N'y allez pas avec Derrière régime Rajapakse


ziqÿ jEka miafi .syska fmd,sia Ôúf;a l¿ lr .kak tmdZ -wkqr iy rúm%sh frÔufha jeÈnK ldrfhda


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='12" m'j'11'50& ck;dj úiska w;g w,a,d ÿka iqÿjEka ñkSurejka ksoyia lr heùfuka Y%S ,xld fmd,sia kfï .EjqKq wiQÑ lkao fidaod yeÍug fmd,siam;s ysÕkakd-fldax úiska wo^12& m%jD;a;s idlÉPdjla le|jd ;sìK' Tyq tys§ ;gu ;gud mqridrï nEfõ lyj;a; ñkSurejka we,aÆ l;dj h<s h<s;a ufâ ouñka fydaoñka zwms iqofkdaZ hehs weÕùug h

ÿmam;a ysÕkakd-fldax tfia ;guoa§ ñkSurejka fírd .ekSfï je,a,ïmsáfha kdglfha§ nhf.da;df.a ùrhd jQ fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl úiska fmd,sisfha tiatiamS iy tatiamS ks,OdÍka fjkqfjka meje;ajQ iïuka;%Khl§ mjid ;snqfka fjk;a l;djls' Tyq ;u my, ks,OdÍkag § we;s Wmfoaih kï ziqÿjEka msgqmi mshdUkak .syska ;ukaf.a fmd,sia Ôúf;a l¿ lr .kak tmdZ lshd h' fï u.ska nhf.da;df.a wxl tfla f.da,hd ù we;s wkqr fiakdkdhl fmd,sish ;=, NS;shla ks¾udKh lr we;' fï jk úg iqÿ jEka iïnkaOfhka f;dr;=re fmd,sishg jd¾;d jqjo ks,OdÍka zfmd,sia Ôúf;a l¿ lrZ fkdf.k isàug fm<eö we;'

wkqr fiakdkdhl kï merKs .dhlhd fmf¾od ;u WmfoaYh ls%hdjg ke.+fha ck;dj iqÿjEka ñkSurejka w,a,d ndrÿka úg Tjqka ndr.;a je,a,ïmsáh fmd,sia:dkdêm;s fmd,sia mÍCIl tia' ta' wd¾' iurkdhl uy;d jydu l%shd;aul jk mßÈ udre lrñks'

fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,siam;sjrhd ñkSurejka ksoyia lrf.k hEfuka Tyq 1979 wxl 15 orK wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%yh nrm;, f,i W,a,x>kh lr we;' tys 35 jk j.ka;sfha ±lafjkafka mqoa.,fhl= iudch ;=, kS;s úfrdaë l%shdjla lrhs kï idudkH uyckhdg tu jro lrk ;eke;a;d w;a wvx.=jg .ekSug whs;shla we;s njhs' Bg lsisÿ jfrka;=jla wjYH fkdfõ' uyckhd úiska w;a wvx.=jg .;a ;eke;a;d jydu idu ks,Odßfhl= fj; Ndr Èh hq;=h' fuys§ idu ks,Odßhd f,i fmd,sish fyda .%dufiajd ks,Odßhd ±laúh yel' bkamiq jroldÍ ;eke;a;d ndr .kakd idu ks,Odßhd úiska jrolreg lrekq lshjd § jydu igyka ;nd h<s ;ud úiska w;a wvx.=jg .; hq;=h' bkamiqj ztaZ jd¾;djla u.ska wêlrKhg lreKq jd¾;d l< hq;=h' ta nj 1979 wxl 15 orK wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%yfha 32 jk j.ka;sfha meyeÈ,sju ±lafõ' fï wkqj ck;dj úiska w;a wvx.=jg f.k fmd,sishg ndr ÿka jrolrejka .ek lsisÿ igykla fh§ug bv fkd§ ksoyia lrf.k hEfuka ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl merKs .dhlhd o~qjï ,eìh hq;= jrola isÿ lr ;sfí' fuu jrog Tyq ljod fyda o~qjï ,eìh hq;=u h'

rgg tl kS;shl=;a nhf.da;dg ;j kS;shl=;a wkqr fiakdkdhlg ;j;a kS;shl=;a ;sfnkakg úÈyla ke;' kS;sh /lSug isák wkqr fiakdkdhl,d jekakka fuf,i th lvkafka kï ñkamiq ck;dj úiska w;a wvx.=jg .kakd jerÈ lrejka fmd,Sishg ndr fkdfokq we;' ck;dj úiskau o~qjï ,nd fokq we;' th rg wrdðl;ajhla lrd .uka lrùuls' túg ck;dj Bg lsis úfgl j.lsh hq;a;ka fkdjkq we;'

je,a,ïmsáfha isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ck;dj f.dkakqka hehs is;d f.dka l;d lshk yuqod m%ldYl ì%f.aäh¾ rúm%shgo hula lsj hq;= h' Tyq lshkafka hqo yuqodfjka mek .sh msßila we,a,Sug tu iqÿjEka yuqod msßi f.dia isá njhs' th wuQ,sl mÜg m,a fndrejls' hqo yuqodfjka mek .sh wh we,a,Su ndrj bkafka hqo yuqod fmd,Sish hs' Tjqka ta i|yd hd hq;af;a ks, we|ï ye|' ke;sj ria;shdÿ ldrhka fia à I¾Ü ye| /jq,a jjdf.k hEug yuqod kS;sh wkqj bvla ke;' ta uÈjdg tfia hk hqo yuqod fmd,sia ks,OdÍka ta .ek wod, m%foaYfha fmd,sia ia:dkh ±kqj;a l< hq;=h' ksjila ;=,g f.dia yuqodfjka mek .sh mqoa.,hd yuqodj ndrhg .kafka kï ksjig we;=¨ úh hq;af;a idudkH fmd,sia ks,Odßfhls' hqo yuqod fmd,sisfha ks,OdÍkag ksjig we;=¿ ùug kS;sfhka wjirhla ke;'

je,a,ïmsáhg hjd ;snQ rdcmlaI,df.a ñkSure merd yuqod ;lalähkag iqÿ yqKq .Eug rúm%sh f.d;kd f.dka l;d ms<s .kafka lõo@

fmr,d m%Yak fkdwik ztays miaislZ cvudOH ldrhkag fndre lS m<shg ck;djg fndre fkdlshk f,i wjjdo lr isáuq' ukao Tn,d ish,a,kau wo lrkd jerÈ j,g bÈß ld,hl§ o~qjï fokq we;af;a ck;dj úiska ksid h' ^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='12" m'j'11'50&


While Emperor Asoka’s son preached HR in Mihintale, what would have resulted if Devanapiyatissa burnt Mihindu’s effigy ?


(Lanka-e-News-10.March.2012, 8.30PM) The much talked about draft of the US proposals against Sri Lanka was presented to the on going Geneva International human rights Council conference at its 19th session on the 7 th of March. The draft contained three grounds which the US State Secretary had earlier conveyed by cable communication to SL.

It urges therein that the SL Govt. expeditiously implements the recommendations of the Lessons learnt and reconciliation Commission (LLRC) appointed by the SL Govt. It also further notes that the SL Govt. had not paid attention to the charges leveled against it in the LLRC report of violating the international humanitarian laws.

In any event , the US while lauding the recommendations of the LLRC had via its proposals asserted that even as those recommendations are being implemented , the Govt. should take measures to create harmony among all Sri Lankans. It also adds that the SL Govt. should take responsible , independent , meaningful and confidence inspiring steps towards creating a climate where lawfulness and justice shall prevail.

The US proposal against SL mentions that a comprehensive plan pertaining to the implementation of the LLRC recommendations is presented to the Geneva conference. It also says that the UNHRC shall be allowed room to provide technological assistance and advice towards this .

It is the view of many that this draft is presented by the US to the UNHRC based on the confidence and conviction that it will be steered through successfully.

While Minister Samarasinghe , a Minister of the Govt. promises in Geneva that the LLRC recommendations will be implemented , racists Minister Weerawansa and Ven. Medhananda Thero , M P of the same Govt. have opposed and claimed that the LLRC appointed by the President is a conspiracy. In that case , then why are they sticking with a conspiratorial Govt. ? The best thing they can do in the best interests of all ,if they have true policies and integrity , resign and go. When Weerawanasa left the JVP seeking greener pastures for selfish gains , he told in Parliament in tears that he cannot ever forget a past incident , that is, how his father who felt his body was smarting went around to examine whether tires were burning.

If such an incident is not to recur, responsible measures are important and must be in place in relation to war crimes. Then, why is Weerawansa unable to understand this simple plain truth? Is he confirming the popular opinion about his stupid self that his head is full of gel outside and mud inside? Or has this Weerawansa transformed into a chameleon? Or has his tongue got bifurcated after he became a Minister?

These are the hypocrites who cannot hear anything regarding human rights safeguards as they become so uncomfortable for the most nefarious reasons .They behave like snakes which run amok when soaked in kerosene. When the whole world is revering human rights , aren’t we showing to the world that we are barbarians by openly criticizing them ? Weerawansa is pardonable because he has inborn ineradicable traits of serpents though he is in human form. This is confirmed by how he responds when it comes to respecting human rights obligations - like kerosene soaked snakes unable to bear the discomfort.
A Negro from an African country in his letter mentioned ,’The white men in the bygone era treated us as cannibals and locked our lips. Now, the whole world has realized that we are not that type. But , in your country , are barbarians ruling still? Otherwise why is your Govt. so afraid of human rights?’

Both the LLRC Commission and the international community are requesting to investigate the war crime charges leveled against both sides. Hence, the Govt. rejecting this request brings up the question whether the Govt. is opposed to the inquiring into the war crimes committed by the LTTE , because two of the main LTTE criminals among those who are living , K P and Karuna who are incriminated in the war crime charges are now with the Govt.

Once, our President told , ‘in our Buddhist country ,we don’t need Westerners to teach us human rights’. That is an absolute truth. We who have learnt how to show mercy to all living beings don’t need new lessons to learn human rights . When that is the case, why should we wait until the Westerners force us to implement the recommendations in the report of the LLRC appointed by the President? Shouldn’t we be ashamed of ourselves to wait ?

History teaches us that when Mihindu Thero , the son of the Emperor Asoka came to Mihintale to preach , he advised the then King Devanampiyatissa of Sri Lanka whom he saw was in a hunting spree to show mercy to all creatures. The King of SL heeded him immediately unlike our modern mahajara ‘Maharajas’, and did not summon his Council of Ministers immediately , to give instructions to burn the effigy of Mihindu Thero for advising him, and stage protests. Because of the vision and foresight of the Kings at that time , what valuable lessons we learnt as a nation.

Then , shouldn’t that sublime lesson learnt be followed today?

In 1971, there were 15000 murders; in 1988-89 , there were 60,000; in 2009 there was one lakh murders. In the past there were no responsible mechanisms . Whether they were there is not known. How many murderers are among us after committing war crimes in the past is also not known?

We must necessarily change the course of this journey.

Of course , Rajapakse regime and those with blood stained hands may not bother about human rights . But human rights must be safeguarded like how we protect our lives for the sake of our children and the future generation. A proper mechanism is indispensable for this. It is only then we can build a nation which truly will respect lives and show mercy to all creatures. By Sandaruwan Senadheera -Editor-LeN (Translated from Sinhala by Jeff)


wfYdal wêrdchdf.a mq;d ñyska;,fha§ udkj ysñlï foaikd lroa§ foajdkï msh;siai ñys÷f.a mUhka mq¿iaid úfrdaOh mEjdkï@


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='09" m'j'4'30& fndfyda l;d nyg ,la jQ YS% ,xld rchg n, flfrk weußldj úiska ilia l< fhdackd flgqï m; ðkSjd kqjr meje;afjk c.;a udkj ysñlï uKav,fha 19 jk ieisjdrh fj; 07 od bÈßm;a lrkq ,eîh' óg fmr weußldkq rdcH f,alïjßh úiska flan,a mKsjqvhla u.ska ,xldjg okajd isá lreKq 3 tys wvx.=j fõ'

Y%S ,xldfõ wdKavqj úiska m;a l< W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñifï ks¾foaYhka läkñka ls%hdjg kxjk f,i tu fhdackdj u.ska Y%S ,xld rcfhka b,a,d isáhs' tfukau W.;a mdvï jd¾;dj u.ska cd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh lv l< njg rchg t,a, jk fpdaokd ms<sn|j ksis wjOdkhla fhduqlr fkdue;s njo tys jeäÿrg;a i|ykafõ'

flfia kuq;a" W.;a mdvï jd¾;dfõ ks¾foaY ms<sn| m%idoh m< lrk weußldj ish fhdackdj u.ska mjid we;af;a tajd ls%hdjg kxjk w;r;=r ish¿ YS% ,dxlslhka w;r ixys¢hdjla we;slr,Su i|yd rch lghq;= l< hq;= njhs' kS;sh iudkd;au;dj iy j.ùu iy;sl lr,Su i|yd Y%S ,xld rch úYajdikSh iy iajdëk mshjr .; hq;= nj;a tys i|ykafõ'

W.;a mdvï fldñifï ks¾foaY ls%hd;aul lr,Su ms<sn| mq¿,a ie,eiaula bÈßm;a lrk f,io weußldj úiska ðkSjd udkj ysñlï iuq¿jg bÈßm;a l< YS% ,xld rchg tfrys fhdackdfõ oelafõ' ta i|yd ;dlaIKsl iydh iy Wmfoia ,nd§ug c.;a udkj ysñlï uKav,hg wjldYh ,ndÈh hq;= hehso weußldj lshd isáhs'

fuu fhdackd flgqï m; weußldj úiska c.;a iuq¿jg bÈßm;a lrk ,oafoa th ch .; yelsh hk úYajdih u; nj fndfyda fokdf.a woyihs'

t,a t,a wd¾ iS ks¾foaY ls%shd;aul lrk njg wdKavqfõu weue;s iurisxy ðkSjdys fmdfrdkaÿ fjoa§ wdKavqfõu isák weue;s ùrjxY iy t,a,dj, fïOdkkao ÖjrOdÍ uka;%Sjrhd úreoaOj woyia olajd ;sfí' ckdêm;sjrhd m;a l< fldñiu l=uka;%Khla nj fïOdkkao uka;%Sjrhd mjihs' m%Yakh jkafka tfiakï fudjqka l=uka;%KldÍ wdKavqfõ bkafka wehso@ hkakhs' ùrjxY cúfmka bj;afjoa§ md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ w~ñka lSfõ ;udf.a isrer ±fjkjd±hs fidhñka ;u mshd gh¾ iE mÍlaId lrñka weúoao .uk ;udg ljodj;a wu;l fkdjk njhs' tjeks foa h<s isÿfkdùug kï hqo wmrdO iïnkaOfhka j.ùfï l%shdj,shla w;HdjYH nj ùrjxY weue;s jQ miq f;areï fkd.kafka ukao@
udkj ysñlï hk jpkh wefik úg fudjqka nQñf;,a .EjqKq .erçhka fia lsfma' uq¨ YsIaGdpdr f,dalhu udkj ysñlï j,g .re lroa§ wm ta fkdi,lk úg f,dalhg wmj fmfkkafka f.da;%slhka f,i fkdfõo@ fuu ,shqïlre weue;+ wm%sldkq rgl l¿ cd;slfhl= fufia weiSh' zbiair wms ñkS lk ñksiqka lshd iqÿ ñksiqka wfma lgg bì h;=re ±ïud' ±ka wms tjeks cd;shla fkdjk nj uq¿ f,dalhgu f;areï .syska ;sfhkjd' kuq;a WU,df.a rg md,kh lrkafka ;ju jeÈ f.da;%slhkao@ ke;skï udkj ysñlï j,g fu;rï nh wehs ±hs úuid isáfha h'

t,at,awd¾iS fldñiu;a cd;Hka;rh;a lshkafka fomd¾Yjfhkau isÿjQ hqo wmrdO fidhd n,k f,ihs' wdKavqj óg úreoaO jkafka t,aààBh lrk ,o hqo wmrdO fiùug;a wdKavqj úreoaO ksid ±hs hk m%Yakh mek k.S' ukao h;a t,aààBh l< hqo wmrdO j,g fpdaokd t,a, jk whf.ka wo Ôj;=ka w;r isák m%OdkSka fofokdu isákafka wdKavqj iu. ùuhs'
udkj ysñlï fn!oaO wmg W.kajkakg ngysrhka wjYH ke;ehs ckdêm;sjrhd jfrl lSh' th i:Hhls' ish¿ i;a;ajhkag ffu;%S lrkakehs lshd Wf.k f.k isák wm rfÜ ñksiqka udkj ysñlï y÷k;s' tfia kï ckdêm;sjrhdu m;a l< fldñifï ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lrkakg ngysrhka n, lrk ;=re bkafka wehs@ ,eÊcd úh hq;af;a ;ukau fkdfõo@

tod wfYdal wêrdchdf.a mq;d ñyska;,hg meñK ov fl<s lrñka isá furg rcq wu;d zish¿ i;=kag ffu;%S lrkakehs Z W.ekajQ úg ov fl<sfha isá rcq ÿkq yS w;yer th ms<s.;a;d ñi ;u weue;s uKav,h fhdojd ñys÷ ysñhkaf.a mUhka mq¿iaiñka Bg úreoaOj Woaf>daIk lrkakg .sfha ke;' tod rcqf.a ;snQ wkd.;h ±lSfï oDIaÀh ksid wm cd;shla f,i ,nd .;a oE fld;rïo@

wo o isÿúh hq;af;a thu fkdfõo@

71 § >d;k 15000 ls' 88-89 § >d;k 60"000 ls' 2009 § ,laIhls' w;S;fha j.ùfï l%shdj,shla ;snqfka ke;' ;snqkd±hs okafka o ke;' w;S;fha§ hqo wmrdO isÿl< ñkSurejka fl;rï m%udKhla ±kgu;a wm w;r iqokka fia isào@

Bg jvd fjkia .ukla wdrïN l< hq;=h

rdcmlaI frÔuhg fyda oE;a j, f,a we;sjqkag udkj ysñlï wjeis ke;;a wmf.a ¥ orejka wkd.;fha § udkj ysñlï iys; rgl Ôj;a úh hq;= ksid udkj ysñlï Èú fojeks fldg i,lk hdka;%Khla w;HdjYHh' ish¿ i;a;ajhkag we;a;gu ffu;%S lrk Y%S ,dxlsl cd;shla f.dv yelsh'

-i|rejka fiakdër-










India to decide: Foreign SL ‘clowns’ murder their own hero when murdering the King -Is it wrong to advise Mahinda to eat his food cooked in his own fat before it is stale ?

(Lanka-e-News-12.March.2012, 11.45PM) While the debate on the budget was in progress in the Indian Parliament and when the Indian President Ms.Prathiba Patel addressed the Lok Sabha , Indian Parliamentary MPs shouted and protested against supporting Sri Lanka at the Geneva conference , the MPs had obstructed her speech which lasted about an hour on five occasions ,the Indian media reported.

MPs of Tamil nadu DMK and Andra Pradesh Congress parties together participated in these protests.

The force of the protests by Tamil nadu against supporting SL at the Geneva conference is much stronger than the mere blabbering of SL officials in Geneva that India will support SL at the conference. The Tamil nadu chief Minister had already written three letters to the Indian Prime Minister in this connection.

At today’s protests staged , it was apparent that the Andra Pradesh Congress MPs have also joined in the protests.

According to Diplomatic circles , the US Deputy Secretary of State Blake after informing SL when he arrived here some time ago ,that US is bringing forth these proposals at the Geneva conference , had visited India . Blake has then gone back after securing a definite answer from India. This means that India is not going to oppose the US proposals against SL at the Geneva conference.

Based on reports , there is a great likelihood of India refraining from voting. Already US is having 24 votes more than the necessary number in favor of its proposal , while SL has failed to exploit the situation to its advantage and bungled it in its characteristic boorish style. The Latin American and African countries have already stated that they will be voting in favor of the US proposal.

What is perplexingly interesting is , while the SL Rajapakse regime is creating the impression within SL among its people that the US proposal is anti Govt. and trying to provoke anti US sentiments , the International community is only asking to implement the recommendations of the LLRC appointed by none other than Mahinda Rajapakse himself.

The human rights activists in Geneva disdainfully say , the regime after getting cooked in its own fat is being asked to share and eat the food so cooked before it becomes stale. Hence , in these circumstances, those nincompoops who call these proposals as tantamount to an act of treason should be put in a lunatic asylum , as such a move will do immense good to them as well as for the country since the country is also being driven mad by these lunatics.

Meanwhile the SL Govt. spending money organized protests against Geneva in Italy and France via its SL embassies . But as usual the protests did not receive a good response going by the paucity of crowds.
At the demonstrations organized in Rome , on the banner what was intended to be written was ‘President is a ‘Hiro’ instead ‘Hero’. Unfortunately , for some inscrutable reason , there had crept in a howler in the writing which resulted in the words conveying a filthy meaning . Of course though the regime could not achieve the result it expected , this howler served as a joke to be talked about and laughed at for a long while. When the English language is expressed wrongly , such expressions are referred to as ‘ murdering the King’. In this instance , while murdering the King, they had murdered their ‘ Hero’ and made him a zero. The final outcome was : it was proved to the world that these cardboard patriots who talk so loudly about country’s prestige cannot write even a few words properly – being filthy themselves in mind and body ,they showed clearly it is filth that comes out even in their writing. (the photograph says it all)


bkaÈhdj ;SrKhlg( msgrg mqiafida zrcd uroa§Z ùrhd ueß,d uyskao Whd.;a n;a ye,sh ms¿Kq jkak fmr lkakehs uyskaog lSu foaYfødaySo@


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='12" m'j'3'30& bkaÈhdkq md¾,sfïka;=fõ wh-jeh iïnkaO wo meje;s újdofha§ bka§h ckdêm;sks m%;sNd mfÜ,a uy;añh f,dala iNdj wu;oa§ ðkSjd iuq¿fõ§ Y%S ,xldjg iydh fkdolajkakehs igka mdG lshñka uka;%Sjreka wehf.a l;djg ndOd l< nj bka§h udOH jd¾;d mjihs' mehlg u|la jeä wehf.a l;dfõ§ fuu uka;%Sjre 5 j;djla fufia ndOd flf<dah'

fuu ndOdjkag ;ñ,akdvq ãtïfla mlaIfha uka;%Sjreka iu. wkaød m%foaYa fldka.%ia uka;%Sjreo tlaj isáhy'

cskSjdys§ bkaÈhdj Y%S ,xldjg iydh fok njg Y%S ,xldfõ n,OdÍka jyis nia foãu;a iu. Y%S ,xldjg iydh fkdfok f,i flfrk ;ñ,akdvq n, lsÍu ±ä úh' ;ñ,akdvq uy weue;sjßh fï jk úg w.ue;s uka fudayka isx g ,sms 3 lau hjd ;sfí'

wo meje;s úfrdaOfha§ olskakg ,enqfka fldka.%ia uka;%Sjrekao fï jk úg Bg tlaj we;s njhs'

flfia fj;;a ;dkdm;s wdrxÑ ud¾. mjikafka weußldkq ksfhdacH rdcH f,alï íf,ala uy;d ,xldjg meñK fuu fhdackdj f.k tk nj Y%S ,xldjg okajd hk úgu bkaÈhdjgo .sh w;r tys§ bkaÈhdfjka ksYaÑ; ms<s;=rla ,ndf.k f.dia we;s nj;a h' tkï weußldj f.k tkq ,nk fhdackdjg bkaÈhdj úreoaO fkdjk njhs'

±k.kakg we;s mßÈ fndfyda úg bkaÈhdj Pkaoh §fuka je<lS isàug fndfyda úg bv we;' fï jk úg weußldjg ;u fhdackdj ch.ekSug wjYH Pkao 24 g jvd jeä m%udKhla ±kgu;a we;s w;r Y%S ,xldj fï jk úg ish¿ jdis iy.; ;;a;ajhka wkdf.k we;s njhs' ,;ska weußldkq iy wm%sldkq rgj,a weußldkq fhdackdjg mlaIj Pkaoh §ug ±kgu;a tlÕ;dj m<lr ;sfí'

fuu fhdackdj Y%S ,xldjg tfrys tlla f,i wdKavqj rg ;=, uyck;djg ta;a;= .ekaùug W;aidy l<o fuys§ jkafka rdcmlaI ckdêm;sjrhdu m;a l< t,at,awd¾iS lñgq ks¾foaY l%shd;aul lrkakehs flfrk cd;Hka;r n, lsÍuls'

th ;ukau Whd .;a n;a ye,sh ms¿Kq jkakg fmr blaukg fnod f.k lkakehs lshkjd jeks fohla nj;a fuh foaYfødayS hehs lshkakjqka msiaika /,la nj;a ðkSjdys udkj ysñlï l%shdldÍyq mji;s'

fï w;r wdKavqj ;u ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, j,ska uqo,a úhoï lr b;d,sfha iy m%xYfha ðkSjd úfrdaO;d ixúOdkh lr ;sìK' fjkod fuka fkdj fuu úfrdaO;d j,g iyNd.S ù isáfha wvq m%udKhls'
frdaufha meje;s tla úfrdaO;djhl ckdêm;s ùrfhla hehs i|yka mqjrefõ wl=re jer§u ksid l=Kqyremhla ,shdf.k m%o¾YKh lsÍu fndfyda fokdf.a iskyjg fya;= ù ;sìK' jerÈhg bx.sßish Ndú;d lsÍug lshkafka rcd urkjd lshd h' fuys§ zrcd uroa§Z Tjqkaf.a ùrhdo urd oud ;sfí' rgl cd;shl wNsudkh .ek l;d lrk mqyq foaYfm%aókag wl=rla yßhlg ,shd .ekSug fkdyels nj fuhska f,dalhgu Tmamq lr ;sîu lK.dgqodhlh' ^fuys we;s fiahdrefjka fï nj fmkS hkq we;& ^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='12" m'j'3'30&


ðkSjd .ek wdKavqfõ foìä ms<sfj; fidaujxY fy,slrhs


^,xld B ksõia -2012'ud¾;='04" m'j'12'45& ðkSjd kqjr meje;afjk udkj ysñlï fldñifï ieisjdrh iy wdKavqfõ ls%hdud¾. ms<sn|j ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa ia:djrh meyeÈ,s lsÍug wo tu mlaIfha kdhl fidaujxY wurisxy uy;d úiska úfYaI udOH idlÉPdjla wo^04& WoEik meje;aùh tys§ woyia ±lajQ cúfm kdhljrhd

wdKavqj fï iïnkaOfhka uq, isgu wkq.ukh lf<a foìä ls%hdud¾.hla' úfoaY m%;sm;a;sh u.ska ksrEmkh jk ls%hdud¾. fjk;a wka;hl;a rg ;=< lshk l;d ;j;a wka;hl;a mriamr úfrdaë f,i mj;skjd' úfoaY m%;sm;a;sfha§ wêrdcHjdoh iu. tlg isáñka rg;=< ck;dj Woaf>daIKj,g fmd<Ujkjd' fï foìä ms<sfj;la wehs'

wdKavqj ;u meje;au i|yd wd¾Ól foaYmd,k jYfhka ck;djg n,mdk m%Yak lsisjla úi|d keye' uyd ixj¾Okhla .ek mqrdfÊre lSj;a tjekakla rg;=< isoaO ù keye' ta ksid ck;djf.a m%Yak úYd, jYfhka jeäù ;sfnkjd' ta m%Yakj,g W;a;r ke;s miqìul ck;d wjOdkh fjk;l fhduq lrkak wdKavqj fndre foaYfm%auhla ujd mdkjd'

wdKavqj meje;ajQ Woaf>daIKj, m%Odk igka mdGhla jqfKa zN+ñf;,ao@ rgo@Z lshk tl' rfÜ iaffjÍNdjh .ek wod, igka mdG ks¾udKh fkdlrk wdKavqj N+ñf;,a tlal Bkshd igka mdG f.k tkjd' ðkSjd NS;shla ujd mdkjd' weußld tlai;a ckmoh fyda fjk;a ´kEu rgla wfma rfÜ wNHka;r m%Yak j,g weÕs,s .eiSu ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK lsisfia;a wkqu; lrkafka keye' wms tjeks ;;ajhla ±äj fy,d olskjd'

kuq;a m%Yakh ;sfnkafka ðkSjd kqjr § uyskao iurisxy weu;sjrhd fldñiu yuqfõ l< m%ldYh wdKavqj rg;=< lshk l;d tlal u;=jk mriamrhhs' mqj;am;aj, jd¾;d jQ wkaoug uyskao iurisxy weu;sjrhd udkj ysñlï fldñiu yuqfõ lshd ;sfhkafka fujeks l;djla' zcd;Hka;r udkqISh kS;sh W,a,x>Kh lsÍu yd wod, fpdaokd ms<sn| jd¾;dfõ we;=<;a ks¾foaY ms<sn| kS;sm;sjrhd ±kqj;a lr we;s w;r Tyq tajd wOHkh lrñka isà' cd;Hka;r Í;s wkqj hñka W.;a mdvï yd m%;sikaOdk fldñi úiska y÷kd.;a úfYaI isoaê ms<sn|j úu¾Yk yuqod wêlrKhla u.ska wdrïN lr we;'Z b;sx fï m%ldYh wkqj wmsg meyeÈ,s fjkjd' wdKavqj fudkjo lr,d ;sfhkafka lsh,d' ck;djg ujk Ñ;%hhs' ck;djg lshk l;djhs w;r fldñifï ks¾foaY .ek f,dalhg lshk foa iïmQ¾Kfhka fjkia' thska meyeÈ,s jkafka wdKavqj iy wêrdcHjd§ka tlu foa ls%hd;aul lrñka isák njhs'

rfÜ m%Yak W.%ùu iïnkaOfhka wêrdcHjd§kag weÕs,s .eiSug bv ÿkafka wdKavqj' W;=f¾ ck;djf.a m%cd;ka;%jdoh ia:dms; lr isú,a ckÔú;h k.d isgqjd hqO iufha mjrd.;a bvï kej; whs;s whg ,nd§ uq,skau l< hq;= lsisu fohla wdKavqj lf<a keye' úfoaY n,lsÍïj,g bv ,nd.;af;a ta úÈhg' fï wdKavqj wêrdcHjdoh iu. tlg tl;= ù wNHka;r m%Yakj,g w;fmùfï bvlv ,ndÿkakd' ck;djf.a uQ,sl ñksia whs;Ska iy m%cd;k;a%jdoh úfYaIfhkau W;=f¾ wyqrd ;enqjd'

fï m%Yakh úi£fï yelshdjla wdKavqjg keye' Okm;s l%uhg;a keye' wêrdcHjd§ rgj,g;a keye' YS% ,xldj jf.a rgj, wNHka;r m%Yakj,g ueÈy;aù wêrdcHjd§kaf.a m%Yak hg.y.kak W;aidy lrkjd' fï ksid wdKavqj;a wêrdcHjd§kq;a fof.d,af,du fï m%Yakfha§ tlu ú;a;s l+vqfõ isáh hq;=hs'
ta whg úreoaOj ck;dj tlaù igka l< hq;=hs' ta úfYaIfhkau wjOdrKh l< hq;= fohla ;sfnkjd' tlai;a cd;sl mCIh;a fï m%Yakfha§ isákafka wdKavqj iy wêrdcHjd§ n,fõ. iu. tlÕ;ajfhka' fï ksid ienE úi÷ula flfrys ck;dj l,amkd l< hq;=hs' wms fhdackd lrkafka fï m%Yakhg ienE úi÷ula mj;skafka m%cd;ka;%jdoh ia:dms; lsÍu iudkd;au;dj we;slsÍu" iudk wjia:d ia:dms; lsÍu lshk uQ,sl uQ,O¾u ;=k u; mokïjhs' tjeks È.=ld,Sk úi÷ula Okm;s l%uhg keye' ta ksid iudcjdoh i|yd fm< .efik fuka wms ck;djg wdrdOkd lrkjd'

m%;sixialrK yryd ienE úi|uqla ,nd.; fkdyelshs' kuq;a m%;sixialrK wms yeu fj,dfju m%;sfCIam lrkafka keye' ta ;=<ska ck;djg ,ndÈh yels wju fyda whs;shla we;akï tajd ,nd§ug lghq;= l< hq;=hs' tfy;a m%;sixialrK È.=ld,Sk úi÷ula fkdfõ' 2001 y÷kajdÿka 17 fjks wdKavql%u jHjia:d ixfYdaOkfhkau ta nj ;yjqre fjkjd' 2001 § th ixfYdaOkhg w; tijQ mqoa.,hdu 2010 § 18 fjks jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh yryd ck;djf.a ta whs;Ska j<oukjd' thska wmg meyeÈ,shs m%;sixialrK j,x.= jkafka hï hï ld,j,g muKla nj' m%;sixialrK È.=ld,Sk úi÷ula fkdfõ hehs wms lshkafka ta ksihs'

cd;sl m%Yakh iïnkaOfhka i,ld ne,Sfï§ l=ula fyda úi÷ula fhdackd lsÍfuka m%Yakhg lsisu W;a;rhla ,efnkafka keye' ksjerÈ úi÷ï ;sfhkafka tlhs' wms fhdackd lrkafka ta ksjerÈ úi÷u ,nd§ug wms mCIhla úÈhg ls%hdlrkjd' óg fmr i|yka l< uQ,O¾u u; mokï jQ úi÷ulska muKhs' È.=ld,Sk ixys¢hdjla n,dfmdfrd;a;= úh yelafla' wms ck;dj ±kqj;a lrkafka b,a,d ysákafka;a ta ienE úi÷u olajd .uka lrk f,ihs'

fuu m%jD;a;s idlÉPdjg ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa m%Odk f,alï á,aúka is,ajd" m%pdrl f,alï úð; fyar;a uy;ajreo iyNd.S jQy


kS;s .rel rgla oehla njg Y%S ,xldj m;alr,Sug W;aiyd orK ish¨ wjxl rdcH ks,Odrskag muKla fkdj" ta Wfoid lghq;= lrk iEu foaYmd,k mCIhlu isákd foaYmd,lhkag o ixúOdkhkag o w;HdjYH cd;Hka;r wdrCIdj iy m%isoaêh ,nd oSug wm ljo;a wmg yels Wmrsufhka lghq;= lrkafkuq'

ta rgg úk lrkd ta foaY fødaySka ish,a,gu tfrysj o mCI-cd;s-wd.ï fNao lsis;a fkdi<ld b;d oeä f,i cd;Hka;rj l%shd;aul lrk nj o ta wka ish,af,da o oek .;hq;=j we;' tfia fkdue;sj wo rg ;=< rclrk uyd jxpksl n, f,daNS rdcmCI frcsufhka wm rg iy ish¨ wysxil rgjeishka fírd .ekSug fjk;a úl,amhla lsisfia;au fkdue;'

j;auka rdcmCI frcsuh fkdkj;ajd lrk wlghq;= j,oS" tajdg tfrysj" m%cd;ka;%jdoS f,i rfÜ fjfik ck;dj iy úreoaOjdoS foaYmd,k mCI l%shdldrska fjä;nd urd oukjdkï" uy uÕ hoaoS rdcmCI fydr l,a,sfha iqÿ jEka ;=<ska myerf.k f.dia tu l%shdldrskag oijO oS urd oud uyd uqyqo ueo .s,ajd w;=re oyka lrkjdkï" fydr cs,audÜ fldïmshqg¾ ;=<ska ck;dj fkduÕhjd n,y;aldrfhka n,h ,ndf.k we;s njg wo Tmamq ù we;akï" tjeks ck;d úfrdaë wksis n,hla ;=,ska iEu w;skau wo rg iQrd lñka lrk úúO ¥IK jxpd oskm;d fkdkj;ajd isÿ lrkjdkï" Tjqkaf.a mqoa.,sl jdish iy n,h /l.ekSu u;" wm ck;djg fydrd cd;Hka;rj wm rg;a ta ck;dj;a úfoaY n,fõ.,jg mdjdfokjd kï" flfia fyda rdcmCI frcsuh n,fhka my l< hq;=j we;' tjeks foaY fødaySkag tfrysj wo cd;Hka;rj l%shd;aul jk wm muKla fkdj wjxlj l%shdlrk wka ish,af,dau o ienE foaYfm%aóka nj wu;l fkdlrkak'

tod tlai;a cd;sl mCIfha wlghq;= ksid uyskao rdcmCI lmá rcd cSksjd udkj ysñlï ljqkai,h ;=< ìu ysof.k Wmjdil<d kï" wo Tyq úiskau we;s lrk ta úkdYhka yS oS ta jdfhka rg;a ck;dj;a .,jd .ekSug wka ish¨ úreoaOjdoS foaYmd,k mCI iy ixúOdk l%shdldrska tlaj cd;Hka;rj l%shd;aul ùu wksjd¾fhkau isÿl< hq;a;ls' tfia fkdlrkafka wjia:djdoS nvf.daia;rjdoS foaYmd,lhka iy ixúOdhlhka muKs' wo rdcmCI md,k frcsuh jgd tlafrdiaj Tjqkg wd jvk ta ish¨ foaYmd,lhka ixúOdhlhka iy l,dlrejka hkq lïn fydreka muKla fkdj" oek oek" oel oel" lmá rdcmCI,d tlaj rg;a ck;dj;a mdjd fok ienE jxpksl wuk foaY fødayShka nj o" fudfyd;lgj;a wu;l fkdlrkak'

iuyrúg wo wm fyd|hs lshd is;k foaYmd,lhka fyda ixúOdhlhka fyg ojfia wjia:djdoS lïn fydreka njg Tmamq úh yel' tfia jqjfyd;a tod wfma .c ñ;=rdjQ uyskao rdcmCIhkag wo wfmka w;a ù we;s wjdikdjka; brKuu fyg ojfia ìysfjk ta lïn fydrekag o Wodjkq ksielh' oekgu;a tjeks wjia:djdoS foaYmd,k lïn fydre msrsila lr,shg tkak W;aiyd orK j. o wm fyd|dldr oksuq' ;ukag Wreu jQ mjq,a foaYmd,khla hehs fndrejg lrmskakd f.k wksis f,i n,hg tkak W;aiyd orK wjia:djdoS nvf.daia;rhkaf.ka iy fydr ¥IK jxpdj,g iïnkaOj fy<sorõ ù we;s ta ish¨ lïn fydrekaf.ka oekau ;shd ;u ish¨ foaYmd,k mCIj,ska bj;alr ta ish¨ mCI msrsisÿ lr.kakd f,i o wm fufia l,a;nd wk;=re yÕjkafkuq'

flfia fyda Y%S ,xldj ;=< ienE wjxl jQ hymd,khla we;s foaYmd,khla ìysfldg" w.aks os. wdishdfõ uqyqfoka jgjq wm ta iqkaor ud;D N+ñh ljod fyda uq¿ f,dju nn<jk w;s iqkaor uq;= udkslHhla n÷ foaYhla-rdcHhla njg m;alr,kakg wmfuka Tn ieu;a wou wosgka lr .kak'

AHFESL.ORG 01.03.2012


!! rg-cd;sh fjkqfjka lshd mqoa.,sl jdis m;d ckhd uQ,d fldg rc lrk crd foaYmd,lhka iy Tjqkaf.a ;dkdm;s ld¾hd, msgqmi f.dia w;ruxj uyd lrorfha fkdjefgkakg Tn;a wou j.n,d .kak !!

^wkd.;fha oS Y%S ,xld ck;djf.ka tysos we;s úh yels Nhdkl;ajh .ek fkd;ld crd md,lhkaf.a bf.kakqï nyg /já iydNd.sjk ish¨ ck;d úfrdaê cd;Hka;r Woaf>daIKj,g ñka bosrshg iydNd.s fkdjk f,i ish¨ úfoaY.; tu ,dxlslhkaf.ka wm AHFESL.ORG b,a,d isákafkuq' fkdoek l< jrog fok iudjla jYfhka fï olajd iuyr úfoaY.; ,dxlslhkf.a u;= wdrCIdj Wfoid úúO ckudOHka ;=< m<jk PhdrEm wm úiska is;d u;du y÷kd .; fkdyels whqrska ;djld,slj m%:u iy wka;su j;djg úlD;slr oud we;' fujeks b,a,Sulska miq;a fkdkj;ajd hful= wlghq;= lrkafka kï wmg o tu ish¨ PdhdrEm t<iskau fuys m<lrkakg is÷jkq we;'

bosrsfha os crd md,lhkag fukau mqoa.,sl jdism;d Tjqkg W,amkaoï fok ta ish,a,kag o tfrysj wka ish¨ rgj, isÿjqjdla fuka Y%S ,xld ck;dj iy md,k n,hg tk wka iuyr foaYmd,k mCI o ta wdldrfhkau oeä fldamfhka l%shd lrk nj lsis úgl wu;l fkdlrkak' tksid rg mdjd fok iy rg iQrdlk jxpksl rdcmCI,d jeks crd md,lhkaf.a weiqfrka iy tu ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,j, osrÉp ,Kq lEfuka jydu j<lskak'

;u rg iy cd;ska úkdY l< iy uyck uqo,a foafmd< fld,a, lE ish,a,kagu kS;HdKQ l+<j ovqjï muqKqjd,Su ienE m%cd;ka;%jdoS rgl rchl wksjd¾h lghq;a;la neúka tf<i l%shd fkdlrk rchlg fyda foaYmd,k mCIhlg mCImd;Sj l%shdlr,Su o jydu w;aysgqjkak' jeros lrk tjqjkag ksis f,i kS;HdKq l+<j o~qjï fkdfok iy tfia l%shdlrk njg l,a;nd meyeos<s f,i ;rfha fmdfrdkaÿ fkdfok lsisu foaYmd,k mCIhlg Woõ fkdlrkakg biaÓr wêIaGdkfhka hq;=j ieu úg l%shd lrkakg j. n,d .kak' uka o tfia l,a ;shd fmdfrdkaÿ fkdfok ish¨ foaYmd,k mCI o tjeksu m,a fydreka iy lÜg lhsrdál ienE foaY fødaySka nj wu;l fkdlrkak'

fkdokakd úm;la l,a;nd oeKqj;a lr ukqIH ixy;sh muKla fkdj i;d iSmdjd" .y-fld< iy mrsirh mdjd /l .ekSu wm AHFESL f.a ukqIHlu iy tla mrud¾:hla neúka iy tjd iqrlSug we;s kS;sh ;oska l%shd;aul lr ùu o wmf.a tla m%Odk j.lSuls'

AHFESL.ORG (13.03.2012)



Violation Human-Rights & Frauds in Sri-Lanka Violation droits de l'homme et les fraudes au Sri -Lanka







Come go with us, will stop this Sri-Lankan diabolic politics!

tkak hkak wm;a iuÕ Y%S ,xldfõ we;s fï hCI foaYmd,kh kj;ajkak !

Venez, nous allons stopper ces politiques diaboliques au Sri-Lanka!



Quelque Violations droits de l'homme au Sri-Lanka

Some of violations of human rights in Sri Lanka

Y%S ,xld ñksia whs;sjdislï W,a,x>Kh lsÍï



Some of Frauds & Crimes Governement Sri Lanka

Y%S ,xld rdcH ¥IK jxpd iy wmrdO

Certains d'entre Fraudes & crimes Gouvernement Sri-Lanka


!! l,a ;nd flfrk wk;=re yeÕùuhs !!

wn u,a f¾Kqjl ;rul fyda rgg-ck;djg fydr fndre jxpd ¥IK iy wmrdO flfrk ´kEu foaYmd,k mCIhla fyda rdcH ks,Odrsfhla fyda tjeks fjk;a ´kEu mqoa.,fhl=f.a ;rd;sru fkdn,d Tjqkaf.a PdhdrEm;a iuÕu fuu AHFESL f.a oeä úfõpkhg ,la jk nj lsisfjl= wu;l fkdlrkak g j. n,d .kq we;ehs wm is;uq'

( AHFESL 04.04.2010 )