a nation which truly will respect lives and show mercy to all creatures. By Sandaruwan Senadheera -Editor-LeN (Translated from Sinhala by Jeff)


wfYdal wêrdchdf.a mq;d ñyska;,fha§ udkj ysñlï foaikd lroa§ foajdkï msh;siai ñys÷f.a mUhka mq¿iaid úfrdaOh mEjdkï@


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='09" m'j'4'30& fndfyda l;d nyg ,la jQ YS% ,xld rchg n, flfrk weußldj úiska ilia l< fhdackd flgqï m; ðkSjd kqjr meje;afjk c.;a udkj ysñlï uKav,fha 19 jk ieisjdrh fj; miq.sh 07 od bÈßm;a lrkq ,eîh' óg fmr weußldkq rdcH f,alïjßh úiska flan,a mKsjqvhla u.ska ,xldjg okajd isá lreKq 3 tys wvx.=j fõ'

Y%S ,xldfõ wdKavqj úiska m;a l< W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï ks¾foaYhka läkñka ls%hdjg kxjk f,i tu fhdackdj u.ska Y%S ,xld rcfhka b,a,d isáhs' tfukau W.;a mdvï jd¾;dj u.ska cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh lv l< njg rchg t,a, jk fpdaokd ms<sn|j ksis wjOdkhla fhduqlr fkdue;s njo tys jeäÿrg;a i|ykafõ'

flfia kuq;a" W.;a mdvï jd¾;dfõ ks¾foaY ms<sn| m%idoh m< lrk weußldj ish fhdackdj u.ska mjid we;af;a tajd ls%hdjg kxjk w;r;=r ish¿ YS% ,dxlslhka w;r ixys¢hdjla we;slr,Su i|yd rch lghq;= l< hq;= njhs' kS;sh iudkd;au;dj iy j.ùu iy;sl lr,Su i|yd Y%S ,xld rch úYajdikSh iy iajdëk mshjr .; hq;= nj;a tys i|ykafõ'

W.;a mdvï fldñifï ks¾foaY ls%hd;aul lr,Su ms<sn| mq¿,a ie,eiaula bÈßm;a lrk f,io weußldj úiska ðkSjd udkj ysñlï iuq¿jg bÈßm;a l< YS% ,xld rchg tfrys fhdackdfõ oelafõ' ta i|yd ;dlaIKsl iydh iy Wmfoia ,nd§ug c.;a udkj ysñlï uKav,hg wjldYh ,ndÈh hq;= hehso weußldj lshd isáhs'

fuu fhdackd flgqï m; weußldj úiska c.;a iuq¿jg bÈßm;a lrk ,oafoa th ch .; yelsh hk úYajdih u; nj fndfyda fokdf.a woyihs'

t,a t,a wd¾ iS ks¾foaY ls%shd;aul lrk njg wdKavqfõu weue;s iurisxy ðkSjdys fmdfrdkaÿ fjoa§ wdKavqfõu isák weue;s ùrjxY iy t,a,dj, fïOdkkao ÖjrOdÍ uka;%Sjrhd úreoaOj woyia olajd ;sfí' ckdêm;sjrhd m;a l< fldñiu l=uka;%Khla nj fïOdkkao uka;%Sjrhd mjihs' m%Yakh jkafka tfiakï fudjqka l=uka;%KldÍ wdKavqfõ bkafka wehso@ hkakhs' ùrjxY cúfmka bj;afjoa§ md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ w~ñka lSfõ ;udf.a isrer ±fjkjd±hs fidhñka ;u mshd gh¾ iE mÍlaId lrñka weúoao .uk ;udg ljodj;a wu;l fkdjk njhs' tjeks foa h<s isÿfkdùug kï hqo wmrdO iïnkaOfhka j.ùfï l%shdj,shla w;HdjYH nj ùrjxY weue;s jQ miq f;areï fkd.kafka ukao@
udkj ysñlï hk jpkh wefik úg fudjqka nQñf;,a .EjqKq .erçhka fia lsfma' uq¨ YsIaGdpdr f,dalhu udkj ysñlï j,g .re lroa§ wm ta fkdi,lk úg f,dalhg wmj fmfkkafka f.da;%slhka f,i fkdfõo@ fuu ,shqïlre weue;+ wm%sldkq rgl l¿ cd;slfhl= fufia weiSh' zbiair wms ñkS lk ñksiqka lshd iqÿ ñksiqka wfma lgg bì h;=re ±ïud' ±ka wms tjeks cd;shla fkdjk nj uq¿ f,dalhgu f;areï .syska ;sfhkjd' kuq;a WU,df.a rg md,kh lrkafka ;ju jeÈ f.da;%slhkao@ ke;skï udkj ysñlï j,g fu;rï nh wehs ±hs úuid isáfha h'

t,at,awd¾iS fldñiu;a cd;Hka;rh;a lshkafka fomd¾Yjfhkau isÿjQ hqo wmrdO fidhd n,k f,ihs' wdKavqj óg úreoaO jkafka t,aààBh lrk ,o hqo wmrdO fiùug;a wdKavqj úreoaO ksid ±hs hk m%Yakh mek k.S' ukao h;a t,aààBh l< hqo wmrdO j,g fpdaokd t,a, jk whf.ka wo Ôj;=ka w;r isák m%OdkSka fofokdu isákafka wdKavqj iu. ùuhs'
udkj ysñlï fn!oaO wmg W.kajkakg ngysrhka wjYH ke;ehs ckdêm;sjrhd jfrl lSh' th i:Hhls' ish¿ i;a;ajhkag ffu;%S lrkakehs lshd Wf.k f.k isák wm rfÜ ñksiqka udkj ysñlï y÷k;s' tfia kï ckdêm;sjrhdu m;a l< fldñifï ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lrkakg ngysrhka n, lrk ;=re bkafka wehs@ ,eÊcd úh hq;af;a ;ukau fkdfõo@

tod wfYdal wêrdchdf.a mq;d ñyska;,hg meñK ov fl<s lrñka isá furg rcq wu;d zish¿ i;=kag ffu;%S lrkakehs Z W.ekajQ úg ov fl<sfha isá rcq ÿkq yS w;yer th ms<s.;a;d ñi ;u weue;s uKav,h fhdojd ñys÷ ysñhkaf.a mUhka mq¿iaiñka Bg úreoaOj Woaf>daIk lrkakg .sfha ke;' tod rcqf.a ;snQ wkd.;h ±lSfï oDIaÀh ksid wm cd;shla f,i ,nd .;a oE fld;rïo@

wo o isÿúh hq;af;a thu fkdfõo@

71 § >d;k 15000 ls' 88-89 § >d;k 60"000 ls' 2009 § ,laIhls' w;S;fha j.ùfï l%shdj,shla ;snqfka ke;' ;snqkd±hs okafka o ke;' w;S;fha§ hqo wmrdO isÿl< ñkSurejka fl;rï m%udKhla ±kgu;a wm w;r iqokka fia isào@

Bg jvd fjkia .ukla wdrïN l< hq;=h

rdcmlaI frÔuhg fyda oE;a j, f,a we;sjqkag udkj ysñlï wjeis ke;;a wmf.a ¥ orejka wkd.;fha § udkj ysñlï iys; rgl Ôj;a úh hq;= ksid udkj ysñlï Èú fojeks fldg i,lk hdka;%Khla w;HdjYHh' ish¿ i;a;ajhkag we;a;gu ffu;%S lrk Y%S ,dxlsl cd;shla f.dv ke.sh yelsh'

-i|rejka fiakdër-











!! rg-cd;sh fjkqfjka lshd mqoa.,sl jdis m;d ckhd uQ,d fldg rc lrk crd foaYmd,lhka iy Tjqkaf.a ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, msgqmi f.dia w;ruxj uyd lrorfha fkdjefgkakg Tn;a wou j.n,d .kak !!

^wkd.;fha oS Y%S ,xld ck;djf.ka tysos we;s úh yels Nhdkl;ajh .ek fkd;ld crd md,lhkaf.a bf.kakqï nyg /já iydNd.sjk ish¨ ck;d úfrdaê cd;Hka;r Woaf>daIKj,g ñka bosrshg iydNd.s fkdjk f,i ish¨ úfoaY.; tu ,dxlslhkaf.ka wm AHFESL.ORG b,a,d isákafkuq' fkdoek l< jrog fok iudjla jYfhka fï olajd iuyr úfoaY.; ,dxlslhkf.a u;= wdrCIdj Wfoid úúO ckudOHka ;=< m<jk PhdrEm wm úiska is;d u;du y÷kd .; fkdyels whqrska ;djld,slj m%:u iy wka;su j;djg úlD;slr oud we;' fujeks b,a,Sulska miq;a fkdkj;ajd hful= wlghq;= lrkafka kï wmg o tu ish¨ PdhdrEm t<iskau fuys m<lrkakg is÷jkq we;'

bosrsfha os crd md,lhkag fukau mqoa.,sl jdism;d Tjqkg W,amkaoï fok ta ish,a,kag o tfrysj wka ish¨ rgj, isÿjqjdla fuka Y%S ,xld ck;dj iy md,k n,hg tk wka iuyr foaYmd,k mCI o ta wdldrfhkau oeä fldamfhka l%shd lrk nj lsis úgl wu;l fkdlrkak' tksid rg mdjd fok iy rg iQrdlk jxpksl rdcmCI,d jeks crd md,lhkaf.a weiqfrka iy tu ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,j, osrÉp ,Kq lEfuka jydu j<lskak'

;u rg iy cd;ska úkdY l< iy uyck uqo,a foafmd< fld,a, lE ish,a,kagu kS;HdKQ l+<j ovqjï muqKqjd,Su ienE m%cd;ka;%jdoS rgl rchl wksjd¾h lghq;a;la neúka tf<i l%shd fkdlrk rchlg fyda foaYmd,k mCIhlg mCImd;Sj l%shdlr,Su o jydu w;aysgqjkak' jeros lrk tjqjkag ksis f,i kS;HdKq l+<j o~qjï fkdfok iy tfia l%shdlrk njg l,a;nd meyeos<s f,i ;rfha fmdfrdkaÿ fkdfok lsisu foaYmd,k mCIhlg Woõ fkdlrkakg biaÓr wêIaGdkfhka hq;=j ieu úg l%shd lrkakg j. n,d .kak' uka o tfia l,a ;shd fmdfrdkaÿ fkdfok ish¨ foaYmd,k mCI o tjeksu m,a fydreka iy lÜg lhsrdál ienE foaY fødaySka nj wu;l fkdlrkak'

fkdokakd úm;la l,a;nd oeKqj;a lr ukqIH ixy;sh muKla fkdj i;d iSmdjd" .y-fld< iy mrsirh mdjd /l .ekSu wm AHFESL f.a ukqIHlu iy tla mrud¾:hla neúka iy tjd iqrlSug we;s kS;sh ;oska l%shd;aul lr ùu o wmf.a tla m%Odk j.lSuls'

AHFESL.ORG (13.03.2012)



urd frÔuh /l.kak l< fgdrkafgda Woaf>daIkh wkd:hs


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='18" m'j'6'20& ,xldfõ wdKavqfjka mä ,nñka lekvdfõ Ôj;a jk mjq,a lsysmhla tlaj ud¾;= 16 jk Èk fgdfrdkafgda kqjr wfußld ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h bÈßmsg ixúOdkh lrk ,o ;j;a wid¾:l Woaf>daIKhl mska;=rh my; m<fõ' thg iyNd.S jQjl= mejiqfõ <uhskao iu. 30 l muK msßila muKla thg iyNd.S jQ njhs'

wu;rj meñK isá ish¿ fokdf.au úia;r urd whshdg iy f.dard u,a,S fj; hjd we;s nj fgdfrdkafgda ys isák ixúOdhljßh yd f*%kaâ T*a Y%S ,xld kï ixúOdkfha ÿr m<d;l isák ixúOdhljrhd meñK isá ishÆfokdg oekqï § ;sfí' miqj f.dard u,a,S ta ish¿ fokdg ia;=;s lr we;s w;r Tjqka ,xldjg meñK úg ;ud yuqjk f,i;a ,xldfõ fydag,a ie§ug wjYH whg bvï ,nd§ug yels nj;a f.dard meñK isá whg mjid we;' fï w;r lekvdfõ w.kqjr Tgdjd ys weußlka ;dkdm;s ueÿr wi,o Woaf>daIKhla ixúOdkh lrk f,i f.dard wKlr ;sfí' ta i|yd wjYH lrk wruqo,a yd myiqlï ,ndfok njgo fmdfrdkaÿ ù we;' fuh ud¾;= ui 27 fjksodg fmr lrk f,io mjid we;'
kuq;a urd frÔuh wdrlaId lsÍug lekvdfjka Woaf>daIlhska fidhd.ekSu oeka ixúOdhlhskag nrm;, .eg¿jla ù we;s nj wmf.a lekvd wdrxÑ ud¾. fy<s lrhs'

fiahdrefõ ±lafjkafka zweyskaodiaZ Woaf>daIlhka lKavdhuhs

India to decide: Foreign SL ‘clowns’ murder their own hero when murdering the King -Is it wrong to advise Mahinda to eat his food cooked in his own fat before it is stale ?

(Lanka-e-News-12.March.2012, 11.45PM) While the debate on the budget was in progress in the Indian Parliament and when the Indian President Ms.Prathiba Patel addressed the Lok Sabha , Indian Parliamentary MPs shouted and protested against supporting Sri Lanka at the Geneva conference , the MPs had obstructed her speech which lasted about an hour on five occasions ,the Indian media reported.

MPs of Tamil nadu DMK and Andra Pradesh Congress parties together participated in these protests.

The force of the protests by Tamil nadu against supporting SL at the Geneva conference is much stronger than the mere blabbering of SL officials in Geneva that India will support SL at the conference. The Tamil nadu chief Minister had already written three letters to the Indian Prime Minister in this connection.

At today’s protests staged , it was apparent that the Andra Pradesh Congress MPs have also joined in the protests.

According to Diplomatic circles , the US Deputy Secretary of State Blake after informing SL when he arrived here some time ago ,that US is bringing forth these proposals at the Geneva conference , had visited India . Blake has then gone back after securing a definite answer from India. This means that India is not going to oppose the US proposals against SL at the Geneva conference.

Based on reports , there is a great likelihood of India refraining from voting. Already US is having 24 votes more than the necessary number in favor of its proposal , while SL has failed to exploit the situation to its advantage and bungled it in its characteristic boorish style. The Latin American and African countries have already stated that they will be voting in favor of the US proposal.

What is perplexingly interesting is , while the SL Rajapakse regime is creating the impression within SL among its people that the US proposal is anti Govt. and trying to provoke anti US sentiments , the International community is only asking to implement the recommendations of the LLRC appointed by none other than Mahinda Rajapakse himself.

The human rights activists in Geneva disdainfully say , the regime after getting cooked in its own fat is being asked to share and eat the food so cooked before it becomes stale. Hence , in these circumstances, those nincompoops who call these proposals as tantamount to an act of treason should be put in a lunatic asylum , as such a move will do immense good to them as well as for the country since the country is also being driven mad by these lunatics.

Meanwhile the SL Govt. spending money organized protests against Geneva in Italy and France via its SL embassies . But as usual the protests did not receive a good response going by the paucity of crowds.
At the demonstrations organized in Rome , on the banner what was intended to be written was ‘President is a ‘Hiro’ instead ‘Hero’. Unfortunately , for some inscrutable reason , there had crept in a howler in the writing which resulted in the words conveying a filthy meaning . Of course though the regime could not achieve the result it expected , this howler served as a joke to be talked about and laughed at for a long while. When the English language is expressed wrongly , such expressions are referred to as ‘ murdering the King’. In this instance , while murdering the King, they had murdered their ‘ Hero’ and made him a zero. The final outcome was : it was proved to the world that these cardboard patriots who talk so loudly about country’s prestige cannot write even a few words properly – being filthy themselves in mind and body ,they showed clearly it is filth that comes out even in their writing. (the photograph says it all)


bkaÈhdj ;SrKhlg( msgrg mqiafida zrcd uroa§Z ùrhd ueß,d uyskao Whd.;a n;a ye,sh ms¿Kq jkak fmr lkakehs uyskaog lSu foaYfødaySo@


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='12" m'j'3'30& bkaÈhdkq md¾,sfïka;=fõ wh-jeh iïnkaO wo meje;s újdofha§ bka§h ckdêm;sks m%;sNd mfÜ,a uy;añh f,dala iNdj wu;oa§ ðkSjd iuq¿fõ§ Y%S ,xldjg iydh fkdolajkakehs igka mdG lshñka uka;%Sjreka wehf.a l;djg ndOd l< nj bka§h udOH jd¾;d mjihs' mehlg u|la jeä wehf.a l;dfõ§ fuu uka;%Sjre 5 j;djla fufia ndOd flf<dah'

fuu ndOdjkag ;ñ,akdvq ãtïfla mlaIfha uka;%Sjreka iu. wkaød m%foaYa fldka.%ia uka;%Sjreo tlaj isáhy'

cskSjdys§ bkaÈhdj Y%S ,xldjg iydh fok njg Y%S ,xldfõ n,OdÍka jyis nia foãu;a iu. Y%S ,xldjg iydh fkdfok f,i flfrk ;ñ,akdvq n, lsÍu ±ä úh' ;ñ,akdvq uy weue;sjßh fï jk úg w.ue;s uka fudayka isx g ,sms 3 lau hjd ;sfí'

wo meje;s úfrdaOfha§ olskakg ,enqfka fldka.%ia uka;%Sjrekao fï jk úg Bg tlaj we;s njhs'

flfia fj;;a ;dkdm;s wdrxÑ ud¾. mjikafka weußldkq ksfhdacH rdcH f,alï íf,ala uy;d ,xldjg meñK fuu fhdackdj f.k tk nj Y%S ,xldjg okajd hk úgu bkaÈhdjgo .sh w;r tys§ bkaÈhdfjka ksYaÑ; ms<s;=rla ,ndf.k f.dia we;s nj;a h' tkï weußldj f.k tkq ,nk fhdackdjg bkaÈhdj úreoaO fkdjk njhs'

±k.kakg we;s mßÈ fndfyda úg bkaÈhdj Pkaoh §fuka je<lS isàug fndfyda úg bv we;' fï jk úg weußldjg ;u fhdackdj ch.ekSug wjYH Pkao 24 g jvd jeä m%udKhla ±kgu;a we;s w;r Y%S ,xldj fï jk úg ish¿ jdis iy.; ;;a;ajhka wkdf.k we;s njhs' ,;ska weußldkq iy wm%sldkq rgj,a weußldkq fhdackdjg mlaIj Pkaoh §ug ±kgu;a tlÕ;dj m<lr ;sfí'

fuu fhdackdj Y%S ,xldjg tfrys tlla f,i wdKavqj rg ;=, uyck;djg ta;a;= .ekaùug W;aidy l<o fuys§ jkafka rdcmlaI ckdêm;sjrhdu m;a l< t,at,awd¾iS lñgq ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lrkakehs flfrk cd;Hka;r n, lsÍuls'

th ;ukau Whd .;a n;a ye,sh ms¿Kq jkakg fmr blaukg fnod f.k lkakehs lshkjd jeks fohla nj;a fuh foaYfødayS hehs lshkakjqka msiaika /,la nj;a ðkSjdys udkj ysñlï l%shdldÍyq mji;s'

fï w;r wdKavqj ;u ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, j,ska uqo,a úhoï lr b;d,sfha iy m%xYfha ðkSjd úfrdaO;d ixúOdkh lr ;sìK' fjkod fuka fkdj fuu úfrdaO;d j,g iyNd.S ù isáfha wvq m%udKhls'
frdaufha meje;s tla úfrdaO;djhl ckdêm;s ùrfhla hehs i|yka mqjrefõ wl=re jer§u ksid l=Kqyremhla ,shdf.k m%o¾YKh lsÍu fndfyda fokdf.a iskyjg fya;= ù ;sìK' jerÈhg bx.sßish Ndú;d lsÍug lshkafka rcd urkjd lshd h' fuys§ zrcd uroa§Z Tjqkaf.a ùrhdo urd oud ;sfí' rgl cd;shl wNsudkh .ek l;d lrk mqyq foaYfm%aókag wl=rla yßhlg ,shd .ekSug fkdyels nj fuhska f,dalhgu Tmamq lr ;sîu lK.dgqodhlh' ^fuys we;s fiahdrefjka fï nj fmkS hkq we;& ^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='12" m'j'3'30&


úfoaY.; urdfm%aó mqiaikaf.a zrcd ueß,a,Z fndafõ


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='14" m'j'11'30& miq.sh 11 jk breÈk b;d,sfha ñ,fkda k.rfha msh;aid lhsfrda,s yS§ tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkhg tfrysj Woaf>daIKhla ixúOdkh lr ;snqkq w;r úismkaoyilg ^25"000& wêl Y%S ,dxlsl ck;djla tu m%foaYfha isáho iyNd.S ù isáfha fuu fiahdrE j, fmfkk ;rï iq¿ msßils' fjk;a k.r j, fukau fuho ixúOdkh lr ;snqfka zrcd urk mqiaikaZ msßila ùu ienE foaYfm%aóka ;=, we;s lrkafka ika;dmhls'

fuys ish¨u ixúOdk lghq;= lrkq ,nQfõ yslalvqfõ îÉ fndahs flfkl= f,i isg ±ka ckudOH ysñlrefjl= f,i ñ,dfkda ys ,dxlslhka fjkqfjka rEmjdysKs kd,sldjla mj;ajdf.k hkq ,nk ydofhls' b;d,s cd;sl ldka;djla iu. tlaj ;u fiajlhka yg kshñ; fõ;kh j;a ksis f,i ,nd fkdfok Tyq fuh isÿflf<au rcdf.a wdKavqfõ ±kaùï álla n,df.k h'

fuu Woaf>daIKfha§ bx.%Sis NdIdjg;a ke;s b;d,s NdIdjg;a ke;s fuf,da yirla fkdue;sj zrcd urdZ we;af;a flfiaoehs PdhdrEm j,ska oelafõ' fudjqka fïjd ryis.;j f.j,a j, mj;ajd .kakjd kï ,dxlslhka jk wmg ,eÊcdjla ke;'

i;H jYfhkau fudjqkag rgla .ek" NdIdjla .ek" cd;shla .ek" wd.ula .ek lsisÿ ienE yeÕSula ke;' we;af;a tajdg uqjd ù rcd urk .uka urdf.a frÔuhg lfâ f.dia z.;ukaÜZ tlla lmd .ekSu muKh' fudjqka ;=, we;af;a foaYfm%auhla fkdj urdfm%auhls'


ðkSjd .ek wdKavqfõ foìä ms<sfj; fidaujxY fy,slrhs


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='04" m'j'12'45& ðkSjd kqjr meje;afjk udkj ysñlï fldñifï ieisjdrh iy wdKavqfõ ls%hdud¾. ms<sn|j ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa ia:djrh meyeÈ,s lsÍug wo tu mlaIfha kdhl fidaujxY wurisxy uy;d úiska úfYaI udOH idlÉPdjla wo^04& WoEik meje;aùh tys§ woyia ±lajQ cúfm kdhljrhd

wdKavqj fï iïnkaOfhka uq, isgu wkq.ukh lf<a foìä ls%hdud¾.hla' úfoaY m%;sm;a;sh u.ska ksrEmkh jk ls%hdud¾. fjk;a wka;hl;a rg ;=< lshk l;d ;j;a wka;hl;a mriamr úfrdaë f,i mj;skjd' úfoaY m%;sm;a;sfha§ wêrdcHjdoh iu. tlg isáñka rg;=< ck;dj Woaf>daIKj,g fmd<Ujkjd' fï foìä ms<sfj;la wehs'

wdKavqj ;u meje;au i|yd wd¾Ól foaYmd,k jYfhka ck;djg n,mdk m%Yak lsisjla úi|d keye' uyd ixj¾Okhla .ek mqrdfÊre lSj;a tjekakla rg;=< isoaO ù keye' ta ksid ck;djf.a m%Yak úYd, jYfhka jeäù ;sfnkjd' ta m%Yakj,g W;a;r ke;s miqìul ck;d wjOdkh fjk;l fhduq lrkak wdKavqj fndre foaYfm%auhla ujd mdkjd'

wdKavqj meje;ajQ Woaf>daIKj, m%Odk igka mdGhla jqfKa zN+ñf;,ao@ rgo@Z lshk tl' rfÜ iaffjÍNdjh .ek wod, igka mdG ks¾udKh fkdlrk wdKavqj N+ñf;,a tlal Bkshd igka mdG f.k tkjd' ðkSjd NS;shla ujd mdkjd' weußld tlai;a ckmoh fyda fjk;a ´kEu rgla wfma rfÜ wNHka;r m%Yak j,g weÕs,s .eiSu ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK lsisfia;a wkqu; lrkafka keye' wms tjeks ;;ajhla ±äj fy,d olskjd'

kuq;a m%Yakh ;sfnkafka ðkSjd kqjr § uyskao iurisxy weu;sjrhd fldñiu yuqfõ l< m%ldYh wdKavqj rg;=< lshk l;d tlal u;=jk mriamrhhs' mqj;am;aj, jd¾;d jQ wkaoug uyskao iurisxy weu;sjrhd udkj ysñlï fldñiu yuqfõ lshd ;sfhkafka fujeks l;djla' zcd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh W,a,x>Kh lsÍu yd wod, fpdaokd ms<sn| jd¾;dfõ we;=<;a ks¾foaY ms<sn| kS;sm;sjrhd ±kqj;a lr we;s w;r Tyq tajd wOHkh lrñka isà' cd;Hka;r Í;s wkqj hñka W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñi úiska y÷kd.;a úfYaI isoaê ms<sn|j úu¾Yk yuqod wêlrKhla u.ska wdrïN lr we;'Z b;sx fï m%ldYh wkqj wmsg meyeÈ,s fjkjd' wdKavqj fudkjo lr,d ;sfhkafka lsh,d' ck;djg ujk Ñ;%hhs' ck;djg lshk l;djhs w;r fldñifï ks¾foaY .ek f,dalhg lshk foa iïmQ¾Kfhka fjkia' thska meyeÈ,s jkafka wdKavqj iy wêrdcHjd§ka tlu foa ls%hd;aul lrñka isák njhs'

rfÜ m%Yak W.%ùu iïnkaOfhka wêrdcHjd§kag weÕs,s .eiSug bv ÿkafka wdKavqj' W;=f¾ ck;djf.a m%cd;ka;%jdoh ia:dms; lr isú,a ckÔú;h k.d isgqjd hqO iufha mjrd.;a bvï kej; whs;s whg ,nd§ uq,skau l< hq;= lsisu fohla wdKavqj lf<a keye' úfoaY n,lsÍïj,g bv ,nd.;af;a ta úÈhg' fï wdKavqj wêrdcHjdoh iu. tlg tl;= ù wNHka;r m%Yakj,g w;fmùfï bvlv ,ndÿkakd' ck;djf.a uQ,sl ñksia whs;Ska iy m%cd;k;a%jdoh úfYaIfhkau W;=f¾ wyqrd ;enqjd'

fï m%Yakh úi£fï yelshdjla wdKavqjg keye' Okm;s l%uhg;a keye' wêrdcHjd§ rgj,g;a keye' YS% ,xldj jf.a rgj, wNHka;r m%Yakj,g ueÈy;aù wêrdcHjd§kaf.a m%Yak hg.y.kak W;aidy lrkjd' fï ksid wdKavqj;a wêrdcHjd§kq;a fof.d,af,du fï m%Yakfha§ tlu ú;a;s l+vqfõ isáh hq;=hs'
ta whg úreoaOj ck;dj tlaù igka l< hq;=hs' ta jf.au úfYaIfhkau wjOdrKh l< hq;= fohla ;sfnkjd' tlai;a cd;sl mCIh;a fï m%Yakfha§ isákafka wdKavqj iy wêrdcHjd§ n,fõ. iu. tlÕ;ajfhka' fï ksid ienE úi÷ula flfrys ck;dj l,amkd l< hq;=hs' wms fhdackd lrkafka fï m%Yakhg ienE úi÷ula mj;skafka m%cd;ka;%jdoh ia:dms; lsÍu iudkd;au;dj we;slsÍu" iudk wjia:d ia:dms; lsÍu lshk uQ,sl uQ,O¾u ;=k u; mokïjhs' tjeks È.=ld,Sk úi÷ula Okm;s l%uhg keye' ta ksid iudcjdoh i|yd fm< .efik fuka wms ck;djg wdrdOkd lrkjd'

m%;sixialrK yryd ienE úi|uqla ,nd.; fkdyelshs' kuq;a m%;sixialrK wms yeu fj,dfju m%;sfCIam lrkafka keye' ta ;=<ska ck;djg ,ndÈh yels wju fyda whs;shla we;akï tajd ,nd§ug lghq;= l< hq;=hs' tfy;a m%;sixialrK È.=ld,Sk úi÷ula fkdfõ' 2001 y÷kajdÿka 17 fjks wdKavql%u jHjia:d ixfYdaOkfhkau ta nj ;yjqre fjkjd' 2001 § th ixfYdaOkhg w; tijQ mqoa.,hdu 2010 § 18 fjks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh yryd ck;djf.a ta whs;Ska j<oukjd' thska wmg meyeÈ,shs m%;sixialrK j,x.= jkafka hï hï ld,j,g muKla nj' m%;sixialrK È.=ld,Sk úi÷ula fkdfõ hehs wms lshkafka ta ksihs'

cd;sl m%Yakh iïnkaOfhka i,ld ne,Sfï§ l=ula fyda úi÷ula fhdackd lsÍfuka m%Yakhg lsisu W;a;rhla ,efnkafka keye' ksjerÈ úi÷ï ;sfhkafka tlhs' wms fhdackd lrkafka ta ksjerÈ úi÷u ,nd§ug wms mCIhla úÈhg ls%hdlrkjd' óg fmr i|yka l< uQ,O¾u u; mokï jQ úi÷ulska muKhs' È.=ld,Sk ixys¢hdjla n,dfmdfrd;a;= úh yelafla' wms ck;dj ±kqj;a lrkafka b,a,d ysákafka;a ta ienE úi÷u olajd .uka lrk f,ihs'

fuu m%jD;a;s idlÉPdjg ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa m%Odk f,alï á,aúka is,ajd" m%pdrl f,alï úð; fyar;a uy;ajreo iyNd.S jQy


±ka wdKavqj lrkafka wyl bkak khs froao wiafia odf.k lfkda lfkda lshk tlhs - cúfm foaYmd,k uKav,fha l;d

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='15" m'j'9'45& ud¾;= 14 osk iji me,j;a; ld¾hd,fhaoS ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa foaYmd,k uKav,h /iaúh' fuu yuqfõ§ úfYaIfhka l;dnyg ,lajqfKa j¾;udkfha isÿjk iqÿjEka meyer.ekSï" mqoa., >d;k iy rdcH fiajhg isÿjk foaYmd,k ueÈy;aùï iy ù ñ, m%Yakhhs'

zzñkS ureï" lmamï .ekSï" uyd mßudK u;aøjH cdjdrï kS;s úfrdaë je,s m%jdykh" kS;s úfrdaëj fm!oa.,sl nia r: Odjkhg tlalsÍu jf.a iEu ish¨ wxYhlu kS;sfha úOdkh ì| jeá,d' miq.sh Èk lSmh ;=< m;a;rj, m<ù ;snQ m%jD;a;s .ek ne¨jdu wdKavqfõ foaYmd,k n,h úiska rfÜ kS;sh iodpdrh ì| ±óu b;d fyd¢ka meyeÈ,s fjkjd' fldf,dkakdfõ § isÿ jqfKa Bg fjkia fohla fkfuhs iqÿ jEkaj,ska .sh úfYaI yuqod lKavdhula fldf,dkakdj k.r iNdfõ iNdm;s meyerf.k hEug W;aidy l<d' m%foaYjdiSka iqÿjEka r:h w,a,d fmd,Sishg Ndrÿka miq wxl ;yvq .Kkdjla ;sî yuqjqKd' yuqod lKavdhu iy fldf,dkakdj k.r iNdfõ iNdm;sjrhd fjä ;shd.;a;d' weiska ÿgq ck;dj fïl lshkjd' kuq;a fmd,sia f,dlaflda weú;a meñKs,s fmd;aj, lsisÿ igykla mjd fkd;shd iellrejka wrka hkjd' fïl msgqmi ;sfnk foaYmd,k yia;h ta ;rï n,j;a' ta isÿùfuka meh 24la hEug l,ska fnd/,a, m%foaYfha ud¿ ms%hka; jEka r:hlska meyerf.k .shd' ta kï ÿUqre mdg jEka r:hla' ±ka jEkaj, mdg udrelr,d'ZZ úð; fyar;a uy;d lshd isáhd'

zzta jf.au ;uhs Ndr; ,CIauka >d;kh' ÿñkao is,ajd fydhd.kak neye lsh,d fmd,Sish wêlrKhg lshkjd' ta w;f¾ wdKavqfõ iNdkdhljrhd ÿñkao is,ajd fjkqfjka ksjdvq b,a,kak fhdackd bÈßm;a lrkjd' fmd,sishg mq¿jkafk ksu,a isßmd, weu;sjrhdf.ka m%ldYhla .kak ÿñkao is,ajd bkak ;ek .ek' wdKavqj ±ka wêlrKhg;a wuq wuqfõ fndre lshkjd' fï rfÜ kvq úNd. lrk úÈh;a ±ka m%Yakldßhs' le<Ksfha isoaêh;a ta jf.auhs' le<Ksh m%foaYhg wrlaf.k isák weu;sjrhd l=vq cdjdrïj,ska remsh,a ,CI .Kka Wmhk njg m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ iNdm;sjrhd fpdaokd l<d' wksla me;a;g m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ iNdm;sjrhd wkjir bvï f.dvlr fldaá .Kka jákd ksjila yeÿfõ fldfyduo lsh,d weu;sjrhd m%Yak l<d' ta jf.au wo m;a;rj, m<j ;sfnk wdldrhg ksfhdacH weu;sjrfhl=f.a ks, ÿrl;kfhka fldaá folyudrl lmamï uqo,a b,a,d ;snqKd' fï ksfhdacH weu;sjrhd miq.sh ckdêm;sjrKh wdikakfha§ hlal, m%foaYfha mqxÑ orefjka meyerf.k .shd' meyer .ekSu iïnkaOfhka wêlrKfhka Tyqg úreoaOj jfrka;= ksl=;a l<d' fmd,Sishg Tyqj fidhd.ekSug neß jqK;a ckdêm;sjrhd iu. isák PdhdrEm m;a;rj, m<jqKd' wod, meyer .ekSu .ek wog;a kS;sh ls%hd;aul jkafka keye' kS;sfha úOdkh ì| jeá,d' iafjÉPdfjka jevlrmq udkj ysñlï fldñifï wdkkao fukaäia uy;a;hd b,a,d wiajqKd' t;=udf.a b,a,d wiaùfï ;sfhkjd meyeÈ,sj foaYmd,k n,mEï ksid jevlrkak neß ksid b,a,d wiajqKd lsh,d'ZZ wkqr Èidkdhl weu;sjrhd lshd isáhd'

fï l;dnyg tl;= jqK ,d,aldka; uy;d zzlyj;af;a >d;khg;a fl,skau wdKavqfõ foaYmd,lfhda iïnkaOhs' wdKavqfõ leìkÜ weu;sf.a f.da,fhda ;uhs fïfl iellrefjda' ;ukaf.a iïnkaëlrK f,alï,d ñkS urKlï weu;s,d n,d bkakjd' uy f,dl=jg foaYfm%auh .ek l;d lrk wdKavqfõ wh fïj .ek lsis l;djla keye' lyj;af;a flaia tlg tlu Èia;s%lalfha foaYmd,k m%n,hka jdo újdo lr .kakjd' fcdaka fifkúr;ak ms<s.kakjd ta whg riaid ÿkafka {d;slï ksid lsh,d' fï whf.a flrejdj,a ±ka ±ka t<shg mkskjd' ta uÈjg je,sf.fmd< m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ wdKavqfõ uka;S% myr§,d ;reKhkaj urKjd' fïjdg fmd,sia mÍCIK keye ck;dj u< ñkS wrka fmd,sisj,g hkjd' rkañKs;ekafka ueKsla bvï uxfld,af,a bkafk;a wdKavqfõ weu;sjrfhla' ta uÈjg wdKavqfõ wdik ixúOdhsldfjda uevï lsõfõ keye lsh,d m%dfoaYSh f,alïjßh udre lrkjd' mqÿu rgla'ZZ
zzwdKavqj ðkSjd kdv.u rÕ olajk wjia:dfõ rg ;=< mj;skafka fujeks ;;ajhla' wdKavqfõ fljÜgfhda ál W.=r lvdf.k lE .ykjd' fufy wdKavqfõu wh óks urKjd' l=vq cdjdrï lrkjd' ñksiaiq meyerf.k hkjd' fufyu lr lr wdKAvqj lshkjd udkj ysñlï fldñiu n,mEï lrkjd lsh,d' tfyu n,mEï lrkak bv yo,d fokafka wdKAvqfju whuhs' tal f;areï .kak neß lels,af,a rc flfkla ;uhs ±ka rfÜ bkafka' hqoafoa bjr fjÉp .uka wdKAvqfõ bkak yefudau fyd|g we`o.;a;d foaYfm%aó i¿ms<s' Pkafoa wdjdu wdKavqfõ wh lf<a l=vqldrhkaghs" md;df,a whghs bjla njla ke;sj kdufhdackdj,g bv ÿkakd' ta wh;a hqoafoa ch.%yKfhka yeu fydr" uer jevlau jyf.k Pkafoa Èkqjd' ta wh ±ka foaYfm%aó ñkS urKjd" foaYfm%aó iqÿjEka meyer.ekSï lrkjd" foaYfm%aó l=vq cdjdrï lrkjd" foaYfm%aó ueKsla bvï uxfld,a, lkjd' foaYfm%aó lmamï .kakjd' ta whf.a ckau mqreÿ t<shg mek,d' rfÜ mdov ixialD;shla ìysfjñka hkjd' uq¿ iudchu lvd jeá,d' ixialD;sh iodpdrh ì| jefgñka hkjd' ±ka b;sx tl tl cd;sfha foaj,a lshkjd wdKavqfõ j.lsj hq;af;da' Y%S,ksmfha" ikaOdfka f,alï,d ;uhs fï uerhskag kdufhdackd fokak w;aika lf<a' l=vqldrhska tlal fmdfgdaj, ysáfha fï rfÜ uyf,dl= foaYfm%aó kdhlhd' ±ka fudlo fj,d ;sfhkafka froao wiafia khs odf.k lkjd lkjd lshkak' ±ka b;sx úkh mÍCIK l;d" úkh lñgq .ek mïfmdß tkak kshñ;hs' ta ksid wms fï fndrej iïnkaOfhka ck;dj ±kqj;a lrkak ´k' wdKAvqfõ foìä jevms<sfj, fy<s lrkak ´k' ðkSjd udkj ysñlï kdv.fuka rfÜ isÿjk wmrdO jykak fokak fyd| keye ZZ á,aúka is,ajd uy;d idlÉPdjg woyia bÈßm;a l<d'

fï w;r ±kg f.dúhka uqyqK § we;s ù ñ, m%Yakh iïnkaOfhka o foaYmd,k uKav,fha§ l;dnyg ,lajqKd'

zzÈ.gu lshkjd fcdkS re'28 g ù lsf,daj .kakjd lsh,d' wkqrdOmqr" fmdf,dkakrej" fydfrdõm;dk" lyg.iaÈ.s,sh" l,auqfKa iuka;=f¾ fldfyj;a ù lsf,daj 28 g .kak ;ekla keye' weu;skï lhsjdre .ykjd' kuq;a we;a;gu ù ñ, 17-18hs' wms lshkjd ù lsf,daj 40 lrkak lsh,d' 40 lrkak lshkafka ±ka ;sfhk Ôjk úhou" ù j.djg .sh úhoï .ek ys;,d' lDñkdYl" j,a kdYl" m%jdyk úhoï yeu foau jeäfj,d' wksl wms wdKavqjg n,mEï lrkafka wdKavqj lshk .dKg yß .kak lsh,d' ù ñ, 40 l<dg yd,a ñ, jeäfjkafka keye' fcdkS ±ka yd,a ñ, jeäfjkjd lsh,d fndre NS;shla uj,d ù ñ, m%Yafka hg.ykak yokjd' idOdrK ñ,la f.jkjdkï f.dúfhda j.dj yßhg lrkjd' yd,a ys.hla we;sfjkafka keye' we;a;gu fj,d ;sfhkafka ù .nvdj, ù Èrdm;afjkjd' ófhda lkjd' ta wiafia wdKavqj ù wdkhkh lrkjd fldñia .ykak iy,a wdkhkh lr,d' myq.sh wjqreoafoa ù fuá%la fgdka .Kka wdkhkh lr,d' ±ka .nvdj, ù osrkjd' ù .kak úÈhla keye' f.dúfhda ù j.d lr,d .nvd j, ù Èrk tlg;a jkaÈ f.jkak fj,d'ZZ wkqr Èidkdhl uka;%Sjrhd m%ldY lr isáfhah'

wdKavqjg ie,eiaula keye' ,xldfõ lrk ksIamdokh rfÜ fnokjd kï yd,a ñ, jeäfjkafka fldfyduo' tl wjqreoaol lrk ù ksIamdokh rfÜ kshdudldr úÈhg fnodyßkak jevms<sfj<la ;sfhkjkï fï jf.a .eg¨ we;sfjkafka keye' tfyu lrkjkï f.dúh;a Èßu;a fjkjd' ±ka fjkafka wdKavqj lrk fudav jev ksid f.dúhg ù j.dj tmd fj,d' ù j.dj w;a yer,d t<j¨ jjkako@ ±ka t<j¿ f.dúh;a wka; wirK fj,d' t<j¿ úl=K.kak neßj' ta ksid fï m%Yafka yefudagu n,mdk m%YAkhla' rfÜ ksIamdokhg yjq,a fjk f.dúhf.a m%Yakhla' ta ksid fï iïnkaOfhka wdKavqjg n,mEï lrkak tak' fï iïnkaOfhka bÈßhg;a f.dú Woaf>daIK ixúOdkh lrkak ´k' f.dúhkaj ±kqj;a lrkak ´kE'ZZ úð; fyar;a uy;d m%ldY lf<ah'

fï w;r ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa f.dúck iïfï,kh úiska bÈß Èk lSmh ;=< oUq,af,a§ úYd, f.dú Woaf>daIKhla ixúOdkh lsÍug;a" Èia;s%la uÜgñka f.dúhka ±kqj;a lsÍfï jevms<sfj<j,a iy Woaf>daIK ixúOdkh lsÍug;a ;SrKh úh'


wo rg jeà we;s Nhdkl wäh .ek úð; fyar;a lshhs


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='14" m'j'6'30& úmlaIfha foaYmd,k ls%hdldßlhska u¾okh lsÍug iqÿ jEka tjk uq,a wjia:dfõ wms wk;=re wef.õjd fï jEka wdKavqfõ weu;sjre miafia mkakk njg' ±ka ta foa isÿfjñka mj;skjd' fï udOH idlÉPdj mj;ajkafka rfÜ n,mj;ajk kS;sfha úOdkh wdKavqfõ foaYmd,k n,h fhoùfuka uq¿ukskau ì|jefgñka ;sfnk wjia:djl' ñkS ureï" lmamï .ekSï" uyd mßudK u;aøjH cdjdrï kS;s úfrdaë je,s m%jdykh" kS;s úfrdaëj fm!oa.,sl nia r: Odjkhg tlalsÍu jf.a iEu ish¨ wxYhlu kS;sfha úOdkh ì| jeá,d' ue;sjrK n,m%foaYhl ixúOdhsldjg uevï fkdlSfï jrog m%dfoaYSh f,alïjßhka ia:dkudreùï lrk ;;ajh olajd fï ì| jeàu ¾Okh fjkjd'

miq.sh Èk lSmh ;=< m;a;rj, m<ù ;snQ m%jD;a;s .ek ne¨jdu wdKavqfõ foaYmd,k n,h rfÜ kS;sh iodpdrh ì| ±óug fhdodf.k ;sfnk wdldrh b;d fyd¢ka meyeÈ,s fjkjd' mek .sh fin¨ka w,a,kak ueÈy;a jkafka hqO yuqod fmd,Sishhs' kuq;a fldf,dkakdfõ § isÿ jqfKa Bg fjkia fohla' iqÿ jEkaj,ska .sh úfYaI yuqod lKavdhula fldf,dkakdj k.r iNdfõ iNdm;s meyerf.k hEug W;aidy l< nj udOHj,g mjid ;snqKd' Tyqf.a foaYmd,k ls%hd;dß;ajh ms<sn|j wmsg n,j;a .eg¨ mj;skjd' kuq;a iqÿ jEka Tyq miqmi mjd mkakk nj ikd: lr ;snqKd' yuqod udOH m%ldYl lshk wdldrhg wod, iqÿ jEka r:fhka úfYaI yuqod lKavdula .sfha mek.sh finf,la we,a,Sug kï ta lghq;a; hqO yuqod fmd,Sishg ks, jYfhka mjrd wod, fmd,sia n,m%foaYhg kS;Hdkql+,j we;=¨ ù yuqod jdykj,ska fkd.sfha wehs' m%foaYjdiSka iqÿjEka r:h w,a,d fmd,Sishg Ndrÿka miq wxl ;yvq .Kkdjla ;sî yuqjqfKa fldfyduo@ yuqod lKavdhu iy fldf,dkakdj k.r iNdfõ iNdm;sjrhd fjä ;nd.;a;d' weiska ÿgq ck;dj fï nj mjikjd' m%foaYjdiSka ueÈy;aù iqÿjEka r:h;a meñKs msßi;a fmd,Sishg ndrÿka miq tÈk rd;s%fhau fmd,Sisfha meñKs,s fmd;aj, lsisÿ igykla mjd fkd;nd wod, msßia ksoyia lr .ekSug ;rï fï msgqmi ;sfnk foaYmd,k yia;h n,j;a' ta isÿùfuka meh 24la hEug fmr fnd/,a, m%foaYfha ud¿ ms%hka; iqÿjEka r:hlska meyerf.k .shd' wdKavqj ðkSjd kdv.u rÕ olajk wjia:dfõ rg;=< mj;skafka fujeks ;;ajhla'

ta jf.au ckdêm;s jD;a;Sh iñ;s wOHCI Ndr; ,CIauka fm%aupkaø uy;d we;=¿ msßi >d;kh lsÍu iïnkaOj m%Odk pQÈ;fhl= jk ÿñkao is,ajd uka;%Sjrhd w;awvx.=jg fkd.ekSu ms<sn| m%Yakh wêlrKh bÈßfha u;=fjkjd' ryia fmd,sish lshkafka ÿñkao is,ajd uka;S%jrhd fidhd.; fkdyels njhs' ksu,a isßmd, weu;sjrhd md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ m%ldY lrkafka ÿñkao is,ajd uka;S%jrhdg wikSm ksid ksjdvq wkqu; lrkak lsh,d' ryia fmd,Sishg ÿñkao is,ajd uka;S%jrhd .ek f;dr;=re ksu,a isßmd, weu;sjrhdf.ka ,nd.kak neß wehs@

le<Ksfha isoaêh;a ta jf.auhs' le<Ksh m%foaYhg wrlaf.k isák weu;sjrhd l=vq cdjdrïj,ska remsh,a ,CI .Kka Wmhk njg m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ iNdm;sjrhd fpdaokd l<d' wksla me;a;g m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ iNdm;sjrhd wkjir bvï f.dvlr fldaá .Kka jákd ksjila yeÿfõ fldfyduo lsh,d weu;sjrhd m%Yak l<d' ta jf.au wo m;a;rj, m<j ;sfnk wdldrhg ksfhdacH weu;sjrfhl=f.a ks, cx.u ÿrl;kfhka fldaá folyudrl lmamï uqo,a b,a,d ;snqKd' fï ksfhdacH weu;sjrhd miq.sh ckdêm;sjrKh wdikakfha§ hlal, m%foaYfha mqxÑ orefjla meyerf.k .shd' meyer .ekSu iïnkaOfhka wêlrKfhka Tyqg úreoaOj jfrka;= ksl=;a l<d' fmd,Sishg Tyqj fidhd.ekSug neß Wk;a ckdêm;sjrhd iu. isák PdhdrEm m;a;rj, m<jqKd' wod, meyer .ekSu .ek wog;a kS;sh ls%hd;aul jkafka keye'

lyj;af;a >d;kh iïnkaOfhka ;;ajh;a ta jf.auhs' m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ uka;%Sjrghl=f.a mqf;l=g nkaOkd.dr fomd¾;fïka;=fõ /lshdjla ,ndfokjd' Tyq nkaOkd.drhg l=vq fnodyeÍu iïnkaOfhka jerÈlre ù /lshdj wysñ lr.;a wfhla' m%foaYfha weu;sjrhdf.a iïnkaëlrK f,alïjrfhl= njg tjeks wfhl=f.a mshd m;ajkafka fldfyduo@ j,sf.fmd< m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ uka;S%jrfhl= myr§ ;reKfhl= >d;kh lr ;sfnkjd' fï wd§ isÿùï Tiafia wmg meyeÈ,s jkafka wdKAvqfõ foaYmd,kh l=Kqù crdÔ¾Kù rgu jkiñka ;sfnk wdldrhhs' foaYmd,{hkaf.a fï ish¨ l=Kqlï cvlï jidf.k foaYfm%aó i¿ms,s h<s;ajrla fmrjd.ksñka isákjd' miq.sh ue;sjrKj,§ fï ish¨ fokd ck;djf.ka Pkaoh .;af;a foaYfm%aó ùrhka jYfhka' wo isÿfjñka ;sfnkafka ta foaYfm%aóka ueÈy;aù isÿlrk foaYfm%aó ñkSuereï" foaYfm%aó l=vq cdjdrï" foaYfm%aó meyer.ekSï foaYfm%aó lmamï .ekSï wd§ foaYmd,k ud*shdj,ska rg wrdðl fj,d' ck;dj ±ka fï ;;ajh ck;dj f;areï .ksñka isákjd' wmsg wjYH fjkafka iudch ±kqj;a lr by< isg my,g isÿjk fï ish¨ wrdðl ;;ajhka mrdch lsÍfï ls%hdud¾.j,g ck;dj iyNd.S lr .ekSuhs'

udkj ysñlï iq/lSu .ek wdKavqj cd;Hka;rhg l;d lrk w;r rg ;=< mj;skafka iïmQ¾Kfhkau mgyeks ls%hdj,shla' fï ;;ajfha nrm;,lu meyeÈ,s jkafka udkj ysñlï fldñika iNdjg w;alr ;sfnk brKu .ek i,ld ne,Sfuka ta fldñifï isá iafjÉPdfjkau jev l< flduidßiajrfhl= jk wdpd¾h wdkkao fukaäia uy;d b,a,d wiaù f.or .shd' Tyq m%ldY lf<a fldñiug wrlaf.k isák foaYmd,k fyxphshkaf.a ´kE tmdlï bgqlrk msßilf.a flKys<slï ueo ;k;=r wdrCId lr .ekSug fkdyels ksid b,a,d wiajQ njhs' fujeks ;;ajhlg m;aù ;sfnkafka ckdêm;sjrhdu m;al< fldñika iNdjla'

rg ;=< È.ska È.gu foaYmd,k uer n,h foaYmd,k ud*shdj rclrñka ñkSueÍï lmamï .ekSï" meyerf.k hEï isÿjkafka wod, kS;suh wdÈm;H ork wdh;k wl%Sh lr ;sfnk jgmsgdjl' fï ish¨ wrdðl ;;ajhka mrdch l< hq;=hs' fï jkúg;a b;d oreKq wkaoñka wmrdO jeäù ;sfnkjd' wdKavqfõ fndre lhsjdre jevla keye' fndre foaYfm%aó igkamdG jevla keye' kS;sfha úOdkh rg ;=< ia:dms; l< hq;=hs' kS;sfha wdêm;H ;yjqre ù we;s nj m%dfhda.sl jyfhka ck;djg ;yjqre úh hq;=hs' tfia fkdlr wdKavqj f.k hk fndre m%pdrj,ska fkd/jfgk f,i wms ck;djf.ka b,a,d isákjd' ta jf.au fï kS;s úfrdaë iodpdr úfrdaë ls%hd wdmiq yerùug fm< .efik fuka wms ck;djf.ka b,a,d isákjd' ta i|yd kdhl;ajh §ug ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK iQodkï' md¾,sfïka;=fõ ;=fkka fofla n,h fyda úOdhl n,h fï lsis fohla ck;djf.a hym; fjkqfjka fjkia lrkafka keye' ta .ek lsisu úYajdihla ;nd.ekSu wkqjKlula' ck;dj wjfndaOfhka hq;=j ueÈy;aùug ld,h weú;a ;sfnkjd' fuh l< yels fohla' 18 fjks jHjia: ixfYdaOkfhka rg wrdðl lrñka wêlrKh wlS%h lrk wdldrh wms l,a;shdu ±lald' ta nj wk;=re wefÕõjd' fï jkúg rg ;=< ls%hd;aul jkafka tu wk;=reodhl ;;ajhhs' fï fudfydf;a § wms ck;djf.ka b,a,d isákafka mj;sk ;;ajh wdmiq yerùfï n,fõ.hla jYfhka tl;= jk f,ihs' wmg th l< yelshs'

m%Yakh( ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK f.k hk úfrdaO;d w;ru.§ kj;d oukjd fkao@
wms wfma ls%hdud¾. kj;ajkafka keye' kuq;a foaYmd,k ;;ajhka fjkia fjkjd' fjkiafjk ;;ajhkag wkqrEmSj ls%hdud¾.;a fjkia lrkak;a isÿfjkjd' ta jf.a wjia:dj,§ m%uqL;djhka wkqj úúO ls%hdud¾. bÈßhg weú;a iuyr ls%hdud¾. miqmig hkjd' Tn m%Yak lrk ;;ajh we;sjkafka ta jf.a wjia:dj,' kuq;a wLKav ls%hdj,shla bÈßhg f.k hEu i|yd ueÈy;aùfï wjiaYH;djh wms b;d ;Èka olskjd' tjeks ls%hdud¾. bÈßfha§ Tng ±l.; yelsfõú'

m%Yakh( weußldj bÈßfha wdKavqj oK.eiqjfyd;a b,a,d wiajk nj leìkÜ weu;sjrfhl= m%ldY lr ;sfnkjd' fï .ek Tn fudllao lshkafka'

ta weu;sjrhd yßkï ±ka b,a,d wiafjkak ´k' wdKavqj weußldj bÈßfha oK.eyqfõ 2007 §' wdrCIl f,alï f>daGdNh rdcmCI uy;d iy tjlg weußldkq ;dkdm;s frdnfgda íf,ala uy;d w;r w;aika l< weußldkq wdrCIl .súiqu ksid ,xldfõ jrdh we;=¨ ish¨u m%foaY weußldkq yuqod wjYH;dj,g mdjd§ ;sfnkjd' ta wjia:dfõ foaYfm%aó weu;sjre l;d lf<a keye' Tjqka b,a,d wiaùug ldrKd úYd, m%udKhla ;sfnkjd' kuq;a tfyu fkdlr vn,a f.aï f.ktñka ck;dj uq,djg m;alrkjd' wms lshkafka ienE ksoyi iy iajdëk;ajh Èkd.ekSug fï vn,a f.aï .yk weu;sjrekag neye' Tjqkag tjeks ck;djd§ Wjukdjka we;af;;a keye' ta ksid foaYmd,k m;=f,a ;sfnk fï ;;ajhka f;areï .kakd f,i wms ck;djf.ka b,a,d isákjd' weußlka .e;s wdKavqj iy wêrdcHjd§ n,fõ. iu. weußldj tlúg mrdch l< hq;=hs' fndre weußlka úfrdaOhlska ú;rla fïl lrkak neye'


wdKavqj wdKavqfõu msßia iqÿjEka j,ska meyer .kakjd( urd wdKavqfõ lS¾;s kduh fjkqfjka rfÜ lS¾;s kduh ì,sfokak tmd -rks,a" fujka wjkS;sh rc lrjk rgla f,dalfha fjk fldfyaj;a kE


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='13" m'j'5'30& hqo ld,h ;=< muKla fkdj wog;a udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh ùï isÿfjkjd' ikaOdkfha fldf<dkakdj m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ iNdm;sjrhdj iqÿ jEka r:hlska meyerf.k hdfï isoaêh wm ÿgqjd' wdKavqj" wdKavqfõu msßi iqÿ jEka r:hlska meyer f.k hdfï ;;a;ajhla wo Wod ù ;sfnkjd' fujka wjkS;sh rc lrjk rgla f,dalfha fjk fldfyaj;a ke;ehs tcdm kdhl rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d mejiSh' Tyq fufia lSfõ Bfha ^13& l¿;r Èia;%slalfha meje;s /iaùï lsysmhlg iyNd.S fjñks' jeäÿrg;a woyia ±lajQ rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d''

;j;a m%Yakhla jkafka hqoaOh wjika ù wjqreÿ .Kkdjla .; ù ;sfnk fï fudfydf;a foaYmd,k úi÷ulg hdug rchg fkdyels ùuhs' foaYmd,k úi÷ulg meñfKk njg wdKavqj fmdfrdkaÿ jQ kuq;a tu fmdfrdkaÿj bgq jQfha keye' øúv ck;dj ;ukag foaYmd,k úi÷ula ,efíú hk n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka isáhd' ish¨ md¾Yajhka talrdYS lr f.k foaYmd,k úi÷ulg hdug yels kuq;a rch tu wruqK lrd hdug miqng fjñka isákjd'

;=ka jk m%Yakh jkafka ck;djg Ôj;a ùfï whs;shhs' Ôjk úhou jeä fjñka ;sfnk ksid ;ukag idOdrKh b,a,d mdrg nysk uyck;djg fjä ;nd u¾okh lsÍug wdKavqj W;aidy lrkjd' fujka jd;djrKhla ;=< wm ,nd fok úi÷ï ms<s.kakg wdKavqj iQodkï fkdue;s ksid wo rg ;=< úYd, m%Yak u;= fjñka mj;skjd'

W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñIka iNdfõ jd¾;dj iïnkaOfhka wfma ia:djrh m%ldY fldg wvqmdvqlï yod f.k úi÷ula lrd hdfï jevms<sfj< fmkajd § ;sfnk kuq;a tu fhdackdj ms,s.ekSug wdKavqj iQodkï keye' tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ix.ufha idudðlhka jk wm" tys udkj ysñlï m%ldYkhg o w;aika lr ;sfnkjd' tfukau tu m%ldYkfha wvx.= lreKq l%shd;aul lsÍug o wm tlÕ ù isákjd' wmg thska wE;a ùug yelshdjla keye' tfukau cd;Hka;r foaYmd,k yd isú,a .súiqug o w;aika lr ;sfnk wm tu .súiqu l%shd;aul lsÍug ne§ isákjd' tu .súiqïj,ska wE;a ù l%shd lsÍug fkdyelshs'

hqoaOh wjika jQ miq udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh ùï we;ehs hk fpdaokdj ,xldjg t,a, ùfuka wk;=rej tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ix.ufha uy f,alï ,xldjg meñK ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d iu. idlÉPd lr udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh ùï ms<sn|j fidhd n,d l%shd lrk njg fomd¾Yajhu m%;s{djla ,nd ÿkakd' fuh w¨;a isÿùula fkdfjhs' ysgmq ckdêm;s fÊ'wd¾' chj¾Ok ue;s;=udf.a ld,fha yd fma%uodi ckdêm;sjrhdf.a ld,fha § o" uu w.ue;sjrhdj isá ld,fha §;a fujka udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh ùï iïnkaO fpdaokd t,a, jQ úg tu fpdaokdj,g újD;j l%shd lr ms<s;=re ,nd ÿkakd'

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uyf,alïjrhd yd ckdêm;sjrhd udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh ùï iïnkaOj ,nd ÿka m%;s {dfjka wk;=rej wjqreoaol ld,hlg miq W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñIka iNdj m;a l<d' tkuq;a ta iïnkaOfhka ksYaÑ; ld,h ;=< l%shd lr fkdue;s ksid tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ix.ufha uy f,alï tlai;a cd;Skaf.a fldñiula oreiaudka uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka m;a l<d' miqj ckdêm;sjrhd úiska ysgmq kS;sm;s iS'wd¾' o is,ajd uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñIka iNdjla m;a l<d' fuys§ uq,skau m%ldYhg m;ajQfha tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ix.ufha jd¾;djhs' fuu wjia:dfõ § wm m%ldY lf<a fï jd¾;dj iïnkaOfhka ish¨ fokd tla ù úi÷ula fidhd .; hq;= njhs'

miq.sh foieïn¾ ui 19 jeks od W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñIka iNdfõ jd¾;dj bÈßm;a jQ wjia:dfõ § wud;H ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd uy;d fuu jd¾;dj wm ms<s.kakjd' iEu ish¨ fokdu fuu jd¾;dj l%shd;aul lsÍug iyfhda.h oelaúh hq;=hs' mlaI foaYmd,kfhka f;drj Woõ l< hq;= hehs m%ldY lr isáhd' bka wk;=rej fuu jd¾;dj fidhd n,d wfma m%;spdrh ,nd fok nj wms m%ldY l<d'

tfukau fmnrjdß 4 jk od ksoyia Èk W;aijfha § ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d m%ldY lf<a fuu jd¾;dj l%shd;aul lsÍug wm ish,a,ka talrdYS úh hq;= njhs' fuu jd¾;dj wOHhkh lr tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha m%;spdrh fmnrjdß ui 9 jeks Èk wm ,nd ÿkakd' tys§ W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñIka iNd jd¾;dfõ we;=<;a wvqmdvq fmkajd ÿka w;r iuia:hla jYfhka fuu jd¾;dj l%shd;aul lsÍug wm iqodkï nj;a m%ldY l<d'

tfukau øúv cd;sl ikaOdkh o" tla fldgila iïmQ¾Kfhka m%;slafIam l< kuq;a" udkj ysñlï" m%cd;ka;%jdoh iïnkaO fldgi wdKavqj l%shd;aul lrkq we;ehs o hkak m%Yakhla u;= lr ;snqKd' wdKavqjg muKla fï i|yd úi÷ï fiúh fkdyel' md¾,sfïka;=fõ isák úreoaO mlaI ish,a, talrdYS lr f.k fï i|yd jQ wjika úi÷ulg meñKsh hq;= hehs wm m%ldY lr isáhd' fï i|yd øúv cd;sl ikaOdkh muKla fkdj ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa o woyia ,nd f.k Y%S ,xlsl úi÷ula ,nd .; hq;= hehs wfma ia:djrhhs'
hqoaOfhka wm ish,af,dau ÿla úkaod' ta ish,a,gu jvd ÿla úkafoa øúv ck;djhs' wo hdmkfha úYaj úoHd,h ;=< u¾okldÍ ;;a;ajh yuqfõ kej;;a fkdikaiqka;djhla we;s úh yels hehs hk ìh u;= fjñka mj;skjd' tfukau jkaks m%foaYfha Ôj;a ùug fkdyels ;;a;ajhla o olakg ,efnkjd' wmg ;sfnk m%Yakhg jvd tu m%foaYfha isák ck;djg m%Yak W.% ù ;sfnkjd' fujka jd;djrKh ;=< N+ñ f;,a yd ãi,a ñ, jeä l<dhska miq tu ck;dj Ôj;a jkafka flfiao@ fujka jd;djrKh ;=< wjidkfha isÿ jkafka ;K fld< lEughs'

ol=fKa fukau W;=f¾ ck;dj o wo Ôj;a jkafka b;d wiSrefjka' fujka jd;djrKh ;=< wm ish,a, talrdYS ù úi÷ula fidhd .kakd úg Y%S ,dxlsl wkkH;djh o ;j ;j;a ;yjqre fõú'
mrudêm;Hh whs;sh ;sfnkafka Y%S ,xldfõ ck;djghs' thska wE;a ùug lsisÿ wjYH;djhla kE' fujka m%Yak yuqfõ úi÷u ;sfnkafka Y%S ,xldj ;=<hs' tlai;a cd;sl mlaIhg ðkSjdj,g hdug lsisu wjYH;djhla fkdue;s nj lsj hq;=hs' ðkSjdj,g hdu wdKavqfõ jev lghq;a;la' wdKavqfõ j.lSu jkafka rfÜ lS¾;s kduh wdrlaId lsÍuhs' tkuq;a uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a wdKavqfõ lS¾;s kduh wdrlaId lrkakehs wm mjikafka keye' th l< fkdyels l%shdjla' ,xldfõ lS¾;s kduh hkq tlls' tu lS¾;s kduh uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a lS¾;s kduh fkdfõ' fï lreKq fol mg,jd .; hq;= keye'

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a wdKavqfõ lS¾;s kduh wdrlaId lsÍug ,xldfõ lS¾;s kduh ì,a,g fokak tmd' wfußldj" hqfrdamh" cmdkh" bkaÈhdj" Ökfha fkdj wfma n,h fukau mrudêm;Hh ;sfnkafka ,xldj ;=<hs' wdKavqjg muKla fuu j.lSu ,nd §ug wm iQodkï kE' wm ish,a, talrdYS ù úi÷ug hd hq;=hs' tfia fkdjkafka kï wdKavqj fï m%Yak weof.k hdug bv ;sfí'

øúv cd;sl ikaOdkh iu. meje;s idlÉPdj,§ úi÷ulg fkdmeñKsfha l,a ueÍfï l%shdj,sfha wdKavqj kshe¨K ksihs' wfußld fhdackdfõ ia:djrh ù ;sfnkafka wdKavqjg iïmQ¾K j.lSu ,nd § th ie,iqï iy.;j l%shd;aul lsÍuhs' tkuq;a wdKavqjg j.lSï ,nd §ug ud iQodkï keye' tu ksid wfußldfõ ia:djrh wmg ms<s.kak neye' tu fhdackdj wm iyuq,skau m%;sflaIam lrkjd' wdKavqjg ndr §fuka fï m%Yakhg úi÷ï fkd,efnk ksid wm fï ldrKdj ms<s.kakg iQodkï keye'

úfoaY wud;Hjrhd tu fhdackdj ms<s.kakd nj m%ldY l<;a" wud;Hjrhd ol=Kq wm%sldjg .sh wjia:dfõ Tjqka b,a,d isáfha ish¨ ck fldgia talrdYS lr f.k tla ù úi÷ulg tkakehs lshdhs' tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha ia:djrh o fuhhs' isxy," uqia,sï" øúv ish¨ ck fldgiaj,g úi÷ï ,nd §u wfma hq;=luhs' ta tfukau W;=f¾ m%Yakh úi£ug ;sfnkjd' øúv ck;dj o wfmau rfÜ fldgila' Tjqkaj wE;a lr ;nkakg neye'

isxy, ck;dj jqj;a" uqia,sï ck;dj jqj;a" øúv ck;dj jqj;a" n¾.¾ ck;dj jqj;a wm ish,a,gu fï rg ;=< Ôj;a ùfï whs;shla ;sfnkjd' wdKavqj yd øúv cd;sl ikaOdkh tla ù f;aÍï ldrl iNdjla m;a l<d' tu idlÉPdj o wo ì| jeà ;sfnkjd'

W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñIka iNdfõ jd¾;dj l%shd;aul lsÍug kï wm fok ixfYdaOk;a ,nd § l%shd;aul lsÍug n,h ,nd §ug iQodkï' idudðl;ajh ,nd f.k l%shd lsÍug wdKavqj iQodkï úh hq;=hs' bka wE;a ùug ierish hq;= ke;' wo wdKavqjg ;sfnkafka Y%S ,dxlsl úi÷ula lrd fhduqùuhs' n,h fnod yeÍfï m%Yakh oeä f,i n,mdkafka W;=f¾ ck;djghs' tu ksid wm muKla tla ù úi÷ï fiùug jvd wod< ish¨ md¾Yajhka talrdYS lr f.k úi÷ulg hd hq;=hs'

tfukau øúv cd;sl ikaOdkh iu. idlÉPd lr isxy," fou<" uqia,sï" n¾.¾ hk ish¨ ck fldgia ms<s.; yels foaYmd,k úi÷ulg hd hq;=hs' fï i|yd jQ úiÿula o W.;a mdvï yd fldñIka iNd jd¾;dfõ ;sfnkjd' fï i|yd wfma wjOdkh fhduq lf<d;a úi÷ula ,nd .; yels nj wm úYajdi lrkjd' tfukau W.;a mdvï yd fldñIka iNd jd¾;dfõ udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh jk nj i|yka ù ;sfnkjd' rg ;=< wo ;sfnk m%Yakh úiod .ekSfï ud¾.h fmkajd § ;sfnkjd' wdKavqj fï i|yd ;ukaf.a wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;=hs'

rg ;=< hym;a ia:djrhla we;s lrk fuka n, lrk wfma úfrdaO;d jHdmdrh o wdrïN lr ;sfnkjd' ck;djg jydu iyk ,nd fok fukao wm n, lr isákjd' W.;a mdvï yd fldñIka iNdfõ jd¾;d .ek idlÉPd lr ck;djg iyk ,nd fkd§ wdKavqj l%shd lrkjd kï Bg tfrysj mdrg neiSug wmg isÿ jkjd' fï i|yd úi÷ï ,nd .ekSug wm ðkSjdj,g hkafka keye' wm igka lrkafka ,xldj ;=< ñi ðkSjdj, fkdfõ'

udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh ùï iïnkaOfhka fpdaokd k.d ;sfnk fudfydf;a úi÷ï ,nd §ug ,xldj ;=<u úi÷ï fiúh hq;=hs' tu ksid tu whs;sjdislï ;yjqre lrk fuka b,a,d wm ish,a, mdrg nei wdKavqjg tfrys úfrdaO;d jHdmdrh mgka .ksuq' fuh we;a; jYfhkau Y%S ,xdlsl úi÷ula úh hq;=hs' fujka wjia:dfõ § Bg tfrysj wdKavqj l%shd lr fjä ;eîug ;e;a l<fyd;a uq¿ f,dal rgj,a wdKavqjg ñkS ueÍfï fpdaokd t,a, lrdú'


wdKavqj rKúrejka mdjd ÿkafka ldf,lg l,ska( myq.sh udi 3 g 38 la w;=reoyka lr,d -rxf.a


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='16" fm'j'6'20&cd;Hka;rhg f.dia lsisÿ mels,Sulska f;drj rKúrejka mdjd ÿka wdKavqj iy ue;s weue;sjreka rfÜ ck;dj /jàu i|yd lsisfia;a rKúrejka cd;Hka;rhg mdjd fokafka ke;ehs rgg lshk nj tcdm md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S rcf.a nKavdr uy;d mjihs' Bfha ^15& fld<U 07 Y%Su;a udlia m%kdkaÿ udjf;a úmlaIkdhl ld¾hd,fha§ mej;s udOHh yuqjlg tlafjñka ta uy;d fï nj mejiSh'

jeäÿrg;a woyia ±lajQ rxf.a nKavdr uy;d''"

rfÜ ùfrdaOdr rKúrejka cd;Hka;rhg mdjd fokafka ke;ehs mdG,S pïmsl rKjl úÿ,s n, wud;Hjrhd fndfydu ioafoka lE .id fï uE;l § m%ldYhla lr ;snQ w;r wdKavqj o wLKavju lshd isákafka wdrlaIl yuqod cd;Hka;rhg mdjd fkdfok njhs'

flfia kuq;a wfma ùfrdaOdr rKúrejka cd;Hka;rhg óg fndfyda ld,hlg m%:u mdjd ÿkafka fï wdKavqj iy ue;s weue;sjreka nj meyeÈ,sj lsj hq;=hs'

Bg fyd|u WodyrKh yuqodj iïnkaOfhka hqla;sh mis|,Sfï l%shdj,sh w;Hka;fhkau ksoyi ,enQ wjia:dfõ § meje;s ì%;dkH kS;s úoHd uQ, O¾uj,ska Wlyd .kakd ,oaols' hqo yuqod" kdjql yuqod iy .=jka yuqod mk;a hgf;a jefgk W,a,x>Kh lsÍï iïnkaOfhka iel lrkq ,nk ikakoaO fiajd iduðlhska hqo wêlrKh keue;s hdka;%Khla u.ska fyda isú,a Widúhl § mÍlaIKhlg ,la l< yelsh' fndfyda kvq f.dkq lr we;s w;r bka tlla kï ñßiqhs,a kvqjhs' fï kvqfõ § j¾I 2000 § idudkH jYfhka meyer f.k f.dia urd oeóu iïnkaOfhka úfYaI wêlrKhla bÈßfha hqo yuqodfõ idudðlhska y;r fofkl= úksYaphg Ndckh fjñka mj;S' yuqod idudðlhskag iy fmd,sia ks,OdÍkag tfrysj kvq f.dkq lr we;' fmd,sia ks,OdÍkag wdh;k ix.%yh hgf;a;a úkh mÍlaIKj,g o hg;a fõ' isú,a rdcH ks,OdÍka úiska W,a,x>Kh lsÍï isÿ lrkq ,en ;sfí kï Tjqkag tfrysj isú,a kvq mejßh yelsh' Y%S ,xldj úiska ;u ne£ï iy;sl lr we;s cd;Hka;r j.ùï W,a,x>Kh ù ;sfí kï N+ñfha n, mj;akd wmrdO kS;shg wkql+,j o kvq mejßh yelsh' tfy;a fï W,a,x>Kh ùï wod< jroj,aj, úYaf,aIK mdrñ;h hg;a fõ hkqfjka wdKavqj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uyf,alïjrhd fj; 2011 fmnrjdß 16 jeks od weuqKqï wxl 2'16'1 hgf;a ,nd ÿka ,sÅ; jd¾;djhs'

rKúrejka cd;Hka;rhg mdjd fkdfokafka hehs fï wdKavqj iy ue;s weue;sjrekau hqo yuqod" kdjql yuqod iy .=jka yuqod mk;a hgf;a o" hqo wêlrK iy isú,a wêlrK u.ska o" wdh;k ix.%y hgf;a úkh mÍlaIK u.ska o rKúrejkag tfrysj lghq;= lrk nj cd;Hka;rhg ,sÅ;j oekqï foñka rKúrejka mdjd ÿka wdldrh fï ,smsfhka ukdj meyeÈ,s jkjd'

W.;a mdvï iy m%;sikaOdk fldñIka jd¾;dfjka fmkajd § we;s mßÈ idmrdë isÿùï fidhd n,d Bg j.lsj hq;= mqoa.,hkag tfrysj kS;sh u.ska l%shd lrkjd' wjYH;djh mßÈ idmrdë l%shd iïnkaO isoaê kS;sm;sjrhd fj; bÈßm;a lr ;sfnkjd' wka;¾ cd;sl udkj ysñlï lv lsÍfï fpdaokd iïnkaOfhka kS;sm;sjrhd fï jk úg lreKq fidhd n,ñka isákjd' W.;a mdvï iy m%;sikaOdk fldñifï ks¾foaY wkqj wjYH ;eka ys§ hqo wêlrK l%shdj,sh o wrUd we; hkqfjka uyskao iurisxy wud;Hjrhd cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï ljqkai,h bÈßfha lshd isáhd'

ta m%ldYfhka o fy<s jkafka l=ßre hqoaOh wjika l< ùfrdaOdr rKúrejka wjYH jqfKd;a hqo wêlrKh bÈßhg muqKqjd,Sug wdKavqj l%shd lrk nj iy Bg iQodkñka isák njhs'

ysgmq kS;sm;s fudydka mSßia uy;d o uyskao iurisxy wud;Hjrhdf.au m%ldYh ;yjqre lr ;sfnk w;r 2006 isÿ jqKq mdi,a isiqka mia fofkl= >d;kh lsÍfï isoaêh iy ;%sl=Kdu,fha uq;a;+¾ys isÿ jQ rdcH fkdjk ixúOdkhl 17 fofkl= >d;kh lsÍfï isoaêh ms,sn|j kej; mÍlaIK wdrïN lrk nj mjid ;sfnkjd'

fï isoaëka iïnkaO mÍlaIK lghq;= kej; wdrïN lrk njg wdKavqfõ Wmfoia u; fudydka mSßia uy;d cd;Hka;rhg fmdfrdkaÿ jQfha cd;Hka;rh ta >d;k isoaëka iïnkaOfhka m%Yak l< wjia:dfõ§hs' fï wkqj meyeÈ,s jkafka l=ßre ;%ia;jdoh Èú mrÿjg ;nd ch.;a ùfrdaOdr rKúrejka cd;Hka;rhg mdjd foñka" fodka cqj,a O¾umd,f.ka miqj fï rfÜ oejeka;u mdjd§u isÿ lr ;sfnkafka fï wdKavqj iy ue;s weue;sjreka njhs'

kef.kysr m<df;a fmd,sia ks,OdÍka 600 la >d;kh lsÍu iïnkaOfhka mÍlaIK isÿ lr ta iïnkaOfhka mshjr .kakehs o" ta isoaêh ms<sn|j lreKd wïudkag fpdaokd t,a, ù we;ehs o lshk W.;a mdvï iy m%;sikaOdk fldñiu" v.a,ia foajdkkao uy;dg tfrysj o udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh lsÍï" meyer .ekSï iy úúO wmrdO iïnkaOfhka fpdaokd t,a, lr ;sfnkjd' tfukau kef.kysr m%Odk wud;H ms,af,hdkag tfrysj o tu fldñIka jd¾;dj u.ska meñKs,s bÈßm;a lr ;sfnkjd'
wdrlaIl yuqod" fmd,sish iy rdcH ks,OdÍka hï W,a,x>Kh lsÍula lr ;sfnkjd kï ta whg tfrysj Wmßufhka lghq;= lrk nj iaúÜi¾,ka;fha ðkSjd f.dia cd;Hka;rhg lshk wdKavqj W.;a mdvï iy m%;sikaOdk fldñiu u.ska fpdaokd t,a, lr ;sfnk lreKd wïudka" v.a,ia foajdkkao iy ms,af,hdka hk whg úreoaOj l%shd lrk njla kï lshkafka keye'

;%ia;jd§ lghq;= lrñka isú,a ckhd úkdY lr ix>hd jykafia,d lE,s lE,s lmd oeuQ" o<od ud<s.djg iy Y%S uyd fndaëka jykafiag m%ydr t,a, l< whg tfrysj lghq;= fkdlr ;%ia;jdoh u¾okh l< rKúrejkag tfrysj l%shd lrk njg wdKavqj cd;Hka;rhg iy;sl ùu rKúrejka iy rg mdjd§ula fkdfõo@

zÈkjuq Y%S ,xldZ hk f;audj hgf;a .uk wdrïN lr miqj rg fmrg jevigyk hgf;a o" Bg;a miqj fuyskao Ñka;kfha iy wk;=rej uyskao Ñka;k È.=fj hk f;audj hgf;a lghq;= l< wdKavqj fï jk úg l%shd lrkafka zfudld mdjd § fyda wms fífruqZ hk ia:djrfha isghs'

w;=reoyka lsÍu hqoaOfhka miqj 5761hs( miq.sh udi 3 g 38 hs
hqoaOfhka miqj fï rfÜ lsisÿ isú,a mqrjeisfhl= >d;kh ù ke;ehs uyskao rdcmlaI ckdêm;sjrhd wkqr nKavdrkdhl wkqiaurK Yd,dj újD; lrñka lshd isáh;a hqoaOfhka miqj fï jk úg 5761 la w;=reoka ù ;sfnkjd' f.jqKq f;ui we;=<; § muKla mqoa.,hska 38 la w;=reoka ù we;s w;r ta wh .ek lsisÿ f;dr;=rla fuf;la jd¾;d ù keye'

ðkSjd ùrjßh f.a le/Ügqj
1987 § Y%S ,xldjg tfrysj cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï ljqkais,hg wd¾ckaákdj fhdackdjla bÈßm;a l< wjia:dfõ § f,dal l%sia;shdks YsIH moku hgf;a Y%S ,xldjg tfrysj fmkS isáñka ;%ia;jdohg iy rg folv ùu hk ldrKdj,g uqjd ù wm udkj ysñlï W,a,x>Kh lrkjd hehs lshd isá ;udrd l=,kdh.ï uy;añh tlai;a cd;skaf.a Y%S ,xld ks;H ksfhdað;jßh f,i fï jk úg m;aùï ,en ;sfnkjd'

t;=ñh Y%S ,xldj iïnkaOfhka tod isá ish ia:djrh w;yer wfma rgg iqNjd§ ia:djrhl isáñka ish y~ wvq lr f.k ;sîu t;=ñhf.a m%;sm;a;sfha iy wkkH;djfha m%Yakhla jk kuq;a wfma rg iïnkaOfhka kï wmg t;=ñh oeka isák ia:djrh hym;a nj lsj hq;=hs'

cskSjd .ek tcdm ia:djrh
wfußldj cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï ieisjdrhg Y%S ,xldj iïnkaOfhka fhdackd bÈß;a lrñka lshd isákafka W.;a mdvï iy m%;sikaOdk fldñiu l%shd;aul lsÍfï j.lSu wdKavqjg ,nd Èh hq;= njhs' tlai;a cd;sl mla?Ih ta fhdackdjg tlÕ fkdjkafka wdKavqjg muKla yqol,dj ta j.lSu mejrefjd;a wdKavqj fï m%Yakh fkdúiod ;j ;j;a l,a urd úYd, jYfhka ;j;a m%Yak .Kkdjla we;s lsÍug bv ;sfnk ksihs'

tu ksid W.;a mdvï iy m%;sikaOdk fldñIka jd¾;dfõ i|yka mßÈ ish¨ md¾Yajhka tlg taldnoaO jQ jevigykla hgf;a fï jd¾;dfõ ks¾foaY hï ld, rduqjlg hg;aj l%shd;aul l< hq;= nj wfma ia:djrhhs'

md,l urd md,kfha fidlaflda tlsfkld urd .ks;s( wfhlag msysfhka wkskak hoaoS ;jfll=g l=Kq ì;a;r m%ydr

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='18" m'j'7'20& weue;s tia'î'f.a fidhqrd jk uOHu m<d;a iNdfõ iNdm;s id,sh Èidkdhl tu m<d;a iNd l,dmfha mj;sk yÕ=rkafl; m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ iNdm;s rKisxy Èidkdhl uy;dg
wo oyj,a myr § msysfhka wek urd ±óug f.dia ;sfí'

fï iïnkaOfhka m%dfoaYSh iNd iNdm;s jrhd fufia lSh'

zzwd¾Ól ixj¾Ok wud;HdxYh hgf;a tla .%dufiajd ks,OdÍ fldÜGdYhlg ,laI 10 .Kfka tl .ulg fokjd' tu jev igyk .ek idlÉPdjla wo m%dfoaYSh iNd f.dvke.s,af,a§ iQodkï lr ;snqkd' fï ms<sn|j ±k.;a id,sh Èidkdhl ;j msßil=;a tlal t;ekg lvd jeÈ,d wfma ysgmq whg myr ÿkakd' ug;a ;¾ckh l<d' ug msysfhka wkskak wdjd' ta fj,dfj iS'î r;akdhl weue;s;=udf.a ifydaorhd tia'î r;akdhl uy;d ;uhs udj fír .;af;a' ke;skï wo ug fufyu l;dlrkak fjkafk kE'ZZ

yÕ=rkafl; ixj¾Okh i|yd iu iNdm;sjreka f,i tia'îf.a u,a,s,d fofokd jk id,sh Èidkdhl iy chr;ak Èidkdhl fofokd isákjd hehs lshñka m%dfoaYSh iNd iNdm;s jrhdg jev lsÍug fuu fofokd bv fkdfok nj wmf.a wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs'

m%foaYfha iqm%lg uer foaYmd,k{hka fofofkl= jk tia îf.a fidhqrka fofokdf.ka tla fidhqfrl= jk id,sh Èidkdhlf.a ìß|g wh;a mqoa.,sl niar: folla lsishï lKavdhula úiska miq.shod .sks ;nd úkdY lr ;sìK'

ikaOdkfhau m%dfoaYSh uÜgfï foaYmd,k{hka lsisÿ úkhla ke;sj tls fkld urd .ekSu ±ka fndafjñka ;sfí'

wo Èkfha isÿjQ ;j;a fujeksu urd .ekSula kï tcksi md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S mS'È.ïnrï g ikaOdkfhau m<d;a iNd uka;%S fikaÈ,a f;dkavudkaf.a msßila úiska t,a, lrk ,o l=Kq ì;a;r m%ydrhhs' wo WoEik nKavdrfj, k.rfha§ fuu l=Kq ì;a;r m%ydrh t,a, ù ;sfí' fikaÈ,a f;dkavudka hkq weue;s wdreuq.ï f;dkavudkaf.a {d;s mq;%fhls'


kS;s .rel rgla oehla njg Y%S ,xldj m;alr,Sug W;aiyd orK ish¨ wjxl rdcH ks,Odrskag muKla fkdj" ta Wfoid lghq;= lrk iEu foaYmd,k mCIhlu isákd foaYmd,lhkag o ixúOdkhkag o w;HdjYH cd;Hka;r wdrCIdj iy m%isoaêh ,nd oSug wm ljo;a wmg yels Wmrsufhka lghq;= lrkafkuq'

ta jf.au rgg úk lrkd ta foaY fødaySka ish,a,gu tfrysj o mCI-cd;s-wd.ï fNao lsis;a fkdi<ld b;d oeä f,i cd;Hka;rj l%shd;aul lrk nj o ta wka ish,af,da o oek .;hq;=j we;' tfia fkdue;sj wo rg ;=< rclrk uyd jxpksl uq.ao n, f,daNS rdcmCI frcsufhka wm rg iy ish¨ wysxil rgjeishka fírd .ekSug fjk;a úl,amhla lsisfia;au fkdue;'

j;auka rdcmCI frcsuh fkdkj;ajd lrk wlghq;= j,oS" tajdg tfrysj" m%cd;ka;%jdoS f,i rfÜ fjfik ck;dj iy úreoaOjdoS foaYmd,k mCI l%shdldrska fjä;nd urd oukjdkï" uy uÕ hoaoS rdcmCI fydr l,a,sfha iqÿ jEka ;=<ska myerf.k f.dia tu l%shdldrskag oijO oS urd oud uyd uqyqo ueo .s,ajd w;=re oyka lrkjdkï" fydr cs,audÜ fldïmshqg¾ ;=<ska ck;dj fkduÕhjd n,y;aldrfhka n,h ,ndf.k we;s njg wo Tmamq ù we;akï" tjeks ck;d úfrdaë wksis n,hla ;=,ska iEu w;skau wo rg iQrd lñka lrk úúO ¥IK jxpd oskm;d fkdkj;ajd isÿ lrkjdkï" Tjqkaf.a mqoa.,sl jdish iy n,h /l.ekSu u;" wm ck;djg fydrd cd;Hka;rj wm rg;a ta ck;dj;a úfoaY n,fõ.,jg mdjdfokjd kï" flfia fyda rdcmCI frcsuh n,fhka my l< hq;=j we;' tjeks foaY fødaySkag tfrysj wo cd;Hka;rj l%shd;aul jk wm muKla fkdj wjxlj l%shdlrk wka ish,af,dau o ienE foaYfm%aóka nj wu;l fkdlrkak'

tod tlai;a cd;sl mCIfha wlghq;= ksid uyskao rdcmCI lmá rcd cSksjd udkj ysñlï ljqkai,h ;=< ìu ysof.k Wmjdil<d kï" wo Tyq úiskau we;s lrk ta úkdYhka yS oS ta jdfhka rg;a ck;dj;a .,jd .ekSug wka ish¨ úreoaOjdoS foaYmd,k mCI iy ixúOdk l%shdldrska tlaj cd;Hka;rj l%shd;aul ùu wksjd¾fhkau isÿl< hq;a;ls' tfia fkdlrkafka wjia:djdoS nvf.daia;rjdoS foaYmd,lhka iy ixúOdhlhka muKs' wo rdcmCI md,k frcsuh jgd tlafrdiaj Tjqkg wd jvk ta ish¨ foaYmd,lhka ixúOdhlhka iy l,dlrejka hkq lïn fydreka muKla fkdj" oek oek" oel oel" lmá rdcmCI,d tlaj rg;a ck;dj;a mdjd fok ienE jxpksl wuk foaY fødayShka nj o" fudfyd;lgj;a wu;l fkdlrkak'

iuyrúg wo wm fyd|hs lshd is;k foaYmd,lhka fyda ixúOdhlhka fyg ojfia wjia:djdoS lïn fydreka njg Tmamq úh yel' tfia jqjfyd;a tod wfma .c ñ;=rdjQ uyskao rdcmCIhkag wo wfmka w;a ù we;s wjdikdjka; brKuu fyg ojfia ìysfjk ta lïn fydrekag o Wodjkq ksielh' oekgu;a tjeks wjia:djdoS foaYmd,k lïn fydre msrsila lr,shg tkak W;aiyd orK j. o wm fyd|dldr oksuq' ;ukag Wreu jQ mjq,a foaYmd,khla hehs fndrejg lrmskakd f.k wksis f,i n,hg tkak W;aiyd orK wjia:djdoS nvf.daia;rhkaf.ka iy fydr ¥IK jxpdj,g iïnkaOj fy<sorõ ù we;s ta ish¨ lïn fydrekaf.ka oekau ;shd ;u ish¨ foaYmd,k mCIj,ska bj;alr ta ish¨ mCI msrsisÿ lr.kakd f,i o wm fufia l,a;nd wk;=re yÕjkafkuq'

flfia fyda Y%S ,xldj ;=< ienE wjxl jQ hymd,khla we;s foaYmd,khla ìysfldg" w.aks os. wdishdfõ uqyqfoka jgjq wm ta iqkaor ud;D N+ñh ljod fyda uq¿ f,dju nn<jk w;s iqkaor uq;= udkslHhla n÷ foaYhla-rdcHhla njg m;alr,kakg wmfuka Tn ieu;a wou wosgka lr .kak'

AHFESL.ORG 01.03.2012




;j ál ojilska iqm%Sï flda¾Ü tlg;a fïc¾ ckrd,a,d m;a fkdjqfKd;a ;uhs mqÿu -ysgmq úksiqre jrdjej

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='11" m'j'7'30& iqÿ fldä kvq ;Skaÿfõ§ fckrd,a f*dkafiald uy;d ksjerÈ hhs ;Skaÿ l< ysgmq uydêlrK úksiqre ví,sõ'à'tï'mS'î' jrdjej uy;d g Wmydr oelaùfï Wf<,la miq.shod fld<U§ meje;aúK' ;reK kS;sfõ§kaf.a ix.uh úiska fuu W;aijh ixúOdkh lr ;snqKs'

Wmydr Wf<, wu;ñka ysgmq uydêlrK úksiqre ví,sõ' à' tï'mS'î' jrdjej fufia mejiSh'

’zoeka fï úksYaphldrjrekag tfyu wd;au Yla;shla keye' ;uka ta ;k;=f¾ f.!rjh lshkafka" fudlla o lsh,d okafka keye' iajdëk;ajh okafka keye' idOdrK;ajh okafka ke;s ;;a;ajhla Wod fj,d ;sfhkafka" fudk foajdf,a yß je|,d ;ukaf.a ld¾h lr.kak ;uhs ta f.d,a, n,kafka" úksYaphldrjrfhla ;=< idOdrK;ajh lshk foa we;=f<a ;sfhkak ´k' ta idOdrK;ajh lshk tl ke;a;kï fldfydugj;a wfkla ñksiaiqkag idOdrK;ajhla we;s fjkafka keye' wjxlNdjh ;sfhkak ´k' ks¾NS;Ndjhla ;sfhkak ´k' wms fmdä ojiaj, lsõfõ fï fldagqfõ rÊcqrefjda lsh,d ta lshkafka fldagqfõ rÊcqrefjda wdik.;fj,d bkakfldg l=re,af,laj;a by<ska hkakE" lsh,d ;uhs ñksiaiq lshkafka' ta Widúhg ñksiaiq .re l<d' oeka wo fudlo lrkafka" ;j ál ld,hla .sfhd;a fudkj fjhso lsh,d lshkak nE' fïjd mj;S o keoao lsh,d lshkak;a nE' ;j ál ojilska iqm%Sï flda¾Ü tlg;a fïc¾ ckrd,a,d m;a fkdjqfKd;a ;uhs mqÿfï' oeka Widúfhkau §,d ;sfhkjd' ta flda¾Ü ud¾I,aj, kvq wykafka" ta lÜáh;a Widúhla lsh,d' fï úOdhlh" jHjia:dodhlh" wêlrKh lshk ta lKq ;=k fjka fjkaj ;sfhkak ´k n, ;=kla úÈyg' tl lKqjlg j;a wfkal lKqj lvd ì| oukak wjia:dj Èh hq;= keye' talg kS;sh ms<sn| wjfndaOhla we;s lÜáh Wkkaÿ úh hq;=hs' ljqrej;a úfõpkh lrkjd' fkfjhs' fïl mgka .;af;a" fÊ'wd¾' chj¾Ok ldf,a b|kaZ

fuys§ jrdjej uy;df.ka lafIa;%hg jQ fiajh w.hñka iure ;s<sKhla o msßkeñK'

It will be unsurprising if Major Generals are appointed as Supreme court judges in near future – former Justice Warawewa

(Lanka-e-News-13.March.2012, 11.45PM) Justice W T M P B Warawawa , the former High court judge who expressed a bold dissenting view that Gen. Fonseka is not guilty when the judgment was delivered in the white flag case against the former Army Commander ( the latter who won the war against terrorists displaying his mettle , true grit , determination and unalloyed patriotism unlike the countless empty loud mouthed politicians who are doing lip service).

Justice Waruwewa at a felicitation ceremony organized for him by Young Lawyers ‘ Association stated as follows :

Addressing the gathering he said, ‘ now, the justices do not have the strength of character. They even do not know what is their lofty dignified position. They are not aware of the independence of the judiciary. So, the situation is justice is now at stake. The judges only want to achieve their personal agendas only by worshipping any deity. Justice must be inherent in a judge. When that is not there , justice to others cannot be dispensed. Honesty , integrity and courage must be intimate and integral in their nature. During our young days, they were called as Kings of the Court. When a King of such a court is on the bench , even a bird does not fly over – people said at that time. That is people highly respected those courts and the courts were adorned by such judges of dignity , integrity , honesty and rectitude. Sadly , what is happening now ? I shudder to think what is going to happen after some time. Whether justice will exist at all is in doubt. In the near future , it will be unsurprising if Major Generals are appointed as judges to the supreme court . Now , the courts have themselves told , cases heard in a court martial are also their officials, and those who hear cases in a court martial in a military court are also of the judicial courts. The judiciary , the Legislature and the Executive should be three separate distinct Institutions. There must be a separation of powers. One Institution ought not to encroach on the other. To ensure this those who are knowledgeable in the legal aspects must take the initiative and move courageously in this direction. This does not mean that anyone is being criticized. This trend began since the time of Late President J R Jayawardena’.
A memento was presented to justice Warawewa on this occasion in recognition of his invaluable contributions when he was serving in the judiciary.

,dN wfmalaIdfjka ;Skaÿ fok úksiqrkag wmdfha fodr újD;hs - úksiqre jrdjej

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ck'10" m'j'5'30& wgf,da oyug wkql+,j i;r w.;sfhka ñ§ ,dN wfmalaIdfjka f;drj ;Skaÿ ;SrK ,ndÈh hq;= nj;a ,dN wfmalaIdfjka ;Skaÿ ,ndfok úksiqrejrekag wmdfha fodr ksrka;rfhka újD;j mj;sk nj;a fld<U uydêlrK úksiqre ví,sõ'à'tï'î' jrdjej uy;d wo újD; wêlrKfha§ mejiSh'

;k;=re wysñ fõ hehs ìfhka ;Skaÿ ,nd§fuka j,lsk f,i;a mqoa.,hka iïnkaOfhka oafõI iy.; ;Skaÿ ,nd§uo wkqu; l< fkdyels nj;a Tyq mejiSh' úksiqrejka úiska ,ndfok ;Skaÿ nqÿ oyug wkql+, úh hq;= njo Tyq lSh'

jrdjej úksiqrejrhd fuu woaú;Sh m%ldYh flf<a úfoaYSh ixpdrl mjq,l idudðlhka 3 fofkl= >d;kh l< mqoa.,hka fofofkl=g urK oKavkh kshu lrñks'

iqÿ fldä kvqfõ§ fckrd,a f*dkafiald ish¿ fpdaokd j,ska ksfodia fldg ksoyia l< hq;= hehs ;Skaÿ flf<a jrdjej úksiqre jrhd úisks' §md,s úfÊiqkaor iy riSka úksiqre fofmd< úiska f*dkafiald uy;d jerÈlre lrñka jir 3 l isr o~qjï kshu flf<ah'

judgments should not be given for personal benefits -HC Judge Warawewa

(Lanka-e-News-10.Jan.2012, 8.30PM) Judges should not give personal judgments in the hopes of gaining financial benefits, High Court judge W.M.P.D. Waraweva, who gave the dissenting judgment in the Sarath Fonseka court case, stated in open court today (January 10).

He stated this after giving the verdict in a murder case.

He stated that judges should not give judgments and verdicts in the hopes of gaining personal benefits or in fear of losing their luxuries while judgments should not be given with the hopes of putting an individual in trouble or assisting another.

Waraweva said that he has always given his judgments according to his Buddhist faith and that he has never worked with the purpose of pulling cases from other courts towards him.

The High Court gave the death penalty to the two accused murder suspects after finding them guilty.

Last November, Sarath Fonseka was found guilty by a divided decision in the case regarding the ‘White Flag’ statement and sentenced to 3 years in prison by the Colombo High Court today (November 18).

The verdict divided 2:1 was given by the High Court bench, headed by Judge Deepali Wijesundara and comprising Judges DMPD Waraweva and Zulfiqar Razin.

Justice Waraweva giving his judgment deliberated that Fonseka was not guilty on all three charges while Justice Wijesundara and Rashim found Fonseka guilty of the first charge, of inciting violence through his statement, and found him not guilty on the second and third charges.

ud;r fndaê rdchd Wv ke. frÔuhg tfrys tal mqoa., úfrdaO;djla( meh 5 la mqrd mkaoyila ckhd úu;shg



^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='05" m'j'4'30-fojk ixialrKh-m'j'5'30& ud;r fmd,sia uQ,ia:dkh bÈßmsg we;s iqm%lg ud;r fndaê rdchd u;g ke.=Kq mqoa.,fhl= rfÜ isÿjk widOdrKlï k;r lrk f,i b,a,d meh 5 l muK ld,hla úfrdaOh mdñka isá nj wmf.a ud;r jd¾;dlre mjihs' ud;r fndaêh fndfyda fokdf.a jkaokdjg Ndckh jk ia:dkhla jk w;r fudyq ìug niaijd .ekSu b;d wiSre ù ;sfí'

rcfhka iy fmd,Sis j,ska flfrk buy;a widOdrK lï k;r lrk f,i fudyq b,a,d isà' ðkSjd f.dia úldr foaj,a l;d fkdlr ud;r lv leãu k;r lrkakg l;d l< hq;= hehs Tyq mjihs' ðkSjd heúh hq;af;a weue;sjre jeks fydreka fkdj ;ud jeks widOdrKhg ,lajQjka njo Tyq mjihs'

Tyqj ìug niaijd .ekSug ckdêm;sf.a úfYaI ksfhdað;fhl= f,i ud;r ksfhdacH k.rdêm;s rxð;a hir;ak meñK úg fudyq fnda .i Wv isg lE .iñka lSfõ zuQ fudk ckdêm;sf.a úfYaI ksfhdað;fhlao@ fï wms okak tfllafk'' fïl fydfrlafkZ wd§ jYfhks'

;ukag fm!oa.,slju widOdrK lï rdYshla isÿj we;s nj;a" Bg wod, ,sms f,aLk ;udf.a nE.fha ;sfnk nj;a" tajdg úi÷ï fuf;la ;udg fkdÿka neúka rfÜ ckdêm;sjrhd meñK úi÷ula ,nd Èh hq;= nj;a fuu mqoa.,hd b,a,d isà'

wf;a nE.hla o úfrdaO;d mqjrejla o iys;j fnda .i uqÿfka isá fudyq ìug niaijd .ekSug ud;r uQ,ia:dk fmd,sia mÍCIl fyaud,a m%Ydka; uy;a wdhdihla .;a;o fkdyels jQfha ckdêm;sjrhdu meñKsh hq;= njg fudyq b,a,d isàu fya;=fjks' ud;r fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ f,i ±ka fiajh lrk l=m%lg fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ foaYnkaÿ f;kakfldaka meñK úfrdaO;d lref.a wf;a ;snQ cx.u ÿrl:khg weu;=ula f.k ìug niaijd .ekSug idlÉPd l<o th wid¾:l úh'

miqj uyckhdf.a o iydh we;sj fmd,Sish fudyq lUhlska ne| wdrlaIdldÍj ìug .;af;a h' fudyqf.a ku ksYdka; fmf¾rd kï úh'

meh 5 l muK ld,hla ;siafia j;auka frÔuhg tfrysj isÿ l< ksYdka; fmf¾rdf.a tal mqoa., úfrdaOh keröug mkaoyil muK ck;djla tla frdla ù isáhy' fudyqf.a úfrdaOhg mlaI msßila fukau jkaokd lrk fndaêh u;g ke.Su .ek ne;su;=kaf.a úfrdaOhla o mej;s nj wm jd¾;d lrefjda mji;s'

miq.sh ld,fha Bðma;=fõ 40 jirl taldêm;shd t<eùug trg ckhd ùÈ neiafia fujeks tal mqoa., úfrdaO;djhla uQ,sl lr .ksñks' trg m<;=re fjf<kafol= rchg úfrdaOh md .sks ;nd f.k ñh hdu uyd ck;d ke.sàul wdrïNh úh'

uyfujqkd Whk fvdai¾ lsÍug .sh urdmD;sh úfrdaOh yuqfõ kj;S

^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='18" m'j'6'20& nq,afvdai¾ fhdod .ksñka fmdl=Kla iE§ug hhs lshd wkqrdOmqr ft;sydisl uy fujqkd Whfka kS;s úfrdaë f,i lekSula Bfha nhf.da;df.a isú,a wdrlaIl n,ldh úiska wdrïN flf<ah' fuys§ cd;sl Wreuhka ms<sn| weue;s c.;a nd,iQßh lSfõ fï i|yd mqrd úoHd fomd¾;fïka;=fõ wjirh ,ndf.k we;s njhs'
th mÜgm,a fndrejla nj miqj fy<s jQfha tu fomd¾;fïka;=fõ wkqrdOmqr ld¾hd,h úiska tjeks wjirhla ,nd f.k ke;s nj lSfuks' mQcH mlaIfhka iy isú,a ixúOdk j,ska t,a, jq úfrdaOh yuqfõ fuu urdmD;sh wo jk úg kj;d oud we;'



ir;a f*dkafialdj ksoyia l< hq;af;a wehs@ -ysgmq w.úksiqref.a foaYkh


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='21" m'j'11'30& ir;a f*dkafialdj ksoyia l< hq;af;a wehs@ uefhka miq.shod fld<U meje;s iïuka;%Khl§ ysgmq w.úksiqre ir;a tka is,ajd uy;d l< l;dj my; ±lafõ'

ud fj; ,nd§ ;sfhk m%Yakh kï ir;a f*dkafialdj ksoyia l, hq;af;a wehs @ uu fya;= 3la lshkjd' m,fjks fya;=j kï t;=udj w;awvx.=jg wrf.k r|jd ;eîu" t;=udf.a wiqk wysñ lsÍu" t;=ud wjqreÿ 40la fiajh lr,d .;a; ;k;=r wysñ lsÍu" úY%du jegqm wysñ lsÍu" hkdÈ ishÆ ovqjï cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï j,g;a wfma jHjia:dfõ uQ,sl whs;sjdislï j,g;a mgyekshs' fojeks lreK kï t;=ud w;awvx.=jg .ekSu r|jd ;eîu lf,a lsisu fya;=jla ke;sjhs' ;=kafjks fya;=j iodpdrd;aulhs' fï ,xldj wjqreÿ 30l hqoaOfhka ksoyia lrmq ck;djg ksoyi fokak lemjQ úrejdg f;jrla uõìu fjkqfjka reêrh y,mq kdhlhdj" wfma ish¿ wd.ï ms,s.kakjd" if;la Wk;a Woõjla lf,d;a i,lkjd' wfma rgg W;=ïu Woõj lr,d ;sfhkafka ir;a f*dkafiald ue;s;=ud' wms rgla jYfhka t;=uj weof.k .syska ysf¾ oeïud' f,dafla lsisu rgl fufyu lr,d kE'

cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï lvùï .ek fï rfÜ fkdfhla ;ekaj, wjia:dj, fj,d ;sfhkjd' tla wjia:djla wms u;la lrkak ´k' zcd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kh .ek uu lshkjd fï wdKavqj udkjysñlï ke;s lrkak hkjd kï ´ku ;eklg .syska ta whs;sh ,nd.kak wms iQodkï lsh, uu lshkjd" weu;s;=ud wmg ;sfhk whs;sh Wÿrd.kak bvfokak nEZ ' fï l;dj lr,d ;sfhkafka .re uka;%S uyskao rdcmlaI ue;s;=ud 1990 Tlaf;dan¾ ui 25 yekaidâ jd¾;dfõ msgqj 366' t;=ud lshkjd fï rfÜ udkj ysñlï lvfjkjd kï ´ku ;eklg tal fír.kak' ´l ;uhs h:d¾:h'

uu fïl ioyka lf,a udkj ysñlï tl rglg ú;rla iSud fj,d kE' tal cd;Hka;r l=uka;%Khla fkfï' f,dal hqoafOka miqj f,dalhu ms,s.;a;d rgla ;=, udkj ysñlï iq/flkafk ke;akï f,dal iduhg tal wdndOhla nj' tksid iEu rdcHhla úiskau ta rg;=, udkj ysñlï iqrlaIs; l< hq;=hs lsh,' udkj ysñlï úYaj m%ldYkh 1949 foieïn¾ 10 tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkfha uq,a lD;sh " Y%S ,xldj;a ms,s.;a;d' rg ;=, jHjia:dfjka ia:dms; l,d' jHjia:djg we;=,;a Wkduhs uQ,sl whs;sjdislï úÈhg yÿkajkafka' wm rg;=, ;sfnk uQ,sl whs;sjdisluq;a udkj ysñluq;a hkak tlla' folla fkfï'

uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fldfyduo l%shd;aul fjkafka lsh, n,uq' tal iEu fokdgu whs;s fohla' tafla jeo.;au whs;sjdislula ;ud mqoa.,sl ksoyfia udkj whs;sjdislu' tal whs;sfjkafka 13 fjks j.ka;sfha ;sfhkjd zlsisfjl=f.a mqoa.,sl ksoyi kS;sfha we;s mámdáhg wkql+,j ñiZ lsh,' lsisfjl= w;awvx.=jg .kakjd kï kS;sfha i|yka úÈhg muKhs" w;awvx.=jg .kakd ;eke;a;dg w;awvx.=jg .kakd fpdaokdj" moku ioyka l, hq;=hs lsh,' w;awxvx.=jg f.k meh 24la ;=, wdikaku ufyaia;%d;a fj; bÈßm;a l< hq;=hs lsh,' ta ufyaia;%d;af.a ksfhda.hla u; úkd ta ;eke;a;d ;jÿrg;a r|jd ;nd fkd.; hq;=h' ´j ;ud udkj ysñlï' 2010 fmnrjdß udfia 8 fjksod fï iEu udkj ysñlulau lvjqkd' talg idlaIs bkakjd iqks,a y÷kafk;a;s uka;%S;=ud" ufkda .fkaIka uy;a;hd' fï isÿùu .;af;d;a tod ìug fmr,, od,d weof.k .shd" jdykhlg od,d' ljqre;a okafka kE' tal jHjia:djg wkqj iïmQ¾Kfhka jerÈhs' wms b;du lK.dgq Wkd wfma rfÜ fufyu ;;ajhla ;sfhkjo lsh,' Èk lSmhlg miqj " wfkdaud f*dkafiald ue;sKshf.a b,a,Su u; uu ta ia:dkhg .syska fï m%ldYhu lr,d fm;aiulg w;aika ;enqjd' wms jHjia:dj hgf;a fujka fm;aiula bÈßm;a l,du udi 2 la hgf;a fYaIaGdêlrKh ;SrKhla .; hq;=hs' m%{m;a;sfh;a ;sfhkjd' fujeks W,a,x>khla Wkdu tjka ;eke;a;dg wêlrKhlg .syska ;ukaf.a w;awvx.=jg .ekSfï j,x.=Ndjh .ek' wms oeïfï fmnrjdß 11 u;l yeáhg' wo fjkf;la ;SrKhla §,d kE' ta w;awvx.=jg .ekSfï l%shdj,sh iïmQ¾Kfhkau kS;s úfrdaêhs'

Bg udi lSfmlg miafia fu;=udg úreoaOj hqOdêlrKfha kvq mejrejd' rch m%ldY lf,a hqo yuqod mk; wkqjhs lf,a lsh,' ta Èyd neÆju tafla ;sfhkjd fldfyduo w;awvx.=jg .kafk lsh,' w;awvx.=jg .ekSfï n,hla ;sfhkafka 36fjks j.ka;sfha hqo yuqod mk;a hgf;a" lksIaG ks,Odßfhlag ljodj;a fcHIaG ks,Odßfhlag w;awvx.=jg .kak nE' cd;Hka;rj ms,s.kak hqo yuqod kS;sh úlD;s lsÍula' fcHIaG ks,Odßfhla fkfï w;awvx.=jg .kak lsh, ;sfhkafka' fckr,ag tyd fcHIaG ks,Odßfhla kE' oeka bkak yuqodm;s;=ud ;ud ksfhda. §, ;sfhkafka' tal iïmQ¾K jerÈhs' fpdaokd bÈßm;a lr,d ;sfhkjd" yuqod Widúfha' yuqod Widúhg kvqjla bÈßm;a lsÍu .ek;a j.ka;sfha ;sfhkjd' wKfok ks,Odßhg muKhs n,hla ;sfhkafk" fpdaokd lsishï ks,Odßfhlag tfrysj bÈßm;a l, hq;=hehs ;SrKh lrkak' ljqo fu;k tal lr,d ;sfhkafka" oeka bkak yuqodm;s' t;fldg fckrd,a ksoyia mqrjeisfhla' t;fldg ljqo fpdaokd m;%h w;aika lr,d ksfhda.h §,d ;sfhkafka uyskao rdcmlaI ue;s;=ud'

t;fldg iodpdrh me;a;" Èk 10lg l,ska m%;sjdÈhd' fïlo m%cd;ka;%jdoh@ wms;a f*dkafiald uy;a;hdg iyh fokafka kE jrola l,d kï' oKav kS;s ix.%yfha ;sfhkjd j.ka;s 790la ta tllaj;a fïfla kE' fpdaokdfõ lshkafka t;=ud fgkav¾ uKav,fha iNdm;sj bkak ldf,a yhsfldama iud.u iu. t;=udf.a nEKd iïnkaOhla ;snqkd lsh, fgkav¾ uKav,hg oekakQfõ kE lsh," fckrd,a;=ud lsõjd uu okafka kE nEKg fudkj iïnkaOhlao lsh,' iud.ï frðiag%d¾ lefoõjd' Tyq lsõjd nEKd yhsfldama iud.fï wOHlaIl flfklaj;a ljqrej;a fkfuhs lsh,' tfyu lsh, ;sfhoaÈ;a ta {d;s iïnkaOh fy,s fkdlrmq ksid jrola lr,d ;sfhkjd lsh, fpdaokd l,d' ta iud.ug fgkav¾ 4la §,d ;sfhkjd 6la m%;slafIam lr,d ;sfhkjd' t;fldg wr 6 m%;slafIam lroaÈ nEK;a tlal ¥ ;ry fj,d bkak we;s lsh, wmsg ysf;kjd' ta jf.a úys¿ iy.; ;;ajhla ;uhs ;sfhkafka' fïlg wjqreÿ 2 yudrl ysr o`vqjula ÿkakd'
yïnkaf;dg jrdh yokak" fkdfrdÉfpdaf,a n,d.drh yokak" Iex.%s,d tlg úl=Kk bvug fgkav¾ lefoõjo @ yenehs f*dkafiald uy;a;hf.a nEKf.a iïnkaOhla fkd;snqkd lsh, Tmamq fj,d ;sfhoaÈ;a wjqreÿ 2 yudrla ysf¾'

wks;a kvqj .;af;d;a ir;a f*dkafiald ue;s;=ud fcdkaiagka m%kdkaÿg fg,sf*daka tflka l;d l<d lsh,' l;d lr,d lsõjÆ uu oeka wefußldfõ bkafka' wefußldjg f;dr;=re fokjd' §,d tkjd' ;uqkakdkafi,d tkak .=jkaf;dgqm,g udj ùrfhla úÈhg Ndr.kak' ir;a f*dkafiald ue;s;=ud ljodj;a tfyu lrk flfkla fkfuhs' tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha kdhl rks,a úl%uisxy uy;a;hd fudk ÿ¾j,;djh ;snqk;a lshkjd" tfyu l;djla ;snqfka kE lsh,'

wka;sug iqÿ fldä kvqj" jeäh l;d lrkak uu leu;s kE tafla wNshdpkh oeka hkjd' m,fjks j;djg f,dafla wmrdO kS;sh hgf;a wjqreÿ 3lg ysrn;a ld, ;sfhkjd" m%jD;a;s m;%hl l;=jßhg ÿkakq tlu ms,s;=r' l;=jßh weyqj l;djla ;sfhkjd iqÿ fldä odf.k wdmq whj urkak f.daGdNh rdcmlaI;=ud wK ÿkak lsh, Yfõkaø is,ajg' fckr,a;=ud l;=jßh .ek oekqu ke;sj lsh, ;sfhkjd ud;a ´l wy, ;sfhkjd hï flfklaf.ka" tal t;kska bjrhs' fuhd fïl odkjd f.daGdNh;=ud wKÿkakd lsh, fckrd,a lshkj lsh, m%ldYhla yeáhg' ta fpdaokdj yÈis ksfhda. hgf;a f.akjd fï m%ldYfhka ck;dj l=ms; lrkak lghq;= l,d lsh,' lsisu mokula ke;sj wjqreÿ 3lg ysf¾ hj, ;sfhkjd' fïjd lsisfia;au kS;sfhka ms,s.kak nE' oKavk kS;s ix.%yfha kS;s fyda wks;a lsisjla hgf;a f*dkafiald ue;s;=ud lsisu jrola l<d lsh, lsisu meñKs,a,la" mÍlaIKhla lr,d kE'

kS;sm;s fomd¾;fïka;=jg wjqreÿ tlish .Kkl b;sydihla ;sfhkjd ljodj;a fufyu fj,d kE' wêlrKh ms,sno lsis Èkl fufyu wNsfhda.hla Wfka kE' wms fïj lshkafka b;d is;a fõokdfjka' ljqre;a okakjd hqodêlrKhla ,xldfõ Widúhla fkfuhs" tal úkh uKav,hla' hqodêlrKfha ks,Odßka m;al, hq;af;a wêlrK fiajd fldñIka iNdj' tfyu m;a lr,;a kE' tl w;lska lshkjd hqodêlrKh wêlrKhla lsh, wks;a me;af;ka tfyu m;a lrkafk;a kE' tfyu kï idudkH wêlrKhl kvq úNd. újD;j meje;aúh hq;=hs' hqodêlrKhl tfyu lrkafka kE' idudkH wêlrKhl kvq ;Skaÿjla fokjd" fya;= iys;j' hqodêlrKhl kvq ;Skaÿjla fokafka kE' idudkH wêlrKhl wNshdpkhg whs;sjdislula ;sfhkjd" hqodêlrKhl tfyu fohla kE' taksid ;uhs wNshdpkdêlrKfhka kqUg whs;sjdislula kE wms wfma wNsu;h mdúÉÑ lr,d fï b,aÆï m; m%;slafIam lrkjd lsh, b,aÆïm; m%;slafIam l,d' fya;= rdYshla ;sfhkjd fu;=udj ksoyia lrkak' fu;=udf.a hqodêlrKfha fpdaokd wkqu; lf,;a" fpdaokd u; jerÈlre lsÍu wkqu; lf,;a" ovqjï wkqu; lf,;a" f*dkafiald uy;a;hd ;r. lf,;a ckdêm;s;=ud iu.hs'

wjidk jYfhka lshkak ´k uu fndfydu ikaf;daIhs' ishÆ foaYmd,k kdhlhska fu;kg weú,a,d fï i;aldrhg odhl fjkjg' fï wh wf;a ;ud rfÜ wkd.;h ;sfhkafk' Th l=vq foaYmd,lhka wf;a fkfï' wms b,a,d isákafka talhs' uu foaYmd,khg tkak iQodkula kE' uu b,a,kafka lreKdlr,d udkj ysñlï iqrlaIs; lrkak' kS;sh wkqj md,kh lrkak' wfma wd¾:slh t;fldg yßhkjd' wfma jHdmdr ish,a,u" ish¿ m%Yak yßhkjd' tksid tal ;ud wfma m%uqL;ajh'

taksid ðkSjd kqjr tlal igka lrk tl fkfï wfma m%;sm;a;sh' wms ´k lñka b,a,d isákjd ðkSjd tlal igka fkdlr wfma rfÜ udkj ysñlï iqrlaIs; lrkak lsh,' t;fldg wfma m%Yak úif|kjd' wjxl Ndjfhka" ¥Is; núka f;dr fjkak ´k" m,s.ekSï j,ska f;dr fjkak ´k' tjeks iudchla ìysfõjd lsh, m%d¾:kd lrkjd'

-ia;+;sh ,kalka fjdhsia-


ìlsksfhka pQka ùu fyj;a ziem ßis fok ixpdrl iqrì fokZ ;j;a fudav zurdmD;shlaZ


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='17" fm'j'6'18-Nd;sh nrelkaof.a ú.%yhls-& wd¾Ólfha m%Odk n,fõ.h njg ixpdrl jHdmdrh m;a lsÍu ms<sn|j wdKavqj jeä úYajdihla ;nd we;s wdldrh ±lsh yelsh' wdKavqfõ tu wfmalaId flfia bgqfõo @ fï ta ms<sn|j úuid ne,Suls'

2011 foieïn¾ 19 jeks Èk ie,flkafka ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;fha iqúfYaI Èkhla f,ih' ta 2011 jir ;=< ,xldjg meñKs 800"000 jeks ixpdrlhd f,i ì%;dkH cd;sl ;reK hqj,la jk fkÈhd fpï,s iy fcdaka fjï,s Nehdia hk fofokd lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqfmd<ska furgg md ;enQ ksid h' wdKavqfõ n,OdÍka úiska fï wdYap¾hhu;a hqj< u,au,d oud" r;= m<ia t,d ms<s.;af;a Tjqka Y%S ,xldjg wdYap¾hh le|jd meñKs hqj<la ksidh'

lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqfmdf<a§ wdKavqfõ n,OdÍka úiska u,au,d oud ì%;dkH cd;sl ixpdrl hqj<la ms<s.ksoa§ yïnkaf;dg ;x.,af,a§ ixpdrl l¾udka;hg wod< iqúfYaI isoaêhla isÿ jqfKah' ta ;x.,a, k.r iNdfõ iNdm;sjrhd we;=¿ uerhska úiska ì%;dkH cd;sl ixpdrlfhl= >d;kh fldg Tyqf.a fmïj;sh iuQy ¥IKhg ,la lsÍuhs' tlsfklg mriamrj isÿjQ fuu isÿùï fol furg ixpdrl l¾udka;h úIfhys w;sYhska jeo.;a udkhla újr lf<ah' ta zz,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;h fldhsngo @ hkakhs'

j¾Okh yd ixj¾Okh
miq.sh 2012 jif¾ whjeh f,aLkh bÈßm;a lrñka ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI Y%S ,xldfõ wd¾Ól wdYap¾hh Wodlr .; yels ud¾. lsysmhla olajd isáfhah' ta w;r wdKavqj ish m%uqL wjOdkh fhduqj we;s flaIa;%h jYfhka olajd isáfha zzixpdrl l¾udka;hZZ hs'

hqo ch.%yKfhka miqj Wod jQ ixpdrl jika;h .ek wdYap¾hu;a ixLHhd f,aLk bÈßm;a lrñka ckm;sjrhd lshd isáfha wdKavqfõ wfmalaIdj jkafka jir 2015 jk úg ixpdrlhska ,laI 15 la le|jd .ekSu njhs' ta wkqj ,xldfõ fõ.j;au j¾Okhla iys; wxYh njg ixpdrl l¾udka;h m;a jQ w;r miq.sh jir Y%S ,xld wd¾Ólfha isÿ jQ j¾Okh i|yd th iqúfYaI odhl;ajhla ,nd ÿkafkah'

Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;fha wdYap¾hhu;a ÈhqKqj iïnkaOfhka wdKavqj úiska olajk ixLHd f,aLk flfrys wjOdkh fhduq lrk úg meyeÈ,sj ±lsh yels jkafka úYauhckl j¾Okhls' th ixLHd;aulj .;a úg Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl meñKSu f.ù .sh 2010 jirg jvd 2011 jif¾§ ishhg 30'8 lska by< f.dia we;'

fï wkqj 2010 jif¾§ Y%S ,xldjg meñKs uq¿ ixpdrlhskaf.a m%udKh 654" 476 ls' th 2011 § 885"975 la olajd ishhg 30'8 lska j¾Okh úh' fuu ixpdrl meñKSïj,ska by<u w.hla jd¾;d lrkafka ngysr hqfrdamd ixpdrlhskaf.ks' th 2010 § 256"891 la jk w;r ishhg 22'7 l j¾Okhla igyka lrñka 2011 jif¾§ ngysr hqfrdamSh ixpdrlhska 315"210 fokl= ,xldjg meñKshy' fï w;r ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;fha fojeks ;ek .;af;a ol=Kq wdishdkq ixpdrlhskah' 2010 § 175"694 la jQ ol=Kq wdishdkq ixpdrl meñKSï 2011 § 237"647 la igyka lrkafka ishhg 35'3 l j¾Okhla fmkakqï lrñks' Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udkfha f;jeks ;ek kef.kysr wdishdkq ixpdrlhskaf.ka iukaú; fõ ta wkqj 2011 § kef.kysr wdishdkq ixpdrlhska 96"194 fokl= ,xldjg meñKshy' th ishhg 40' 6 l j¾Okhls' ueofmrÈ. ixpdrlhska 57"501 fokl= o" W;=re wefußldkq ixpdrlhska 49"057 fokl= o kef.kysr hqfrdamSh ixpdrlhska 49"249 fokl== o miq.sh jif¾ ,xldjg meñKshy' ta w;r ´iafÜ%,shdkq cd;slhska 46"467 fokl= o ,xldjg meñKshy'

fuu ixLHd f,aLK wkqj Y%S ,xldjg isÿjk ixpdrl meñKSï j,ska ishhg 36'82 la jd¾;d lrkafka ngysr hqfrdamfhks' Bg miqj ol=Kq wdishdkq ixpdrlhska fojeks ia:dkh Èkd .kafka ishhg 27'76 jeks by< w.hla jd¾;d lrñks' ,xldj iu. ±jeka; wd¾Ól yd foaYmd,k iïnkaO;d mj;ajk Ökh m%uqL kef.kysr wdishdkq l,dmh Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=< ksfhdackh lrkafka ishhg 11'23 ls' ta w;r Y%S ,xldfõ ;j;a ñ;=re rdcH jk reishdj m%uqL kef.kysr hqfrdamh Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=< ishhg 5'75 la jeks w.hla jd¾;d lrhs'

j¾Okfha iajNdjh
Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=< miq.sh 2011 jif¾§ by<u j¾Ok fõ.hla jd¾;d lf<a ,;ska wefußldj m%uqL leßìhka l,dmhhs' th ishhg 67'1 ls' tfy;a fï w.hg úfYaI wd¾Ól jákdlula wdfrdamKh l< fkdyelafla tu meñKSu mqoa.,hska 1036 la jeks w,am w.hla fyhks' tfy;a ueofmr È. l,dmfha iqúfYaI j¾Okhla ±lsh yelafla ishhg 53'2 la jeks by< w.hla jd¾;d l< fyhsks' tfukau Ökh m%uqL kef.kysr wdishdj ishhg 40'6 la o" reishdj m%uqL kef.kysr hqfrdamh ishhg 38'7 lska o" ol=Kq bka§hdj m%uqL ol=Kq wdishdj ishhg 35' 3 lska o TiafÜ%,shdj ishhg 24'6 lska o ngysr hqfrdamh ishhg 22'7 lska o wefußldj m%uqL W;=re wefußldkq rdcH ishhg 22 lska o j¾Okhla fmkakqï lr we;'

ixpdrl uKav, jd¾;d olajk wdldrhg 2011 jif¾§ ,xldjg meñKs ixpdrlhska w;ßka ishhg 56'2 la mqreIhska jk w;r ldka;djkaf.a m%;sY;h ishhg 43'8 ls' tfukau uq¿ ixpdrl meñKSïj,ska ishhg 71 la úfõlh .; lsÍug meñKshjqka jk w;r ishhg 11 la jHdmdr i|yd o meñKs w;r wjYH;dj i|yka fkdjk m%;sY;h ishhg 13 ls'

fï Y%S ,xld ixpdrl uKav, jd¾;d wkqj miq.sh ld,fha Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrfha ÈYdk;sh ;SrKh jQ wdldrhhs'

ixpdrl jHdmdrfha foaYmd,kh
wdKavqfõ ixLHd f,aLK u.ska m%ldY jk Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrfha foaYmd,kh .ek ó<Õg wjOdkh fhduq úh hq;=h'

fuys§ ixpdrl jHdmdrfha foaYmd,kh hkqfjka fuu ,shqïlre y÷kajkafka Y%S ,xldfõ foaYmd,k kHdh m;%h wkqj f,dalh olsk wdldrh yd ienEjgu th l%shd;aul jk wdldrh .ek y÷kd .ekSuh'

fï fudfyd; jk úg ,xldfõ foaYmd,k is;shu wef|kafka flfiao @ foaYmd,k úpdrlhska muKla fkdj idudkH ck;dj mjd lshk wdldrhg ±ä ngysr úfrdaOh iy Ökh" reishdj m%uqL rgj,a .ek ;nd w;s wê ;lafiarejh u;h' fuh uyskao rdcmlaI md,kh miq.sh 07 jir ;=< È.ska È.gu j¾Okh l< ;;a;ajhhs'

rdcmlaI md,kfha lilrejkag wkqj zz ,xldj úkdY lsÍug fldá iuÕ l|jqre ne| isák" fnÿïjd§ ngysr rgj,a ke;sj ,xldjg Ôj;a úh yelsh' ta i|yd wd¾Ól" foaYmd,k yd iudchSh wdOdr Ökh iy reishdj m%uqL ngysr úfrdaë rdcHj,ska ,efnkq we;ZZ fï rdcmlaI md,kh ngysr iïnkaOfhka olajk m%;sm;a;sfha idudkHhs'

tfy;a wd¾Ól flaIa;%fha jd¾;d wkqj ,xldj ngysr iïnkaOfhka wkq.ukh lrk oafõY iy.; iajNdjh È.ska È.gu m%Yak flfrk nj wd¾Ól úfYaI{hska úiska úiska wjia:d .Kkdjl§ meyeÈ,s fldg we;' fï nj ,xldj wdishdfõ wdYap¾hhg mdr lmk ixpdrl jHdmdr iïnkaOfhka o ta wdldrfhkau ±lsh yelsh'

ta ngysr úfrdaOh ffoksl foaYmd,k fNdackh lr .;a j;auka md,kh hgf;a mjd ,xldjg jeäu ixpdrl wd.ukhla isÿjkqfha ngysr rgj,ska ksidh' fuh ixLHd;aulj .;a l, ,xldfõ iuia; ixpdrl meñKSïj,ska ishhg 47'97 la ksfhdackh lrkafka ngysr hqfrdamh" wefußldj yd ´iafÜ%,shdj úisks' ta wkqj ,xldfõ iuia; ixpdrl l¾udka;h ±äj ngysr rgj,a u; /¢ isák wdldrh ±lsh yelsh'

,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=< Y%S ,xldfõ foaaYmd,k yd w¾Ól kHdh m;%fha uqÿkskau isák Ökh olajkafka ishhg 1'9 ls' reishdj 2'49 ls' mdlsia:dkh 1'7 ls' fï wkqj Y%S ,xldfõ wU hd¿jka iuia; ixpdrl jHdmdrh ;=< olajkafka ishhg 5 lg wdikak odhl;ajhls' tfy;a fï ;;a;ajh ,xldfõ Bkshd cd;sysff;ISka fkdokakjd úh yelsh' Tjqka rdcmlaIjreka iu. wdishdfõ wdYap¾hh lrd ÿjkak lei ljkafka ngysr úfrdaOh u;ska ,nd .kakd cjfhka ksid fï m%dfhda.sl ;;a;ajh .ek ksis jegySula ,nd .; hq;=h'

ke;fyd;a ixpdrl jHdmdrh yryd wdishdfõ wdYap¾hhg mdr lmd .ekSu j;auka md,kh olsk isyskhla muKla úh yelsh' wfkla w;g z.fÕka j;=r î uqyqog wdjvkZZ ;;a;ajh È.gu mj;ajd .ekSug olajk l=yl W;aidyh kqÿf¾§u wNsfhda.hg ,la jkq we;'

fvd,¾ fjkqjg remsh,a f.fkk hqfrdamfha meflaÊ ixpdrlfhda
ixpdrl jHdmdrh u.ska lsishï rgla n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkafka yels ;rï úfoaY úksuh m%udKhla Wmhd .ekSuh' ta i|yd úYd, jYfhka ixpdrlhska f.kajd .; hq;=h' tfy;a ixpdrl jHdmdrh iïnkaO wd¾Ól kHdhka u.ska lshefjkafka yels ;rï ixpdrlhska f.kajd .ekSu u tys j¾Okhg rel=,la fkdjk njhs' ta wkqj jeo.;a jkafka zzlsishï rglg meñfKk ixpdrlhska ta rg ;=< § jeh lrk uqo,a m%udKhhsZZ ir, wdldrfhka m%ldY l<fyd;a jeo.;a jkafka meñfKk ixpdrlhska ixLHdj fkdj Tjqka jeh lrk uqo,a m%udKhhs' ta wkqj ixpdrl l¾udka;fha M,odhs;djh ;SrKh fõ'

tfy;a ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=< fï ;;a;ajh ±ä wNsfhda.hg ,laj we;s nj ixpdrl jHdmdrh wdY%s; jd¾;d u.ska meyeÈ,s fõ' ta nj ;yjqre jk udOH jd¾;d miq.sh ld,h ;=< cd;sl mqj;am;a .Kkdjl m< úh' tys§ ol=fKa yslalvqfõ isg kef.kysr ks,dje,sh olajd lshjqfKa zzwf;a if;a ke;s ysÕk iqoafoda meñKshdg m<la ke;s njZZ hs'

udOH jd¾;dj, úfYaIdx. jYfhka m<jk fï l;d ixpdrl uKav,h u.ska m%ldYhg m;a lrk jd¾;d u.ska o meyeÈ,s lr .; yelsh'

ixpdrl l¾udka;fha fhok msßia olajk wdldrhg ,xldjg meñfKk ixpdrlhskaf.ka jeäu uqo,a m%udKhla jeh lrkafka c¾uka" ì%;dkH iy wefußldkq we;=¿ ngysr cd;slhskah' ta wkqj miq.sh jif¾ ,xldjg meñKs ixpdrlhska w;ßka by<u l%h Yla;shla we;s ixpdrlhskaf.a m%;sY;h ishhg 40 lg wdikakh'

fuh ixLHd;aulj by< w.hla jYfhka ie,lsh yels jqj;a ixpdrl l¾udka;fha jd¾;d wkqj m%ldY jkafka fï jk úg ,xldjg meñfKk ngysr ixpdrlhskaf.ka w;s nyq;rh zz meflaÊ ixpdrlhska ZZ jYfhka ie,fla' Tjqka meflaÊ ixpdrlhska jYfhka ye¢kafjkafka ngysr rgj, we;s ixpdrl iud.ï u.ska msßkuk úfYaI iyk iu. ixpdrh i|yd meñfK fyhsks' ixpdrl jd¾;d wkqj fuu ixpdrlhska i|yd wjYH ish¨u myiqlï wod< úfoaY ixpdrl iud.ï úiska iïmdokh lrkq ,nk w;r Tjqkaf.a ,xldfõ ksfhdað;hska úiska foaYSh jYfhka ish¨ myiqlï iïmdokh flf¾' fuu ,shqïlre iu. tla ixpdrl u. fmkajkafkla m%ldY lf<a zz ±ka ±ka ngysr rgj,ska tkafka meflaÊ gqjßiaÜ,d' ta whf.a ,xldfõ ksfhdað;fhda fufy§ fiaru ie,iqï lrkjd' wvqu .dfka j;=r fnda;f,a mjd ,nd fokafka Tjqka úiska' jeo.;au ldrKh ;uhs fï wh ,xldjg fvd,¾ f.akafka keye' ta ksid fï ixpdrlhska yryd ,xldjg lsisu úfoaY úkshula ,efnkafka kEZ hkqfjks'
fï jk úg;a hqfrdamd rdcH uqyqK fok uQ,H w¾nqoh fï meflaÊ ixpdrlhska j¾Okh ùug m%Odk fya;=jla ù we;s w;r bÈßfha § o fuh fï wdldrfhka u l%shd;aul jqjfyd;a ,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrh ms<sn| wfmalaId fnd| úh yelsh'

wfkla w;ska hqfrdamSh ixpdrlhska iïnkaOfhka ;j;a meyeÈ,sh m%jK;djla ±lsh yelsh' ta ,xldjg meñfKk fiiq ixpdrlhska w;ßka my<u j¾Okhla ngysr rgj, ixpdrlhska iïnkaOfhka jd¾;dùuh' miq.sh 2011 jif¾§ ,xldjg jeäu ixpdrl msßila meñfK uyd ì%;dkHfha ixpdrl meñKSï j¾Okh ù we;af;a ishhg 0'6 la jeks w,am w.hlsks' c¾uka ixpdrlhskaf.a j¾Okh o ishhg 22 ls'

fï jk úg ,xldj uqyqK foñka isák udkj ysñlï fpdaokd we;=¿ ;;a;ajhka yuqfõ fï w.h ;j;a my< hd yels njg bÕs fï jk úg;a ,efnñka mj;skafka 2012 jif¾ ckjdÍ udifha ,xldjg meñKs ixpdrlhskaf.a ixLHdfõ j¾Okh ishhg 15'7 la jeks my< w.hla jd¾;d lsÍu ;=<h' ta nj meyeÈ,s jkafka 2011 jif¾ ckjdÍ udifha§ ,xldjg meñKs ixpdrlhskaf.a j¾Okh ishhg 46'2 la jeks by< w.hla jd¾;d l< ksidh'

wf;a if;a ke;s ysÕk iqoafoda
,xldfõ ixpdrl l,dm j,§ fï jk úg iqoafoda nyq, jYfhka ±l .; yels nj fmdÿ ksÍlaIKhhs' tfy;a ixpdrl l¾udka;fha jd¾;d olajkafka ;rula fjk;a l;djls' tajdg wkqj fï jk úg ,xldjg meñfKkafka zzwf;a if;a ke;s ysÕk iqoaokahZZ

fï ;;a;ajh .ek ,shqïlre ixpdrl flafIa;%fha kshef,kakka lsysm fokl=f.ka úuiQ úg Tjqka m%ldY lf<a zz ±ka ±ka ,xldjg tkafka wf;a if;a ke;s ysÕk iqoafoda' talg fya;=j ;uhs ±ka ,xldjg jeäfhka tkafka reishdj jdf.a rgj, ixpdrlfhda' reishkaldrfhda i,a,s úhoï lrkafka keye ZZ hkqfjks' fï jk úg ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=< fuu reishka we;=¿ uqo,a ke;s ixpdrlhska y÷kajkafka zz nE.a gqjßiaÜia ZZ kñks' Tjqkag wkqj nE.a tl muKla f.k tk uqo,a úhoï fkdlrñka ,xldfõ ixpdrh lrk iqoaoka fï kñka ye¢kafõ'

fuu ,shqïlre iu. ixpdrl mdrd§ih jk yslalvqfõ ixpdrl fydag,a ysñfhl= reishdkqjka we;=¿ kef.kysr hqfrdamSh ixpdrlhskaf.a ;;a;ajh leá lf<a fufiah zz fï ojia j, reishdj jdf.a rgj, ±ä iS;,la ;sfhkjd' tajdfha Ôj;a fjkak iEfyk úhoula hkjd' ta ksid fï rgj, bkak ÿmam;a iqoafoda nE.a tlla wrka ,xldj jdf.a rgj,aj,g meK .kakjd' Bg miafia Wkq;a ixpdrlfhda ;uhs ZZ hkqfjks' fï l;dj ;=< lsishï W;am%did;aul ;;a;ajhla we;;a ixpdrl l¾udka;h iïnkaO fndfyda fokd mjikafka fï l;dj myiqfjka neyer l< fkdyels njhs'

ol=Kq wdishdkq ixpdrlhska ljqo @ l=ugo @
fï l;dj ;=< ;j;a l;djla o ±lsh yelsh' ta j¾;udkfha ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;fha ishhg 27' 76 la jeks ±jeka; w.hla ksfhdackh lrk ol=Kq wdishdkq yd kef.kysr wdishdkq ixpdrlhska iïnkaOfhks'

ixpdrl l¾udka;fha jd¾;d wkqj miq.sh jif¾§ ,xldjg meñKs iuia; ol=Kq wdishdkq ixpdrlhskaf.a ixLHdj 237"647ls' th miq.sh 2010 jirg idfmalaIj ishhg 35'3 l j¾Okhls' fuu ixpdrlhska w;ßka ,xldjg jeäu ixpdrlhska msßila meñKs ol=Kq wdishdkq rg jkafka bkaÈhdjhs' th 171"374 ls' Bg miqj isákafka ud,Èjhskhs' ud,Èjhska cd;slhska 44"018 fokl= miq.sh jif¾§ ,xldjg meñK we;'

fï iïnkaOfhka ixpdrl l¾udka;h ;=< mj;skafka úfõpkd;aul u;hls' Tjqkag wkqj bka§h yd ud,Èjhska ixpdrlhska u.ska ,xldjg ,efnk wdodhu b;d w,amfõ' úfYaIfhka bkaÈhdkq cd;sl ixpdrlhskaf.ka w;s nyq;rh ,xldfõ /lshd iy fjk;a jHmdr j, fh§ isg ,xldfjka wodhï Wmhd f.k wdmiq bkaÈhdj n,d hk msßiah' ud,Èjhska ixpdrlhskaf.ka o w;s nyq;rh úúO frda.dndO i|yd m%;sldr .ekSug yd nvq /f.k hdug meñfKk ,xldfõ b;d flá ld,hla /¢ isák wju úhoula ork ixpdrlhskah' Tjqkaf.a meñKSï yryd ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;hg wod< ixLHd by< .sh;a th M,odhs ixpdrl meñKSï jYfhka ie,lsh fkdyelsh'

Ökh iy reishdj .ek fjk;a l;djla
Ök ixpdrlhska iïnkaOfhka o l;dj óg iudkh' ixpdrl l¾udka;fha úúO mqoa.,hska yd jd¾;d olajk wkaoug ,xldfõ ixpdrh i|yd meñKs njg jd¾;d jk Ök cd;slhskaf.ka w;s nyq;r fï jk úg ,xldj ;=< l%shd;aul úúO Ök wdfhdack i|yd meñKs Ök cd;slhskaf.ka hqla; fõ' Tjqka ,xldj ;=< úhoï lrkjd fjkqjg ,xldfõ úúO /lshdj, ksr;j isg wodhï Wmojd h<s Ökhg hk nj fï fpdaokdjhs'

reishdj iïnkaOfhka o we;af;a fï yd iudk l;djls' Tjqka olajkafka ,xldjg meñfKk reishdkq cd;sl ixpdrl ld;a;djkaf.ka ie,lsh hq;= msßila ixpdrl ùid u; /¢ isg .Ksld jD;a;sfha fhfok ldka;djkah' Tjqka udi ;=fkka ;=kg ixpdrl ùid u.ska meñK furg ;=< .Ksld jD;a;sfha fh§ wdodhï Wmhd f.k msg;aj h;s' fï ksid Tjqkaf.ka ,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrhg ,efnk jdishla ke;s nj ixpdrl jHdmdrfha ksr;j isák lsysm fokl=f.a woyihs'

fï iïnkaOfhka fuu ,shqïlre iu. woyia ±lajQ ixpdrl l¾udka;h iïnkaO fydag,a ysñhka we;=¿ lssysm fokl= mejiqfõ Ök" reishka yd ;dhs .Ksldjka f.a wd.ukh miq.sh ld,h ;=< úYd, jYfhka j¾Okh jQ nj;a ,xldjg meñfKk Okj;a ngysr ixpdrlhska i|yd fiajd iemhSu fï jk úg fuu ldka;djkaf.a taldêldßhg hg;aj ;sfnk njhs' ta i|yd Tjqka lssysm fokl= ;x.,a, isoaêh Wmqgd ±lajQ w;r .Ksld jD;a;sh iïnkaO úúO jd¾;d o f.kyer mEfõh'

wdKavqfõ ixLHd f,aLk .ek iel ysf;k l;djla
wdKavqfõ ixLHd f,aLk wkqj miq.sh jif¾ ixpdrlhska 855"975 fokl= ,xldfõ ixpdrh fldg we;;a fï ixLHd f,aLK .ek we;eï msßia iel my< lrkafka miq.sh jif¾§ ienEjgu ,xldjg ixpdrh i|yd fu;rï msßila meñKshdo hkqfjks'

Tjqkag wkqj idudkHfhka ´kEu rgl ixpdrl jHdmdrh ;=< zzoaú;aj .Kkh lsÍïZZ isÿjkafkah' ta w;r Èkla muKla ,xldfõ kej;S isáh;a th .Kkh jkafkah' ta ksid ks;ru ks, jYfhka bÈßm;a jk ixLHd f,aLk yd ienE ;;a;ajh w;r meyeÈ,s fjkila ;sìh yelsh'

fuys§ Tjqkaf.a ;¾lh jkafka miq.sh jir lsysmh ;=< ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;fha wdYap¾hhu;a ÈhqKqj;a we;s ùug zzfou< vhiafmdardfõ iy isxy, vhiafmdardfõ ZZ meñKSu iqúYd, odhl;ajhla ,nd§ we;s njhs'

úfYaIfhka hqoaOh ksudùu;a iu. ,xldj ;=< we;s jQ wdrlaIs; jd;djrKh yuqfõ ,xldjg meñKSug ìfhka isá fou< vhiafmdardfõ w;s úYd, mssßila ,xldjg meñKs nj Tjqkaf.a u;hhs' fï .ek ks, ixLHd f,aLk ke;;a Tjqka ksl=;aj we;s ixLHd f,aLK wdY%fhka meyeÈ,s lrkafka miq.sh jif¾§ ngysr hqfrdamh" W;=re wefußldj yd ´iafÜ%,shdfjka meñKs ixpdrlhska w;r w;s nyq;rh ,xldfõ fou< vhiafmdardj úiska ksfhdackh lrk njhs'

Tjqkag wkqj ,xldfõ fou< vhiafmdardj jeä jYfhka Ôj;a jk c¾uksh" uyd ì%;dkH" m%xYh yd lekvdj jeks hqfrdamSh rgj,a o ´iafÜ%,shdj úsiskao ksfhdackh lrkafka fuu fou< vhiafmdardjhs'

fï nj ukdj ;yjqre lsÍug Tjqka fhdod .kafka miq.sh 2010 jirg idfmalaIj fuu ngysr rgj, ixpdrl meñKSï ishhg 35 lska muK j¾Okh ùug j¾;udkfha hqfrdamd rgj,a uqyqK§ isák ±jeka; wd¾Ól w¾nqoh yuqfõ lsisu yelshdjla ke;s njhs' Tjqka ;¾l lrkafka ,xldfõ {d;Ska ne,Su" foafmd< .ek fidhd ne,Su wdÈ úúO fya;= u; fuu fou< vhiafmdardj ,xldfõ ixpdrh l< nj;a tu ixLHdj ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;h iïnkaO jd¾;d úlD;s lsÍug fya;= ù we;s nj;ah'

udi .Kka rg jgd weúoao;a ysia w;ska hk ixpdrlfhda
,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrh iïnkaOfhka isysk ujk j;auka md,lfhda ,xldjg meñfKk ixpdrlhskaf.ka yels Wmßuh ,nd .ekSug úêu;a l%ufõohla wkq.ukh fkdlrk nj fuu l¾udka;h iïnkaO fmdÿ úfõpkhla ù we;'

fuu l¾udka;fha kshef,k msßiaj,g wkqj ,xldfõ ixpdrl fydag,a ldur i|yd wh flfrkafka l,dmfha fiiq ;rÕldÍ rgj,g idfmalaIj wvq uqo,ls' fï ksid b;d by< f.ùfï yelshdjla we;s ixpdrlhska fj;ska cd;sl wd¾Ólhg Wlyd .; yels wdodhu iSud jkafkah'

wfkla w;g ,xldfõ ixpdrh ksujd h<s ish rg hk ixpdrhlhskag kej; f.k hdug isysjgk ñ,§ .ekSu i|yd úêu;a yd M,odhs hdka;%Khla ,xldfõ ke;' foaYSh ksIamdok" w;alï wdÈh m%j¾Okh lrk jevms<sfj<la ke;' fï ksid ,xldj mqrd udi .Kka ixpdrlh lrk ixpdrlhskaf.ka w;s nyq;rh h<s msgj hkafka ysia w;sks'

fï .ek yslalvqfõ w;alï ksIamdolfhl= mejiqfõ zz iqoaokaf.a idlal= ysia lrkafka iqÿ .Ekq ñi wfma ksIamdokj,ska fkdjk nj;a" ,xldfjka msgj hk Okj;a ixpdrlhska mjd foaYSh ksIamdok ñ,§ fkdf.k ysia w;ska msg;aj hk nj;ah'

j;a; noaog § weiaig kshjkak fjhso @
,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrh fï wdldrfha ;;aa;ajhlg uqqyqK § isáh§ fï wdY%fhka wdKavqj wfmalaId lrk wd¾Ól yd iudc wdYap¾hh Wodlr .; yelsfõo hkak n,j;a w¾nqohg uqyqK§ we;'

fuys§ jvd;au bÈßfhka isákafka ,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrfha M,odhs ;djh iïnkaO .eg¨jhs' jeä jeäfhka úhoï l< yels ixpdrlhska meñKSu fjkqjg znE.a gqjßiaÜia Z ixl,amh m%j¾Okh ùu ,xldfõ wd¾Ól wfmalaId iqka lrk nj fuys§ bÈßm;a jk m%Odk ;¾lhhs' tfukau fï jk f;la ,xldfõ m%Odk ixpdrl l,dm jk ngysr rgj,g tfrysj foaYSh jYfhka Èh;a jk wj,do yd ;¾ck ngysr ixpdrlhska wffO¾u;a l< yels nj;a th ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;fha mßydkshg fya;= úh yels nj;a m%n, u;hls' Tjqka olajkafka miq.sh jif¾ w. § isÿ jq ì%;dkH ixpdrlhdf.a >d;kh we;=¿ isoaê .Kkdjla hqfrdamSh ixpdrlhska wffO¾hu;a lsÍug fya;= jk njhs'

tfukau ,xldjg reishdkq ixpdrlhska wdl¾Ykh ùug o jvd Okj;a ngysr ixpdrlhskaf.a lKiai,a,g fya;= ù we;' miq.sh od tla;rd cd;sl mqj;am;l m< jQ ixpdrl jHdmdrh iïnkaO jd¾;dj ±la jqfKa zzreishka ixpdrlhska meñfKk úg ì%;dkH iy m%xY ixpdrlhska jyd bj;a jk njhs'

wfkla w;g ixpdrl jHdmdrh yryd /lshd ìysùu wvq njg o fpdaokdjla we;' Tjqka olajkafka ixpdrl jHdmdrh ;=< W.;=ka we;=¿ jD;a;slhska i|yd /lshd wjia:d ìys jkafka ixLHd;aulj wvqfjka njhs' fï ksid W.;=ka yd jD;a;slhska i|yd /lshd iïmdokh ixpdrl jHdmrhg iqúfYaI ;ekla fok j;auka wd¾Ól ;;a;ajh ;=< wNsfhda.d;aul úh yelsh'

,xldfõ ixpdrl jHdmdrh iïnkaOfhka isÿjk Ök yd bka§h ueÈy;aùu wNsfhda.d;aul úh yels njg ìhla l¾udka;h ;=< j¾Okh fjñka mj;skafka ,xldfõ fiiq wd¾Ól wxYhka ;=< o fõ.fhka isÿjk ÖklrKh iu.sks' fï jk úg wdKavqj m%ldY lrk wdldrhg ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;fha j¾Okh Rcqj Ök wdfhdack u; isÿ jkakls' ta wkqj Ökfha ±jeka; ixpdrl iud.ï ,xldfõ wdfhdackh lrñka ish .%yKh Yla;su;a lrñka ;sfí' fuh foaYSh ixpdrl l¾udka;hg úYd, ndOdjla úh yelafla fuu Ök ixpdrl fydag,aj, fldalshdf.a isg l<uKdlre ±lajd Ök cd;slhskaf.ka iukaú; ùug we;s yelshdj mq¿,a ksidh'

wfkla w;ska ngysr úfrdaOh yd Ök reishka .e;s nj u; bÈßhg wefok ,xldfõ úfoaY m%;sm;a;sh ;=< jvd;a M,odhs ngysr ixpdrlhska ú;eka lsÍu" ngysr iu. fï jk úg ,xldj j¾Okh lr .ksñka ;sfnk .egqu tys wkd.;h .ek flfia n,mdú ±hs n,OdÍka úfYaI wjOdkhg .; hq;af;ah' tfia ke;fyd;a ,xldfõ ixpdrl l¾udka;h Ökfha Iex.s,df.a wdêm;Hg hg ù ,xldjg frdâv muKla Wreu jk ;j;a Ök jHdmD;shla muKla jkq we;'

wjidk jYfhka miq.sh áhqkSishdj" Bð;a;=j yryd isÿ jQ ;reK ke.sàï isÿjQfha ta wd¾Ól È.ska È.gu ;reK ú/lshdj i|yd úêu;a úi÷ï ,nd fkdÿka ksidh' ÿmam;alu yd wdodhï fn§hdfï§ isÿjQ ±jeka; úIu;d ksidh' fï ish,a, isÿjQfha fuu rgj,a folu ;u wd¾Ólfha .dul n,fõ.h njg ixpdrl l¾udka;h m;a fldg f.k isáh§h' f,dalfha by<u ixpdrl wdl¾IKhla iys; rgj,a w;r bÈßfhkau isáfha fuu wdrdì rgj,a oaú;ajhhs' tfy;a ixpdrl jHdmdrh yryd fï rgj, uQ,sl .eg¨ úi£ug mjd fuu rgj, md,lhskag yels jQfha ke;' fï .ek ,xldfõ md,lhska ±ä wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;af;a ixpdrl jHdmdrh hkq md,lhska lshk wdldrfha iqrì fokla fkdjk ksidh'

Nd;sh nrelkao úisks


!! rg-cd;sh fjkqfjka lshd mqoa.,sl jdis m;d ckhd uQ,d fldg rc lrk crd foaYmd,lhka iy Tjqkaf.a ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, msgqmi f.dia w;ruxj uyd lrorfha fkdjefgkakg Tn;a wou j.n,d .kak !!

^wkd.;fha oS Y%S ,xld ck;djf.ka tysos we;s úh yels Nhdkl;ajh .ek fkd;ld crd md,lhkaf.a bf.kakqï nyg /já iydNd.sjk ish¨ ck;d úfrdaê cd;Hka;r Woaf>daIKj,g ñka bosrshg iydNd.s fkdjk f,i ish¨ úfoaY.; tu ,dxlslhkaf.ka wm AHFESL.ORG b,a,d isákafkuq' fkdoek l< jrog fok iudjla jYfhka fï olajd iuyr úfoaY.; ,dxlslhkf.a u;= wdrCIdj Wfoid úúO ckudOHka ;=< m<jk PhdrEm wm úiska is;d u;du y÷kd .; fkdyels whqrska ;djld,slj m%:u iy wka;su j;djg úlD;slr oud we;' fujeks b,a,Sulska miq;a fkdkj;ajd hful= wlghq;= lrkafka kï wmg o tu ish¨ PdhdrEm t<iskau fuys m<lrkakg is÷jkq we;'

bosrsfha os crd md,lhkag fukau mqoa.,sl jdism;d Tjqkg W,amkaoï fok ta ish,a,kag o tfrysj wka ish¨ rgj, isÿjqjdla fuka Y%S ,xld ck;dj iy md,k n,hg tk wka iuyr foaYmd,k mCI o ta wdldrfhkau oeä fldamfhka l%shd lrk nj lsis úgl wu;l fkdlrkak' tksid rg mdjd fok iy rg iQrdlk jxpksl rdcmCI,d jeks crd md,lhkaf.a weiqfrka iy tu ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,j, osrÉp ,Kq lEfuka jydu j<lskak'

;u rg iy cd;ska úkdY l< iy uyck uqo,a foafmd< fld,a, lE ish,a,kagu kS;HdKQ l+<j ovqjï muqKqjd,Su ienE m%cd;ka;%jdoS rgl rchl wksjd¾h lghq;a;la neúka tf<i l%shd fkdlrk rchlg fyda foaYmd,k mCIhlg mCImd;Sj l%shdlr,Su o jydu w;aysgqjkak' jeros lrk tjqjkag ksis f,i kS;HdKq l+<j o~qjï fkdfok iy tfia l%shdlrk njg l,a;nd meyeos<s f,i ;rfha fmdfrdkaÿ fkdfok lsisu foaYmd,k mCIhlg Woõ fkdlrkakg biaÓr wêIaGdkfhka hq;=j ieu úg l%shd lrkakg j. n,d .kak' uka o tfia l,a ;shd fmdfrdkaÿ fkdfok ish¨ foaYmd,k mCI o tjeksu m,a fydreka iy lÜg lhsrdál ienE foaY fødaySka nj wu;l fkdlrkak'

fkdokakd úm;la l,a;nd oeKqj;a lr ukqIH ixy;sh muKla fkdj i;d iSmdjd" .y-fld< iy mrsirh mdjd /l .ekSu wm AHFESL f.a ukqIHlu iy tla mrud¾:hla neúka iy tjd iqrlSug we;s kS;sh ;oska l%shd;aul lr ùu o wmf.a tla m%Odk j.lSuls'

AHFESL.ORG (13.03.2012)


Violation Human-Rights & Frauds in Sri-Lanka Violation droits de l'homme et les fraudes au Sri -Lanka







Come go with us, will stop this Sri-Lankan diabolic politics!

tkak hkak wm;a iuÕ Y%S ,xldfõ we;s fï hCI foaYmd,kh kj;ajkak !

Venez, nous allons stopper ces politiques diaboliques au Sri-Lanka!



Quelque Violations droits de l'homme au Sri-Lanka

Some of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka

Y%S ,xld ñksia whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh lsÍï



Some of Frauds & Crimes Governement Sri Lanka

Y%S ,xld rdcH ¥IK jxpd iy wmrdO

Certains d'entre Fraudes & crimes Gouvernement Sri-Lanka


!! ñkSuereï-¥IK-jxpd-wmrdO lrk ish,a,g l,a ;nd flfrk wk;=re yeÕùuhs !!

wn u,a f¾Kqjl ;rul fyda rgg-ck;djg wd.ug ixialD;shg fydr fndre jxpd ¥IK iy wmrdO lrk ´kEu foaYmd,k mCIhl fyda rdcH ks,Odrsfhl= fyda tjeks fjk;a ´kEu mqoa.,fhl=f.a fyda ;rd;sru fkdn,d Tjqkaf.a PdhdrEm;a iuÕu fuu AHFESL f.a oeä úfõpkhg ,la jk nj lsisfjl= lsisúgl wu;l fkdlrkakg j.n,d .kq we;ehs wm is;uq'

( AHFESL 04.04.2010 )


Y%S-,xld wmrdOlrejkaf.a fuu cd;Hka;r r;= ,ehsia;=j ms<sfh, lr,Su Wfoid f,dj mj;ajd hk ish¨ ,dxlSh wjxl ck udOHhkag wm Ahfesl.org flfrk iqyo wdrdOkdjhs'

Ahfesl.org invite for all honest Sri Lankans media of around the world

Nous Ahfesl.org invitons pour tous les honnêtes Média Srilankais dans le monde

ish¨ ,dxlSh wjxl ck udOHhkaf.a uQ,sl;ajfhka" Tjqka i;=j we;s ,dxlSh ¥IK-jxpd-wmrdO iy ta wmrdOlrejkf.a PdhdrEm;a iuÕ ta ta udOHhkaf.a kduh iy ,dxPkh hgf;a oelafjk fujka iqm%isoaO cd;Hka;r r;= ,ehsia;=jla m%o¾Ykh flfrk úfYaI oel=ïl¿ msgqjla yels ú.i ms<sfh, lr,Su b;du ldf,daÑ; w;HdjYH kj;u cd;sl fiajhls' th Tn-wm tlaj ish¨ kùk ;dCIKhka yryd f,dj jgd m%p,s;lr,Su o w;HdjYHjkq we;'

ta ;=<ska lsisu jxpkslhkg wmrdOlrejkg fjk;a rgl g f.dia ieÕjùug fyda ksis wdrCIdjka ,nd .ekSug fkdyelsjk w;r ish¨ f,dal ck;djf.a iy wdrCIl wxYhkaf.a iyfhda.fhka wmrdOlrejka kS;shg fldgqlr .ekSug o th b;du;au Wmfhda.S jkq we;' fuh Y%S-,xld udkj whs;sjdislï iqrlsk ish¨ cd;Hka;r ixúOdkhkag b;du;au jeo.;ajkq we;' tjeks jákd uyÕ= cd;sl fiajdjla f,djg ,ndosh yelafla wjxl foaYfm%aó ckudOHh wxYj,g muKs'

For more informations Click here









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